blob: a4f8b72705febb9c7a399cbf3e6cba94df545684 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/writer/msl/generator_impl.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/ast/alias.h"
#include "src/ast/bool_literal_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/call_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/disable_validation_decoration.h"
#include "src/ast/fallthrough_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/float_literal_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/interpolate_decoration.h"
#include "src/ast/module.h"
#include "src/ast/override_decoration.h"
#include "src/ast/sint_literal_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/uint_literal_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/variable_decl_statement.h"
#include "src/ast/void.h"
#include "src/sem/array.h"
#include "src/sem/atomic_type.h"
#include "src/sem/bool_type.h"
#include "src/sem/call.h"
#include "src/sem/depth_multisampled_texture_type.h"
#include "src/sem/depth_texture_type.h"
#include "src/sem/f32_type.h"
#include "src/sem/function.h"
#include "src/sem/i32_type.h"
#include "src/sem/matrix_type.h"
#include "src/sem/member_accessor_expression.h"
#include "src/sem/multisampled_texture_type.h"
#include "src/sem/pointer_type.h"
#include "src/sem/reference_type.h"
#include "src/sem/sampled_texture_type.h"
#include "src/sem/storage_texture_type.h"
#include "src/sem/struct.h"
#include "src/sem/type_constructor.h"
#include "src/sem/type_conversion.h"
#include "src/sem/u32_type.h"
#include "src/sem/variable.h"
#include "src/sem/vector_type.h"
#include "src/sem/void_type.h"
#include "src/transform/array_length_from_uniform.h"
#include "src/transform/canonicalize_entry_point_io.h"
#include "src/transform/external_texture_transform.h"
#include "src/transform/manager.h"
#include "src/transform/module_scope_var_to_entry_point_param.h"
#include "src/transform/pad_array_elements.h"
#include "src/transform/promote_initializers_to_const_var.h"
#include "src/transform/remove_phonies.h"
#include "src/transform/simplify_pointers.h"
#include "src/transform/unshadow.h"
#include "src/transform/vectorize_scalar_matrix_constructors.h"
#include "src/transform/wrap_arrays_in_structs.h"
#include "src/transform/zero_init_workgroup_memory.h"
#include "src/utils/defer.h"
#include "src/utils/map.h"
#include "src/utils/scoped_assignment.h"
#include "src/writer/float_to_string.h"
namespace tint {
namespace writer {
namespace msl {
namespace {
bool last_is_break_or_fallthrough(const ast::BlockStatement* stmts) {
return IsAnyOf<ast::BreakStatement, ast::FallthroughStatement>(stmts->Last());
class ScopedBitCast {
ScopedBitCast(GeneratorImpl* generator,
std::ostream& stream,
const sem::Type* curr_type,
const sem::Type* target_type)
: s(stream) {
auto* target_vec_type = target_type->As<sem::Vector>();
// If we need to promote from scalar to vector, bitcast the scalar to the
// vector element type.
if (curr_type->is_scalar() && target_vec_type) {
target_type = target_vec_type->type();
// Bit cast
s << "as_type<";
generator->EmitType(s, target_type, "");
s << ">(";
~ScopedBitCast() { s << ")"; }
std::ostream& s;
} // namespace
SanitizedResult::SanitizedResult() = default;
SanitizedResult::~SanitizedResult() = default;
SanitizedResult::SanitizedResult(SanitizedResult&&) = default;
SanitizedResult Sanitize(
const Program* in,
uint32_t buffer_size_ubo_index,
uint32_t fixed_sample_mask,
bool emit_vertex_point_size,
bool disable_workgroup_init,
const ArrayLengthFromUniformOptions& array_length_from_uniform) {
transform::Manager manager;
transform::DataMap internal_inputs;
// Build the config for the internal ArrayLengthFromUniform transform.
transform::ArrayLengthFromUniform::Config array_length_from_uniform_cfg(
if (!array_length_from_uniform.bindpoint_to_size_index.empty()) {
// If |array_length_from_uniform| bindings are provided, use that config.
array_length_from_uniform_cfg.bindpoint_to_size_index =
} else {
// If the binding map is empty, use the deprecated |buffer_size_ubo_index|
// and automatically choose indices using the binding numbers.
array_length_from_uniform_cfg = transform::ArrayLengthFromUniform::Config(
sem::BindingPoint{0, buffer_size_ubo_index});
// Use the SSBO binding numbers as the indices for the buffer size lookups.
for (auto* var : in->AST().GlobalVariables()) {
auto* global = in->Sem().Get<sem::GlobalVariable>(var);
if (global && global->StorageClass() == ast::StorageClass::kStorage) {
global->BindingPoint(), global->BindingPoint().binding);
// Build the configs for the internal CanonicalizeEntryPointIO transform.
auto entry_point_io_cfg = transform::CanonicalizeEntryPointIO::Config(
transform::CanonicalizeEntryPointIO::ShaderStyle::kMsl, fixed_sample_mask,
if (!disable_workgroup_init) {
// ZeroInitWorkgroupMemory must come before CanonicalizeEntryPointIO as
// ZeroInitWorkgroupMemory may inject new builtin parameters.
// ArrayLengthFromUniform must come after SimplifyPointers, as
// it assumes that the form of the array length argument is &var.array.
auto out = manager.Run(in, internal_inputs);
SanitizedResult result;
result.program = std::move(out.program);
if (!result.program.IsValid()) {
return result;
result.used_array_length_from_uniform_indices =
result.needs_storage_buffer_sizes =
return result;
GeneratorImpl::GeneratorImpl(const Program* program) : TextGenerator(program) {}
GeneratorImpl::~GeneratorImpl() = default;
bool GeneratorImpl::Generate() {
line() << "#include <metal_stdlib>";
line() << "using namespace metal;";
auto helpers_insertion_point = current_buffer_->lines.size();
for (auto* const type_decl : program_->AST().TypeDecls()) {
if (!type_decl->Is<ast::Alias>()) {
if (!EmitTypeDecl(TypeOf(type_decl))) {
return false;
if (!program_->AST().TypeDecls().empty()) {
for (auto* var : program_->AST().GlobalVariables()) {
if (var->is_const) {
if (!EmitProgramConstVariable(var)) {
return false;
} else {
// These are pushed into the entry point by sanitizer transforms.
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_) << "module-scope variables should have "
"been handled by the MSL sanitizer";
for (auto* func : program_->AST().Functions()) {
if (!func->IsEntryPoint()) {
if (!EmitFunction(func)) {
return false;
} else {
if (!EmitEntryPointFunction(func)) {
return false;
if (!invariant_define_name_.empty()) {
// 'invariant' attribute requires MSL 2.1 or higher.
// WGSL can ignore the invariant attribute on pre MSL 2.1 devices.
// See:
line(&helpers_) << "#if __METAL_VERSION__ >= 210";
line(&helpers_) << "#define " << invariant_define_name_ << " [[invariant]]";
line(&helpers_) << "#else";
line(&helpers_) << "#define " << invariant_define_name_;
line(&helpers_) << "#endif";
if (!helpers_.lines.empty()) {
current_buffer_->Insert("", helpers_insertion_point++, 0);
current_buffer_->Insert(helpers_, helpers_insertion_point++, 0);
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitTypeDecl(const sem::Type* ty) {
if (auto* str = ty->As<sem::Struct>()) {
if (!EmitStructType(current_buffer_, str)) {
return false;
} else {
"unknown alias type: " + ty->type_name());
return false;
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitIndexAccessor(
std::ostream& out,
const ast::IndexAccessorExpression* expr) {
bool paren_lhs =
!expr->object->IsAnyOf<ast::IndexAccessorExpression, ast::CallExpression,
if (paren_lhs) {
out << "(";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->object)) {
return false;
if (paren_lhs) {
out << ")";
out << "[";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->index)) {
return false;
out << "]";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitBitcast(std::ostream& out,
const ast::BitcastExpression* expr) {
out << "as_type<";
if (!EmitType(out, TypeOf(expr)->UnwrapRef(), "")) {
return false;
out << ">(";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->expr)) {
return false;
out << ")";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitAssign(const ast::AssignmentStatement* stmt) {
auto out = line();
if (!EmitExpression(out, stmt->lhs)) {
return false;
out << " = ";
if (!EmitExpression(out, stmt->rhs)) {
return false;
out << ";";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitBinary(std::ostream& out,
const ast::BinaryExpression* expr) {
auto emit_op = [&] {
out << " ";
switch (expr->op) {
case ast::BinaryOp::kAnd:
out << "&";
case ast::BinaryOp::kOr:
out << "|";
case ast::BinaryOp::kXor:
out << "^";
case ast::BinaryOp::kLogicalAnd:
out << "&&";
case ast::BinaryOp::kLogicalOr:
out << "||";
case ast::BinaryOp::kEqual:
out << "==";
case ast::BinaryOp::kNotEqual:
out << "!=";
case ast::BinaryOp::kLessThan:
out << "<";
case ast::BinaryOp::kGreaterThan:
out << ">";
case ast::BinaryOp::kLessThanEqual:
out << "<=";
case ast::BinaryOp::kGreaterThanEqual:
out << ">=";
case ast::BinaryOp::kShiftLeft:
out << "<<";
case ast::BinaryOp::kShiftRight:
// TODO(dsinclair): MSL is based on C++14, and >> in C++14 has
// implementation-defined behaviour for negative LHS. We may have to
// generate extra code to implement WGSL-specified behaviour for
// negative LHS.
out << R"(>>)";
case ast::BinaryOp::kAdd:
out << "+";
case ast::BinaryOp::kSubtract:
out << "-";
case ast::BinaryOp::kMultiply:
out << "*";
case ast::BinaryOp::kDivide:
out << "/";
case ast::BinaryOp::kModulo:
out << "%";
case ast::BinaryOp::kNone:
"missing binary operation type");
return false;
out << " ";
return true;
auto signed_type_of = [&](const sem::Type* ty) -> const sem::Type* {
if (ty->is_integer_scalar()) {
return builder_.create<sem::I32>();
} else if (auto* v = ty->As<sem::Vector>()) {
return builder_.create<sem::Vector>(builder_.create<sem::I32>(),
return {};
auto unsigned_type_of = [&](const sem::Type* ty) -> const sem::Type* {
if (ty->is_integer_scalar()) {
return builder_.create<sem::U32>();
} else if (auto* v = ty->As<sem::Vector>()) {
return builder_.create<sem::Vector>(builder_.create<sem::U32>(),
return {};
auto* lhs_type = TypeOf(expr->lhs)->UnwrapRef();
auto* rhs_type = TypeOf(expr->rhs)->UnwrapRef();
// Handle fmod
if (expr->op == ast::BinaryOp::kModulo &&
lhs_type->is_float_scalar_or_vector()) {
out << "fmod";
ScopedParen sp(out);
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->lhs)) {
return false;
out << ", ";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->rhs)) {
return false;
return true;
// Handle +/-/* of signed values
if ((expr->IsAdd() || expr->IsSubtract() || expr->IsMultiply()) &&
lhs_type->is_signed_scalar_or_vector() &&
rhs_type->is_signed_scalar_or_vector()) {
// If lhs or rhs is a vector, use that type (support implicit scalar to
// vector promotion)
auto* target_type =
? lhs_type
: (rhs_type->Is<sem::Vector>() ? rhs_type : lhs_type);
// WGSL defines behaviour for signed overflow, MSL does not. For these
// cases, bitcast operands to unsigned, then cast result to signed.
ScopedBitCast outer_int_cast(this, out, target_type,
ScopedParen sp(out);
ScopedBitCast lhs_uint_cast(this, out, lhs_type,
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->lhs)) {
return false;
if (!emit_op()) {
return false;
ScopedBitCast rhs_uint_cast(this, out, rhs_type,
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->rhs)) {
return false;
return true;
// Handle left bit shifting a signed value
// TODO( This may not be necessary. The MSL spec
// seems to imply that left shifting a signed value is treated the same as
// left shifting an unsigned value, but we need to make sure.
if (expr->IsShiftLeft() && lhs_type->is_signed_scalar_or_vector()) {
// Shift left: discards top bits, so convert first operand to unsigned
// first, then convert result back to signed
ScopedBitCast outer_int_cast(this, out, lhs_type, signed_type_of(lhs_type));
ScopedParen sp(out);
ScopedBitCast lhs_uint_cast(this, out, lhs_type,
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->lhs)) {
return false;
if (!emit_op()) {
return false;
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->rhs)) {
return false;
return true;
// Emit as usual
ScopedParen sp(out);
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->lhs)) {
return false;
if (!emit_op()) {
return false;
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->rhs)) {
return false;
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitBreak(const ast::BreakStatement*) {
line() << "break;";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitCall(std::ostream& out,
const ast::CallExpression* expr) {
auto* call = program_->Sem().Get(expr);
auto* target = call->Target();
if (auto* func = target->As<sem::Function>()) {
return EmitFunctionCall(out, call, func);
if (auto* intrinsic = target->As<sem::Intrinsic>()) {
return EmitIntrinsicCall(out, call, intrinsic);
if (auto* conv = target->As<sem::TypeConversion>()) {
return EmitTypeConversion(out, call, conv);
if (auto* ctor = target->As<sem::TypeConstructor>()) {
return EmitTypeConstructor(out, call, ctor);
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "unhandled call target: " << target->TypeInfo().name;
return false;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitFunctionCall(std::ostream& out,
const sem::Call* call,
const sem::Function*) {
auto* ident = call->Declaration()->;
out << program_->Symbols().NameFor(ident->symbol) << "(";
bool first = true;
for (auto* arg : call->Arguments()) {
if (!first) {
out << ", ";
first = false;
if (!EmitExpression(out, arg->Declaration())) {
return false;
out << ")";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitIntrinsicCall(std::ostream& out,
const sem::Call* call,
const sem::Intrinsic* intrinsic) {
auto* expr = call->Declaration();
if (intrinsic->IsAtomic()) {
return EmitAtomicCall(out, expr, intrinsic);
if (intrinsic->IsTexture()) {
return EmitTextureCall(out, call, intrinsic);
auto name = generate_builtin_name(intrinsic);
switch (intrinsic->Type()) {
case sem::IntrinsicType::kDot:
return EmitDotCall(out, expr, intrinsic);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kModf:
return EmitModfCall(out, expr, intrinsic);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kFrexp:
return EmitFrexpCall(out, expr, intrinsic);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kPack2x16float:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kUnpack2x16float: {
if (intrinsic->Type() == sem::IntrinsicType::kPack2x16float) {
out << "as_type<uint>(half2(";
} else {
out << "float2(as_type<half2>(";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->args[0])) {
return false;
out << "))";
return true;
// TODO( Combine sequential barriers to a single
// instruction.
case sem::IntrinsicType::kStorageBarrier: {
out << "threadgroup_barrier(mem_flags::mem_device)";
return true;
case sem::IntrinsicType::kWorkgroupBarrier: {
out << "threadgroup_barrier(mem_flags::mem_threadgroup)";
return true;
case sem::IntrinsicType::kIgnore: { // [DEPRECATED]
out << "(void) ";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->args[0])) {
return false;
return true;
case sem::IntrinsicType::kLength: {
auto* sem = builder_.Sem().Get(expr->args[0]);
if (sem->Type()->UnwrapRef()->is_scalar()) {
// Emulate scalar overload using fabs(x).
name = "fabs";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kDistance: {
auto* sem = builder_.Sem().Get(expr->args[0]);
if (sem->Type()->UnwrapRef()->is_scalar()) {
// Emulate scalar overload using fabs(x - y);
out << "fabs";
ScopedParen sp(out);
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->args[0])) {
return false;
out << " - ";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->args[1])) {
return false;
return true;
if (name.empty()) {
return false;
out << name << "(";
bool first = true;
for (auto* arg : expr->args) {
if (!first) {
out << ", ";
first = false;
if (!EmitExpression(out, arg)) {
return false;
out << ")";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitTypeConversion(std::ostream& out,
const sem::Call* call,
const sem::TypeConversion* conv) {
if (!EmitType(out, conv->Target(), "")) {
return false;
out << "(";
if (!EmitExpression(out, call->Arguments()[0]->Declaration())) {
return false;
out << ")";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitTypeConstructor(std::ostream& out,
const sem::Call* call,
const sem::TypeConstructor* ctor) {
auto* type = ctor->ReturnType();
if (type->IsAnyOf<sem::Array, sem::Struct>()) {
out << "{";
} else {
if (!EmitType(out, type, "")) {
return false;
out << "(";
int i = 0;
for (auto* arg : call->Arguments()) {
if (i > 0) {
out << ", ";
if (auto* struct_ty = type->As<sem::Struct>()) {
// Emit field designators for structures to account for padding members.
auto* member = struct_ty->Members()[i]->Declaration();
auto name = program_->Symbols().NameFor(member->symbol);
out << "." << name << "=";
if (!EmitExpression(out, arg->Declaration())) {
return false;
if (type->IsAnyOf<sem::Array, sem::Struct>()) {
out << "}";
} else {
out << ")";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitAtomicCall(std::ostream& out,
const ast::CallExpression* expr,
const sem::Intrinsic* intrinsic) {
auto call = [&](const std::string& name, bool append_memory_order_relaxed) {
out << name;
ScopedParen sp(out);
for (size_t i = 0; i < expr->args.size(); i++) {
auto* arg = expr->args[i];
if (i > 0) {
out << ", ";
if (!EmitExpression(out, arg)) {
return false;
if (append_memory_order_relaxed) {
out << ", memory_order_relaxed";
return true;
switch (intrinsic->Type()) {
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtomicLoad:
return call("atomic_load_explicit", true);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtomicStore:
return call("atomic_store_explicit", true);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtomicAdd:
return call("atomic_fetch_add_explicit", true);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtomicSub:
return call("atomic_fetch_sub_explicit", true);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtomicMax:
return call("atomic_fetch_max_explicit", true);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtomicMin:
return call("atomic_fetch_min_explicit", true);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtomicAnd:
return call("atomic_fetch_and_explicit", true);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtomicOr:
return call("atomic_fetch_or_explicit", true);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtomicXor:
return call("atomic_fetch_xor_explicit", true);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtomicExchange:
return call("atomic_exchange_explicit", true);
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtomicCompareExchangeWeak: {
auto* ptr_ty = TypeOf(expr->args[0])->UnwrapRef()->As<sem::Pointer>();
auto sc = ptr_ty->StorageClass();
auto func = utils::GetOrCreate(
atomicCompareExchangeWeak_, sc, [&]() -> std::string {
auto name = UniqueIdentifier("atomicCompareExchangeWeak");
auto& buf = helpers_;
line(&buf) << "template <typename A, typename T>";
auto f = line(&buf);
f << "vec<T, 2> " << name << "(";
if (!EmitStorageClass(f, sc)) {
return "";
f << " A* atomic, T compare, T value) {";
line(&buf) << "}";
line(&buf) << "T prev_value = compare;";
line(&buf) << "bool matched = "
"atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(atomic, "
"&prev_value, value, memory_order_relaxed, "
line(&buf) << "return {prev_value, matched};";
return name;
return call(func, false);
TINT_UNREACHABLE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "unsupported atomic intrinsic: " << intrinsic->Type();
return false;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitTextureCall(std::ostream& out,
const sem::Call* call,
const sem::Intrinsic* intrinsic) {
using Usage = sem::ParameterUsage;
auto& signature = intrinsic->Signature();
auto* expr = call->Declaration();
auto& arguments = call->Arguments();
// Returns the argument with the given usage
auto arg = [&](Usage usage) {
int idx = signature.IndexOf(usage);
return (idx >= 0) ? arguments[idx] : nullptr;
auto* texture = arg(Usage::kTexture)->Declaration();
if (!texture) {
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_) << "missing texture arg";
return false;
auto* texture_type = TypeOf(texture)->UnwrapRef()->As<sem::Texture>();
// Helper to emit the texture expression, wrapped in parentheses if the
// expression includes an operator with lower precedence than the member
// accessor used for the function calls.
auto texture_expr = [&]() {
bool paren_lhs =
!texture->IsAnyOf<ast::IndexAccessorExpression, ast::CallExpression,
if (paren_lhs) {
out << "(";
if (!EmitExpression(out, texture)) {
return false;
if (paren_lhs) {
out << ")";
return true;
switch (intrinsic->Type()) {
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureDimensions: {
std::vector<const char*> dims;
switch (texture_type->dim()) {
case ast::TextureDimension::kNone:
"texture dimension is kNone");
return false;
case ast::TextureDimension::k1d:
dims = {"width"};
case ast::TextureDimension::k2d:
case ast::TextureDimension::k2dArray:
case ast::TextureDimension::kCube:
case ast::TextureDimension::kCubeArray:
dims = {"width", "height"};
case ast::TextureDimension::k3d:
dims = {"width", "height", "depth"};
auto get_dim = [&](const char* name) {
if (!texture_expr()) {
return false;
out << ".get_" << name << "(";
if (auto* level = arg(Usage::kLevel)) {
if (!EmitExpression(out, level->Declaration())) {
return false;
out << ")";
return true;
if (dims.size() == 1) {
out << "int(";
out << ")";
} else {
EmitType(out, TypeOf(expr)->UnwrapRef(), "");
out << "(";
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
out << ", ";
out << ")";
return true;
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureNumLayers: {
out << "int(";
if (!texture_expr()) {
return false;
out << ".get_array_size())";
return true;
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureNumLevels: {
out << "int(";
if (!texture_expr()) {
return false;
out << ".get_num_mip_levels())";
return true;
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureNumSamples: {
out << "int(";
if (!texture_expr()) {
return false;
out << ".get_num_samples())";
return true;
if (!texture_expr()) {
return false;
bool lod_param_is_named = true;
switch (intrinsic->Type()) {
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureSample:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureSampleBias:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureSampleLevel:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureSampleGrad:
out << ".sample(";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureSampleCompare:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureSampleCompareLevel:
out << ".sample_compare(";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureGather:
out << ".gather(";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureGatherCompare:
out << ".gather_compare(";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureLoad:
out << ".read(";
lod_param_is_named = false;
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureStore:
out << ".write(";
TINT_UNREACHABLE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "Unhandled texture intrinsic '" << intrinsic->str() << "'";
return false;
bool first_arg = true;
auto maybe_write_comma = [&] {
if (!first_arg) {
out << ", ";
first_arg = false;
for (auto usage :
{Usage::kValue, Usage::kSampler, Usage::kCoords, Usage::kArrayIndex,
Usage::kDepthRef, Usage::kSampleIndex}) {
if (auto* e = arg(usage)) {
// Cast the coordinates to unsigned integers if necessary.
bool casted = false;
if (usage == Usage::kCoords &&
e->Type()->UnwrapRef()->is_integer_scalar_or_vector()) {
casted = true;
switch (texture_type->dim()) {
case ast::TextureDimension::k1d:
out << "uint(";
case ast::TextureDimension::k2d:
case ast::TextureDimension::k2dArray:
out << "uint2(";
case ast::TextureDimension::k3d:
out << "uint3(";
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "unhandled texture dimensionality";
if (!EmitExpression(out, e->Declaration()))
return false;
if (casted) {
out << ")";
if (auto* bias = arg(Usage::kBias)) {
out << "bias(";
if (!EmitExpression(out, bias->Declaration())) {
return false;
out << ")";
if (auto* level = arg(Usage::kLevel)) {
if (lod_param_is_named) {
out << "level(";
if (!EmitExpression(out, level->Declaration())) {
return false;
if (lod_param_is_named) {
out << ")";
if (intrinsic->Type() == sem::IntrinsicType::kTextureSampleCompareLevel) {
out << "level(0)";
if (auto* ddx = arg(Usage::kDdx)) {
auto dim = texture_type->dim();
switch (dim) {
case ast::TextureDimension::k2d:
case ast::TextureDimension::k2dArray:
out << "gradient2d(";
case ast::TextureDimension::k3d:
out << "gradient3d(";
case ast::TextureDimension::kCube:
case ast::TextureDimension::kCubeArray:
out << "gradientcube(";
default: {
std::stringstream err;
err << "MSL does not support gradients for " << dim << " textures";
diagnostics_.add_error(diag::System::Writer, err.str());
return false;
if (!EmitExpression(out, ddx->Declaration())) {
return false;
out << ", ";
if (!EmitExpression(out, arg(Usage::kDdy)->Declaration())) {
return false;
out << ")";
bool has_offset = false;
if (auto* offset = arg(Usage::kOffset)) {
has_offset = true;
if (!EmitExpression(out, offset->Declaration())) {
return false;
if (auto* component = arg(Usage::kComponent)) {
if (!has_offset) {
// offset argument may need to be provided if we have a component.
switch (texture_type->dim()) {
case ast::TextureDimension::k2d:
case ast::TextureDimension::k2dArray:
out << "int2(0), ";
break; // Other texture dimensions don't have an offset
auto c = component->ConstantValue().Elements()[0].i32;
switch (c) {
case 0:
out << "component::x";
case 1:
out << "component::y";
case 2:
out << "component::z";
case 3:
out << "component::w";
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "invalid textureGather component: " << c;
out << ")";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitDotCall(std::ostream& out,
const ast::CallExpression* expr,
const sem::Intrinsic* intrinsic) {
auto* vec_ty = intrinsic->Parameters()[0]->Type()->As<sem::Vector>();
std::string fn = "dot";
if (vec_ty->type()->is_integer_scalar()) {
// MSL does not have a builtin for dot() with integer vector types.
// Generate the helper function if it hasn't been created already
fn = utils::GetOrCreate(
int_dot_funcs_, vec_ty->Width(), [&]() -> std::string {
TextBuffer b;
auto fn_name =
UniqueIdentifier("tint_dot" + std::to_string(vec_ty->Width()));
auto v = "vec<T," + std::to_string(vec_ty->Width()) + ">";
line(&b) << "template<typename T>";
line(&b) << "T " << fn_name << "(" << v << " a, " << v << " b) {";
auto l = line(&b);
l << " return ";
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vec_ty->Width(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
l << " + ";
l << "a[" << i << "]*b[" << i << "]";
l << ";";
line(&b) << "}";
return fn_name;
out << fn << "(";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->args[0])) {
return false;
out << ", ";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->args[1])) {
return false;
out << ")";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitModfCall(std::ostream& out,
const ast::CallExpression* expr,
const sem::Intrinsic* intrinsic) {
return CallIntrinsicHelper(
out, expr, intrinsic,
[&](TextBuffer* b, const std::vector<std::string>& params) {
auto* ty = intrinsic->Parameters()[0]->Type();
auto in = params[0];
std::string width;
if (auto* vec = ty->As<sem::Vector>()) {
width = std::to_string(vec->Width());
// Emit the builtin return type unique to this overload. This does not
// exist in the AST, so it will not be generated in Generate().
if (!EmitStructType(&helpers_,
intrinsic->ReturnType()->As<sem::Struct>())) {
return false;
line(b) << "float" << width << " whole;";
line(b) << "float" << width << " fract = modf(" << in << ", whole);";
line(b) << "return {fract, whole};";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitFrexpCall(std::ostream& out,
const ast::CallExpression* expr,
const sem::Intrinsic* intrinsic) {
return CallIntrinsicHelper(
out, expr, intrinsic,
[&](TextBuffer* b, const std::vector<std::string>& params) {
auto* ty = intrinsic->Parameters()[0]->Type();
auto in = params[0];
std::string width;
if (auto* vec = ty->As<sem::Vector>()) {
width = std::to_string(vec->Width());
// Emit the builtin return type unique to this overload. This does not
// exist in the AST, so it will not be generated in Generate().
if (!EmitStructType(&helpers_,
intrinsic->ReturnType()->As<sem::Struct>())) {
return false;
line(b) << "int" << width << " exp;";
line(b) << "float" << width << " sig = frexp(" << in << ", exp);";
line(b) << "return {sig, exp};";
return true;
std::string GeneratorImpl::generate_builtin_name(
const sem::Intrinsic* intrinsic) {
std::string out = "";
switch (intrinsic->Type()) {
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAcos:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAll:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAny:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAsin:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtan:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAtan2:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kCeil:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kCos:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kCosh:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kCross:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kDeterminant:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kDistance:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kDot:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kExp:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kExp2:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kFloor:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kFma:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kFract:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kFrexp:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kLength:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kLdexp:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kLog:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kLog2:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kMix:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kModf:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kNormalize:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kPow:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kReflect:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kRefract:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kSelect:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kSin:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kSinh:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kSqrt:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kStep:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTan:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTanh:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTranspose:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kTrunc:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kSign:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kClamp:
out += intrinsic->str();
case sem::IntrinsicType::kAbs:
if (intrinsic->ReturnType()->is_float_scalar_or_vector()) {
out += "fabs";
} else {
out += "abs";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kCountOneBits:
out += "popcount";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kDpdx:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kDpdxCoarse:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kDpdxFine:
out += "dfdx";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kDpdy:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kDpdyCoarse:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kDpdyFine:
out += "dfdy";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kFwidth:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kFwidthCoarse:
case sem::IntrinsicType::kFwidthFine:
out += "fwidth";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kIsFinite:
out += "isfinite";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kIsInf:
out += "isinf";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kIsNan:
out += "isnan";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kIsNormal:
out += "isnormal";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kMax:
if (intrinsic->ReturnType()->is_float_scalar_or_vector()) {
out += "fmax";
} else {
out += "max";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kMin:
if (intrinsic->ReturnType()->is_float_scalar_or_vector()) {
out += "fmin";
} else {
out += "min";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kFaceForward:
out += "faceforward";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kPack4x8snorm:
out += "pack_float_to_snorm4x8";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kPack4x8unorm:
out += "pack_float_to_unorm4x8";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kPack2x16snorm:
out += "pack_float_to_snorm2x16";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kPack2x16unorm:
out += "pack_float_to_unorm2x16";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kReverseBits:
out += "reverse_bits";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kRound:
out += "rint";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kSmoothStep:
out += "smoothstep";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kInverseSqrt:
out += "rsqrt";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kUnpack4x8snorm:
out += "unpack_snorm4x8_to_float";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kUnpack4x8unorm:
out += "unpack_unorm4x8_to_float";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kUnpack2x16snorm:
out += "unpack_snorm2x16_to_float";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kUnpack2x16unorm:
out += "unpack_unorm2x16_to_float";
case sem::IntrinsicType::kArrayLength:
"Unable to translate builtin: " + std::string(intrinsic->str()) +
"\nDid you forget to pass array_length_from_uniform generator "
return "";
"Unknown import method: " + std::string(intrinsic->str()));
return "";
return out;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitCase(const ast::CaseStatement* stmt) {
if (stmt->IsDefault()) {
line() << "default: {";
} else {
for (auto* selector : stmt->selectors) {
auto out = line();
out << "case ";
if (!EmitLiteral(out, selector)) {
return false;
out << ":";
if (selector == stmt->selectors.back()) {
out << " {";
ScopedIndent si(this);
for (auto* s : stmt->body->statements) {
if (!EmitStatement(s)) {
return false;
if (!last_is_break_or_fallthrough(stmt->body)) {
line() << "break;";
line() << "}";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitContinue(const ast::ContinueStatement*) {
if (!emit_continuing_()) {
return false;
line() << "continue;";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitZeroValue(std::ostream& out, const sem::Type* type) {
if (type->Is<sem::Bool>()) {
out << "false";
} else if (type->Is<sem::F32>()) {
out << "0.0f";
} else if (type->Is<sem::I32>()) {
out << "0";
} else if (type->Is<sem::U32>()) {
out << "0u";
} else if (auto* vec = type->As<sem::Vector>()) {
return EmitZeroValue(out, vec->type());
} else if (auto* mat = type->As<sem::Matrix>()) {
if (!EmitType(out, mat, "")) {
return false;
out << "(";
if (!EmitZeroValue(out, mat->type())) {
return false;
out << ")";
} else if (auto* arr = type->As<sem::Array>()) {
out << "{";
if (!EmitZeroValue(out, arr->ElemType())) {
return false;
out << "}";
} else if (type->As<sem::Struct>()) {
out << "{}";
} else {
"Invalid type for zero emission: " + type->type_name());
return false;
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitLiteral(std::ostream& out,
const ast::LiteralExpression* lit) {
if (auto* l = lit->As<ast::BoolLiteralExpression>()) {
out << (l->value ? "true" : "false");
} else if (auto* fl = lit->As<ast::FloatLiteralExpression>()) {
if (std::isinf(fl->value)) {
out << (fl->value >= 0 ? "INFINITY" : "-INFINITY");
} else if (std::isnan(fl->value)) {
out << "NAN";
} else {
out << FloatToString(fl->value) << "f";
} else if (auto* sl = lit->As<ast::SintLiteralExpression>()) {
// MSL (and C++) parse `-2147483648` as a `long` because it parses unary
// minus and `2147483648` as separate tokens, and the latter doesn't
// fit into an (32-bit) `int`. WGSL, OTOH, parses this as an `i32`. To avoid
// issues with `long` to `int` casts, emit `(2147483647 - 1)` instead, which
// ensures the expression type is `int`.
const auto int_min = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
if (sl->ValueAsI32() == int_min) {
out << "(" << int_min + 1 << " - 1)";
} else {
out << sl->value;
} else if (auto* ul = lit->As<ast::UintLiteralExpression>()) {
out << ul->value << "u";
} else {
diagnostics_.add_error(diag::System::Writer, "unknown literal type");
return false;
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitExpression(std::ostream& out,
const ast::Expression* expr) {
if (auto* a = expr->As<ast::IndexAccessorExpression>()) {
return EmitIndexAccessor(out, a);
if (auto* b = expr->As<ast::BinaryExpression>()) {
return EmitBinary(out, b);
if (auto* b = expr->As<ast::BitcastExpression>()) {
return EmitBitcast(out, b);
if (auto* c = expr->As<ast::CallExpression>()) {
return EmitCall(out, c);
if (auto* i = expr->As<ast::IdentifierExpression>()) {
return EmitIdentifier(out, i);
if (auto* l = expr->As<ast::LiteralExpression>()) {
return EmitLiteral(out, l);
if (auto* m = expr->As<ast::MemberAccessorExpression>()) {
return EmitMemberAccessor(out, m);
if (auto* u = expr->As<ast::UnaryOpExpression>()) {
return EmitUnaryOp(out, u);
"unknown expression type: " + std::string(expr->TypeInfo().name));
return false;
void GeneratorImpl::EmitStage(std::ostream& out, ast::PipelineStage stage) {
switch (stage) {
case ast::PipelineStage::kFragment:
out << "fragment";
case ast::PipelineStage::kVertex:
out << "vertex";
case ast::PipelineStage::kCompute:
out << "kernel";
case ast::PipelineStage::kNone:
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitFunction(const ast::Function* func) {
auto* func_sem = program_->Sem().Get(func);
auto out = line();
if (!EmitType(out, func_sem->ReturnType(), "")) {
return false;
out << " " << program_->Symbols().NameFor(func->symbol) << "(";
bool first = true;
for (auto* v : func->params) {
if (!first) {
out << ", ";
first = false;
auto* type = program_->Sem().Get(v)->Type();
std::string param_name =
"const " + program_->Symbols().NameFor(v->symbol);
if (!EmitType(out, type, param_name)) {
return false;
// Parameter name is output as part of the type for arrays and pointers.
if (!type->Is<sem::Array>() && !type->Is<sem::Pointer>()) {
out << " " << program_->Symbols().NameFor(v->symbol);
out << ") {";
if (!EmitStatementsWithIndent(func->body->statements)) {
return false;
line() << "}";
return true;
std::string GeneratorImpl::builtin_to_attribute(ast::Builtin builtin) const {
switch (builtin) {
case ast::Builtin::kPosition:
return "position";
case ast::Builtin::kVertexIndex:
return "vertex_id";
case ast::Builtin::kInstanceIndex:
return "instance_id";
case ast::Builtin::kFrontFacing:
return "front_facing";
case ast::Builtin::kFragDepth:
return "depth(any)";
case ast::Builtin::kLocalInvocationId:
return "thread_position_in_threadgroup";
case ast::Builtin::kLocalInvocationIndex:
return "thread_index_in_threadgroup";
case ast::Builtin::kGlobalInvocationId:
return "thread_position_in_grid";
case ast::Builtin::kWorkgroupId:
return "threadgroup_position_in_grid";
case ast::Builtin::kNumWorkgroups:
return "threadgroups_per_grid";
case ast::Builtin::kSampleIndex:
return "sample_id";
case ast::Builtin::kSampleMask:
return "sample_mask";
case ast::Builtin::kPointSize:
return "point_size";
return "";
std::string GeneratorImpl::interpolation_to_attribute(
ast::InterpolationType type,
ast::InterpolationSampling sampling) const {
std::string attr;
switch (sampling) {
case ast::InterpolationSampling::kCenter:
attr = "center_";
case ast::InterpolationSampling::kCentroid:
attr = "centroid_";
case ast::InterpolationSampling::kSample:
attr = "sample_";
case ast::InterpolationSampling::kNone:
switch (type) {
case ast::InterpolationType::kPerspective:
attr += "perspective";
case ast::InterpolationType::kLinear:
attr += "no_perspective";
case ast::InterpolationType::kFlat:
attr += "flat";
return attr;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitEntryPointFunction(const ast::Function* func) {
auto func_name = program_->Symbols().NameFor(func->symbol);
// Returns the binding index of a variable, requiring that the group attribute
// have a value of zero.
const uint32_t kInvalidBindingIndex = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
auto get_binding_index = [&](const ast::Variable* var) -> uint32_t {
auto bp = var->BindingPoint();
if ( == nullptr || bp.binding == nullptr) {
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "missing binding attributes for entry point parameter";
return kInvalidBindingIndex;
if (>value != 0) {
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "encountered non-zero resource group index (use "
"BindingRemapper to fix)";
return kInvalidBindingIndex;
return bp.binding->value;
auto out = line();
EmitStage(out, func->PipelineStage());
out << " " << func->return_type->FriendlyName(program_->Symbols());
out << " " << func_name << "(";
// Emit entry point parameters.
bool first = true;
for (auto* var : func->params) {
if (!first) {
out << ", ";
first = false;
auto* type = program_->Sem().Get(var)->Type()->UnwrapRef();
auto param_name = program_->Symbols().NameFor(var->symbol);
if (!EmitType(out, type, param_name)) {
return false;
// Parameter name is output as part of the type for arrays and pointers.
if (!type->Is<sem::Array>() && !type->Is<sem::Pointer>()) {
out << " " << param_name;
if (type->Is<sem::Struct>()) {
out << " [[stage_in]]";
} else if (type->is_handle()) {
uint32_t binding = get_binding_index(var);
if (binding == kInvalidBindingIndex) {
return false;
if (var->type->Is<ast::Sampler>()) {
out << " [[sampler(" << binding << ")]]";
} else if (var->type->Is<ast::Texture>()) {
out << " [[texture(" << binding << ")]]";
} else {
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "invalid handle type entry point parameter";
return false;
} else if (auto* ptr = var->type->As<ast::Pointer>()) {
auto sc = ptr->storage_class;
if (sc == ast::StorageClass::kWorkgroup) {
auto& allocations = workgroup_allocations_[func_name];
out << " [[threadgroup(" << allocations.size() << ")]]";
} else if (sc == ast::StorageClass::kStorage ||
sc == ast::StorageClass::kUniform) {
uint32_t binding = get_binding_index(var);
if (binding == kInvalidBindingIndex) {
return false;
out << " [[buffer(" << binding << ")]]";
} else {
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "invalid pointer storage class for entry point parameter";
return false;
} else {
auto& decos = var->decorations;
bool builtin_found = false;
for (auto* deco : decos) {
auto* builtin = deco->As<ast::BuiltinDecoration>();
if (!builtin) {
builtin_found = true;
auto attr = builtin_to_attribute(builtin->builtin);
if (attr.empty()) {
diagnostics_.add_error(diag::System::Writer, "unknown builtin");
return false;
out << " [[" << attr << "]]";
if (!builtin_found) {
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_) << "Unsupported entry point parameter";
out << ") {";
ScopedIndent si(this);
if (!EmitStatements(func->body->statements)) {
return false;
if (!Is<ast::ReturnStatement>(func->body->Last())) {
ast::ReturnStatement ret(ProgramID{}, Source{});
if (!EmitStatement(&ret)) {
return false;
line() << "}";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitIdentifier(std::ostream& out,
const ast::IdentifierExpression* expr) {
out << program_->Symbols().NameFor(expr->symbol);
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitLoop(const ast::LoopStatement* stmt) {
auto emit_continuing = [this, stmt]() {
if (stmt->continuing && !stmt->continuing->Empty()) {
if (!EmitBlock(stmt->continuing)) {
return false;
return true;
TINT_SCOPED_ASSIGNMENT(emit_continuing_, emit_continuing);
line() << "while (true) {";
ScopedIndent si(this);
if (!EmitStatements(stmt->body->statements)) {
return false;
if (!emit_continuing()) {
return false;
line() << "}";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitForLoop(const ast::ForLoopStatement* stmt) {
TextBuffer init_buf;
if (auto* init = stmt->initializer) {
TINT_SCOPED_ASSIGNMENT(current_buffer_, &init_buf);
if (!EmitStatement(init)) {
return false;
TextBuffer cond_pre;
std::stringstream cond_buf;
if (auto* cond = stmt->condition) {
TINT_SCOPED_ASSIGNMENT(current_buffer_, &cond_pre);
if (!EmitExpression(cond_buf, cond)) {
return false;
TextBuffer cont_buf;
if (auto* cont = stmt->continuing) {
TINT_SCOPED_ASSIGNMENT(current_buffer_, &cont_buf);
if (!EmitStatement(cont)) {
return false;
// If the for-loop has a multi-statement conditional and / or continuing, then
// we cannot emit this as a regular for-loop in MSL. Instead we need to
// generate a `while(true)` loop.
bool emit_as_loop = cond_pre.lines.size() > 0 || cont_buf.lines.size() > 1;
// If the for-loop has multi-statement initializer, or is going to be emitted
// as a `while(true)` loop, then declare the initializer statement(s) before
// the loop in a new block.
bool nest_in_block =
init_buf.lines.size() > 1 || (stmt->initializer && emit_as_loop);
if (nest_in_block) {
line() << "{";
init_buf.lines.clear(); // Don't emit the initializer again in the 'for'
if (nest_in_block) {
line() << "}";
if (emit_as_loop) {
auto emit_continuing = [&]() {
return true;
TINT_SCOPED_ASSIGNMENT(emit_continuing_, emit_continuing);
line() << "while (true) {";
line() << "}";
if (stmt->condition) {
line() << "if (!(" << cond_buf.str() << ")) { break; }";
if (!EmitStatements(stmt->body->statements)) {
return false;
if (!emit_continuing()) {
return false;
} else {
// For-loop can be generated.
auto out = line();
out << "for";
ScopedParen sp(out);
if (!init_buf.lines.empty()) {
out << init_buf.lines[0].content << " ";
} else {
out << "; ";
out << cond_buf.str() << "; ";
if (!cont_buf.lines.empty()) {
out << TrimSuffix(cont_buf.lines[0].content, ";");
out << " {";
auto emit_continuing = [] { return true; };
TINT_SCOPED_ASSIGNMENT(emit_continuing_, emit_continuing);
if (!EmitStatementsWithIndent(stmt->body->statements)) {
return false;
line() << "}";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitDiscard(const ast::DiscardStatement*) {
// TODO(dsinclair): Verify this is correct when the discard semantics are
// defined for WGSL (
line() << "discard_fragment();";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitIf(const ast::IfStatement* stmt) {
auto out = line();
out << "if (";
if (!EmitExpression(out, stmt->condition)) {
return false;
out << ") {";
if (!EmitStatementsWithIndent(stmt->body->statements)) {
return false;
for (auto* e : stmt->else_statements) {
if (e->condition) {
line() << "} else {";
auto out = line();
out << "if (";
if (!EmitExpression(out, e->condition)) {
return false;
out << ") {";
} else {
line() << "} else {";
if (!EmitStatementsWithIndent(e->body->statements)) {
return false;
line() << "}";
for (auto* e : stmt->else_statements) {
if (e->condition) {
line() << "}";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitMemberAccessor(
std::ostream& out,
const ast::MemberAccessorExpression* expr) {
auto write_lhs = [&] {
bool paren_lhs = !expr->structure->IsAnyOf<
ast::IndexAccessorExpression, ast::CallExpression,
ast::IdentifierExpression, ast::MemberAccessorExpression>();
if (paren_lhs) {
out << "(";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->structure)) {
return false;
if (paren_lhs) {
out << ")";
return true;
auto& sem = program_->Sem();
if (auto* swizzle = sem.Get(expr)->As<sem::Swizzle>()) {
// Metal 1.x does not support swizzling of packed vector types.
// For single element swizzles, we can use the index operator.
// For multi-element swizzles, we need to cast to a regular vector type
// first. Note that we do not currently allow assignments to swizzles, so
// the casting which will convert the l-value to r-value is fine.
if (swizzle->Indices().size() == 1) {
if (!write_lhs()) {
return false;
out << "[" << swizzle->Indices()[0] << "]";
} else {
if (!EmitType(out, sem.Get(expr->structure)->Type()->UnwrapRef(), "")) {
return false;
out << "(";
if (!write_lhs()) {
return false;
out << ")." << program_->Symbols().NameFor(expr->member->symbol);
} else {
if (!write_lhs()) {
return false;
out << ".";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->member)) {
return false;
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitReturn(const ast::ReturnStatement* stmt) {
auto out = line();
out << "return";
if (stmt->value) {
out << " ";
if (!EmitExpression(out, stmt->value)) {
return false;
out << ";";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitBlock(const ast::BlockStatement* stmt) {
line() << "{";
if (!EmitStatementsWithIndent(stmt->statements)) {
return false;
line() << "}";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitStatement(const ast::Statement* stmt) {
if (auto* a = stmt->As<ast::AssignmentStatement>()) {
return EmitAssign(a);
if (auto* b = stmt->As<ast::BlockStatement>()) {
return EmitBlock(b);
if (auto* b = stmt->As<ast::BreakStatement>()) {
return EmitBreak(b);
if (auto* c = stmt->As<ast::CallStatement>()) {
auto out = line();
if (!EmitCall(out, c->expr)) {
return false;
out << ";";
return true;
if (auto* c = stmt->As<ast::ContinueStatement>()) {
return EmitContinue(c);
if (auto* d = stmt->As<ast::DiscardStatement>()) {
return EmitDiscard(d);
if (stmt->As<ast::FallthroughStatement>()) {
line() << "/* fallthrough */";
return true;
if (auto* i = stmt->As<ast::IfStatement>()) {
return EmitIf(i);
if (auto* l = stmt->As<ast::LoopStatement>()) {
return EmitLoop(l);
if (auto* l = stmt->As<ast::ForLoopStatement>()) {
return EmitForLoop(l);
if (auto* r = stmt->As<ast::ReturnStatement>()) {
return EmitReturn(r);
if (auto* s = stmt->As<ast::SwitchStatement>()) {
return EmitSwitch(s);
if (auto* v = stmt->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()) {
auto* var = program_->Sem().Get(v->variable);
return EmitVariable(var);
"unknown statement type: " + std::string(stmt->TypeInfo().name));
return false;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitStatements(const ast::StatementList& stmts) {
for (auto* s : stmts) {
if (!EmitStatement(s)) {
return false;
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitStatementsWithIndent(const ast::StatementList& stmts) {
ScopedIndent si(this);
return EmitStatements(stmts);
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitSwitch(const ast::SwitchStatement* stmt) {
auto out = line();
out << "switch(";
if (!EmitExpression(out, stmt->condition)) {
return false;
out << ") {";
ScopedIndent si(this);
for (auto* s : stmt->body) {
if (!EmitCase(s)) {
return false;
line() << "}";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitType(std::ostream& out,
const sem::Type* type,
const std::string& name,
bool* name_printed /* = nullptr */) {
if (name_printed) {
*name_printed = false;
if (auto* atomic = type->As<sem::Atomic>()) {
if (atomic->Type()->Is<sem::I32>()) {
out << "atomic_int";
return true;
if (atomic->Type()->Is<sem::U32>()) {
out << "atomic_uint";
return true;
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "unhandled atomic type " << atomic->Type()->type_name();
return false;
if (auto* ary = type->As<sem::Array>()) {
const sem::Type* base_type = ary;
std::vector<uint32_t> sizes;
while (auto* arr = base_type->As<sem::Array>()) {
if (arr->IsRuntimeSized()) {
} else {
base_type = arr->ElemType();
if (!EmitType(out, base_type, "")) {
return false;
if (!name.empty()) {
out << " " << name;
if (name_printed) {
*name_printed = true;
for (uint32_t size : sizes) {
out << "[" << size << "]";
return true;
if (type->Is<sem::Bool>()) {
out << "bool";
return true;
if (type->Is<sem::F32>()) {
out << "float";
return true;
if (type->Is<sem::I32>()) {
out << "int";
return true;
if (auto* mat = type->As<sem::Matrix>()) {
if (!EmitType(out, mat->type(), "")) {
return false;
out << mat->columns() << "x" << mat->rows();
return true;
if (auto* ptr = type->As<sem::Pointer>()) {
if (ptr->Access() == ast::Access::kRead) {
out << "const ";
if (!EmitStorageClass(out, ptr->StorageClass())) {
return false;
out << " ";
if (ptr->StoreType()->Is<sem::Array>()) {
std::string inner = "(*" + name + ")";
if (!EmitType(out, ptr->StoreType(), inner)) {
return false;
if (name_printed) {
*name_printed = true;
} else {
if (!EmitType(out, ptr->StoreType(), "")) {
return false;
out << "* " << name;
if (name_printed) {
*name_printed = true;
return true;
if (type->Is<sem::Sampler>()) {
out << "sampler";
return true;
if (auto* str = type->As<sem::Struct>()) {
// The struct type emits as just the name. The declaration would be emitted
// as part of emitting the declared types.
out << StructName(str);
return true;
if (auto* tex = type->As<sem::Texture>()) {
if (tex->IsAnyOf<sem::DepthTexture, sem::DepthMultisampledTexture>()) {
out << "depth";
} else {
out << "texture";
switch (tex->dim()) {
case ast::TextureDimension::k1d:
out << "1d";
case ast::TextureDimension::k2d:
out << "2d";
case ast::TextureDimension::k2dArray:
out << "2d_array";
case ast::TextureDimension::k3d:
out << "3d";
case ast::TextureDimension::kCube:
out << "cube";
case ast::TextureDimension::kCubeArray:
out << "cube_array";
"Invalid texture dimensions");
return false;
if (tex->IsAnyOf<sem::MultisampledTexture,
sem::DepthMultisampledTexture>()) {
out << "_ms";
out << "<";
if (tex->Is<sem::DepthTexture>()) {
out << "float, access::sample";
} else if (tex->Is<sem::DepthMultisampledTexture>()) {
out << "float, access::read";
} else if (auto* storage = tex->As<sem::StorageTexture>()) {
if (!EmitType(out, storage->type(), "")) {
return false;
std::string access_str;
if (storage->access() == ast::Access::kRead) {
out << ", access::read";
} else if (storage->access() == ast::Access::kWrite) {
out << ", access::write";
} else {
"Invalid access control for storage texture");
return false;
} else if (auto* ms = tex->As<sem::MultisampledTexture>()) {
if (!EmitType(out, ms->type(), "")) {
return false;
out << ", access::read";
} else if (auto* sampled = tex->As<sem::SampledTexture>()) {
if (!EmitType(out, sampled->type(), "")) {
return false;
out << ", access::sample";
} else {
diagnostics_.add_error(diag::System::Writer, "invalid texture type");
return false;
out << ">";
return true;
if (type->Is<sem::U32>()) {
out << "uint";
return true;
if (auto* vec = type->As<sem::Vector>()) {
if (!EmitType(out, vec->type(), "")) {
return false;
out << vec->Width();
return true;
if (type->Is<sem::Void>()) {
out << "void";
return true;
"unknown type in EmitType: " + type->type_name());
return false;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitTypeAndName(std::ostream& out,
const sem::Type* type,
const std::string& name) {
bool name_printed = false;
if (!EmitType(out, type, name, &name_printed)) {
return false;
if (!name_printed) {
out << " " << name;
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitStorageClass(std::ostream& out, ast::StorageClass sc) {
switch (sc) {
case ast::StorageClass::kFunction:
case ast::StorageClass::kPrivate:
case ast::StorageClass::kUniformConstant:
out << "thread";
return true;
case ast::StorageClass::kWorkgroup:
out << "threadgroup";
return true;
case ast::StorageClass::kStorage:
out << "device";
return true;
case ast::StorageClass::kUniform:
out << "constant";
return true;
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_) << "unhandled storage class: " << sc;
return false;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitPackedType(std::ostream& out,
const sem::Type* type,
const std::string& name) {
auto* vec = type->As<sem::Vector>();
if (vec && vec->Width() == 3) {
out << "packed_";
if (!EmitType(out, vec, "")) {
return false;
if (vec->is_float_vector() && !matrix_packed_vector_overloads_) {
// Overload operators for matrix-vector arithmetic where the vector
// operand is packed, as these overloads to not exist in the metal
// namespace.
TextBuffer b;
line(&b) << R"(template<typename T, int N, int M>
inline vec<T, M> operator*(matrix<T, N, M> lhs, packed_vec<T, N> rhs) {
return lhs * vec<T, N>(rhs);
template<typename T, int N, int M>
inline vec<T, N> operator*(packed_vec<T, M> lhs, matrix<T, N, M> rhs) {
return vec<T, M>(lhs) * rhs;
matrix_packed_vector_overloads_ = true;
return true;
return EmitType(out, type, name);
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitStructType(TextBuffer* b, const sem::Struct* str) {
line(b) << "struct " << StructName(str) << " {";
bool is_host_shareable = str->IsHostShareable();
// Emits a `/* 0xnnnn */` byte offset comment for a struct member.
auto add_byte_offset_comment = [&](std::ostream& out, uint32_t offset) {
std::ios_base::fmtflags saved_flag_state(out.flags());
out << "/* 0x" << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << offset
<< " */ ";
auto add_padding = [&](uint32_t size, uint32_t msl_offset) {
std::string name;
do {
name = UniqueIdentifier("tint_pad");
} while (str->FindMember(program_->Symbols().Get(name)));
auto out = line(b);
add_byte_offset_comment(out, msl_offset);
out << "int8_t " << name << "[" << size << "];";
uint32_t msl_offset = 0;
for (auto* mem : str->Members()) {
auto out = line(b);
auto name = program_->Symbols().NameFor(mem->Name());
auto wgsl_offset = mem->Offset();
if (is_host_shareable) {
if (wgsl_offset < msl_offset) {
// Unimplementable layout
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "Structure member WGSL offset (" << wgsl_offset
<< ") is behind MSL offset (" << msl_offset << ")";
return false;
// Generate padding if required
if (auto padding = wgsl_offset - msl_offset) {
add_padding(padding, msl_offset);
msl_offset += padding;
add_byte_offset_comment(out, msl_offset);
if (!EmitPackedType(out, mem->Type(), name)) {
return false;
} else {
if (!EmitType(out, mem->Type(), name)) {
return false;
auto* ty = mem->Type();
// Array member name will be output with the type
if (!ty->Is<sem::Array>()) {
out << " " << name;
// Emit decorations
if (auto* decl = mem->Declaration()) {
for (auto* deco : decl->decorations) {
if (auto* builtin = deco->As<ast::BuiltinDecoration>()) {
auto attr = builtin_to_attribute(builtin->builtin);
if (attr.empty()) {
diagnostics_.add_error(diag::System::Writer, "unknown builtin");
return false;
out << " [[" << attr << "]]";
} else if (auto* loc = deco->As<ast::LocationDecoration>()) {
auto& pipeline_stage_uses = str->PipelineStageUses();
if (pipeline_stage_uses.size() != 1) {
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "invalid entry point IO struct uses";
if (pipeline_stage_uses.count(
sem::PipelineStageUsage::kVertexInput)) {
out << " [[attribute(" + std::to_string(loc->value) + ")]]";
} else if (pipeline_stage_uses.count(
sem::PipelineStageUsage::kVertexOutput)) {
out << " [[user(locn" + std::to_string(loc->value) + ")]]";
} else if (pipeline_stage_uses.count(
sem::PipelineStageUsage::kFragmentInput)) {
out << " [[user(locn" + std::to_string(loc->value) + ")]]";
} else if (pipeline_stage_uses.count(
sem::PipelineStageUsage::kFragmentOutput)) {
out << " [[color(" + std::to_string(loc->value) + ")]]";
} else {
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "invalid use of location decoration";
} else if (auto* interpolate = deco->As<ast::InterpolateDecoration>()) {
auto attr = interpolation_to_attribute(interpolate->type,
if (attr.empty()) {
"unknown interpolation attribute");
return false;
out << " [[" << attr << "]]";
} else if (deco->Is<ast::InvariantDecoration>()) {
if (invariant_define_name_.empty()) {
invariant_define_name_ = UniqueIdentifier("TINT_INVARIANT");
out << " " << invariant_define_name_;
} else if (!deco->IsAnyOf<ast::StructMemberOffsetDecoration,
ast::StructMemberSizeDecoration>()) {
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "unhandled struct member attribute: " << deco->Name();
out << ";";
if (is_host_shareable) {
// Calculate new MSL offset
auto size_align = MslPackedTypeSizeAndAlign(ty);
if (msl_offset % size_align.align) {
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_)
<< "Misaligned MSL structure member "
<< ty->FriendlyName(program_->Symbols()) << " " << name;
return false;
msl_offset += size_align.size;
if (is_host_shareable && str->Size() != msl_offset) {
add_padding(str->Size() - msl_offset, msl_offset);
line(b) << "};";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitUnaryOp(std::ostream& out,
const ast::UnaryOpExpression* expr) {
// Handle `-e` when `e` is signed, so that we ensure that if `e` is the
// largest negative value, it returns `e`.
auto* expr_type = TypeOf(expr->expr)->UnwrapRef();
if (expr->op == ast::UnaryOp::kNegation &&
expr_type->is_signed_scalar_or_vector()) {
auto fn =
utils::GetOrCreate(unary_minus_funcs_, expr_type, [&]() -> std::string {
// e.g.:
// int tint_unary_minus(const int v) {
// return (v == -2147483648) ? v : -v;
// }
TextBuffer b;
auto fn_name = UniqueIdentifier("tint_unary_minus");
auto decl = line(&b);
if (!EmitTypeAndName(decl, expr_type, fn_name)) {
return "";
decl << "(const ";
if (!EmitType(decl, expr_type, "")) {
return "";
decl << " v) {";
ScopedIndent si(&b);
const auto largest_negative_value =
line(&b) << "return select(-v, v, v == " << largest_negative_value
<< ");";
line(&b) << "}";
return fn_name;
out << fn << "(";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->expr)) {
return false;
out << ")";
return true;
switch (expr->op) {
case ast::UnaryOp::kAddressOf:
out << "&";
case ast::UnaryOp::kComplement:
out << "~";
case ast::UnaryOp::kIndirection:
out << "*";
case ast::UnaryOp::kNot:
out << "!";
case ast::UnaryOp::kNegation:
out << "-";
out << "(";
if (!EmitExpression(out, expr->expr)) {
return false;
out << ")";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitVariable(const sem::Variable* var) {
auto* decl = var->Declaration();
for (auto* deco : decl->decorations) {
if (!deco->Is<ast::InternalDecoration>()) {
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_) << "unexpected variable decoration";
return false;
auto out = line();
switch (var->StorageClass()) {
case ast::StorageClass::kFunction:
case ast::StorageClass::kUniformConstant:
case ast::StorageClass::kNone:
case ast::StorageClass::kPrivate:
out << "thread ";
case ast::StorageClass::kWorkgroup:
out << "threadgroup ";
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics_) << "unhandled variable storage class";
return false;
auto* type = var->Type()->UnwrapRef();
std::string name = program_->Symbols().NameFor(decl->symbol);
if (decl->is_const) {
name = "const " + name;
if (!EmitType(out, type, name)) {
return false;
// Variable name is output as part of the type for arrays and pointers.
if (!type->Is<sem::Array>() && !type->Is<sem::Pointer>()) {
out << " " << name;
if (decl->constructor != nullptr) {
out << " = ";
if (!EmitExpression(out, decl->constructor)) {
return false;
} else if (var->StorageClass() == ast::StorageClass::kPrivate ||
var->StorageClass() == ast::StorageClass::kFunction ||
var->StorageClass() == ast::StorageClass::kNone) {
out << " = ";
if (!EmitZeroValue(out, type)) {
return false;
out << ";";
return true;
bool GeneratorImpl::EmitProgramConstVariable(const ast::Variable* var) {
for (auto* d : var->decorations) {
if (!d->Is<ast::OverrideDecoration>()) {
"Decorated const values not valid");
return false;
if (!var->is_const) {
diagnostics_.add_error(diag::System::Writer, "Expected a const value");
return false;
auto out = line();
out << "constant ";
auto* type = program_->Sem().Get(var)->Type()->UnwrapRef();
if (!EmitType(out, type, program_->Symbols().NameFor(var->symbol))) {
return false;
if (!type->Is<sem::Array>()) {
out << " " << program_->Symbols().NameFor(var->symbol);
auto* global = program_->Sem().Get<sem::GlobalVariable>(var);
if (global && global->IsOverridable()) {
out << " [[function_constant(" << global->ConstantId() << ")]]";
} else if (var->constructor != nullptr) {
out << " = ";
if (!EmitExpression(out, var->constructor)) {
return false;
out << ";";
return true;
GeneratorImpl::SizeAndAlign GeneratorImpl::MslPackedTypeSizeAndAlign(
const sem::Type* ty) {
if (ty->IsAnyOf<sem::U32, sem::I32, sem::F32>()) {
// 2.1 Scalar Data Types
return {4, 4};
if (auto* vec = ty->As<sem::Vector>()) {
auto num_els = vec->Width();
auto* el_ty = vec->type();
if (el_ty->IsAnyOf<sem::U32, sem::I32, sem::F32>()) {
// Use a packed_vec type for 3-element vectors only.
if (num_els == 3) {
// 2.2.3 Packed Vector Types
return SizeAndAlign{num_els * 4, 4};
} else {
// 2.2 Vector Data Types
return SizeAndAlign{num_els * 4, num_els * 4};
if (auto* mat = ty->As<sem::Matrix>()) {
// 2.3 Matrix Data Types
auto cols = mat->columns();