blob: 8b817dbb117ccc67171ca6d87f07e7263b719277 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/ast/transform/hoist_to_decl_before.h"
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/reference.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/ast/builder.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/program/clone_context.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/block_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/for_loop_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/if_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/variable.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/while_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/hashmap.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/reverse.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/transform.h"
namespace tint::ast::transform {
/// Private implementation of HoistToDeclBefore transform
struct HoistToDeclBefore::State {
/// Constructor
/// @param ctx_in the clone context
explicit State(program::CloneContext& ctx_in) : ctx(ctx_in), b(*ctx_in.dst) {}
/// @copydoc HoistToDeclBefore::Add()
bool Add(const sem::ValueExpression* before_expr,
const Expression* expr,
VariableKind kind,
const char* decl_name) {
auto name = b.Symbols().New(decl_name);
switch (kind) {
case VariableKind::kLet: {
auto* ty = ctx.src->Sem().GetVal(expr)->Type();
auto builder = [this, expr, name, ty] {
return b.Decl(b.Let(name, Transform::CreateASTTypeFor(ctx, ty),
if (!InsertBeforeImpl(before_expr->Stmt(), std::move(builder))) {
return false;
case VariableKind::kVar: {
auto* ty = ctx.src->Sem().GetVal(expr)->Type();
auto builder = [this, expr, name, ty] {
return b.Decl(b.Var(name, Transform::CreateASTTypeFor(ctx, ty),
if (!InsertBeforeImpl(before_expr->Stmt(), std::move(builder))) {
return false;
case VariableKind::kConst: {
auto builder = [this, expr, name] {
return b.Decl(b.Const(name, ctx.CloneWithoutTransform(expr)));
if (!InsertBeforeImpl(before_expr->Stmt(), std::move(builder))) {
return false;
// Replace the source expression with a reference to the hoisted declaration.
ctx.Replace(expr, b.Expr(name));
return true;
/// @copydoc HoistToDeclBefore::InsertBefore(const sem::Statement*, const Statement*)
bool InsertBefore(const sem::Statement* before_stmt, const Statement* stmt) {
if (stmt) {
auto builder = [stmt] { return stmt; };
return InsertBeforeImpl(before_stmt, std::move(builder));
return InsertBeforeImpl(before_stmt, Decompose{});
/// @copydoc HoistToDeclBefore::InsertBefore(const sem::Statement*, const StmtBuilder&)
bool InsertBefore(const sem::Statement* before_stmt, const StmtBuilder& builder) {
return InsertBeforeImpl(before_stmt, std::move(builder));
/// @copydoc HoistToDeclBefore::Replace(const sem::Statement* what, const Statement* with)
bool Replace(const sem::Statement* what, const Statement* with) {
auto builder = [with] { return with; };
return Replace(what, std::move(builder));
/// @copydoc HoistToDeclBefore::Replace(const sem::Statement* what, const StmtBuilder& with)
bool Replace(const sem::Statement* what, const StmtBuilder& with) {
if (!InsertBeforeImpl(what, Decompose{})) {
return false;
ctx.Replace(what->Declaration(), with);
return true;
/// @copydoc HoistToDeclBefore::Prepare()
bool Prepare(const sem::ValueExpression* before_expr) {
return InsertBefore(before_expr->Stmt(), nullptr);
program::CloneContext& ctx;
ast::Builder& b;
/// Holds information about a for-loop that needs to be decomposed into a
/// loop, so that declaration statements can be inserted before the
/// condition expression or continuing statement.
struct LoopInfo {
Vector<StmtBuilder, 8> init_decls;
Vector<StmtBuilder, 8> cond_decls;
Vector<StmtBuilder, 8> cont_decls;
/// Info for each else-if that needs decomposing
struct ElseIfInfo {
/// Decls to insert before condition
Vector<StmtBuilder, 8> cond_decls;
/// For-loops that need to be decomposed to loops.
Hashmap<const sem::ForLoopStatement*, LoopInfo, 4> for_loops;
/// Whiles that need to be decomposed to loops.
Hashmap<const sem::WhileStatement*, LoopInfo, 4> while_loops;
/// 'else if' statements that need to be decomposed to 'else {if}'
Hashmap<const IfStatement*, ElseIfInfo, 4> else_ifs;
template <size_t N>
static auto Build(const Vector<StmtBuilder, N>& builders) {
return tint::Transform(builders, [&](auto& builder) { return builder(); });
/// @returns a new LoopInfo reference for the given @p for_loop.
/// @note if this is the first call to this method, then RegisterForLoopTransform() is
/// automatically called.
/// @warning the returned reference is invalid if this is called a second time, or the
/// #for_loops map is mutated.
auto ForLoop(const sem::ForLoopStatement* for_loop) {
if (for_loops.IsEmpty()) {
return for_loops.GetOrZero(for_loop);
/// @returns a new LoopInfo reference for the given @p while_loop.
/// @note if this is the first call to this method, then RegisterWhileLoopTransform() is
/// automatically called.
/// @warning the returned reference is invalid if this is called a second time, or the
/// #for_loops map is mutated.
auto WhileLoop(const sem::WhileStatement* while_loop) {
if (while_loops.IsEmpty()) {
return while_loops.GetOrZero(while_loop);
/// @returns a new ElseIfInfo reference for the given @p else_if.
/// @note if this is the first call to this method, then RegisterElseIfTransform() is
/// automatically called.
/// @warning the returned reference is invalid if this is called a second time, or the
/// #else_ifs map is mutated.
auto ElseIf(const IfStatement* else_if) {
if (else_ifs.IsEmpty()) {
return else_ifs.GetOrZero(else_if);
/// Registers the handler for transforming for-loops based on the content of the #for_loops map.
void RegisterForLoopTransform() const {
ctx.ReplaceAll([&](const ForLoopStatement* stmt) -> const Statement* {
auto& sem = ctx.src->Sem();
if (auto* fl = sem.Get(stmt)) {
if (auto info = for_loops.Find(fl)) {
auto* for_loop = fl->Declaration();
// For-loop needs to be decomposed to a loop.
// Build the loop body's statements.
// Start with any let declarations for the conditional expression.
auto body_stmts = Build(info->cond_decls);
// If the for-loop has a condition, emit this next as:
// if (!cond) { break; }
if (auto* cond = for_loop->condition) {
// !condition
auto* not_cond =
b.create<UnaryOpExpression>(core::UnaryOp::kNot, ctx.Clone(cond));
// { break; }
auto* break_body = b.Block(b.create<BreakStatement>());
// if (!condition) { break; }
body_stmts.Push(b.If(not_cond, break_body));
// Next emit the for-loop body
// Create the continuing block if there was one.
const BlockStatement* continuing = nullptr;
if (auto* cont = for_loop->continuing) {
// Continuing block starts with any let declarations used by
// the continuing.
auto cont_stmts = Build(info->cont_decls);
continuing = b.Block(cont_stmts);
auto* body = b.Block(body_stmts);
auto* loop = b.Loop(body, continuing);
// If the loop has no initializer statements, then we're done.
// Otherwise, wrap loop with another block, prefixed with the initializer
// statements
if (!info->init_decls.IsEmpty() || for_loop->initializer) {
auto stmts = Build(info->init_decls);
if (auto* init = for_loop->initializer) {
return b.Block(std::move(stmts));
return loop;
return nullptr;
/// Registers the handler for transforming while-loops based on the content of the #while_loops
/// map.
void RegisterWhileLoopTransform() const {
// At least one while needs to be transformed into a loop.
ctx.ReplaceAll([&](const WhileStatement* stmt) -> const Statement* {
auto& sem = ctx.src->Sem();
if (auto* w = sem.Get(stmt)) {
if (auto info = while_loops.Find(w)) {
auto* while_loop = w->Declaration();
// While needs to be decomposed to a loop.
// Build the loop body's statements.
// Start with any let declarations for the conditional
// expression.
auto body_stmts =
tint::Transform(info->cond_decls, [&](auto& builder) { return builder(); });
// Emit the condition as:
// if (!cond) { break; }
auto* cond = while_loop->condition;
// !condition
auto* not_cond = b.Not(ctx.Clone(cond));
// { break; }
auto* break_body = b.Block(b.Break());
// if (!condition) { break; }
body_stmts.Push(b.If(not_cond, break_body));
// Next emit the body
const BlockStatement* continuing = nullptr;
auto* body = b.Block(body_stmts);
auto* loop = b.Loop(body, continuing);
return loop;
return nullptr;
/// Registers the handler for transforming if-statements based on the content of the #else_ifs
/// map.
void RegisterElseIfTransform() const {
// Decompose 'else-if' statements into 'else { if }' blocks.
ctx.ReplaceAll([&](const IfStatement* stmt) -> const Statement* {
if (auto info = else_ifs.Find(stmt)) {
// Build the else block's body statements, starting with let decls for the
// conditional expression.
auto body_stmts = Build(info->cond_decls);
// Move the 'else-if' into the new `else` block as a plain 'if'.
auto* cond = ctx.Clone(stmt->condition);
auto* body = ctx.Clone(stmt->body);
auto* new_if = b.If(cond, body, b.Else(ctx.Clone(stmt->else_statement)));
// Replace the 'else-if' with the new 'else' block.
return b.Block(body_stmts);
return nullptr;
/// A type used to signal to InsertBeforeImpl that no insertion should take place - instead flow
/// control statements should just be decomposed.
struct Decompose {};
template <typename BUILDER>
bool InsertBeforeImpl(const sem::Statement* before_stmt, BUILDER&& builder) {
(void)builder; // Avoid 'unused parameter' warning due to 'if constexpr'
auto* ip = before_stmt->Declaration();
auto* else_if = before_stmt->As<sem::IfStatement>();
if (else_if && else_if->Parent()->Is<sem::IfStatement>()) {
// Insertion point is an 'else if' condition.
// Need to convert 'else if' to 'else { if }'.
auto else_if_info = ElseIf(else_if->Declaration());
// Index the map to decompose this else if, even if `stmt` is nullptr.
auto& decls = else_if_info->cond_decls;
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<BUILDER, Decompose>) {
return true;
if (auto* fl = before_stmt->As<sem::ForLoopStatement>()) {
// Insertion point is a for-loop condition.
// For-loop needs to be decomposed to a loop.
// Index the map to decompose this for-loop, even if `stmt` is nullptr.
auto& decls = ForLoop(fl)->cond_decls;
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<BUILDER, Decompose>) {
return true;
if (auto* w = before_stmt->As<sem::WhileStatement>()) {
// Insertion point is a while condition.
// While needs to be decomposed to a loop.
// Index the map to decompose this while, even if `stmt` is nullptr.
auto& decls = WhileLoop(w)->cond_decls;
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<BUILDER, Decompose>) {
return true;
auto* parent = before_stmt->Parent(); // The statement's parent
if (auto* block = parent->As<sem::BlockStatement>()) {
// Insert point sits in a block. Simple case.
// Insert the stmt before the parent statement.
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<BUILDER, Decompose>) {
ctx.InsertBefore(block->Declaration()->statements, ip,
return true;
auto* fl = parent->As<sem::ForLoopStatement>();
if (TINT_LIKELY(fl)) {
// Insertion point is a for-loop initializer or continuing statement.
// These require special care.
if (fl->Declaration()->initializer == ip) {
// Insertion point is a for-loop initializer.
// For-loop needs to be decomposed to a loop.
// Index the map to decompose this for-loop, even if `stmt` is nullptr.
auto& decls = ForLoop(fl)->init_decls;
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<BUILDER, Decompose>) {
return true;
if (TINT_LIKELY(fl->Declaration()->continuing == ip)) {
// Insertion point is a for-loop continuing statement.
// For-loop needs to be decomposed to a loop.
// Index the map to decompose this for-loop, even if `stmt` is nullptr.
auto& decls = ForLoop(fl)->cont_decls;
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<BUILDER, Decompose>) {
return true;
TINT_ICE() << "unhandled use of expression in for-loop";
return false;
TINT_ICE() << "unhandled expression parent statement type: " << parent->TypeInfo().name;
return false;
HoistToDeclBefore::HoistToDeclBefore(program::CloneContext& ctx)
: state_(std::make_unique<State>(ctx)) {}
HoistToDeclBefore::~HoistToDeclBefore() {}
bool HoistToDeclBefore::Add(const sem::ValueExpression* before_expr,
const Expression* expr,
VariableKind kind,
const char* decl_name) {
return state_->Add(before_expr, expr, kind, decl_name);
bool HoistToDeclBefore::InsertBefore(const sem::Statement* before_stmt, const Statement* stmt) {
return state_->InsertBefore(before_stmt, stmt);
bool HoistToDeclBefore::InsertBefore(const sem::Statement* before_stmt,
const StmtBuilder& builder) {
return state_->InsertBefore(before_stmt, builder);
bool HoistToDeclBefore::Replace(const sem::Statement* what, const Statement* with) {
return state_->Replace(what, with);
bool HoistToDeclBefore::Replace(const sem::Statement* what, const StmtBuilder& with) {
return state_->Replace(what, with);
bool HoistToDeclBefore::Prepare(const sem::ValueExpression* before_expr) {
return state_->Prepare(before_expr);
} // namespace tint::ast::transform