blob: eb1a0016b62351ce8cd85314411ddb9df3f45be1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include "src/tint/sem/expression.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/node.h"
#include "src/tint/sem/variable.h"
namespace tint::sem {
/// An array count
class ArrayCount : public Castable<ArrayCount, Node> {
~ArrayCount() override;
/// @returns a hash of the array count.
virtual size_t Hash() const = 0;
/// @param t other array count
/// @returns true if this array count is equal to the given array count
virtual bool Equals(const ArrayCount& t) const = 0;
/// The variant of an ArrayCount when the array is a const-expression.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// const N = 123;
/// type arr = array<i32, N>
/// ```
class ConstantArrayCount final : public Castable<ConstantArrayCount, ArrayCount> {
/// Constructor
/// @param val the constant-expression value
explicit ConstantArrayCount(uint32_t val);
~ConstantArrayCount() override;
/// @returns a hash of the array count.
size_t Hash() const override;
/// @param t other array count
/// @returns true if this array count is equal to the given array count
bool Equals(const ArrayCount& t) const override;
/// The array count constant-expression value.
uint32_t value;
/// The variant of an ArrayCount when the array is is runtime-sized.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// type arr = array<i32>
/// ```
class RuntimeArrayCount final : public Castable<RuntimeArrayCount, ArrayCount> {
/// Constructor
~RuntimeArrayCount() override;
/// @returns a hash of the array count.
size_t Hash() const override;
/// @param t other array count
/// @returns true if this array count is equal to the given array count
bool Equals(const ArrayCount& t) const override;
/// The variant of an ArrayCount when the count is a named override variable.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// override N : i32;
/// type arr = array<i32, N>
/// ```
class NamedOverrideArrayCount final : public Castable<NamedOverrideArrayCount, ArrayCount> {
/// Constructor
/// @param var the `override` variable
explicit NamedOverrideArrayCount(const GlobalVariable* var);
~NamedOverrideArrayCount() override;
/// @returns a hash of the array count.
size_t Hash() const override;
/// @param t other array count
/// @returns true if this array count is equal to the given array count
bool Equals(const ArrayCount& t) const override;
/// The `override` variable.
const GlobalVariable* variable;
/// The variant of an ArrayCount when the count is an unnamed override variable.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// override N : i32;
/// type arr = array<i32, N*2>
/// ```
class UnnamedOverrideArrayCount final : public Castable<UnnamedOverrideArrayCount, ArrayCount> {
/// Constructor
/// @param e the override expression
explicit UnnamedOverrideArrayCount(const Expression* e);
~UnnamedOverrideArrayCount() override;
/// @returns a hash of the array count.
size_t Hash() const override;
/// @param t other array count
/// @returns true if this array count is equal to the given array count
bool Equals(const ArrayCount& t) const override;
/// The unnamed override expression.
/// Note: Each AST expression gets a unique semantic expression node, so two equivalent AST
/// expressions will not result in the same `expr` pointer. This property is important to ensure
/// that two array declarations with equivalent AST expressions do not compare equal.
/// For example, consider:
/// ```
/// override size : u32;
/// var<workgroup> a : array<f32, size * 2>;
/// var<workgroup> b : array<f32, size * 2>;
/// ```
// The array count for `a` and `b` have equivalent AST expressions, but the types for `a` and
// `b` must not compare equal.
const Expression* expr;
} // namespace tint::sem
namespace std {
/// std::hash specialization for tint::sem::ArrayCount
template <>
struct hash<tint::sem::ArrayCount> {
/// @param a the array count to obtain a hash from
/// @returns the hash of the array count
size_t operator()(const tint::sem::ArrayCount& a) const { return a.Hash(); }
/// std::equal_to specialization for tint::sem::ArrayCount
template <>
struct equal_to<tint::sem::ArrayCount> {
/// @param a the first array count to compare
/// @param b the second array count to compare
/// @returns true if the two array counts are equal
bool operator()(const tint::sem::ArrayCount& a, const tint::sem::ArrayCount& b) const {
return a.Equals(b);
} // namespace std