blob: 5e0f4811e33eb246d8ab3a50a2404f8b5cff4e51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0(the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include "src/debug.h"
#include "src/sem/statement.h"
namespace tint {
// Forward declarations
namespace ast {
class BlockStatement;
class Variable;
} // namespace ast
namespace sem {
/// Holds semantic information about a block, such as parent block and variables
/// declared in the block.
class BlockStatement : public Castable<BlockStatement, Statement> {
enum class Type { kGeneric, kLoop, kLoopContinuing, kSwitchCase };
/// Constructor
/// @param declaration the AST node for this block statement
/// @param parent the owning statement
/// @param type the type of block this is
BlockStatement(const ast::BlockStatement* declaration,
const Statement* parent,
Type type);
/// Destructor
~BlockStatement() override;
/// @returns the AST block statement associated with this semantic block
/// statement
const ast::BlockStatement* Declaration() const;
/// @returns the closest enclosing block that satisfies the given predicate,
/// which may be the block itself, or nullptr if no match is found
/// @param pred a predicate that the resulting block must satisfy
template <typename Pred>
const BlockStatement* FindFirstParent(Pred&& pred) const {
const BlockStatement* curr = this;
while (curr && !pred(curr)) {
curr = curr->Block();
return curr;
/// @returns the closest enclosing block that matches the given type, which
/// may be the block itself, or nullptr if no match is found
/// @param ty the type of block to be searched for
const BlockStatement* FindFirstParent(BlockStatement::Type ty) const;
/// @returns the declarations associated with this block
const std::vector<const ast::Variable*>& Decls() const { return decls_; }
/// Requires that this is a loop block.
/// @returns the index of the first variable declared after the first continue
/// statement
size_t FirstContinue() const {
TINT_ASSERT(type_ == Type::kLoop);
return first_continue_;
/// Requires that this is a loop block.
/// Allows the resolver to set the index of the first variable declared after
/// the first continue statement.
/// @param first_continue index of the relevant variable
void SetFirstContinue(size_t first_continue);
/// Allows the resolver to associate a declaration with this block.
/// @param var a variable declaration to be added to the block
void AddDecl(ast::Variable* var);
Type const type_;
std::vector<const ast::Variable*> decls_;
// first_continue is set to the index of the first variable in decls
// declared after the first continue statement in a loop block, if any.
constexpr static size_t kNoContinue = size_t(~0);
size_t first_continue_ = kNoContinue;
} // namespace sem
} // namespace tint