blob: c0b6e19f1671ae8e1e4fa6b1508a2cb1f0562f84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/transform/vertex_pulling.h"
#include <utility>
#include "src/transform/test_helper.h"
namespace tint {
namespace transform {
namespace {
using VertexPullingTest = TransformTest;
TEST_F(VertexPullingTest, Error_NoEntryPoint) {
auto* src = "";
auto* expect = "error: Vertex stage entry point not found";
VertexPulling::Config cfg;
auto transform = std::make_unique<VertexPulling>(cfg);
auto got = Run(src, std::move(transform));
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_F(VertexPullingTest, Error_InvalidEntryPoint) {
auto* src = R"(
fn main() -> void {}
auto* expect = "error: Vertex stage entry point not found";
VertexPulling::Config cfg;
cfg.entry_point_name = "_";
auto transform = std::make_unique<VertexPulling>(cfg);
auto got = Run(src, std::move(transform));
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_F(VertexPullingTest, Error_EntryPointWrongStage) {
auto* src = R"(
fn main() -> void {}
auto* expect = "error: Vertex stage entry point not found";
VertexPulling::Config cfg;
cfg.entry_point_name = "main";
auto transform = std::make_unique<VertexPulling>(cfg);
auto got = Run(src, std::move(transform));
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_F(VertexPullingTest, BasicModule) {
auto* src = R"(
fn main() -> void {}
auto* expect = R"(
struct TintVertexData {
_tint_vertex_data : [[stride(4)]] array<u32>;
fn main() -> void {
var _tint_pulling_pos : u32;
VertexPulling::Config cfg;
cfg.entry_point_name = "main";
auto transform = std::make_unique<VertexPulling>(cfg);
auto got = Run(src, std::move(transform));
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_F(VertexPullingTest, OneAttribute) {
auto* src = R"(
[[location(0)]] var<in> var_a : f32;
fn main() -> void {}
auto* expect = R"(
[[builtin(vertex_index)]] var<in> _tint_pulling_vertex_index : u32;
[[binding(0), group(4)]] var<storage> _tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0 : TintVertexData;
struct TintVertexData {
_tint_vertex_data : [[stride(4)]] array<u32>;
var<private> var_a : f32;
fn main() -> void {
var _tint_pulling_pos : u32;
_tint_pulling_pos = ((_tint_pulling_vertex_index * 4u) + 0u);
var_a = bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0._tint_vertex_data[(_tint_pulling_pos / 4u)]);
VertexPulling::Config cfg;
cfg.vertex_state = {
{{4, InputStepMode::kVertex, {{VertexFormat::kF32, 0, 0}}}}};
cfg.entry_point_name = "main";
auto transform = std::make_unique<VertexPulling>(cfg);
auto got = Run(src, std::move(transform));
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_F(VertexPullingTest, OneInstancedAttribute) {
auto* src = R"(
[[location(0)]] var<in> var_a : f32;
fn main() -> void {}
auto* expect = R"(
[[builtin(instance_index)]] var<in> _tint_pulling_instance_index : u32;
[[binding(0), group(4)]] var<storage> _tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0 : TintVertexData;
struct TintVertexData {
_tint_vertex_data : [[stride(4)]] array<u32>;
var<private> var_a : f32;
fn main() -> void {
var _tint_pulling_pos : u32;
_tint_pulling_pos = ((_tint_pulling_instance_index * 4u) + 0u);
var_a = bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0._tint_vertex_data[(_tint_pulling_pos / 4u)]);
VertexPulling::Config cfg;
cfg.vertex_state = {
{{4, InputStepMode::kInstance, {{VertexFormat::kF32, 0, 0}}}}};
cfg.entry_point_name = "main";
auto transform = std::make_unique<VertexPulling>(cfg);
auto got = Run(src, std::move(transform));
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_F(VertexPullingTest, OneAttributeDifferentOutputSet) {
auto* src = R"(
[[location(0)]] var<in> var_a : f32;
fn main() -> void {}
auto* expect = R"(
[[builtin(vertex_index)]] var<in> _tint_pulling_vertex_index : u32;
[[binding(0), group(5)]] var<storage> _tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0 : TintVertexData;
struct TintVertexData {
_tint_vertex_data : [[stride(4)]] array<u32>;
var<private> var_a : f32;
fn main() -> void {
var _tint_pulling_pos : u32;
_tint_pulling_pos = ((_tint_pulling_vertex_index * 4u) + 0u);
var_a = bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0._tint_vertex_data[(_tint_pulling_pos / 4u)]);
VertexPulling::Config cfg;
cfg.vertex_state = {
{{4, InputStepMode::kVertex, {{VertexFormat::kF32, 0, 0}}}}};
cfg.pulling_group = 5;
cfg.entry_point_name = "main";
auto transform = std::make_unique<VertexPulling>(cfg);
auto got = Run(src, std::move(transform));
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
// We expect the transform to use an existing builtin variables if it finds them
TEST_F(VertexPullingTest, ExistingVertexIndexAndInstanceIndex) {
auto* src = R"(
[[location(0)]] var<in> var_a : f32;
[[location(1)]] var<in> var_b : f32;
[[builtin(vertex_index)]] var<in> custom_vertex_index : u32;
[[builtin(instance_index)]] var<in> custom_instance_index : u32;
fn main() -> void {}
auto* expect = R"(
[[binding(0), group(4)]] var<storage> _tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0 : TintVertexData;
[[binding(1), group(4)]] var<storage> _tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_1 : TintVertexData;
struct TintVertexData {
_tint_vertex_data : [[stride(4)]] array<u32>;
var<private> var_a : f32;
var<private> var_b : f32;
[[builtin(vertex_index)]] var<in> custom_vertex_index : u32;
[[builtin(instance_index)]] var<in> custom_instance_index : u32;
fn main() -> void {
var _tint_pulling_pos : u32;
_tint_pulling_pos = ((custom_vertex_index * 4u) + 0u);
var_a = bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0._tint_vertex_data[(_tint_pulling_pos / 4u)]);
_tint_pulling_pos = ((custom_instance_index * 4u) + 0u);
var_b = bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_1._tint_vertex_data[(_tint_pulling_pos / 4u)]);
VertexPulling::Config cfg;
cfg.vertex_state = {{
{{VertexFormat::kF32, 0, 0}},
{{VertexFormat::kF32, 0, 1}},
cfg.entry_point_name = "main";
auto transform = std::make_unique<VertexPulling>(cfg);
auto got = Run(src, std::move(transform));
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_F(VertexPullingTest, TwoAttributesSameBuffer) {
auto* src = R"(
[[location(0)]] var<in> var_a : f32;
[[location(1)]] var<in> var_b : array<f32, 4>;
fn main() -> void {}
auto* expect = R"(
[[builtin(vertex_index)]] var<in> _tint_pulling_vertex_index : u32;
[[binding(0), group(4)]] var<storage> _tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0 : TintVertexData;
struct TintVertexData {
_tint_vertex_data : [[stride(4)]] array<u32>;
var<private> var_a : f32;
var<private> var_b : array<f32, 4>;
fn main() -> void {
var _tint_pulling_pos : u32;
_tint_pulling_pos = ((_tint_pulling_vertex_index * 16u) + 0u);
var_a = bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0._tint_vertex_data[(_tint_pulling_pos / 4u)]);
_tint_pulling_pos = ((_tint_pulling_vertex_index * 16u) + 0u);
var_b = vec4<f32>(bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 0u) / 4u)]), bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 4u) / 4u)]), bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 8u) / 4u)]), bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 12u) / 4u)]));
VertexPulling::Config cfg;
cfg.vertex_state = {
{{VertexFormat::kF32, 0, 0}, {VertexFormat::kVec4F32, 0, 1}}}}};
cfg.entry_point_name = "main";
auto transform = std::make_unique<VertexPulling>(cfg);
auto got = Run(src, std::move(transform));
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
TEST_F(VertexPullingTest, FloatVectorAttributes) {
auto* src = R"(
[[location(0)]] var<in> var_a : array<f32, 2>;
[[location(1)]] var<in> var_b : array<f32, 3>;
[[location(2)]] var<in> var_c : array<f32, 4>;
fn main() -> void {}
auto* expect = R"(
[[builtin(vertex_index)]] var<in> _tint_pulling_vertex_index : u32;
[[binding(0), group(4)]] var<storage> _tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0 : TintVertexData;
[[binding(1), group(4)]] var<storage> _tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_1 : TintVertexData;
[[binding(2), group(4)]] var<storage> _tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_2 : TintVertexData;
struct TintVertexData {
_tint_vertex_data : [[stride(4)]] array<u32>;
var<private> var_a : array<f32, 2>;
var<private> var_b : array<f32, 3>;
var<private> var_c : array<f32, 4>;
fn main() -> void {
var _tint_pulling_pos : u32;
_tint_pulling_pos = ((_tint_pulling_vertex_index * 8u) + 0u);
var_a = vec2<f32>(bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 0u) / 4u)]), bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_0._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 4u) / 4u)]));
_tint_pulling_pos = ((_tint_pulling_vertex_index * 12u) + 0u);
var_b = vec3<f32>(bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_1._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 0u) / 4u)]), bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_1._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 4u) / 4u)]), bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_1._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 8u) / 4u)]));
_tint_pulling_pos = ((_tint_pulling_vertex_index * 16u) + 0u);
var_c = vec4<f32>(bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_2._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 0u) / 4u)]), bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_2._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 4u) / 4u)]), bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_2._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 8u) / 4u)]), bitcast<f32>(_tint_pulling_vertex_buffer_2._tint_vertex_data[((_tint_pulling_pos + 12u) / 4u)]));
VertexPulling::Config cfg;
cfg.vertex_state = {{
{8, InputStepMode::kVertex, {{VertexFormat::kVec2F32, 0, 0}}},
{12, InputStepMode::kVertex, {{VertexFormat::kVec3F32, 0, 1}}},
{16, InputStepMode::kVertex, {{VertexFormat::kVec4F32, 0, 2}}},
cfg.entry_point_name = "main";
auto transform = std::make_unique<VertexPulling>(cfg);
auto got = Run(src, std::move(transform));
EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got));
} // namespace
} // namespace transform
} // namespace tint