blob: 779a2f3ffa174e98e1646d8d125139f12426ab14 [file] [log] [blame]
Validation Failure:
float[4] f1() {
const float tint_symbol[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
return tint_symbol;
float[3][4] f2() {
const float tint_symbol_1[3][4] = {f1(), f1(), f1()};
return tint_symbol_1;
float[2][3][4] f3() {
const float tint_symbol_2[2][3][4] = {f2(), f2()};
return tint_symbol_2;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void main() {
const float a1[4] = f1();
const float a2[3][4] = f2();
const float a3[2][3][4] = f3();
tint_gQgfKR:1:14: error: brackets are not allowed here; to declare an array, place the brackets after the name
float[4] f1() {
~~~ ^
tint_gQgfKR:5:17: error: brackets are not allowed here; to declare an array, place the brackets after the name
float[3][4] f2() {
~~~~~~ ^
tint_gQgfKR:9:20: error: brackets are not allowed here; to declare an array, place the brackets after the name
float[2][3][4] f3() {
~~~~~~~~~ ^