blob: ab5c20deda1a39009929a87c55f59767e9af6306 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/transform/bound_array_accessors_transform.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "src/ast/assignment_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/binary_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/bitcast_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/block_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/break_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/call_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/call_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/case_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/continue_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/discard_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/else_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/fallthrough_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/if_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/loop_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/member_accessor_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/return_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/scalar_constructor_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/sint_literal.h"
#include "src/ast/switch_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/type/array_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/matrix_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/u32_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type/vector_type.h"
#include "src/ast/type_constructor_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/uint_literal.h"
#include "src/ast/unary_op_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/variable.h"
#include "src/ast/variable_decl_statement.h"
namespace tint {
namespace transform {
BoundArrayAccessorsTransform::BoundArrayAccessorsTransform(Context* ctx,
ast::Module* mod)
: Transformer(ctx, mod) {}
BoundArrayAccessorsTransform::~BoundArrayAccessorsTransform() = default;
bool BoundArrayAccessorsTransform::Run() {
// We skip over global variables as the constructor for a global must be a
// constant expression. There can't be any array accessors as per the current
// grammar.
for (auto* func : mod_->functions()) {
if (!ProcessStatement(func->body())) {
return false;
return true;
bool BoundArrayAccessorsTransform::ProcessStatement(ast::Statement* stmt) {
if (auto* as = stmt->As<ast::AssignmentStatement>()) {
return ProcessExpression(as->lhs()) && ProcessExpression(as->rhs());
} else if (auto* block = stmt->As<ast::BlockStatement>()) {
for (auto* s : *block) {
if (!ProcessStatement(s)) {
return false;
} else if (stmt->Is<ast::BreakStatement>()) {
/* nop */
} else if (auto* call = stmt->As<ast::CallStatement>()) {
return ProcessExpression(call->expr());
} else if (auto* kase = stmt->As<ast::CaseStatement>()) {
return ProcessStatement(kase->body());
} else if (stmt->Is<ast::ContinueStatement>()) {
/* nop */
} else if (stmt->Is<ast::DiscardStatement>()) {
/* nop */
} else if (auto* e = stmt->As<ast::ElseStatement>()) {
return ProcessExpression(e->condition()) && ProcessStatement(e->body());
} else if (stmt->Is<ast::FallthroughStatement>()) {
/* nop */
} else if (auto* i = stmt->As<ast::IfStatement>()) {
if (!ProcessExpression(i->condition()) || !ProcessStatement(i->body())) {
return false;
for (auto* s : i->else_statements()) {
if (!ProcessStatement(s)) {
return false;
} else if (auto* l = stmt->As<ast::LoopStatement>()) {
if (l->has_continuing() && !ProcessStatement(l->continuing())) {
return false;
return ProcessStatement(l->body());
} else if (auto* r = stmt->As<ast::ReturnStatement>()) {
if (r->has_value()) {
return ProcessExpression(r->value());
} else if (auto* s = stmt->As<ast::SwitchStatement>()) {
if (!ProcessExpression(s->condition())) {
return false;
for (auto* c : s->body()) {
if (!ProcessStatement(c)) {
return false;
} else if (auto* vd = stmt->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()) {
auto* v = vd->variable();
if (v->has_constructor() && !ProcessExpression(v->constructor())) {
return false;
scope_stack_.set(v->name(), v);
} else {
error_ = "unknown statement in bound array accessors transform";
return false;
return true;
bool BoundArrayAccessorsTransform::ProcessExpression(ast::Expression* expr) {
if (auto* array = expr->As<ast::ArrayAccessorExpression>()) {
return ProcessArrayAccessor(array);
} else if (auto* bitcast = expr->As<ast::BitcastExpression>()) {
return ProcessExpression(bitcast->expr());
} else if (auto* call = expr->As<ast::CallExpression>()) {
if (!ProcessExpression(call->func())) {
return false;
for (auto* e : call->params()) {
if (!ProcessExpression(e)) {
return false;
} else if (expr->Is<ast::IdentifierExpression>()) {
/* nop */
} else if (expr->Is<ast::ConstructorExpression>()) {
if (auto* c = expr->As<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>()) {
for (auto* e : c->values()) {
if (!ProcessExpression(e)) {
return false;
} else if (auto* m = expr->As<ast::MemberAccessorExpression>()) {
return ProcessExpression(m->structure()) && ProcessExpression(m->member());
} else if (auto* b = expr->As<ast::BinaryExpression>()) {
return ProcessExpression(b->lhs()) && ProcessExpression(b->rhs());
} else if (auto* u = expr->As<ast::UnaryOpExpression>()) {
return ProcessExpression(u->expr());
} else {
error_ = "unknown statement in bound array accessors transform";
return false;
return true;
bool BoundArrayAccessorsTransform::ProcessArrayAccessor(
ast::ArrayAccessorExpression* expr) {
if (!ProcessExpression(expr->array()) ||
!ProcessExpression(expr->idx_expr())) {
return false;
auto* ret_type = expr->array()->result_type()->UnwrapAll();
if (!ret_type->Is<ast::type::ArrayType>() &&
!ret_type->Is<ast::type::MatrixType>() &&
!ret_type->Is<ast::type::VectorType>()) {
return true;
if (ret_type->Is<ast::type::VectorType>() ||
ret_type->Is<ast::type::ArrayType>()) {
uint32_t size = ret_type->Is<ast::type::VectorType>()
? ret_type->As<ast::type::VectorType>()->size()
: ret_type->As<ast::type::ArrayType>()->size();
if (size == 0) {
error_ = "invalid 0 size for array or vector";
return false;
if (!ProcessAccessExpression(expr, size)) {
return false;
} else {
// The row accessor would have been an embedded array accessor and already
// handled, so we just need to do columns here.
uint32_t size = ret_type->As<ast::type::MatrixType>()->columns();
if (!ProcessAccessExpression(expr, size)) {
return false;
return true;
bool BoundArrayAccessorsTransform::ProcessAccessExpression(
ast::ArrayAccessorExpression* expr,
uint32_t size) {
// Scalar constructor we can re-write the value to be within bounds.
if (auto* c = expr->idx_expr()->As<ast::ScalarConstructorExpression>()) {
auto* lit = c->literal();
if (lit->Is<ast::SintLiteral>()) {
int32_t val = lit->As<ast::SintLiteral>()->value();
if (val < 0) {
val = 0;
} else if (val >= int32_t(size)) {
val = int32_t(size) - 1;
} else if (lit->Is<ast::UintLiteral>()) {
uint32_t val = lit->As<ast::UintLiteral>()->value();
if (val >= size - 1) {
val = size - 1;
} else {
error_ = "unknown scalar constructor type for accessor";
return false;
} else {
auto* u32 = mod_->create<ast::type::U32Type>();
ast::ExpressionList cast_expr;
ast::ExpressionList params;
params.push_back(create<ast::TypeConstructorExpression>(u32, cast_expr));
create<ast::UintLiteral>(u32, size - 1)));
auto* call_expr = create<ast::CallExpression>(
create<ast::IdentifierExpression>("min"), std::move(params));
return true;
} // namespace transform
} // namespace tint