blob: dcd2b440de00fa46167940f174a85887fc0998a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/reader/wgsl/parser_impl.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "src/ast/array_accessor_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/as_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/binary_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/binding_decoration.h"
#include "src/ast/bool_literal.h"
#include "src/ast/break_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/builtin_decoration.h"
#include "src/ast/call_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/case_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/cast_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/continue_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/decorated_variable.h"
#include "src/ast/discard_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/else_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/fallthrough_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/float_literal.h"
#include "src/ast/identifier_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/if_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/location_decoration.h"
#include "src/ast/member_accessor_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/return_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/scalar_constructor_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/set_decoration.h"
#include "src/ast/sint_literal.h"
#include "src/ast/struct_member_offset_decoration.h"
#include "src/ast/switch_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/type/alias_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/array_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/bool_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/f32_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/i32_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/matrix_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/pointer_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/struct_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/u32_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/vector_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/void_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type_constructor_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/uint_literal.h"
#include "src/ast/unary_op.h"
#include "src/ast/unary_op_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/variable_decl_statement.h"
#include "src/reader/wgsl/lexer.h"
#include "src/type_manager.h"
namespace tint {
namespace reader {
namespace wgsl {
namespace {
ast::Builtin ident_to_builtin(const std::string& str) {
if (str == "position") {
return ast::Builtin::kPosition;
if (str == "vertex_idx") {
return ast::Builtin::kVertexIdx;
if (str == "instance_idx") {
return ast::Builtin::kInstanceIdx;
if (str == "front_facing") {
return ast::Builtin::kFrontFacing;
if (str == "frag_coord") {
return ast::Builtin::kFragCoord;
if (str == "frag_depth") {
return ast::Builtin::kFragDepth;
if (str == "workgroup_size") {
return ast::Builtin::kWorkgroupSize;
if (str == "local_invocation_id") {
return ast::Builtin::kLocalInvocationId;
if (str == "local_invocation_idx") {
return ast::Builtin::kLocalInvocationIdx;
if (str == "global_invocation_id") {
return ast::Builtin::kGlobalInvocationId;
return ast::Builtin::kNone;
} // namespace
ParserImpl::ParserImpl(Context* ctx, const std::string& input)
: ctx_(*ctx), lexer_(std::make_unique<Lexer>(input)) {}
ParserImpl::~ParserImpl() = default;
void ParserImpl::set_error(const Token& t, const std::string& err) {
auto prefix =
std::to_string(t.line()) + ":" + std::to_string(t.column()) + ": ";
if (t.IsReservedKeyword()) {
error_ = prefix + "reserved token (" + t.to_str() + ") found";
if (t.IsError()) {
error_ = prefix + t.to_str();
if (err.size() != 0) {
error_ = prefix + err;
} else {
error_ = prefix + "invalid token (" + t.to_name() + ") encountered";
void ParserImpl::set_error(const Token& t) {
set_error(t, "");
Token ParserImpl::next() {
if (!token_queue_.empty()) {
auto t = token_queue_.front();
return t;
return lexer_->next();
Token ParserImpl::peek(size_t idx) {
while (token_queue_.size() < (idx + 1))
return token_queue_[idx];
Token ParserImpl::peek() {
return peek(0);
void ParserImpl::register_alias(const std::string& name,
ast::type::Type* type) {
registered_aliases_[name] = type;
ast::type::Type* ParserImpl::get_alias(const std::string& name) {
if (registered_aliases_.find(name) == registered_aliases_.end()) {
return nullptr;
return registered_aliases_[name];
bool ParserImpl::Parse() {
return !has_error();
// translation_unit
// : global_decl* EOF
void ParserImpl::translation_unit() {
for (;;) {
if (has_error())
if (peek().IsEof())
// global_decl
// | import_decl SEMICOLON
// | global_variable_decl SEMICLON
// | global_constant_decl SEMICOLON
// | entry_point_decl SEMICOLON
// | type_alias SEMICOLON
// | function_decl
void ParserImpl::global_decl() {
auto t = peek();
if (t.IsEof())
if (t.IsSemicolon()) {
next(); // consume the peek
auto import = import_decl();
if (has_error())
if (import != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ';' for import");
auto gv = global_variable_decl();
if (has_error())
if (gv != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ';' for variable declaration");
auto gc = global_constant_decl();
if (has_error())
if (gc != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ';' for constant declaration");
auto ep = entry_point_decl();
if (has_error())
if (ep != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ';' for entry point");
auto* ta = type_alias();
if (has_error())
if (ta != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ';' for type alias");
auto func = function_decl();
if (has_error())
if (func != nullptr) {
// import_decl
std::unique_ptr<ast::Import> ParserImpl::import_decl() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsImport())
return {};
auto source = t.source();
next(); // consume the import token
t = next();
if (!t.IsStringLiteral()) {
set_error(t, "missing path for import");
return {};
auto path = t.to_str();
if (path.length() == 0) {
set_error(t, "import path must not be empty");
return {};
t = next();
if (!t.IsAs()) {
set_error(t, "missing 'as' for import");
return {};
std::string name = "";
for (;;) {
t = peek();
if (!t.IsIdentifier()) {
next(); // consume the peek
name += t.to_str();
t = peek();
if (!t.IsNamespace()) {
next(); // consume the peek
name += "::";
if (name.length() == 0) {
if (t.IsEof() || t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing name for import");
} else {
set_error(t, "invalid name for import");
return {};
if (name.length() > 2) {
auto end = name.length() - 1;
if (name[end] == ':' && name[end - 1] == ':') {
set_error(t, "invalid name for import");
return {};
return std::make_unique<ast::Import>(source, path, name);
// global_variable_decl
// : variable_decoration_list variable_decl
// | variable_decoration_list variable_decl EQUAL const_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Variable> ParserImpl::global_variable_decl() {
auto decos = variable_decoration_list();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
auto var = variable_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (var == nullptr) {
if (decos.size() > 0)
set_error(peek(), "error parsing variable declaration");
return nullptr;
if (decos.size() > 0) {
auto dv = std::make_unique<ast::DecoratedVariable>(std::move(var));
var = std::move(dv);
auto t = peek();
if (t.IsEqual()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
auto expr = const_expr();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (expr == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "invalid expression");
return nullptr;
return var;
// global_constant_decl
// : CONST variable_ident_decl EQUAL const_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Variable> ParserImpl::global_constant_decl() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsConst())
return nullptr;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
std::string name;
ast::type::Type* type;
std::tie(name, type) = variable_ident_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (name.empty() || type == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "error parsing constant variable identifier");
return nullptr;
auto var = std::make_unique<ast::Variable>(source, name,
ast::StorageClass::kNone, type);
t = next();
if (!t.IsEqual()) {
set_error(t, "missing = for const declaration");
return nullptr;
auto init = const_expr();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (init == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "error parsing scalar constructor");
return nullptr;
return var;
// variable_decoration_list
// : ATTR_LEFT (variable_decoration COMMA)* variable_decoration ATTR_RIGHT
ast::VariableDecorationList ParserImpl::variable_decoration_list() {
ast::VariableDecorationList decos;
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsAttrLeft())
return decos;
next(); // consume the peek
auto deco = variable_decoration();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (deco == nullptr) {
t = peek();
if (t.IsAttrRight()) {
set_error(t, "empty variable decoration list");
return {};
set_error(t, "missing variable decoration for decoration list");
return {};
for (;;) {
t = peek();
if (!t.IsComma()) {
next(); // consume the peek
deco = variable_decoration();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (deco == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "missing variable decoration after comma");
return {};
t = peek();
if (!t.IsAttrRight()) {
deco = variable_decoration();
if (deco != nullptr) {
set_error(t, "missing comma in variable decoration list");
return {};
set_error(t, "missing ]] for variable decoration");
return {};
next(); // consume the peek
return decos;
// variable_decoration
std::unique_ptr<ast::VariableDecoration> ParserImpl::variable_decoration() {
auto t = peek();
if (t.IsLocation()) {
next(); // consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsSintLiteral()) {
set_error(t, "invalid value for location decoration");
return {};
return std::make_unique<ast::LocationDecoration>(t.to_i32());
if (t.IsBuiltin()) {
next(); // consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsIdentifier() || t.to_str().empty()) {
set_error(t, "expected identifier for builtin");
return {};
ast::Builtin builtin = ident_to_builtin(t.to_str());
if (builtin == ast::Builtin::kNone) {
set_error(t, "invalid value for builtin decoration");
return {};
return std::make_unique<ast::BuiltinDecoration>(builtin);
if (t.IsBinding()) {
next(); // consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsSintLiteral()) {
set_error(t, "invalid value for binding decoration");
return {};
return std::make_unique<ast::BindingDecoration>(t.to_i32());
if (t.IsSet()) {
next(); // consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsSintLiteral()) {
set_error(t, "invalid value for set decoration");
return {};
return std::make_unique<ast::SetDecoration>(t.to_i32());
return nullptr;
// variable_decl
// : VAR variable_storage_decoration? variable_ident_decl
std::unique_ptr<ast::Variable> ParserImpl::variable_decl() {
auto t = peek();
auto source = t.source();
if (!t.IsVar())
return nullptr;
next(); // Consume the peek
auto sc = variable_storage_decoration();
if (has_error())
return {};
std::string name;
ast::type::Type* type;
std::tie(name, type) = variable_ident_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (name.empty() || type == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "invalid identifier declaration");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::Variable>(source, name, sc, type);
// variable_ident_decl
// : IDENT COLON type_decl
std::pair<std::string, ast::type::Type*> ParserImpl::variable_ident_decl() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsIdentifier())
return {};
auto name = t.to_str();
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsColon()) {
set_error(t, "missing : for identifier declaration");
return {};
auto* type = type_decl();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (type == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "invalid type for identifier declaration");
return {};
return {name, type};
// variable_storage_decoration
// : LESS_THAN storage_class GREATER_THAN
ast::StorageClass ParserImpl::variable_storage_decoration() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsLessThan())
return ast::StorageClass::kNone;
next(); // Consume the peek
auto sc = storage_class();
if (has_error())
return sc;
if (sc == ast::StorageClass::kNone) {
set_error(peek(), "invalid storage class for variable decoration");
return sc;
t = next();
if (!t.IsGreaterThan()) {
set_error(t, "missing > for variable decoration");
return ast::StorageClass::kNone;
return sc;
// type_alias
// : TYPE IDENT EQUAL type_decl
// | TYPE IDENT EQUAL struct_decl
ast::type::AliasType* ParserImpl::type_alias() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsType())
return nullptr;
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsIdentifier()) {
set_error(t, "missing identifier for type alias");
return nullptr;
auto name = t.to_str();
t = next();
if (!t.IsEqual()) {
set_error(t, "missing = for type alias");
return nullptr;
auto* type = type_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (type == nullptr) {
auto str = struct_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (str == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "invalid type alias");
return nullptr;
type = ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::move(str));
if (type == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "invalid type for alias");
return nullptr;
auto* alias =
ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::make_unique<ast::type::AliasType>(name, type));
register_alias(name, alias);
return alias->AsAlias();
// type_decl
// | BOOL
// | FLOAT32
// | INT32
// | UINT32
// | PTR LESS_THAN storage_class, type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | array_decoration_list? ARRAY LESS_THAN type_decl COMMA
// | array_decoration_list? ARRAY LESS_THAN type_decl
// | MAT2x2 LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | MAT2x3 LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | MAT2x4 LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | MAT3x2 LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | MAT3x3 LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | MAT3x4 LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | MAT4x2 LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | MAT4x3 LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
// | MAT4x4 LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN
ast::type::Type* ParserImpl::type_decl() {
auto t = peek();
if (t.IsIdentifier()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
auto* alias = get_alias(t.to_str());
if (alias == nullptr) {
set_error(t, "unknown type alias '" + t.to_str() + "'");
return nullptr;
return alias;
if (t.IsBool()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
return ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::make_unique<ast::type::BoolType>());
if (t.IsF32()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
return ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::make_unique<ast::type::F32Type>());
if (t.IsI32()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
return ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::make_unique<ast::type::I32Type>());
if (t.IsU32()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
return ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::make_unique<ast::type::U32Type>());
if (t.IsVec2() || t.IsVec3() || t.IsVec4()) {
return type_decl_vector(t);
if (t.IsPtr()) {
return type_decl_pointer(t);
auto deco = array_decoration_list();
if (has_error()) {
return nullptr;
if (deco != 0) {
t = peek();
if (deco != 0 && !t.IsArray()) {
set_error(t, "found array decoration but no array");
return nullptr;
if (t.IsArray()) {
return type_decl_array(t, deco);
if (t.IsMat2x2() || t.IsMat2x3() || t.IsMat2x4() || t.IsMat3x2() ||
t.IsMat3x3() || t.IsMat3x4() || t.IsMat4x2() || t.IsMat4x3() ||
t.IsMat4x4()) {
return type_decl_matrix(t);
return nullptr;
ast::type::Type* ParserImpl::type_decl_pointer(Token t) {
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsLessThan()) {
set_error(t, "missing < for ptr declaration");
return nullptr;
auto sc = storage_class();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (sc == ast::StorageClass::kNone) {
set_error(peek(), "missing storage class for ptr declaration");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsComma()) {
set_error(t, "missing , for ptr declaration");
return nullptr;
auto* subtype = type_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (subtype == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "missing type for ptr declaration");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsGreaterThan()) {
set_error(t, "missing > for ptr declaration");
return nullptr;
return ctx_.type_mgr().Get(
std::make_unique<ast::type::PointerType>(subtype, sc));
ast::type::Type* ParserImpl::type_decl_vector(Token t) {
next(); // Consume the peek
uint32_t count = 2;
if (t.IsVec3())
count = 3;
else if (t.IsVec4())
count = 4;
t = next();
if (!t.IsLessThan()) {
set_error(t, "missing < for vector");
return nullptr;
auto* subtype = type_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (subtype == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to determine subtype for vector");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsGreaterThan()) {
set_error(t, "missing > for vector");
return nullptr;
return ctx_.type_mgr().Get(
std::make_unique<ast::type::VectorType>(subtype, count));
ast::type::Type* ParserImpl::type_decl_array(Token t, uint32_t stride) {
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsLessThan()) {
set_error(t, "missing < for array declaration");
return nullptr;
auto* subtype = type_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (subtype == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "invalid type for array declaration");
return nullptr;
t = next();
uint32_t size = 0;
if (t.IsComma()) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsSintLiteral()) {
set_error(t, "missing size of array declaration");
return nullptr;
if (t.to_i32() <= 0) {
set_error(t, "invalid size for array declaration");
return nullptr;
size = static_cast<uint32_t>(t.to_i32());
t = next();
if (!t.IsGreaterThan()) {
set_error(t, "missing > for array declaration");
return nullptr;
auto ty = std::make_unique<ast::type::ArrayType>(subtype, size);
if (stride != 0) {
return ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::move(ty));
// array_decoration_list
// : ATTR_LEFT (array_decoration COMMA)* array_decoration ATTR_RIGHT
// array_decoration
// As there is currently only one decoration I'm combining these for now.
// we can split apart later if needed.
uint32_t ParserImpl::array_decoration_list() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsAttrLeft()) {
return 0;
t = peek(1);
if (!t.IsStride()) {
return 0;
next(); // consume the peek of [[
next(); // consume the peek of stride
t = next();
if (!t.IsSintLiteral()) {
set_error(t, "missing value for stride decoration");
return 0;
if (t.to_i32() < 0) {
set_error(t, "invalid stride value: " + t.to_str());
return 0;
uint32_t stride = static_cast<uint32_t>(t.to_i32());
t = next();
if (!t.IsAttrRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing ]] for array decoration");
return 0;
return stride;
ast::type::Type* ParserImpl::type_decl_matrix(Token t) {
next(); // Consume the peek
uint32_t rows = 2;
uint32_t columns = 2;
if (t.IsMat3x2() || t.IsMat3x3() || t.IsMat3x4()) {
rows = 3;
} else if (t.IsMat4x2() || t.IsMat4x3() || t.IsMat4x4()) {
rows = 4;
if (t.IsMat2x3() || t.IsMat3x3() || t.IsMat4x3()) {
columns = 3;
} else if (t.IsMat2x4() || t.IsMat3x4() || t.IsMat4x4()) {
columns = 4;
t = next();
if (!t.IsLessThan()) {
set_error(t, "missing < for matrix");
return nullptr;
auto* subtype = type_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (subtype == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to determine subtype for matrix");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsGreaterThan()) {
set_error(t, "missing > for matrix");
return nullptr;
return ctx_.type_mgr().Get(
std::make_unique<ast::type::MatrixType>(subtype, rows, columns));
// storage_class
// : INPUT
// | IMAGE
ast::StorageClass ParserImpl::storage_class() {
auto t = peek();
if (t.IsIn()) {
next(); // consume the peek
return ast::StorageClass::kInput;
if (t.IsOut()) {
next(); // consume the peek
return ast::StorageClass::kOutput;
if (t.IsUniform()) {
next(); // consume the peek
return ast::StorageClass::kUniform;
if (t.IsWorkgroup()) {
next(); // consume the peek
return ast::StorageClass::kWorkgroup;
if (t.IsUniformConstant()) {
next(); // consume the peek
return ast::StorageClass::kUniformConstant;
if (t.IsStorageBuffer()) {
next(); // consume the peek
return ast::StorageClass::kStorageBuffer;
if (t.IsImage()) {
next(); // consume the peek
return ast::StorageClass::kImage;
if (t.IsPrivate()) {
next(); // consume the peek
return ast::StorageClass::kPrivate;
if (t.IsFunction()) {
next(); // consume the peek
return ast::StorageClass::kFunction;
return ast::StorageClass::kNone;
// struct_decl
// : struct_decoration_decl? STRUCT struct_body_decl
std::unique_ptr<ast::type::StructType> ParserImpl::struct_decl() {
auto t = peek();
auto source = t.source();
auto deco = struct_decoration_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsStruct()) {
set_error(t, "missing struct declaration");
return nullptr;
t = peek();
if (!t.IsBraceLeft()) {
set_error(t, "missing { for struct declaration");
return nullptr;
auto body = struct_body_decl();
if (has_error()) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::type::StructType>(
std::make_unique<ast::Struct>(source, deco, std::move(body)));
// struct_decoration_decl
// : ATTR_LEFT struct_decoration ATTR_RIGHT
ast::StructDecoration ParserImpl::struct_decoration_decl() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsAttrLeft())
return ast::StructDecoration::kNone;
auto deco = struct_decoration(peek(1));
if (has_error())
return ast::StructDecoration::kNone;
if (deco == ast::StructDecoration::kNone) {
return deco;
next(); // Consume the peek of [[
next(); // Consume the peek from the struct_decoration
t = next();
if (!t.IsAttrRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing ]] for struct decoration");
return ast::StructDecoration::kNone;
return deco;
// struct_decoration
// : BLOCK
ast::StructDecoration ParserImpl::struct_decoration(Token t) {
if (t.IsBlock()) {
return ast::StructDecoration::kBlock;
return ast::StructDecoration::kNone;
// struct_body_decl
// : BRACKET_LEFT struct_member* BRACKET_RIGHT
ast::StructMemberList ParserImpl::struct_body_decl() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsBraceLeft())
return {};
next(); // Consume the peek
t = peek();
if (t.IsBraceRight())
return {};
ast::StructMemberList members;
for (;;) {
auto mem = struct_member();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (mem == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "invalid struct member");
return {};
t = peek();
if (t.IsBraceRight() || t.IsEof())
t = next();
if (!t.IsBraceRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing } for struct declaration");
return {};
return members;
// struct_member
// : struct_member_decoration_decl variable_ident_decl SEMICOLON
std::unique_ptr<ast::StructMember> ParserImpl::struct_member() {
auto t = peek();
auto source = t.source();
auto decos = struct_member_decoration_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
std::string name;
ast::type::Type* type;
std::tie(name, type) = variable_ident_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (name.empty() || type == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "invalid identifier declaration");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ; for struct member");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::StructMember>(source, name, type,
// struct_member_decoration_decl
// :
// | ATTR_LEFT (struct_member_decoration COMMA)*
// struct_member_decoration ATTR_RIGHT
ast::StructMemberDecorationList ParserImpl::struct_member_decoration_decl() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsAttrLeft())
return {};
next(); // Consume the peek
t = peek();
if (t.IsAttrRight()) {
set_error(t, "empty struct member decoration found");
return {};
ast::StructMemberDecorationList decos;
bool found_offset = false;
for (;;) {
auto deco = struct_member_decoration();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (deco == nullptr)
if (deco->IsOffset()) {
if (found_offset) {
set_error(peek(), "duplicate offset decoration found");
return {};
found_offset = true;
t = next();
if (!t.IsComma())
if (!t.IsAttrRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing ]] for struct member decoration");
return {};
return decos;
// struct_member_decoration
ParserImpl::struct_member_decoration() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsOffset())
return nullptr;
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsSintLiteral()) {
set_error(t, "invalid value for offset decoration");
return nullptr;
int32_t val = t.to_i32();
if (val < 0) {
set_error(t, "offset value must be >= 0");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::StructMemberOffsetDecoration>(val);
// function_decl
// : function_header body_stmt
std::unique_ptr<ast::Function> ParserImpl::function_decl() {
auto f = function_header();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (f == nullptr)
return nullptr;
auto body = body_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
return f;
// function_type_decl
// : type_decl
// | VOID
ast::type::Type* ParserImpl::function_type_decl() {
auto t = peek();
if (t.IsVoid()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
return ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::make_unique<ast::type::VoidType>());
return type_decl();
// function_header
// : FN IDENT PAREN_LEFT param_list PAREN_RIGHT ARROW function_type_decl
std::unique_ptr<ast::Function> ParserImpl::function_header() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsFn())
return nullptr;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsIdentifier()) {
set_error(t, "missing identifier for function");
return nullptr;
auto name = t.to_str();
t = next();
if (!t.IsParenLeft()) {
set_error(t, "missing ( for function declaration");
return nullptr;
auto params = param_list();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsParenRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing ) for function declaration");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsArrow()) {
set_error(t, "missing -> for function declaration");
return nullptr;
auto* type = function_type_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (type == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to determine function return type");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::Function>(source, name, std::move(params), type);
// param_list
// :
// | (variable_ident_decl COMMA)* variable_ident_decl
ast::VariableList ParserImpl::param_list() {
auto t = peek();
auto source = t.source();
ast::VariableList ret;
std::string name;
ast::type::Type* type;
std::tie(name, type) = variable_ident_decl();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (name.empty() || type == nullptr)
return {};
for (;;) {
source, name, ast::StorageClass::kNone, type));
t = peek();
if (!t.IsComma())
source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
std::tie(name, type) = variable_ident_decl();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (name.empty() || type == nullptr) {
set_error(t, "found , but no variable declaration");
return {};
return ret;
// entry_point_decl
// : ENTRY_POINT pipeline_stage EQUAL IDENT
std::unique_ptr<ast::EntryPoint> ParserImpl::entry_point_decl() {
auto t = peek();
auto source = t.source();
if (!t.IsEntryPoint())
return nullptr;
next(); // Consume the peek
auto stage = pipeline_stage();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (stage == ast::PipelineStage::kNone) {
set_error(peek(), "missing pipeline stage for entry point");
return nullptr;
t = next();
std::string name;
if (t.IsAs()) {
t = next();
if (t.IsStringLiteral()) {
name = t.to_str();
} else if (t.IsIdentifier()) {
name = t.to_str();
} else {
set_error(t, "invalid name for entry point");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsEqual()) {
set_error(t, "missing = for entry point");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsIdentifier()) {
set_error(t, "invalid function name for entry point");
return nullptr;
auto fn_name = t.to_str();
// Set the name to the function name if it isn't provided
if (name.length() == 0)
name = fn_name;
return std::make_unique<ast::EntryPoint>(source, stage, name, fn_name);
// pipeline_stage
ast::PipelineStage ParserImpl::pipeline_stage() {
auto t = peek();
if (t.IsVertex()) {
next(); // consume the peek
return ast::PipelineStage::kVertex;
if (t.IsFragment()) {
next(); // consume the peek
return ast::PipelineStage::kFragment;
if (t.IsCompute()) {
next(); // consume the peek
return ast::PipelineStage::kCompute;
return ast::PipelineStage::kNone;
// body_stmt
std::unique_ptr<ast::BlockStatement> ParserImpl::body_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsBraceLeft())
return {};
next(); // Consume the peek
auto stmts = statements();
if (has_error())
return {};
t = next();
if (!t.IsBraceRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing }");
return {};
return stmts;
// paren_rhs_stmt
// : PAREN_LEFT logical_or_expression PAREN_RIGHT
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::paren_rhs_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsParenLeft()) {
set_error(t, "expected (");
return nullptr;
next(); // Consume the peek
auto expr = logical_or_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (expr == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse expression");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsParenRight()) {
set_error(t, "expected )");
return nullptr;
return expr;
// statements
// : statement*
std::unique_ptr<ast::BlockStatement> ParserImpl::statements() {
auto ret = std::make_unique<ast::BlockStatement>();
for (;;) {
auto stmt = statement();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (stmt == nullptr)
return ret;
// statement
// | return_stmt SEMICOLON
// | if_stmt
// | switch_stmt
// | loop_stmt
// | for_stmt
// | func_call_stmt SEMICOLON
// | variable_stmt SEMICOLON
// | break_stmt SEMICOLON
// | continue_stmt SEMICOLON
// | assignment_stmt SEMICOLON
// | body_stmt
std::unique_ptr<ast::Statement> ParserImpl::statement() {
auto t = peek();
if (t.IsSemicolon()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
return statement();
auto ret_stmt = return_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (ret_stmt != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ;");
return nullptr;
return ret_stmt;
auto stmt_if = if_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (stmt_if != nullptr)
return stmt_if;
auto sw = switch_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (sw != nullptr)
return sw;
auto loop = loop_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (loop != nullptr)
return loop;
auto stmt_for = for_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (stmt_for != nullptr)
return stmt_for;
auto func = func_call_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (func != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ;");
return nullptr;
return func;
auto var = variable_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (var != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ;");
return nullptr;
return var;
auto b = break_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (b != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ;");
return nullptr;
return b;
auto cont = continue_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (cont != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ;");
return nullptr;
return cont;
if (t.IsDiscard()) {
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ;");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::DiscardStatement>(source);
auto assign = assignment_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (assign != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ;");
return nullptr;
return assign;
auto body = body_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (body != nullptr)
return body;
return nullptr;
// return_stmt
// : RETURN logical_or_expression?
std::unique_ptr<ast::ReturnStatement> ParserImpl::return_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsReturn())
return nullptr;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> expr = nullptr;
t = peek();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
expr = logical_or_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::ReturnStatement>(source, std::move(expr));
// variable_stmt
// : variable_decl
// | variable_decl EQUAL logical_or_expression
// | CONST variable_ident_decl EQUAL logical_or_expression
std::unique_ptr<ast::VariableDeclStatement> ParserImpl::variable_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
auto source = t.source();
if (t.IsConst()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
std::string name;
ast::type::Type* type;
std::tie(name, type) = variable_ident_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (name.empty() || type == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse variable declaration");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsEqual()) {
set_error(t, "missing = for constant declaration");
return nullptr;
auto constructor = logical_or_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (constructor == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "missing constructor for const declaration");
return nullptr;
auto var = std::make_unique<ast::Variable>(source, name,
ast::StorageClass::kNone, type);
return std::make_unique<ast::VariableDeclStatement>(source, std::move(var));
auto var = variable_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (var == nullptr)
return nullptr;
t = peek();
if (t.IsEqual()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
auto constructor = logical_or_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (constructor == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "missing constructor for variable declaration");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::VariableDeclStatement>(source, std::move(var));
// if_stmt
// : IF paren_rhs_stmt body_stmt elseif_stmt? else_stmt?
std::unique_ptr<ast::IfStatement> ParserImpl::if_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsIf())
return nullptr;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto condition = paren_rhs_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (condition == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse if condition");
return nullptr;
t = peek();
if (!t.IsBraceLeft()) {
set_error(t, "missing {");
return nullptr;
auto body = body_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
auto elseif = elseif_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
auto el = else_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
auto stmt = std::make_unique<ast::IfStatement>(source, std::move(condition),
if (el != nullptr) {
return stmt;
// elseif_stmt
// : ELSE_IF paren_rhs_stmt body_stmt elseif_stmt?
ast::ElseStatementList ParserImpl::elseif_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsElseIf())
return {};
ast::ElseStatementList ret;
for (;;) {
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto condition = paren_rhs_stmt();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (condition == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse condition expression");
return {};
t = peek();
if (!t.IsBraceLeft()) {
set_error(t, "missing {");
return {};
auto body = body_stmt();
if (has_error())
return {};
source, std::move(condition), std::move(body)));
t = peek();
if (!t.IsElseIf())
return ret;
// else_stmt
// : ELSE body_stmt
std::unique_ptr<ast::ElseStatement> ParserImpl::else_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsElse())
return nullptr;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
t = peek();
if (!t.IsBraceLeft()) {
set_error(t, "missing {");
return nullptr;
auto body = body_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::ElseStatement>(source, std::move(body));
// switch_stmt
// : SWITCH paren_rhs_stmt BRACKET_LEFT switch_body+ BRACKET_RIGHT
std::unique_ptr<ast::SwitchStatement> ParserImpl::switch_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsSwitch())
return nullptr;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto condition = paren_rhs_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (condition == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse switch expression");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsBraceLeft()) {
set_error(t, "missing { for switch statement");
return nullptr;
ast::CaseStatementList body;
for (;;) {
auto stmt = switch_body();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (stmt == nullptr)
t = next();
if (!t.IsBraceRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing } for switch statement");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::SwitchStatement>(source, std::move(condition),
// switch_body
// : CASE case_selectors COLON BRACKET_LEFT case_body BRACKET_RIGHT
std::unique_ptr<ast::CaseStatement> ParserImpl::switch_body() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsCase() && !t.IsDefault())
return nullptr;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto stmt = std::make_unique<ast::CaseStatement>();
if (t.IsCase()) {
auto selectors = case_selectors();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (selectors.empty()) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse case selectors");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsColon()) {
set_error(t, "missing : for case statement");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsBraceLeft()) {
set_error(t, "missing { for case statement");
return nullptr;
auto body = case_body();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsBraceRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing } for case statement");
return nullptr;
return stmt;
// case_selectors
// : const_literal (COMMA const_literal)*
ast::CaseSelectorList ParserImpl::case_selectors() {
ast::CaseSelectorList selectors;
for (;;) {
auto t = peek();
auto cond = const_literal();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (cond == nullptr)
if (!cond->IsInt()) {
set_error(t, "invalid case selector must be an integer value");
return {};
std::unique_ptr<ast::IntLiteral> selector(cond.release()->AsInt());
return selectors;
// case_body
// :
// | statement case_body
std::unique_ptr<ast::BlockStatement> ParserImpl::case_body() {
auto ret = std::make_unique<ast::BlockStatement>();
for (;;) {
auto t = peek();
if (t.IsFallthrough()) {
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ;");
return {};
auto stmt = statement();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (stmt == nullptr)
return ret;
// loop_stmt
// : LOOP BRACKET_LEFT statements continuing_stmt? BRACKET_RIGHT
std::unique_ptr<ast::LoopStatement> ParserImpl::loop_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsLoop())
return nullptr;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsBraceLeft()) {
set_error(t, "missing { for loop");
return nullptr;
auto body = statements();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
auto continuing = continuing_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsBraceRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing } for loop");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::LoopStatement>(source, std::move(body),
ForHeader::ForHeader(std::unique_ptr<ast::Statement> _initializer,
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> _condition,
std::unique_ptr<ast::Statement> _continuing)
: initializer(std::move(_initializer)),
continuing(std::move(_continuing)) {}
ForHeader::~ForHeader() = default;
// for_header
// : (variable_stmt | assignment_stmt | func_call_stmt)?
// logical_or_expression? SEMICOLON
// (assignment_stmt | func_call_stmt)?
std::unique_ptr<ForHeader> ParserImpl::for_header() {
std::unique_ptr<ast::Statement> initializer = nullptr;
if (initializer == nullptr) {
initializer = func_call_stmt();
if (has_error()) {
return nullptr;
if (initializer == nullptr) {
initializer = variable_stmt();
if (has_error()) {
return nullptr;
if (initializer == nullptr) {
initializer = assignment_stmt();
if (has_error()) {
return nullptr;
auto t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ';' after initializer in for loop");
return nullptr;
auto condition = logical_or_expression();
if (has_error()) {
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsSemicolon()) {
set_error(t, "missing ';' after condition in for loop");
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<ast::Statement> continuing = nullptr;
if (continuing == nullptr) {
continuing = func_call_stmt();
if (has_error()) {
return nullptr;
if (continuing == nullptr) {
continuing = assignment_stmt();
if (has_error()) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ForHeader>(
std::move(initializer), std::move(condition), std::move(continuing));
// for_statement
std::unique_ptr<ast::Statement> ParserImpl::for_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsFor())
return nullptr;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsParenLeft()) {
set_error(t, "missing for loop (");
return nullptr;
auto header = for_header();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsParenRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing for loop )");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsBraceLeft()) {
set_error(t, "missing for loop {");
return nullptr;
auto body = statements();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsBraceRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing for loop }");
return nullptr;
// The for statement is a syntactic sugar on top of the loop statement.
// We create corresponding nodes in ast with the exact same behaviour
// as we would expect from the loop statement.
if (header->condition != nullptr) {
// !condition
auto not_condition = std::make_unique<ast::UnaryOpExpression>(
header->condition->source(), ast::UnaryOp::kNot,
// { break; }
auto break_stmt =
auto break_body =
// if (!condition) { break; }
auto break_if_not_condition = std::make_unique<ast::IfStatement>(
not_condition->source(), std::move(not_condition),
body->insert(0, std::move(break_if_not_condition));
std::unique_ptr<ast::BlockStatement> continuing_body = nullptr;
if (header->continuing != nullptr) {
continuing_body =
auto loop = std::make_unique<ast::LoopStatement>(source, std::move(body),
if (header->initializer != nullptr) {
auto result = std::make_unique<ast::BlockStatement>(source);
return result;
return loop;
// func_call_stmt
// : IDENT PAREN_LEFT argument_expression_list* PAREN_RIGHT
std::unique_ptr<ast::CallStatement> ParserImpl::func_call_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
auto t2 = peek(1);
if (!t.IsIdentifier() || !t2.IsParenLeft())
return nullptr;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
next(); // Consume the 2nd peek
auto name = t.to_str();
t = peek();
ast::ExpressionList params;
if (!t.IsParenRight() && !t.IsEof()) {
params = argument_expression_list();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsParenRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing ) for call statement");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::CallStatement>(
source, std::make_unique<ast::IdentifierExpression>(name),
// break_stmt
// : BREAK
std::unique_ptr<ast::BreakStatement> ParserImpl::break_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsBreak())
return nullptr;
next(); // Consume the peek
return std::make_unique<ast::BreakStatement>(t.source());
// continue_stmt
std::unique_ptr<ast::ContinueStatement> ParserImpl::continue_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsContinue())
return nullptr;
next(); // Consume the peek
return std::make_unique<ast::ContinueStatement>(t.source());
// continuing_stmt
// : CONTINUING body_stmt
std::unique_ptr<ast::BlockStatement> ParserImpl::continuing_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsContinuing()) {
return std::make_unique<ast::BlockStatement>();
next(); // Consume the peek
return body_stmt();
// primary_expression
// | type_decl PAREN_LEFT argument_expression_list* PAREN_RIGHT
// | const_literal
// | paren_rhs_stmt
// | CAST LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN paren_rhs_stmt
// | AS LESS_THAN type_decl GREATER_THAN paren_rhs_stmt
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::primary_expression() {
auto t = peek();
auto source = t.source();
auto lit = const_literal();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lit != nullptr) {
return std::make_unique<ast::ScalarConstructorExpression>(source,
t = peek();
if (t.IsParenLeft()) {
auto paren = paren_rhs_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
return paren;
if (t.IsCast() || t.IsAs()) {
auto src = t;
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsLessThan()) {
set_error(t, "missing < for " + src.to_name() + " expression");
return nullptr;
auto* type = type_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (type == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "missing type for " + src.to_name() + " expression");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsGreaterThan()) {
set_error(t, "missing > for " + src.to_name() + " expression");
return nullptr;
auto params = paren_rhs_stmt();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (params == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse parameters");
return nullptr;
if (src.IsCast()) {
return std::make_unique<ast::CastExpression>(source, type,
} else {
return std::make_unique<ast::AsExpression>(source, type,
} else if (t.IsIdentifier()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
std::vector<std::string> ident;
for (;;) {
t = peek();
if (!t.IsNamespace())
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsIdentifier()) {
set_error(t, "identifier expected");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::IdentifierExpression>(source,
auto* type = type_decl();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (type != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsParenLeft()) {
set_error(t, "missing ( for type constructor");
return nullptr;
t = peek();
ast::ExpressionList params;
if (!t.IsParenRight() && !t.IsEof()) {
params = argument_expression_list();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsParenRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing ) for type constructor");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(source, type,
return nullptr;
// postfix_expr
// :
// | BRACE_LEFT logical_or_expression BRACE_RIGHT postfix_expr
// | PAREN_LEFT argument_expression_list* PAREN_RIGHT postfix_expr
// | PERIOD IDENTIFIER postfix_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::postfix_expr(
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> prefix) {
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> expr = nullptr;
auto t = peek();
auto source = t.source();
if (t.IsBracketLeft()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
auto param = logical_or_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (param == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse expression inside []");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsBracketRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing ] for array accessor");
return nullptr;
expr = std::make_unique<ast::ArrayAccessorExpression>(
source, std::move(prefix), std::move(param));
} else if (t.IsParenLeft()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
t = peek();
ast::ExpressionList params;
if (!t.IsParenRight() && !t.IsEof()) {
params = argument_expression_list();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsParenRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing ) for call expression");
return nullptr;
expr = std::make_unique<ast::CallExpression>(source, std::move(prefix),
} else if (t.IsPeriod()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
t = next();
if (!t.IsIdentifier()) {
set_error(t, "missing identifier for member accessor");
return nullptr;
expr = std::make_unique<ast::MemberAccessorExpression>(
source, std::move(prefix),
std::make_unique<ast::IdentifierExpression>(t.source(), t.to_str()));
} else {
return prefix;
return postfix_expr(std::move(expr));
// postfix_expression
// : primary_expression postfix_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::postfix_expression() {
auto prefix = primary_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (prefix == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return postfix_expr(std::move(prefix));
// argument_expression_list
// : (logical_or_expression COMMA)* logical_or_expression
ast::ExpressionList ParserImpl::argument_expression_list() {
auto arg = logical_or_expression();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (arg == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse argument expression");
return {};
ast::ExpressionList ret;
for (;;) {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsComma())
next(); // Consume the peek
arg = logical_or_expression();
if (has_error())
return {};
if (arg == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse argument expression after comma");
return {};
return ret;
// unary_expression
// : postfix_expression
// | MINUS unary_expression
// | BANG unary_expression
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::unary_expression() {
auto t = peek();
auto source = t.source();
if (t.IsMinus() || t.IsBang()) {
auto name = t.to_name();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto op = ast::UnaryOp::kNegation;
if (t.IsBang())
op = ast::UnaryOp::kNot;
auto expr = unary_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (expr == nullptr) {
"unable to parse right side of " + name + " expression");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::UnaryOpExpression>(source, op,
return postfix_expression();
// multiplicative_expr
// :
// | STAR unary_expression multiplicative_expr
// | FORWARD_SLASH unary_expression multiplicative_expr
// | MODULO unary_expression multiplicative_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::multiplicative_expr(
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> lhs) {
auto t = peek();
ast::BinaryOp op = ast::BinaryOp::kNone;
if (t.IsStar())
op = ast::BinaryOp::kMultiply;
else if (t.IsForwardSlash())
op = ast::BinaryOp::kDivide;
else if (t.IsMod())
op = ast::BinaryOp::kModulo;
return lhs;
auto source = t.source();
auto name = t.to_name();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto rhs = unary_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (rhs == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse right side of " + name + " expression");
return nullptr;
return multiplicative_expr(std::make_unique<ast::BinaryExpression>(
source, op, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)));
// multiplicative_expression
// : unary_expression multiplicative_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::multiplicative_expression() {
auto lhs = unary_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lhs == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return multiplicative_expr(std::move(lhs));
// additive_expr
// :
// | PLUS multiplicative_expression additive_expr
// | MINUS multiplicative_expression additive_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::additive_expr(
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> lhs) {
auto t = peek();
ast::BinaryOp op = ast::BinaryOp::kNone;
if (t.IsPlus())
op = ast::BinaryOp::kAdd;
else if (t.IsMinus())
op = ast::BinaryOp::kSubtract;
return lhs;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto rhs = multiplicative_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (rhs == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse right side of + expression");
return nullptr;
return additive_expr(std::make_unique<ast::BinaryExpression>(
source, op, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)));
// additive_expression
// : multiplicative_expression additive_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::additive_expression() {
auto lhs = multiplicative_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lhs == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return additive_expr(std::move(lhs));
// shift_expr
// :
// | LESS_THAN LESS_THAN additive_expression shift_expr
// | GREATER_THAN GREATER_THAN additive_expression shift_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::shift_expr(
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> lhs) {
auto t = peek();
auto source = t.source();
auto t2 = peek(1);
auto* name = "";
ast::BinaryOp op = ast::BinaryOp::kNone;
if (t.IsLessThan() && t2.IsLessThan()) {
next(); // Consume the t peek
next(); // Consume the t2 peek
op = ast::BinaryOp::kShiftLeft;
name = "<<";
} else if (t.IsGreaterThan() && t2.IsGreaterThan()) {
next(); // Consume the t peek
next(); // Consume the t2 peek
op = ast::BinaryOp::kShiftRight;
name = ">>";
} else {
return lhs;
auto rhs = additive_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (rhs == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), std::string("unable to parse right side of ") + name +
" expression");
return nullptr;
return shift_expr(std::make_unique<ast::BinaryExpression>(
source, op, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)));
// shift_expression
// : additive_expression shift_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::shift_expression() {
auto lhs = additive_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lhs == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return shift_expr(std::move(lhs));
// relational_expr
// :
// | LESS_THAN shift_expression relational_expr
// | GREATER_THAN shift_expression relational_expr
// | LESS_THAN_EQUAL shift_expression relational_expr
// | GREATER_THAN_EQUAL shift_expression relational_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::relational_expr(
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> lhs) {
auto t = peek();
ast::BinaryOp op = ast::BinaryOp::kNone;
if (t.IsLessThan())
op = ast::BinaryOp::kLessThan;
else if (t.IsGreaterThan())
op = ast::BinaryOp::kGreaterThan;
else if (t.IsLessThanEqual())
op = ast::BinaryOp::kLessThanEqual;
else if (t.IsGreaterThanEqual())
op = ast::BinaryOp::kGreaterThanEqual;
return lhs;
auto source = t.source();
auto name = t.to_name();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto rhs = shift_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (rhs == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse right side of " + name + " expression");
return nullptr;
return relational_expr(std::make_unique<ast::BinaryExpression>(
source, op, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)));
// relational_expression
// : shift_expression relational_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::relational_expression() {
auto lhs = shift_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lhs == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return relational_expr(std::move(lhs));
// equality_expr
// :
// | EQUAL_EQUAL relational_expression equality_expr
// | NOT_EQUAL relational_expression equality_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::equality_expr(
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> lhs) {
auto t = peek();
ast::BinaryOp op = ast::BinaryOp::kNone;
if (t.IsEqualEqual())
op = ast::BinaryOp::kEqual;
else if (t.IsNotEqual())
op = ast::BinaryOp::kNotEqual;
return lhs;
auto source = t.source();
auto name = t.to_name();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto rhs = relational_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (rhs == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse right side of " + name + " expression");
return nullptr;
return equality_expr(std::make_unique<ast::BinaryExpression>(
source, op, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)));
// equality_expression
// : relational_expression equality_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::equality_expression() {
auto lhs = relational_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lhs == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return equality_expr(std::move(lhs));
// and_expr
// :
// | AND equality_expression and_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::and_expr(
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> lhs) {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsAnd())
return lhs;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto rhs = equality_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (rhs == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse right side of & expression");
return nullptr;
return and_expr(std::make_unique<ast::BinaryExpression>(
source, ast::BinaryOp::kAnd, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)));
// and_expression
// : equality_expression and_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::and_expression() {
auto lhs = equality_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lhs == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return and_expr(std::move(lhs));
// exclusive_or_expr
// :
// | XOR and_expression exclusive_or_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::exclusive_or_expr(
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> lhs) {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsXor())
return lhs;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto rhs = and_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (rhs == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse right side of ^ expression");
return nullptr;
return exclusive_or_expr(std::make_unique<ast::BinaryExpression>(
source, ast::BinaryOp::kXor, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)));
// exclusive_or_expression
// : and_expression exclusive_or_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::exclusive_or_expression() {
auto lhs = and_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lhs == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return exclusive_or_expr(std::move(lhs));
// inclusive_or_expr
// :
// | OR exclusive_or_expression inclusive_or_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::inclusive_or_expr(
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> lhs) {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsOr())
return lhs;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto rhs = exclusive_or_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (rhs == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse right side of | expression");
return nullptr;
return inclusive_or_expr(std::make_unique<ast::BinaryExpression>(
source, ast::BinaryOp::kOr, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)));
// inclusive_or_expression
// : exclusive_or_expression inclusive_or_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::inclusive_or_expression() {
auto lhs = exclusive_or_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lhs == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return inclusive_or_expr(std::move(lhs));
// logical_and_expr
// :
// | AND_AND inclusive_or_expression logical_and_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::logical_and_expr(
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> lhs) {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsAndAnd())
return lhs;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto rhs = inclusive_or_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (rhs == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse right side of && expression");
return nullptr;
return logical_and_expr(std::make_unique<ast::BinaryExpression>(
source, ast::BinaryOp::kLogicalAnd, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)));
// logical_and_expression
// : inclusive_or_expression logical_and_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::logical_and_expression() {
auto lhs = inclusive_or_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lhs == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return logical_and_expr(std::move(lhs));
// logical_or_expr
// :
// | OR_OR logical_and_expression logical_or_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::logical_or_expr(
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> lhs) {
auto t = peek();
if (!t.IsOrOr())
return lhs;
auto source = t.source();
next(); // Consume the peek
auto rhs = logical_and_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (rhs == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse right side of || expression");
return nullptr;
return logical_or_expr(std::make_unique<ast::BinaryExpression>(
source, ast::BinaryOp::kLogicalOr, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)));
// logical_or_expression
// : logical_and_expression logical_or_expr
std::unique_ptr<ast::Expression> ParserImpl::logical_or_expression() {
auto lhs = logical_and_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lhs == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return logical_or_expr(std::move(lhs));
// assignment_stmt
// : unary_expression EQUAL logical_or_expression
std::unique_ptr<ast::AssignmentStatement> ParserImpl::assignment_stmt() {
auto t = peek();
auto source = t.source();
auto lhs = unary_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lhs == nullptr)
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsEqual()) {
set_error(t, "missing = for assignment");
return nullptr;
auto rhs = logical_or_expression();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (rhs == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse right side of assignment");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::AssignmentStatement>(source, std::move(lhs),
// const_literal
// | TRUE
// | FALSE
std::unique_ptr<ast::Literal> ParserImpl::const_literal() {
auto t = peek();
if (t.IsTrue()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
auto* type = ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::make_unique<ast::type::BoolType>());
if (!type) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::BoolLiteral>(type, true);
if (t.IsFalse()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
auto* type = ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::make_unique<ast::type::BoolType>());
if (!type) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::BoolLiteral>(type, false);
if (t.IsSintLiteral()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
auto* type = ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::make_unique<ast::type::I32Type>());
if (!type) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::SintLiteral>(type, t.to_i32());
if (t.IsUintLiteral()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
auto* type = ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::make_unique<ast::type::U32Type>());
if (!type) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::UintLiteral>(type, t.to_u32());
if (t.IsFloatLiteral()) {
next(); // Consume the peek
auto* type = ctx_.type_mgr().Get(std::make_unique<ast::type::F32Type>());
if (!type) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::FloatLiteral>(type, t.to_f32());
return nullptr;
// const_expr
// : type_decl PAREN_LEFT (const_expr COMMA)? const_expr PAREN_RIGHT
// | const_literal
std::unique_ptr<ast::ConstructorExpression> ParserImpl::const_expr() {
auto t = peek();
auto source = t.source();
auto* type = type_decl();
if (type != nullptr) {
t = next();
if (!t.IsParenLeft()) {
set_error(t, "missing ( for type constructor");
return nullptr;
ast::ExpressionList params;
auto param = const_expr();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (param == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse constant expression");
return nullptr;
for (;;) {
t = peek();
if (!t.IsComma())
next(); // Consume the peek
param = const_expr();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (param == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse constant expression");
return nullptr;
t = next();
if (!t.IsParenRight()) {
set_error(t, "missing ) for type constructor");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(source, type,
auto lit = const_literal();
if (has_error())
return nullptr;
if (lit == nullptr) {
set_error(peek(), "unable to parse const literal");
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<ast::ScalarConstructorExpression>(source,
} // namespace wgsl
} // namespace reader
} // namespace tint