blob: 675fa3388915972d04f014c6bf5af891f6cb3add [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "src/program_builder.h"
#include "src/resolver/resolver.h"
#include "src/sem/expression.h"
#include "src/sem/statement.h"
#include "src/sem/variable.h"
namespace tint {
namespace resolver {
/// Helper class for testing
class TestHelper : public ProgramBuilder {
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
~TestHelper() override;
/// @return a pointer to the Resolver
Resolver* r() const { return resolver_.get(); }
/// Returns the statement that holds the given expression.
/// @param expr the ast::Expression
/// @return the ast::Statement of the ast::Expression, or nullptr if the
/// expression is not owned by a statement.
const ast::Statement* StmtOf(ast::Expression* expr) {
auto* sem_stmt = Sem().Get(expr)->Stmt();
return sem_stmt ? sem_stmt->Declaration() : nullptr;
/// Returns the BlockStatement that holds the given statement.
/// @param stmt the ast::Statment
/// @return the ast::BlockStatement that holds the ast::Statement, or nullptr
/// if the statement is not owned by a BlockStatement.
const ast::BlockStatement* BlockOf(ast::Statement* stmt) {
auto* sem_stmt = Sem().Get(stmt);
return sem_stmt ? sem_stmt->Block()->Declaration() : nullptr;
/// Returns the BlockStatement that holds the given expression.
/// @param expr the ast::Expression
/// @return the ast::Statement of the ast::Expression, or nullptr if the
/// expression is not indirectly owned by a BlockStatement.
const ast::BlockStatement* BlockOf(ast::Expression* expr) {
auto* sem_stmt = Sem().Get(expr)->Stmt();
return sem_stmt ? sem_stmt->Block()->Declaration() : nullptr;
/// Returns the semantic variable for the given identifier expression.
/// @param expr the identifier expression
/// @return the resolved sem::Variable of the identifier, or nullptr if
/// the expression did not resolve to a variable.
const sem::Variable* VarOf(ast::Expression* expr) {
auto* sem_ident = Sem().Get(expr);
auto* var_user = sem_ident ? sem_ident->As<sem::VariableUser>() : nullptr;
return var_user ? var_user->Variable() : nullptr;
/// Checks that all the users of the given variable are as expected
/// @param var the variable to check
/// @param expected_users the expected users of the variable
/// @return true if all users are as expected
bool CheckVarUsers(ast::Variable* var,
std::vector<ast::Expression*>&& expected_users) {
auto& var_users = Sem().Get(var)->Users();
if (var_users.size() != expected_users.size()) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < var_users.size(); i++) {
if (var_users[i]->Declaration() != expected_users[i]) {
return false;
return true;
/// @param type a type
/// @returns the name for `type` that closely resembles how it would be
/// declared in WGSL.
std::string FriendlyName(const ast::Type* type) {
return type->FriendlyName(Symbols());
/// @param type a type
/// @returns the name for `type` that closely resembles how it would be
/// declared in WGSL.
std::string FriendlyName(const sem::Type* type) {
return type->FriendlyName(Symbols());
std::unique_ptr<Resolver> resolver_;
class ResolverTest : public TestHelper, public testing::Test {};
template <typename T>
class ResolverTestWithParam : public TestHelper,
public testing::TestWithParam<T> {};
inline ast::Type* ast_bool(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.bool_();
inline ast::Type* ast_i32(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.i32();
inline ast::Type* ast_u32(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.u32();
inline ast::Type* ast_f32(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.f32();
using create_ast_type_func_ptr =
ast::Type* (*)(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty);
template <typename T>
ast::Type* ast_vec2(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.vec2<T>();
template <create_ast_type_func_ptr create_type>
ast::Type* ast_vec2(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.vec2(create_type(ty));
template <typename T>
ast::Type* ast_vec3(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.vec3<T>();
template <create_ast_type_func_ptr create_type>
ast::Type* ast_vec3(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.vec3(create_type(ty));
template <typename T>
ast::Type* ast_vec4(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.vec4<T>();
template <create_ast_type_func_ptr create_type>
ast::Type* ast_vec4(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.vec4(create_type(ty));
template <typename T>
ast::Type* ast_mat2x2(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.mat2x2<T>();
template <create_ast_type_func_ptr create_type>
ast::Type* ast_mat2x2(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.mat2x2(create_type(ty));
template <typename T>
ast::Type* ast_mat2x3(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.mat2x3<T>();
template <create_ast_type_func_ptr create_type>
ast::Type* ast_mat2x3(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.mat2x3(create_type(ty));
template <typename T>
ast::Type* ast_mat3x2(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.mat3x2<T>();
template <create_ast_type_func_ptr create_type>
ast::Type* ast_mat3x2(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.mat3x2(create_type(ty));
template <typename T>
ast::Type* ast_mat3x3(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.mat3x3<T>();
template <create_ast_type_func_ptr create_type>
ast::Type* ast_mat3x3(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.mat3x3(create_type(ty));
template <typename T>
ast::Type* ast_mat4x4(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.mat4x4<T>();
template <create_ast_type_func_ptr create_type>
ast::Type* ast_mat4x4(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.mat4x4(create_type(ty));
template <create_ast_type_func_ptr create_type>
ast::Type* ast_alias(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
auto* type = create_type(ty);
auto name = ty.builder->Symbols().Register("alias_" + type->type_name());
if (!ty.builder->AST().LookupType(name)) {
ty.builder->AST().AddConstructedType(ty.alias(name, type));
return ty.builder->create<ast::TypeName>(name);
template <create_ast_type_func_ptr create_type>
ast::Type* ast_access(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
auto* type = create_type(ty);
return ty.access(ast::AccessControl::kRead, type);
inline sem::Type* sem_bool(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.builder->create<sem::Bool>();
inline sem::Type* sem_i32(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.builder->create<sem::I32>();
inline sem::Type* sem_u32(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.builder->create<sem::U32>();
inline sem::Type* sem_f32(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.builder->create<sem::F32>();
using create_sem_type_func_ptr =
sem::Type* (*)(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty);
template <create_sem_type_func_ptr create_type>
sem::Type* sem_vec2(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.builder->create<sem::Vector>(create_type(ty), 2);
template <create_sem_type_func_ptr create_type>
sem::Type* sem_vec3(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.builder->create<sem::Vector>(create_type(ty), 3);
template <create_sem_type_func_ptr create_type>
sem::Type* sem_vec4(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
return ty.builder->create<sem::Vector>(create_type(ty), 4);
template <create_sem_type_func_ptr create_type>
sem::Type* sem_mat2x2(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
auto* column_type = ty.builder->create<sem::Vector>(create_type(ty), 2u);
return ty.builder->create<sem::Matrix>(column_type, 2u);
template <create_sem_type_func_ptr create_type>
sem::Type* sem_mat2x3(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
auto* column_type = ty.builder->create<sem::Vector>(create_type(ty), 3u);
return ty.builder->create<sem::Matrix>(column_type, 2u);
template <create_sem_type_func_ptr create_type>
sem::Type* sem_mat3x2(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
auto* column_type = ty.builder->create<sem::Vector>(create_type(ty), 2u);
return ty.builder->create<sem::Matrix>(column_type, 3u);
template <create_sem_type_func_ptr create_type>
sem::Type* sem_mat3x3(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
auto* column_type = ty.builder->create<sem::Vector>(create_type(ty), 3u);
return ty.builder->create<sem::Matrix>(column_type, 3u);
template <create_sem_type_func_ptr create_type>
sem::Type* sem_mat4x4(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder& ty) {
auto* column_type = ty.builder->create<sem::Vector>(create_type(ty), 4u);
return ty.builder->create<sem::Matrix>(column_type, 4u);
} // namespace resolver
} // namespace tint