test: Update expected test output

This new test was added around the same time as the entry point IO
rework, so the (now incorrect) test output made it past the bots.

Change-Id: I89fc4041b9cd00cd363ba61d07371554263eca96
Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/tint/+/61460
Auto-Submit: James Price <jrprice@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Ryan Harrison <rharrison@chromium.org>
Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com>
Commit-Queue: James Price <jrprice@google.com>
diff --git a/test/bug/tint/1088.spvasm.expected.hlsl b/test/bug/tint/1088.spvasm.expected.hlsl
index a77d6dc..c2274db 100644
--- a/test/bug/tint/1088.spvasm.expected.hlsl
+++ b/test/bug/tint/1088.spvasm.expected.hlsl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 static float3 normal = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
 static float4 gl_Position = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
-float4x4 tint_symbol_5(uint4 buffer[17], uint offset) {
+float4x4 tint_symbol_4(uint4 buffer[17], uint offset) {
   const uint scalar_offset = ((offset + 0u)) / 4;
   const uint scalar_offset_1 = ((offset + 16u)) / 4;
   const uint scalar_offset_2 = ((offset + 32u)) / 4;
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   const float x_55 = p.y;
   const float x_57 = asfloat(x_14[4].x);
   p.y = (x_55 + sin((x_57 + 4.0f)));
-  const float4x4 x_69 = tint_symbol_5(x_14, 0u);
+  const float4x4 x_69 = tint_symbol_4(x_14, 0u);
   const float3 x_70 = p;
   gl_Position = mul(float4(x_70.x, x_70.y, x_70.z, 1.0f), x_69);
   vUV = uv;
@@ -54,15 +54,19 @@
   float4 gl_Position : SV_Position;
-tint_symbol_2 main(tint_symbol_1 tint_symbol) {
-  const float3 position_param = tint_symbol.position_param;
-  const float2 uv_param = tint_symbol.uv_param;
-  const float3 normal_param = tint_symbol.normal_param;
+main_out main_inner(float3 position_param, float2 uv_param, float3 normal_param) {
   position = position_param;
   uv = uv_param;
   normal = normal_param;
-  const main_out tint_symbol_3 = {gl_Position, vUV};
-  const tint_symbol_2 tint_symbol_7 = {tint_symbol_3.vUV_1, tint_symbol_3.gl_Position};
-  return tint_symbol_7;
+  const main_out tint_symbol_6 = {gl_Position, vUV};
+  return tint_symbol_6;
+tint_symbol_2 main(tint_symbol_1 tint_symbol) {
+  const main_out inner_result = main_inner(tint_symbol.position_param, tint_symbol.uv_param, tint_symbol.normal_param);
+  tint_symbol_2 wrapper_result = (tint_symbol_2)0;
+  wrapper_result.gl_Position = inner_result.gl_Position;
+  wrapper_result.vUV_1 = inner_result.vUV_1;
+  return wrapper_result;
diff --git a/test/bug/tint/1088.spvasm.expected.msl b/test/bug/tint/1088.spvasm.expected.msl
index 2e9e3da..1c1ef4a 100644
--- a/test/bug/tint/1088.spvasm.expected.msl
+++ b/test/bug/tint/1088.spvasm.expected.msl
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@
   float4 gl_Position [[position]];
-void main_1(constant LeftOver& x_14, thread float3* const tint_symbol_6, thread float4* const tint_symbol_7, thread float2* const tint_symbol_8, thread float2* const tint_symbol_9) {
+void main_1(constant LeftOver& x_14, thread float3* const tint_symbol_5, thread float4* const tint_symbol_6, thread float2* const tint_symbol_7, thread float2* const tint_symbol_8) {
   float4 q = 0.0f;
   float3 p = 0.0f;
-  float3 const x_13 = *(tint_symbol_6);
+  float3 const x_13 = *(tint_symbol_5);
   q = float4(x_13.x, x_13.y, x_13.z, 1.0f);
   float4 const x_21 = q;
   p = float3(x_21.x, x_21.y, x_21.z);
   float const x_27 = p.x;
   float const x_41 = x_14.test.arr[0].el;
-  float const x_45 = (*(tint_symbol_6)).y;
+  float const x_45 = (*(tint_symbol_5)).y;
   float const x_49 = x_14.time;
   p.x = (x_27 + sin(((x_41 * x_45) + x_49)));
   float const x_55 = p.y;
@@ -49,29 +49,33 @@
   p.y = (x_55 + sin((x_57 + 4.0f)));
   float4x4 const x_69 = x_14.worldViewProjection;
   float3 const x_70 = p;
-  *(tint_symbol_7) = (x_69 * float4(x_70.x, x_70.y, x_70.z, 1.0f));
-  float2 const x_83 = *(tint_symbol_8);
-  *(tint_symbol_9) = x_83;
-  float const x_87 = (*(tint_symbol_7)).y;
-  (*(tint_symbol_7)).y = (x_87 * -1.0f);
+  *(tint_symbol_6) = (x_69 * float4(x_70.x, x_70.y, x_70.z, 1.0f));
+  float2 const x_83 = *(tint_symbol_7);
+  *(tint_symbol_8) = x_83;
+  float const x_87 = (*(tint_symbol_6)).y;
+  (*(tint_symbol_6)).y = (x_87 * -1.0f);
+main_out tint_symbol_inner(constant LeftOver& x_14, float3 position_param, float2 uv_param, float3 normal_param, thread float3* const tint_symbol_9, thread float2* const tint_symbol_10, thread float3* const tint_symbol_11, thread float4* const tint_symbol_12, thread float2* const tint_symbol_13) {
+  *(tint_symbol_9) = position_param;
+  *(tint_symbol_10) = uv_param;
+  *(tint_symbol_11) = normal_param;
+  main_1(x_14, tint_symbol_9, tint_symbol_12, tint_symbol_10, tint_symbol_13);
+  main_out const tint_symbol_4 = {.gl_Position=*(tint_symbol_12), .vUV_1=*(tint_symbol_13)};
+  return tint_symbol_4;
 vertex tint_symbol_3 tint_symbol(tint_symbol_2 tint_symbol_1 [[stage_in]], constant LeftOver& x_14 [[buffer(2)]]) {
-  thread float3 tint_symbol_10 = 0.0f;
-  thread float2 tint_symbol_11 = 0.0f;
-  thread float3 tint_symbol_12 = 0.0f;
-  thread float4 tint_symbol_13 = 0.0f;
-  thread float2 tint_symbol_14 = 0.0f;
-  float3 const position_param = tint_symbol_1.position_param;
-  float2 const uv_param = tint_symbol_1.uv_param;
-  float3 const normal_param = tint_symbol_1.normal_param;
-  tint_symbol_10 = position_param;
-  tint_symbol_11 = uv_param;
-  tint_symbol_12 = normal_param;
-  main_1(x_14, &(tint_symbol_10), &(tint_symbol_13), &(tint_symbol_11), &(tint_symbol_14));
-  main_out const tint_symbol_4 = {.gl_Position=tint_symbol_13, .vUV_1=tint_symbol_14};
-  tint_symbol_3 const tint_symbol_5 = {.vUV_1=tint_symbol_4.vUV_1, .gl_Position=tint_symbol_4.gl_Position};
-  return tint_symbol_5;
+  thread float3 tint_symbol_14 = 0.0f;
+  thread float2 tint_symbol_15 = 0.0f;
+  thread float3 tint_symbol_16 = 0.0f;
+  thread float4 tint_symbol_17 = 0.0f;
+  thread float2 tint_symbol_18 = 0.0f;
+  main_out const inner_result = tint_symbol_inner(x_14, tint_symbol_1.position_param, tint_symbol_1.uv_param, tint_symbol_1.normal_param, &(tint_symbol_14), &(tint_symbol_15), &(tint_symbol_16), &(tint_symbol_17), &(tint_symbol_18));
+  tint_symbol_3 wrapper_result = {};
+  wrapper_result.gl_Position = inner_result.gl_Position;
+  wrapper_result.vUV_1 = inner_result.vUV_1;
+  return wrapper_result;
diff --git a/test/bug/tint/1088.spvasm.expected.spvasm b/test/bug/tint/1088.spvasm.expected.spvasm
index aef2a82..721a011 100644
--- a/test/bug/tint/1088.spvasm.expected.spvasm
+++ b/test/bug/tint/1088.spvasm.expected.spvasm
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
 ; Version: 1.3
 ; Generator: Google Tint Compiler; 0
-; Bound: 119
+; Bound: 121
 ; Schema: 0
                OpCapability Shader
          %74 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
                OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
-               OpEntryPoint Vertex %main "main" %tint_pointsize %tint_symbol %tint_symbol_1 %tint_symbol_2 %tint_symbol_4 %tint_symbol_5
-               OpName %tint_pointsize "tint_pointsize"
+               OpEntryPoint Vertex %main "main" %position_param_1 %uv_param_1 %normal_param_1 %gl_Position_1 %vUV_1_1 %vertex_point_size
+               OpName %position_param_1 "position_param_1"
+               OpName %uv_param_1 "uv_param_1"
+               OpName %normal_param_1 "normal_param_1"
+               OpName %gl_Position_1 "gl_Position_1"
+               OpName %vUV_1_1 "vUV_1_1"
+               OpName %vertex_point_size "vertex_point_size"
                OpName %position "position"
                OpName %LeftOver "LeftOver"
                OpMemberName %LeftOver 0 "worldViewProjection"
@@ -19,21 +24,23 @@
                OpName %uv "uv"
                OpName %normal "normal"
                OpName %gl_Position "gl_Position"
-               OpName %tint_symbol "tint_symbol"
-               OpName %tint_symbol_1 "tint_symbol_1"
-               OpName %tint_symbol_2 "tint_symbol_2"
-               OpName %tint_symbol_4 "tint_symbol_4"
-               OpName %tint_symbol_5 "tint_symbol_5"
                OpName %main_1 "main_1"
                OpName %q "q"
                OpName %p "p"
                OpName %main_out "main_out"
                OpMemberName %main_out 0 "gl_Position"
                OpMemberName %main_out 1 "vUV_1"
-               OpName %tint_symbol_6 "tint_symbol_6"
-               OpName %tint_symbol_3 "tint_symbol_3"
+               OpName %main_inner "main_inner"
+               OpName %position_param "position_param"
+               OpName %uv_param "uv_param"
+               OpName %normal_param "normal_param"
                OpName %main "main"
-               OpDecorate %tint_pointsize BuiltIn PointSize
+               OpDecorate %position_param_1 Location 0
+               OpDecorate %uv_param_1 Location 2
+               OpDecorate %normal_param_1 Location 1
+               OpDecorate %gl_Position_1 BuiltIn Position
+               OpDecorate %vUV_1_1 Location 0
+               OpDecorate %vertex_point_size BuiltIn PointSize
                OpDecorate %LeftOver Block
                OpMemberDecorate %LeftOver 0 Offset 0
                OpMemberDecorate %LeftOver 0 ColMajor
@@ -48,22 +55,29 @@
                OpDecorate %x_14 NonWritable
                OpDecorate %x_14 DescriptorSet 2
                OpDecorate %x_14 Binding 2
-               OpDecorate %tint_symbol Location 0
-               OpDecorate %tint_symbol_1 Location 2
-               OpDecorate %tint_symbol_2 Location 1
-               OpDecorate %tint_symbol_4 BuiltIn Position
-               OpDecorate %tint_symbol_5 Location 0
                OpMemberDecorate %main_out 0 Offset 0
                OpMemberDecorate %main_out 1 Offset 16
       %float = OpTypeFloat 32
-%_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
-          %4 = OpConstantNull %float
-%tint_pointsize = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output %4
     %v3float = OpTypeVector %float 3
-%_ptr_Private_v3float = OpTypePointer Private %v3float
-          %8 = OpConstantNull %v3float
-   %position = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_v3float Private %8
+%_ptr_Input_v3float = OpTypePointer Input %v3float
+%position_param_1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3float Input
+    %v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
+%_ptr_Input_v2float = OpTypePointer Input %v2float
+ %uv_param_1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v2float Input
+%normal_param_1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3float Input
     %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+         %12 = OpConstantNull %v4float
+%gl_Position_1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output %12
+%_ptr_Output_v2float = OpTypePointer Output %v2float
+         %15 = OpConstantNull %v2float
+    %vUV_1_1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v2float Output %15
+%_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
+         %18 = OpConstantNull %float
+%vertex_point_size = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output %18
+%_ptr_Private_v3float = OpTypePointer Private %v3float
+         %21 = OpConstantNull %v3float
+   %position = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_v3float Private %21
 %mat4v4float = OpTypeMatrix %v4float 4
        %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
      %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
@@ -73,24 +87,12 @@
    %LeftOver = OpTypeStruct %mat4v4float %float %_arr_mat4v4float_uint_2 %_arr_float_uint_4
 %_ptr_Uniform_LeftOver = OpTypePointer Uniform %LeftOver
        %x_14 = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_LeftOver Uniform
-    %v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
 %_ptr_Private_v2float = OpTypePointer Private %v2float
-         %22 = OpConstantNull %v2float
-        %vUV = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_v2float Private %22
-         %uv = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_v2float Private %22
-     %normal = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_v3float Private %8
+        %vUV = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_v2float Private %15
+         %uv = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_v2float Private %15
+     %normal = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_v3float Private %21
 %_ptr_Private_v4float = OpTypePointer Private %v4float
-         %27 = OpConstantNull %v4float
-%gl_Position = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_v4float Private %27
-%_ptr_Input_v3float = OpTypePointer Input %v3float
-%tint_symbol = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3float Input
-%_ptr_Input_v2float = OpTypePointer Input %v2float
-%tint_symbol_1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v2float Input
-%tint_symbol_2 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3float Input
-%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
-%tint_symbol_4 = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output %27
-%_ptr_Output_v2float = OpTypePointer Output %v2float
-%tint_symbol_5 = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v2float Output %22
+%gl_Position = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_v4float Private %12
        %void = OpTypeVoid
          %37 = OpTypeFunction %void
 %_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
@@ -108,11 +110,11 @@
 %_ptr_Uniform_mat4v4float = OpTypePointer Uniform %mat4v4float
    %float_n1 = OpConstant %float -1
    %main_out = OpTypeStruct %v4float %v2float
-        %102 = OpTypeFunction %void %main_out
+        %102 = OpTypeFunction %main_out %v3float %v2float %v3float
      %main_1 = OpFunction %void None %37
          %40 = OpLabel
-          %q = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function %27
-          %p = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3float Function %8
+          %q = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function %12
+          %p = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3float Function %21
          %45 = OpLoad %v3float %position
          %46 = OpCompositeExtract %float %45 0
          %47 = OpCompositeExtract %float %45 1
@@ -166,28 +168,30 @@
                OpStore %99 %101
-%tint_symbol_6 = OpFunction %void None %102
-%tint_symbol_3 = OpFunctionParameter %main_out
-        %106 = OpLabel
-        %107 = OpCompositeExtract %v4float %tint_symbol_3 0
-               OpStore %tint_symbol_4 %107
-        %108 = OpCompositeExtract %v2float %tint_symbol_3 1
-               OpStore %tint_symbol_5 %108
-               OpReturn
+ %main_inner = OpFunction %main_out None %102
+%position_param = OpFunctionParameter %v3float
+   %uv_param = OpFunctionParameter %v2float
+%normal_param = OpFunctionParameter %v3float
+        %108 = OpLabel
+               OpStore %position %position_param
+               OpStore %uv %uv_param
+               OpStore %normal %normal_param
+        %109 = OpFunctionCall %void %main_1
+        %110 = OpLoad %v4float %gl_Position
+        %111 = OpLoad %v2float %vUV
+        %112 = OpCompositeConstruct %main_out %110 %111
+               OpReturnValue %112
        %main = OpFunction %void None %37
-        %110 = OpLabel
-               OpStore %tint_pointsize %float_1
-        %111 = OpLoad %v3float %tint_symbol
-               OpStore %position %111
-        %112 = OpLoad %v2float %tint_symbol_1
-               OpStore %uv %112
-        %113 = OpLoad %v3float %tint_symbol_2
-               OpStore %normal %113
-        %114 = OpFunctionCall %void %main_1
-        %116 = OpLoad %v4float %gl_Position
-        %117 = OpLoad %v2float %vUV
-        %118 = OpCompositeConstruct %main_out %116 %117
-        %115 = OpFunctionCall %void %tint_symbol_6 %118
+        %114 = OpLabel
+        %116 = OpLoad %v3float %position_param_1
+        %117 = OpLoad %v2float %uv_param_1
+        %118 = OpLoad %v3float %normal_param_1
+        %115 = OpFunctionCall %main_out %main_inner %116 %117 %118
+        %119 = OpCompositeExtract %v4float %115 0
+               OpStore %gl_Position_1 %119
+        %120 = OpCompositeExtract %v2float %115 1
+               OpStore %vUV_1_1 %120
+               OpStore %vertex_point_size %float_1