blob: e607efc3bfa4776dfbbb57ca1157210babc9d3f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/ast/id_attribute.h"
#include "src/tint/writer/glsl/test_helper.h"
using namespace tint::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
namespace tint::writer::glsl {
namespace {
using GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant = TestHelper;
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalLet) {
auto* var = Let("pos", ty.array<f32, 3>(), array<f32, 3>(1_f, 2_f, 3_f));
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.EmitProgramConstVariable(var)) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), "const float pos[3] = float[3](1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);\n");
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_AInt) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", Expr(1_a));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
void f() {
int l = 1;
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_AFloat) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", Expr(1._a));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
void f() {
float l = 1.0f;
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_i32) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", Expr(1_i));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
void f() {
int l = 1;
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_u32) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", Expr(1_u));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
void f() {
uint l = 1u;
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_f32) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", Expr(1_f));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
void f() {
float l = 1.0f;
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_f16) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", Expr(1_h));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
#extension GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float : require
void f() {
float16_t l = 1.0hf;
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_vec3_AInt) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", Construct(ty.vec3(nullptr), 1_a, 2_a, 3_a));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
void f() {
ivec3 l = ivec3(1, 2, 3);
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_vec3_AFloat) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", Construct(ty.vec3(nullptr), 1._a, 2._a, 3._a));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
void f() {
vec3 l = vec3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_vec3_f32) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", vec3<f32>(1_f, 2_f, 3_f));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
void f() {
vec3 l = vec3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_vec3_f16) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", vec3<f16>(1_h, 2_h, 3_h));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
#extension GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float : require
void f() {
f16vec3 l = f16vec3(1.0hf, 2.0hf, 3.0hf);
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_mat2x3_AFloat) {
auto* var =
GlobalConst("G", Construct(ty.mat(nullptr, 2, 3), 1._a, 2._a, 3._a, 4._a, 5._a, 6._a));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
void f() {
mat2x3 l = mat2x3(vec3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f), vec3(4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f));
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_mat2x3_f32) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", mat2x3<f32>(1_f, 2_f, 3_f, 4_f, 5_f, 6_f));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
void f() {
mat2x3 l = mat2x3(vec3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f), vec3(4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f));
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_mat2x3_f16) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", mat2x3<f16>(1_h, 2_h, 3_h, 4_h, 5_h, 6_h));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
#extension GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float : require
void f() {
f16mat2x3 l = f16mat2x3(f16vec3(1.0hf, 2.0hf, 3.0hf), f16vec3(4.0hf, 5.0hf, 6.0hf));
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_arr_f32) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", Construct(ty.array<f32, 3>(), 1_f, 2_f, 3_f));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
void f() {
float l[3] = float[3](1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_GlobalConst_arr_vec2_bool) {
auto* var = GlobalConst("G", Construct(ty.array(ty.vec2<bool>(), 3_u), //
vec2<bool>(true, false), //
vec2<bool>(false, true), //
vec2<bool>(true, true)));
Func("f", utils::Empty, ty.void_(),
Decl(Let("l", Expr(var))),
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.Generate()) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#version 310 es
void f() {
bvec2 l[3] = bvec2[3](bvec2(true, false), bvec2(false, true), bvec2(true));
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_Override) {
auto* var = Override("pos", ty.f32(), Expr(3_f), Id(23));
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.EmitOverride(var)) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#ifndef WGSL_SPEC_CONSTANT_23
#define WGSL_SPEC_CONSTANT_23 3.0f
const float pos = WGSL_SPEC_CONSTANT_23;
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_Override_NoConstructor) {
auto* var = Override("pos", ty.f32(), Id(23));
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.EmitOverride(var)) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#ifndef WGSL_SPEC_CONSTANT_23
#error spec constant required for constant id 23
const float pos = WGSL_SPEC_CONSTANT_23;
TEST_F(GlslGeneratorImplTest_ModuleConstant, Emit_Override_NoId) {
auto* a = Override("a", ty.f32(), Expr(3_f), Id(0));
auto* b = Override("b", ty.f32(), Expr(2_f));
GeneratorImpl& gen = Build();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.EmitOverride(a)) << gen.error();
ASSERT_TRUE(gen.EmitOverride(b)) << gen.error();
EXPECT_EQ(gen.result(), R"(#ifndef WGSL_SPEC_CONSTANT_0
#define WGSL_SPEC_CONSTANT_0 3.0f
const float a = WGSL_SPEC_CONSTANT_0;
#define WGSL_SPEC_CONSTANT_1 2.0f
const float b = WGSL_SPEC_CONSTANT_1;
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::writer::glsl