blob: ad77324bf2ead0217d4630c6bdb60817384a38ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/reader/wgsl/parser_impl_test_helper.h"
namespace tint {
namespace reader {
namespace wgsl {
namespace {
class ForStmtTest : public ParserImplTest {
void TestForLoop(std::string loop_str, std::string for_str) {
auto p_loop = parser(loop_str);
auto e_loop = p_loop->expect_statements();
EXPECT_FALSE(p_loop->has_error()) << p_loop->error();
auto p_for = parser(for_str);
auto e_for = p_for->expect_statements();
EXPECT_FALSE(p_for->has_error()) << p_for->error();
std::string loop = ast::BlockStatement({}, e_loop.value).str(Sem());
std::string for_ = ast::BlockStatement({}, e_for.value).str(Sem());
EXPECT_EQ(loop, for_);
// Test an empty for loop.
TEST_F(ForStmtTest, Empty) {
std::string for_str = "for (;;) { }";
std::string loop_str = "loop { }";
TestForLoop(loop_str, for_str);
// Test a for loop with non-empty body.
TEST_F(ForStmtTest, Body) {
std::string for_str = "for (;;) { discard; }";
std::string loop_str = "loop { discard; }";
TestForLoop(loop_str, for_str);
// Test a for loop declaring a variable in the initializer statement.
TEST_F(ForStmtTest, InitializerStatementDecl) {
std::string for_str = "for (var i: i32 ;;) { }";
std::string loop_str = "{ var i: i32; loop { } }";
TestForLoop(loop_str, for_str);
// Test a for loop declaring and initializing a variable in the initializer
// statement.
TEST_F(ForStmtTest, InitializerStatementDeclEqual) {
std::string for_str = "for (var i: i32 = 0 ;;) { }";
std::string loop_str = "{ var i: i32 = 0; loop { } }";
TestForLoop(loop_str, for_str);
// Test a for loop declaring a const variable in the initializer statement.
TEST_F(ForStmtTest, InitializerStatementConstDecl) {
std::string for_str = "for (const i: i32 = 0 ;;) { }";
std::string loop_str = "{ const i: i32 = 0; loop { } }";
TestForLoop(loop_str, for_str);
// Test a for loop assigning a variable in the initializer statement.
TEST_F(ForStmtTest, InitializerStatementAssignment) {
std::string for_str = "var i: i32; for (i = 0 ;;) { }";
std::string loop_str = "var i: i32; { i = 0; loop { } }";
TestForLoop(loop_str, for_str);
// Test a for loop calling a function in the initializer statement.
TEST_F(ForStmtTest, InitializerStatementFuncCall) {
std::string for_str = "for (a(b,c) ;;) { }";
std::string loop_str = "{ a(b,c); loop { } }";
TestForLoop(loop_str, for_str);
// Test a for loop with a break condition
TEST_F(ForStmtTest, BreakCondition) {
std::string for_str = "for (; 0 == 1;) { }";
std::string loop_str = "loop { if (!(0 == 1)) { break; } }";
TestForLoop(loop_str, for_str);
// Test a for loop assigning a variable in the continuing statement.
TEST_F(ForStmtTest, ContinuingAssignment) {
std::string for_str = "var x: i32; for (;; x = 2) { }";
std::string loop_str = "var x: i32; loop { continuing { x = 2; }}";
TestForLoop(loop_str, for_str);
// Test a for loop calling a function in the continuing statement.
TEST_F(ForStmtTest, ContinuingFuncCall) {
std::string for_str = "for (;; a(b,c)) { }";
std::string loop_str = "loop { continuing { a(b,c); }}";
TestForLoop(loop_str, for_str);
// Test a for loop with all statements non-empty.
TEST_F(ForStmtTest, All) {
std::string for_str =
R"(for(var i : i32 = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) {
if (a == 0) {
a = a + 2;
std::string loop_str =
R"({ // Introduce new scope for loop variable i
var i : i32 = 0;
loop {
if (!(i < 4)) {
if (a == 0) {
a = a + 2;
continuing {
i = i + 1;
TestForLoop(loop_str, for_str);
class ForStmtErrorTest : public ParserImplTest {
void TestForWithError(std::string for_str, std::string error_str) {
auto p_for = parser(for_str);
auto e_for = p_for->for_stmt();
ASSERT_EQ(e_for.value, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(p_for->error(), error_str);
// Test a for loop with missing left parenthesis is invalid.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, MissingLeftParen) {
std::string for_str = "for { }";
std::string error_str = "1:5: expected '(' for for loop";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with missing first semicolon is invalid.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, MissingFirstSemicolon) {
std::string for_str = "for () {}";
std::string error_str = "1:6: expected ';' for initializer in for loop";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with missing second semicolon is invalid.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, MissingSecondSemicolon) {
std::string for_str = "for (;) {}";
std::string error_str = "1:7: expected ';' for condition in for loop";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with missing right parenthesis is invalid.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, MissingRightParen) {
std::string for_str = "for (;; {}";
std::string error_str = "1:9: expected ')' for for loop";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with missing left brace is invalid.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, MissingLeftBrace) {
std::string for_str = "for (;;)";
std::string error_str = "1:9: expected '{' for for loop";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with missing right brace is invalid.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, MissingRightBrace) {
std::string for_str = "for (;;) {";
std::string error_str = "1:11: expected '}' for for loop";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with an invalid initializer statement.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, InvalidInitializerAsConstDecl) {
std::string for_str = "for (const x: i32;;) { }";
std::string error_str = "1:18: expected '=' for constant declaration";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with a initializer statement not matching
// variable_stmt | assignment_stmt | func_call_stmt.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, InvalidInitializerMatch) {
std::string for_str = "for (if (true) {} ;;) { }";
std::string error_str = "1:6: expected ';' for initializer in for loop";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with an invalid break condition.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, InvalidBreakConditionAsExpression) {
std::string for_str = "for (; (0 == 1; ) { }";
std::string error_str = "1:15: expected ')'";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with a break condition not matching
// logical_or_expression.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, InvalidBreakConditionMatch) {
std::string for_str = "for (; var i: i32 = 0;) { }";
std::string error_str = "1:8: expected ';' for condition in for loop";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with an invalid continuing statement.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, InvalidContinuingAsFuncCall) {
std::string for_str = "for (;; a(,) ) { }";
std::string error_str = "1:11: unable to parse argument expression";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with a continuing statement not matching
// assignment_stmt | func_call_stmt.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, InvalidContinuingMatch) {
std::string for_str = "for (;; var i: i32 = 0) { }";
std::string error_str = "1:9: expected ')' for for loop";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with an invalid body.
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, InvalidBody) {
std::string for_str = "for (;;) { const x: i32; }";
std::string error_str = "1:24: expected '=' for constant declaration";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
// Test a for loop with a body not matching statements
TEST_F(ForStmtErrorTest, InvalidBodyMatch) {
std::string for_str = "for (;;) { fn main() -> void {} }";
std::string error_str = "1:12: expected '}' for for loop";
TestForWithError(for_str, error_str);
} // namespace
} // namespace wgsl
} // namespace reader
} // namespace tint