| // Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| #include "src/writer/msl/namer.h" |
| |
| #include "gtest/gtest.h" |
| |
| namespace tint { |
| namespace writer { |
| namespace msl { |
| namespace { |
| |
| using MslNamerTest = testing::Test; |
| |
| TEST_F(MslNamerTest, ReturnsName) { |
| Namer n; |
| EXPECT_EQ("my_name", n.NameFor("my_name")); |
| EXPECT_EQ("my_name", n.NameFor("my_name")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(MslNamerTest, HandlesConflictWithRenamedReservedWordAfterIdentSeen) { |
| Namer n; |
| EXPECT_EQ("float_tint_0", n.NameFor("float_tint_0")); |
| EXPECT_EQ("float_tint_1", n.NameFor("float")); |
| EXPECT_EQ("float_tint_0", n.NameFor("float_tint_0")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(MslNamerTest, HandlesConflictWithRenamedReservedWordBeforeIdentSeen) { |
| Namer n; |
| EXPECT_EQ("float_tint_0", n.NameFor("float")); |
| EXPECT_EQ("float_tint_0_0", n.NameFor("float_tint_0")); |
| EXPECT_EQ("float_tint_0_0_0", n.NameFor("float_tint_0_0")); |
| EXPECT_EQ("float_tint_0_0", n.NameFor("float_tint_0")); |
| } |
| |
| using MslReservedNameTest = testing::TestWithParam<std::string>; |
| TEST_P(MslReservedNameTest, Emit) { |
| auto name = GetParam(); |
| |
| Namer n; |
| EXPECT_EQ(name + "_tint_0", n.NameFor(name)); |
| } |
| MslReservedNameTest, |
| testing::Values( |
| // c++14 spec |
| "alignas", |
| "alignof", |
| "and", |
| "and_eq", |
| "asm", |
| "auto", |
| "bitand", |
| "bitor", |
| "bool", |
| "break", |
| "case", |
| "catch", |
| "char", |
| "char16_t", |
| "char32_t", |
| "class", |
| "compl", |
| "const", |
| "const_cast", |
| "constexpr", |
| "continue", |
| "decltype", |
| "default", |
| "delete", |
| "do", |
| "double", |
| "dynamic_cast", |
| "else", |
| "enum", |
| "explicit", |
| "extern", |
| "extern", |
| "false", |
| "final", |
| "float", |
| "for", |
| "friend", |
| "goto", |
| "if", |
| "inline", |
| "inline", |
| "int", |
| "long", |
| "mutable" |
| "mutable", |
| "namespace", |
| "new", |
| "noexcept" |
| "not", |
| "not_eq", |
| "nullptr", |
| "operator", |
| "or", |
| "or_eq", |
| "override", |
| "private", |
| "protected", |
| "public", |
| "register", |
| "reinterpret_cast", |
| "return", |
| "short", |
| "signed", |
| "sizeof", |
| "static", |
| "static_assert", |
| "static_cast", |
| "struct", |
| "switch", |
| "template", |
| "this", |
| "thread_local", |
| "throw", |
| "true", |
| "try", |
| "typedef", |
| "typeid", |
| "typename", |
| "union", |
| "unsigned", |
| "using", |
| "virtual", |
| "virtual", |
| "void", |
| "volatile", |
| "wchar_t", |
| "while", |
| "xor", |
| "xor_eq", |
| |
| // Metal Spec |
| "access", |
| "array", |
| "array_ref", |
| "as_type", |
| "atomic", |
| "atomic_bool", |
| "atomic_int", |
| "atomic_uint", |
| "bool2", |
| "bool3", |
| "bool4", |
| "buffer", |
| "char2", |
| "char3", |
| "char4", |
| "const_reference", |
| "constant", |
| "depth2d", |
| "depth2d_array", |
| "depth2d_ms", |
| "depth2d_ms_array", |
| "depthcube", |
| "depthcube_array", |
| "device", |
| "discard_fragment", |
| "float2", |
| "float2x2", |
| "float2x3", |
| "float2x4", |
| "float3", |
| "float3x2", |
| "float3x3", |
| "float3x4", |
| "float4", |
| "float4x2", |
| "float4x3", |
| "float4x4", |
| "fragment", |
| "half", |
| "half2", |
| "half2x2", |
| "half2x3", |
| "half2x4", |
| "half3", |
| "half3x2", |
| "half3x3", |
| "half3x4", |
| "half4", |
| "half4x2", |
| "half4x3", |
| "half4x4", |
| "imageblock", |
| "int16_t", |
| "int2", |
| "int3", |
| "int32_t", |
| "int4", |
| "int64_t", |
| "int8_t", |
| "kernel", |
| "long2", |
| "long3", |
| "long4", |
| "main", // No functions called main |
| "metal", // The namespace |
| "packed_bool2", |
| "packed_bool3", |
| "packed_bool4", |
| "packed_char2", |
| "packed_char3", |
| "packed_char4", |
| "packed_float2", |
| "packed_float3", |
| "packed_float4", |
| "packed_half2", |
| "packed_half3", |
| "packed_half4", |
| "packed_int2", |
| "packed_int3", |
| "packed_int4", |
| "packed_short2", |
| "packed_short3", |
| "packed_short4", |
| "packed_uchar2", |
| "packed_uchar3", |
| "packed_uchar4", |
| "packed_uint2", |
| "packed_uint3", |
| "packed_uint4", |
| "packed_ushort2", |
| "packed_ushort3", |
| "packed_ushort4", |
| "patch_control_point", |
| "ptrdiff_t", |
| "r16snorm", |
| "r16unorm", |
| "r8unorm", |
| "reference", |
| "rg11b10f", |
| "rg16snorm", |
| "rg16unorm", |
| "rg8snorm", |
| "rg8unorm", |
| "rgb10a2", |
| "rgb9e5", |
| "rgba16snorm", |
| "rgba16unorm", |
| "rgba8snorm", |
| "rgba8unorm", |
| "sampler", |
| "short2", |
| "short3", |
| "short4", |
| "size_t", |
| "srgba8unorm", |
| "texture", |
| "texture1d", |
| "texture1d_array", |
| "texture2d", |
| "texture2d_array", |
| "texture2d_ms", |
| "texture2d_ms_array", |
| "texture3d", |
| "texture_buffer", |
| "texturecube", |
| "texturecube_array", |
| "thread", |
| "threadgroup", |
| "threadgroup_imageblock", |
| "uchar", |
| "uchar2", |
| "uchar3", |
| "uchar4", |
| "uint", |
| "uint16_t", |
| "uint2", |
| "uint3", |
| "uint32_t", |
| "uint4", |
| "uint64_t", |
| "uint8_t", |
| "ulong2", |
| "ulong3", |
| "ulong4", |
| "uniform", |
| "ushort", |
| "ushort2", |
| "ushort3", |
| "ushort4", |
| "vec", |
| "vertex")); |
| |
| } // namespace |
| } // namespace msl |
| } // namespace writer |
| } // namespace tint |