blob: a62880ecec1099724ce4cb57ae5455676ae32c3b [file] [log] [blame]
vk-gl-cts/spirv_assembly/instruction/terminate_invocation/no_image_store/1.wgsl:27:64 warning: integral user-defined fragment inputs must have a flat interpolation attribute
fn main(@builtin(position) x_2_param : vec4<f32>, @location(0) x_3_param : i32) -> main_out {
#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
vec4 x_2 = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
int x_3 = 0;
int x_4 = 0;
uniform highp writeonly iimage2D x_5_1;
void main_1() {
x_4 = 1;
vec4 x_23 = x_2;
int x_27 = int(x_23.x);
int x_28 = int(x_23.y);
if (((((x_27 & 1) + (x_28 & 1)) + x_3) == int(x_23.z))) {
imageStore(x_5_1, ivec2(x_27, x_28), ivec4(x_27, 0, 0, 0));
struct main_out {
int x_4_1;
struct tint_symbol_2 {
int x_3_param;
vec4 x_2_param;
struct tint_symbol_3 {
int x_4_1;
main_out tint_symbol_inner(vec4 x_2_param, int x_3_param) {
x_2 = x_2_param;
x_3 = x_3_param;
main_out tint_symbol_4 = main_out(x_4);
return tint_symbol_4;
tint_symbol_3 tint_symbol(tint_symbol_2 tint_symbol_1) {
main_out inner_result = tint_symbol_inner(tint_symbol_1.x_2_param, tint_symbol_1.x_3_param);
tint_symbol_3 wrapper_result = tint_symbol_3(0);
wrapper_result.x_4_1 = inner_result.x_4_1;
return wrapper_result;
in int x_3_param;
out int x_4_1;
void main() {
tint_symbol_2 inputs;
inputs.x_3_param = x_3_param;
inputs.x_2_param = gl_FragCoord;
tint_symbol_3 outputs;
outputs = tint_symbol(inputs);
x_4_1 = outputs.x_4_1;
Error parsing GLSL shader:
ERROR: 0:45: 'int' : must be qualified as flat in
ERROR: 0:45: '' : compilation terminated
ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated.