blob: c9eae280c7888f69f100b4bbe1df968606c30a75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/ast/literal.h"
#include "src/ast/module.h"
#include "src/ast/scalar_constructor_expression.h"
#include "src/ast/type_constructor_expression.h"
#include "src/scope_stack.h"
#include "src/writer/hlsl/namer.h"
#include "src/writer/text_generator.h"
namespace tint {
namespace writer {
namespace hlsl {
/// Implementation class for HLSL generator
class GeneratorImpl : public TextGenerator {
/// Constructor
/// @param module the module to generate
explicit GeneratorImpl(ast::Module* module);
/// @returns true on successful generation; false otherwise
bool Generate();
/// Handles generating an alias
/// @param alias the alias to generate
/// @returns true if the alias was emitted
bool EmitAliasType(const ast::type::AliasType* alias);
/// Handles an array accessor expression
/// @param expr the expression to emit
/// @returns true if the array accessor was emitted
bool EmitArrayAccessor(ast::ArrayAccessorExpression* expr);
/// Handles generating an as expression
/// @param expr the as expression
/// @returns true if the as was emitted
bool EmitAs(ast::AsExpression* expr);
/// Handles an assignment statement
/// @param stmt the statement to emit
/// @returns true if the statement was emitted successfully
bool EmitAssign(ast::AssignmentStatement* stmt);
/// Handles generating a binary expression
/// @param expr the binary expression
/// @returns true if the expression was emitted, false otherwise
bool EmitBinary(ast::BinaryExpression* expr);
/// Handles a block statement
/// @param stmt the statement to emit
/// @returns true if the statement was emitted successfully
bool EmitBlock(const ast::BlockStatement* stmt);
/// Handles a block statement with a newline at the end
/// @param stmt the statement to emit
/// @returns true if the statement was emitted successfully
bool EmitIndentedBlockAndNewline(ast::BlockStatement* stmt);
/// Handles a block statement with a newline at the end
/// @param stmt the statement to emit
/// @returns true if the statement was emitted successfully
bool EmitBlockAndNewline(const ast::BlockStatement* stmt);
/// Handles a break statement
/// @param stmt the statement to emit
/// @returns true if the statement was emitted successfully
bool EmitBreak(ast::BreakStatement* stmt);
/// Handles generating a call expression
/// @param expr the call expression
/// @returns true if the call expression is emitted
bool EmitCall(ast::CallExpression* expr);
/// Handles a case statement
/// @param stmt the statement
/// @returns true if the statment was emitted successfully
bool EmitCase(ast::CaseStatement* stmt);
/// Handles generating a cast expression
/// @param expr the cast expression
/// @returns true if the cast was emitted
bool EmitCast(ast::CastExpression* expr);
/// Handles generating constructor expressions
/// @param expr the constructor expression
/// @returns true if the expression was emitted
bool EmitConstructor(ast::ConstructorExpression* expr);
/// Handles generating a discard statement
/// @param stmt the discard statement
/// @returns true if the statement was successfully emitted
bool EmitDiscard(ast::DiscardStatement* stmt);
/// Handles generating a scalar constructor
/// @param expr the scalar constructor expression
/// @returns true if the scalar constructor is emitted
bool EmitScalarConstructor(ast::ScalarConstructorExpression* expr);
/// Handles emitting a type constructor
/// @param expr the type constructor expression
/// @returns true if the constructor is emitted
bool EmitTypeConstructor(ast::TypeConstructorExpression* expr);
/// Handles a continue statement
/// @param stmt the statement to emit
/// @returns true if the statement was emitted successfully
bool EmitContinue(ast::ContinueStatement* stmt);
/// Handles generating an else statement
/// @param stmt the statement to emit
/// @returns true if the statement was emitted
bool EmitElse(ast::ElseStatement* stmt);
/// Handles generate an Expression
/// @param expr the expression
/// @returns true if the expression was emitted
bool EmitExpression(ast::Expression* expr);
/// Handles generating a function
/// @param func the function to generate
/// @returns true if the function was emitted
bool EmitFunction(ast::Function* func);
/// Internal helper for emitting functions
/// @param func the function to emit
/// @param emit_duplicate_functions set true if we need to duplicate per entry
/// point
/// @param ep_name the current entry point or blank if none set
/// @returns true if the function was emitted.
bool EmitFunctionInternal(ast::Function* func,
bool emit_duplicate_functions,
const std::string& ep_name);
/// Handles emitting information for an entry point
/// @param ep the entry point
/// @returns true if the entry point data was emitted
bool EmitEntryPointData(ast::EntryPoint* ep);
/// Handles emitting the entry point function
/// @param ep the entry point
/// @returns true if the entry point function was emitted
bool EmitEntryPointFunction(ast::EntryPoint* ep);
/// Handles an if statement
/// @param stmt the statement to emit
/// @returns true if the statement was successfully emitted
bool EmitIf(ast::IfStatement* stmt);
/// Handles genreating an import expression
/// @param expr the expression
/// @returns true if the expression was successfully emitted.
bool EmitImportFunction(ast::CallExpression* expr);
/// Handles a literal
/// @param lit the literal to emit
/// @returns true if the literal was successfully emitted
bool EmitLiteral(ast::Literal* lit);
/// Handles a loop statement
/// @param stmt the statement to emit
/// @returns true if the statement was emitted
bool EmitLoop(ast::LoopStatement* stmt);
/// Handles generating an identifier expression
/// @param expr the identifier expression
/// @returns true if the identifeir was emitted
bool EmitIdentifier(ast::IdentifierExpression* expr);
/// Handles a member accessor expression
/// @param expr the member accessor expression
/// @returns true if the member accessor was emitted
bool EmitMemberAccessor(ast::MemberAccessorExpression* expr);
/// Handles a storage buffer accessor expression
/// @param expr the storage buffer accessor expression
/// @param rhs the right side of a store expression. Set to nullptr for a load
/// @returns true if the storage buffer accessor was emitted
bool EmitStorageBufferAccessor(ast::Expression* expr, ast::Expression* rhs);
/// Handles return statements
/// @param stmt the statement to emit
/// @returns true if the statement was successfully emitted
bool EmitReturn(ast::ReturnStatement* stmt);
/// Handles statement
/// @param stmt the statement to emit
/// @returns true if the statement was emitted
bool EmitStatement(ast::Statement* stmt);
/// Handles generating a switch statement
/// @param stmt the statement to emit
/// @returns true if the statement was emitted
bool EmitSwitch(ast::SwitchStatement* stmt);
/// Handles generating type
/// @param type the type to generate
/// @param name the name of the variable, only used for array emission
/// @returns true if the type is emitted
bool EmitType(ast::type::Type* type, const std::string& name);
/// Handles a unary op expression
/// @param expr the expression to emit
/// @returns true if the expression was emitted
bool EmitUnaryOp(ast::UnaryOpExpression* expr);
/// Emits the zero value for the given type
/// @param type the type to emit the value for
/// @returns true if the zero value was successfully emitted.
bool EmitZeroValue(ast::type::Type* type);
/// Handles generating a variable
/// @param var the variable to generate
/// @returns true if the variable was emitted
bool EmitVariable(ast::Variable* var);
/// Handles generating a program scope constant variable
/// @param var the variable to emit
/// @returns true if the variable was emitted
bool EmitProgramConstVariable(const ast::Variable* var);
/// Returns true if the accessor is accessing a storage buffer.
/// @param expr the expression to check
/// @returns true if the accessor is accessing a storage buffer for which
/// we need to execute a Load instruction.
bool is_storage_buffer_access(ast::MemberAccessorExpression* expr);
/// Returns true if the accessor is accessing a storage buffer.
/// @param expr the expression to check
/// @returns true if the accessor is accessing a storage buffer
bool is_storage_buffer_access(ast::ArrayAccessorExpression* expr);
/// Registers the given global with the generator
/// @param global the global to register
void register_global(ast::Variable* global);
/// Checks if the global variable is in an input or output struct
/// @param var the variable to check
/// @returns true if the global is in an input or output struct
bool global_is_in_struct(ast::Variable* var) const;
/// Generates a name for the prefix
/// @param prefix the prefix of the name to generate
/// @returns the name
std::string generate_name(const std::string& prefix);
/// Generates an intrinsic name from the given name
/// @param name the name to convert to an intrinsic
/// @returns the intrinsic name or blank on error
std::string generate_intrinsic_name(const std::string& name);
/// Converts a builtin to an attribute name
/// @param builtin the builtin to convert
/// @returns the string name of the builtin or blank on error
std::string builtin_to_attribute(ast::Builtin builtin) const;
/// Determines if the function needs the input struct passed to it.
/// @param func the function to check
/// @returns true if there are input struct variables used in the function
bool has_referenced_in_var_needing_struct(ast::Function* func);
/// Determines if the function needs the output struct passed to it.
/// @param func the function to check
/// @returns true if there are output struct variables used in the function
bool has_referenced_out_var_needing_struct(ast::Function* func);
/// Determines if any used module variable requires an input or output struct.
/// @param func the function to check
/// @returns true if an input or output struct is required.
bool has_referenced_var_needing_struct(ast::Function* func);
/// @returns the namer for testing
Namer* namer_for_testing() { return &namer_; }
enum class VarType { kIn, kOut };
struct EntryPointData {
std::string struct_name;
std::string var_name;
std::string current_ep_var_name(VarType type);
Namer namer_;
ast::Module* module_ = nullptr;
std::string current_ep_name_;
bool generating_entry_point_ = false;
uint32_t loop_emission_counter_ = 0;
ScopeStack<ast::Variable*> global_variables_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, EntryPointData> ep_name_to_in_data_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, EntryPointData> ep_name_to_out_data_;
// This maps an input of "<entry_point_name>_<function_name>" to a remapped
// function name. If there is no entry for a given key then function did
// not need to be remapped for the entry point and can be emitted directly.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> ep_func_name_remapped_;
} // namespace hlsl
} // namespace writer
} // namespace tint