blob: 7e3d602021acd05e4d057500873054e74528ad98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "src/ast/array_accessor_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/binary_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/bool_literal.h"
#include "src/ast/call_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/expression.h"
#include "src/ast/float_literal.h"
#include "src/ast/identifier_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/member_accessor_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/module.h"
#include "src/ast/scalar_constructor_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/sint_literal.h"
#include "src/ast/struct.h"
#include "src/ast/struct_member.h"
#include "src/ast/struct_member_offset_decoration.h"
#include "src/ast/type_constructor_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/uint_literal.h"
#include "src/ast/variable.h"
#include "src/program.h"
#include "src/symbol_table.h"
#include "src/type/alias_type.h"
#include "src/type/array_type.h"
#include "src/type/bool_type.h"
#include "src/type/f32_type.h"
#include "src/type/i32_type.h"
#include "src/type/matrix_type.h"
#include "src/type/pointer_type.h"
#include "src/type/struct_type.h"
#include "src/type/type_manager.h"
#include "src/type/u32_type.h"
#include "src/type/vector_type.h"
#include "src/type/void_type.h"
namespace tint {
class CloneContext;
/// ProgramBuilder is a mutable builder for a Program.
/// To construct a Program, populate the builder and then `std::move` it to a
/// Program.
class ProgramBuilder {
/// ASTNodes is an alias to BlockAllocator<ast::Node>
using ASTNodes = BlockAllocator<ast::Node>;
/// `i32` is a type alias to `int`.
/// Useful for passing to template methods such as `vec2<i32>()` to imitate
/// WGSL syntax.
/// Note: this is intentionally not aliased to uint32_t as we want integer
/// literals passed to the builder to match WGSL's integer literal types.
using i32 = decltype(1);
/// `u32` is a type alias to `unsigned int`.
/// Useful for passing to template methods such as `vec2<u32>()` to imitate
/// WGSL syntax.
/// Note: this is intentionally not aliased to uint32_t as we want integer
/// literals passed to the builder to match WGSL's integer literal types.
using u32 = decltype(1u);
/// `f32` is a type alias to `float`
/// Useful for passing to template methods such as `vec2<f32>()` to imitate
/// WGSL syntax.
using f32 = float;
/// Constructor
/// Move constructor
/// @param rhs the builder to move
ProgramBuilder(ProgramBuilder&& rhs);
/// Destructor
virtual ~ProgramBuilder();
/// Move assignment operator
/// @param rhs the builder to move
/// @return this builder
ProgramBuilder& operator=(ProgramBuilder&& rhs);
/// @returns a reference to the program's types
type::Manager& Types() {
return types_;
/// @returns a reference to the program's AST nodes storage
ASTNodes& Nodes() {
return nodes_;
/// @returns a reference to the program's AST root Module
ast::Module& AST() {
return *ast_;
/// @returns a reference to the program's SymbolTable
SymbolTable& Symbols() {
return symbols_;
/// @returns true if the program not missing information
bool IsValid() const;
/// creates a new ast::Node owned by the Module. When the Module is
/// destructed, the ast::Node will also be destructed.
/// @param source the Source of the node
/// @param args the arguments to pass to the type constructor
/// @returns the node pointer
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
traits::EnableIfIsType<T, ast::Node>* create(const Source& source,
ARGS&&... args) {
return nodes_.Create<T>(source, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
/// creates a new ast::Node owned by the Module, injecting the current Source
/// as set by the last call to SetSource() as the only argument to the
/// constructor.
/// When the Module is destructed, the ast::Node will also be destructed.
/// @returns the node pointer
template <typename T>
traits::EnableIfIsType<T, ast::Node>* create() {
return nodes_.Create<T>(source_);
/// creates a new ast::Node owned by the Module, injecting the current Source
/// as set by the last call to SetSource() as the first argument to the
/// constructor.
/// When the Module is destructed, the ast::Node will also be destructed.
/// @param arg0 the first arguments to pass to the type constructor
/// @param args the remaining arguments to pass to the type constructor
/// @returns the node pointer
template <typename T, typename ARG0, typename... ARGS>
traits::EnableIf</* T is ast::Node and ARG0 is not Source */
traits::IsTypeOrDerived<T, ast::Node>::value &&
!traits::IsTypeOrDerived<ARG0, Source>::value,
create(ARG0&& arg0, ARGS&&... args) {
return nodes_.Create<T>(source_, std::forward<ARG0>(arg0),
/// creates a new type::Type owned by the Module.
/// When the Module is destructed, owned Module and the returned
/// `Type` will also be destructed.
/// Types are unique (de-aliased), and so calling create() for the same `T`
/// and arguments will return the same pointer.
/// @warning Use this method to acquire a type only if all of its type
/// information is provided in the constructor arguments `args`.<br>
/// If the type requires additional configuration after construction that
/// affect its fundamental type, build the type with `std::make_unique`, make
/// any necessary alterations and then call unique_type() instead.
/// @param args the arguments to pass to the type constructor
/// @returns the de-aliased type pointer
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
traits::EnableIfIsType<T, type::Type>* create(ARGS&&... args) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<type::Type, T>::value,
"T does not derive from type::Type");
return types_.Get<T>(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
/// Marks this builder as moved, preventing any further use of the builder.
void MarkAsMoved();
// TypesBuilder
/// TypesBuilder holds basic `tint` types and methods for constructing
/// complex types.
class TypesBuilder {
/// Constructor
/// @param builder the program builder
explicit TypesBuilder(ProgramBuilder* builder);
/// @return the tint AST type for the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Type* Of() const {
return CToAST<T>::get(this);
/// @returns a boolean type
type::Bool* bool_() const { return builder->create<type::Bool>(); }
/// @returns a f32 type
type::F32* f32() const { return builder->create<type::F32>(); }
/// @returns a i32 type
type::I32* i32() const { return builder->create<type::I32>(); }
/// @returns a u32 type
type::U32* u32() const { return builder->create<type::U32>(); }
/// @returns a void type
type::Void* void_() const { return builder->create<type::Void>(); }
/// @return the tint AST type for a 2-element vector of the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Vector* vec2() const {
return builder->create<type::Vector>(Of<T>(), 2);
/// @return the tint AST type for a 3-element vector of the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Vector* vec3() const {
return builder->create<type::Vector>(Of<T>(), 3);
/// @return the tint AST type for a 4-element vector of the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Type* vec4() const {
return builder->create<type::Vector>(Of<T>(), 4);
/// @return the tint AST type for a 2x3 matrix of the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Matrix* mat2x2() const {
return builder->create<type::Matrix>(Of<T>(), 2, 2);
/// @return the tint AST type for a 2x3 matrix of the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Matrix* mat2x3() const {
return builder->create<type::Matrix>(Of<T>(), 3, 2);
/// @return the tint AST type for a 2x4 matrix of the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Matrix* mat2x4() const {
return builder->create<type::Matrix>(Of<T>(), 4, 2);
/// @return the tint AST type for a 3x2 matrix of the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Matrix* mat3x2() const {
return builder->create<type::Matrix>(Of<T>(), 2, 3);
/// @return the tint AST type for a 3x3 matrix of the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Matrix* mat3x3() const {
return builder->create<type::Matrix>(Of<T>(), 3, 3);
/// @return the tint AST type for a 3x4 matrix of the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Matrix* mat3x4() const {
return builder->create<type::Matrix>(Of<T>(), 4, 3);
/// @return the tint AST type for a 4x2 matrix of the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Matrix* mat4x2() const {
return builder->create<type::Matrix>(Of<T>(), 2, 4);
/// @return the tint AST type for a 4x3 matrix of the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Matrix* mat4x3() const {
return builder->create<type::Matrix>(Of<T>(), 3, 4);
/// @return the tint AST type for a 4x4 matrix of the C type `T`.
template <typename T>
type::Matrix* mat4x4() const {
return builder->create<type::Matrix>(Of<T>(), 4, 4);
/// @param subtype the array element type
/// @param n the array size. 0 represents a runtime-array.
/// @return the tint AST type for a array of size `n` of type `T`
type::Array* array(type::Type* subtype, uint32_t n) const {
return builder->create<type::Array>(subtype, n,
/// @return the tint AST type for an array of size `N` of type `T`
template <typename T, int N = 0>
type::Array* array() const {
return array(Of<T>(), N);
/// creates an alias type
/// @param name the alias name
/// @param type the alias type
/// @returns the alias pointer
type::Alias* alias(const std::string& name, type::Type* type) const {
return builder->create<type::Alias>(builder->Symbols().Register(name),
/// @return the tint AST pointer to type `T` with the given
/// ast::StorageClass.
/// @param storage_class the storage class of the pointer
template <typename T>
type::Pointer* pointer(ast::StorageClass storage_class) const {
return builder->create<type::Pointer>(Of<T>(), storage_class);
/// @param name the struct name
/// @param impl the struct implementation
/// @returns a struct pointer
type::Struct* struct_(const std::string& name, ast::Struct* impl) const {
return builder->create<type::Struct>(builder->Symbols().Register(name),
/// CToAST<T> is specialized for various `T` types and each specialization
/// contains a single static `get()` method for obtaining the corresponding
/// AST type for the C type `T`.
/// `get()` has the signature:
/// `static type::Type* get(Types* t)`
template <typename T>
struct CToAST {};
ProgramBuilder* builder;
// AST helper methods
/// @param expr the expression
/// @return expr
ast::Expression* Expr(ast::Expression* expr) { return expr; }
/// @param name the identifier name
/// @return an ast::IdentifierExpression with the given name
ast::IdentifierExpression* Expr(const std::string& name) {
return create<ast::IdentifierExpression>(Symbols().Register(name));
/// @param source the source information
/// @param name the identifier name
/// @return an ast::IdentifierExpression with the given name
ast::IdentifierExpression* Expr(const Source& source,
const std::string& name) {
return create<ast::IdentifierExpression>(source, Symbols().Register(name));
/// @param name the identifier name
/// @return an ast::IdentifierExpression with the given name
ast::IdentifierExpression* Expr(const char* name) {
return create<ast::IdentifierExpression>(Symbols().Register(name));
/// @param value the boolean value
/// @return a Scalar constructor for the given value
ast::ScalarConstructorExpression* Expr(bool value) {
return create<ast::ScalarConstructorExpression>(Literal(value));
/// @param value the float value
/// @return a Scalar constructor for the given value
ast::ScalarConstructorExpression* Expr(f32 value) {
return create<ast::ScalarConstructorExpression>(Literal(value));
/// @param value the integer value
/// @return a Scalar constructor for the given value
ast::ScalarConstructorExpression* Expr(i32 value) {
return create<ast::ScalarConstructorExpression>(Literal(value));
/// @param value the unsigned int value
/// @return a Scalar constructor for the given value
ast::ScalarConstructorExpression* Expr(u32 value) {
return create<ast::ScalarConstructorExpression>(Literal(value));
/// Converts `arg` to an `ast::Expression` using `Expr()`, then appends it to
/// `list`.
/// @param list the list to append too
/// @param arg the arg to create
template <typename ARG>
void Append(ast::ExpressionList& list, ARG&& arg) {
/// Converts `arg0` and `args` to `ast::Expression`s using `Expr()`,
/// then appends them to `list`.
/// @param list the list to append too
/// @param arg0 the first argument
/// @param args the rest of the arguments
template <typename ARG0, typename... ARGS>
void Append(ast::ExpressionList& list, ARG0&& arg0, ARGS&&... args) {
Append(list, std::forward<ARG0>(arg0));
Append(list, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
/// @return an empty list of expressions
ast::ExpressionList ExprList() { return {}; }
/// @param args the list of expressions
/// @return the list of expressions converted to `ast::Expression`s using
/// `Expr()`,
template <typename... ARGS>
ast::ExpressionList ExprList(ARGS&&... args) {
ast::ExpressionList list;
Append(list, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
return list;
/// @param list the list of expressions
/// @return `list`
ast::ExpressionList ExprList(ast::ExpressionList list) { return list; }
/// @param val the boolan value
/// @return a boolean literal with the given value
ast::BoolLiteral* Literal(bool val) {
return create<ast::BoolLiteral>(ty.bool_(), val);
/// @param val the float value
/// @return a float literal with the given value
ast::FloatLiteral* Literal(f32 val) {
return create<ast::FloatLiteral>(ty.f32(), val);
/// @param val the unsigned int value
/// @return a ast::UintLiteral with the given value
ast::UintLiteral* Literal(u32 val) {
return create<ast::UintLiteral>(ty.u32(), val);
/// @param val the integer value
/// @return the ast::SintLiteral with the given value
ast::SintLiteral* Literal(i32 val) {
return create<ast::SintLiteral>(ty.i32(), val);
/// @param args the arguments for the type constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of type `ty`, with the values
/// of `args` converted to `ast::Expression`s using `Expr()`
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* Construct(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.Of<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param type the type to construct
/// @param args the arguments for the constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of `type` constructed with the
/// values `args`.
template <typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* Construct(type::Type* type, ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
type, ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the vector constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of a 2-element vector of type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* vec2(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.vec2<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the vector constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of a 3-element vector of type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* vec3(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.vec3<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the vector constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of a 4-element vector of type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* vec4(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.vec4<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the matrix constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of a 2x2 matrix of type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* mat2x2(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.mat2x2<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the matrix constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of a 2x3 matrix of type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* mat2x3(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.mat2x3<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the matrix constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of a 2x4 matrix of type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* mat2x4(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.mat2x4<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the matrix constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of a 3x2 matrix of type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* mat3x2(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.mat3x2<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the matrix constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of a 3x3 matrix of type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* mat3x3(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.mat3x3<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the matrix constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of a 3x4 matrix of type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* mat3x4(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.mat3x4<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the matrix constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of a 4x2 matrix of type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* mat4x2(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.mat4x2<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the matrix constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of a 4x3 matrix of type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* mat4x3(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.mat4x3<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the matrix constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of a 4x4 matrix of type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* mat4x4(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.mat4x4<T>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param args the arguments for the array constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of an array with element type
/// `T`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename T, int N = 0, typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* array(ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.array<T, N>(), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param subtype the array element type
/// @param n the array size. 0 represents a runtime-array.
/// @param args the arguments for the array constructor
/// @return an `ast::TypeConstructorExpression` of an array with element type
/// `subtype`, constructed with the values `args`.
template <typename... ARGS>
ast::TypeConstructorExpression* array(type::Type* subtype,
uint32_t n,
ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(
ty.array(subtype, n), ExprList(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...));
/// @param name the variable name
/// @param storage the variable storage class
/// @param type the variable type
/// @returns a `ast::Variable` with the given name, storage and type. The
/// variable will be built with a nullptr constructor and no decorations.
ast::Variable* Var(const std::string& name,
ast::StorageClass storage,
type::Type* type);
/// @param name the variable name
/// @param storage the variable storage class
/// @param type the variable type
/// @param constructor constructor expression
/// @param decorations variable decorations
/// @returns a `ast::Variable` with the given name, storage and type
ast::Variable* Var(const std::string& name,
ast::StorageClass storage,
type::Type* type,
ast::Expression* constructor,
ast::VariableDecorationList decorations);
/// @param source the variable source
/// @param name the variable name
/// @param storage the variable storage class
/// @param type the variable type
/// @param constructor constructor expression
/// @param decorations variable decorations
/// @returns a `ast::Variable` with the given name, storage and type
ast::Variable* Var(const Source& source,
const std::string& name,
ast::StorageClass storage,
type::Type* type,
ast::Expression* constructor,
ast::VariableDecorationList decorations);
/// @param name the variable name
/// @param storage the variable storage class
/// @param type the variable type
/// @returns a constant `ast::Variable` with the given name, storage and type.
/// The variable will be built with a nullptr constructor and no decorations.
ast::Variable* Const(const std::string& name,
ast::StorageClass storage,
type::Type* type);
/// @param name the variable name
/// @param storage the variable storage class
/// @param type the variable type
/// @param constructor optional constructor expression
/// @param decorations optional variable decorations
/// @returns a constant `ast::Variable` with the given name, storage and type
ast::Variable* Const(const std::string& name,
ast::StorageClass storage,
type::Type* type,
ast::Expression* constructor,
ast::VariableDecorationList decorations);
/// @param source the variable source
/// @param name the variable name
/// @param storage the variable storage class
/// @param type the variable type
/// @param constructor optional constructor expression
/// @param decorations optional variable decorations
/// @returns a constant `ast::Variable` with the given name, storage and type
ast::Variable* Const(const Source& source,
const std::string& name,
ast::StorageClass storage,
type::Type* type,
ast::Expression* constructor,
ast::VariableDecorationList decorations);
/// @param func the function name
/// @param args the function call arguments
/// @returns a `ast::CallExpression` to the function `func`, with the
/// arguments of `args` converted to `ast::Expression`s using `Expr()`.
template <typename NAME, typename... ARGS>
ast::CallExpression* Call(NAME&& func, ARGS&&... args) {
return create<ast::CallExpression>(Expr(func),
/// @param lhs the left hand argument to the addition operation
/// @param rhs the right hand argument to the addition operation
/// @returns a `ast::BinaryExpression` summing the arguments `lhs` and `rhs`
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ast::Expression* Add(LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return create<ast::BinaryExpression>(ast::BinaryOp::kAdd,
/// @param lhs the left hand argument to the subtraction operation
/// @param rhs the right hand argument to the subtraction operation
/// @returns a `ast::BinaryExpression` subtracting `rhs` from `lhs`
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ast::Expression* Sub(LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return create<ast::BinaryExpression>(ast::BinaryOp::kSubtract,
/// @param lhs the left hand argument to the multiplication operation
/// @param rhs the right hand argument to the multiplication operation
/// @returns a `ast::BinaryExpression` multiplying `rhs` from `lhs`
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ast::Expression* Mul(LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return create<ast::BinaryExpression>(ast::BinaryOp::kMultiply,
/// @param arr the array argument for the array accessor expression
/// @param idx the index argument for the array accessor expression
/// @returns a `ast::ArrayAccessorExpression` that indexes `arr` with `idx`
template <typename ARR, typename IDX>
ast::Expression* IndexAccessor(ARR&& arr, IDX&& idx) {
return create<ast::ArrayAccessorExpression>(Expr(std::forward<ARR>(arr)),
/// @param obj the object for the member accessor expression
/// @param idx the index argument for the array accessor expression
/// @returns a `ast::MemberAccessorExpression` that indexes `obj` with `idx`
template <typename OBJ, typename IDX>
ast::Expression* MemberAccessor(OBJ&& obj, IDX&& idx) {
return create<ast::MemberAccessorExpression>(Expr(std::forward<OBJ>(obj)),
/// creates a ast::StructMemberOffsetDecoration
/// @param val the offset value
/// @returns the offset decoration pointer
ast::StructMemberOffsetDecoration* MemberOffset(uint32_t val) {
return create<ast::StructMemberOffsetDecoration>(source_, val);
/// creates a ast::Function
/// @param source the source information
/// @param name the function name
/// @param params the function parameters
/// @param type the function return type
/// @param body the function body
/// @param decorations the function decorations
/// @returns the function pointer
ast::Function* Func(Source source,
std::string name,
ast::VariableList params,
type::Type* type,
ast::StatementList body,
ast::FunctionDecorationList decorations) {
return create<ast::Function>(source, Symbols().Register(name), params, type,
/// creates a ast::Function
/// @param name the function name
/// @param params the function parameters
/// @param type the function return type
/// @param body the function body
/// @param decorations the function decorations
/// @returns the function pointer
ast::Function* Func(std::string name,
ast::VariableList params,
type::Type* type,
ast::StatementList body,
ast::FunctionDecorationList decorations) {
return create<ast::Function>(Symbols().Register(name), params, type,
/// creates a ast::StructMember
/// @param source the source information
/// @param name the struct member name
/// @param type the struct member type
/// @returns the struct member pointer
ast::StructMember* Member(const Source& source,
const std::string& name,
type::Type* type) {
return create<ast::StructMember>(source, Symbols().Register(name), type,
/// creates a ast::StructMember
/// @param name the struct member name
/// @param type the struct member type
/// @returns the struct member pointer
ast::StructMember* Member(const std::string& name, type::Type* type) {
return create<ast::StructMember>(source_, Symbols().Register(name), type,
/// creates a ast::StructMember
/// @param name the struct member name
/// @param type the struct member type
/// @param decorations the struct member decorations
/// @returns the struct member pointer
ast::StructMember* Member(const std::string& name,
type::Type* type,
ast::StructMemberDecorationList decorations) {
return create<ast::StructMember>(source_, Symbols().Register(name), type,
/// Sets the current builder source to `src`
/// @param src the Source used for future create() calls
void SetSource(const Source& src) {
source_ = src;
/// Sets the current builder source to `loc`
/// @param loc the Source used for future create() calls
void SetSource(const Source::Location& loc) {
source_ = Source(loc);
/// The builder types
TypesBuilder ty;
/// Asserts that the builder has not been moved.
void AssertNotMoved() const;
/// Called whenever a new variable is built with `Var()`.
virtual void OnVariableBuilt(ast::Variable*) {}
type::Manager types_;
ASTNodes nodes_;
ast::Module* ast_;
SymbolTable symbols_;
/// The source to use when creating AST nodes without providing a Source as
/// the first argument.
Source source_;
/// Set by MarkAsMoved(). Once set, no methods may be called on this builder.
bool moved_ = false;
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
// Various template specializations for ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder::CToAST.
template <>
struct ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder::CToAST<ProgramBuilder::i32> {
static type::Type* get(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder* t) {
return t->i32();
template <>
struct ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder::CToAST<ProgramBuilder::u32> {
static type::Type* get(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder* t) {
return t->u32();
template <>
struct ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder::CToAST<ProgramBuilder::f32> {
static type::Type* get(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder* t) {
return t->f32();
template <>
struct ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder::CToAST<bool> {
static type::Type* get(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder* t) {
return t->bool_();
template <>
struct ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder::CToAST<void> {
static type::Type* get(const ProgramBuilder::TypesBuilder* t) {
return t->void_();
//! @endcond
} // namespace tint