blob: 5939b82fb9253a37e3a83f41a239a5a02afcf2ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/transform/direct_variable_access.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/builder.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/clone_context.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/module.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/traverse.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/user_call.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/validator.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/var.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/reverse.h"
using namespace tint::core::fluent_types; // NOLINT
using namespace tint::core::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
namespace tint::core::ir::transform {
namespace {
/// An access root, originating from a module-scope var.
/// These roots are not passed by parameter, but instead the callee references the module-scope var
/// directly.
struct RootModuleScopeVar {
/// The module-scope var
Var* var = nullptr;
/// @return a hash value for this object
uint64_t HashCode() const { return Hash(var); }
/// Inequality operator
bool operator!=(const RootModuleScopeVar& other) const { return var != other.var; }
/// An access root, originating from a pointer parameter or function-scope var.
/// These roots are passed by pointer parameter.
struct RootPtrParameter {
/// The parameter pointer type
const type::Pointer* type = nullptr;
/// @return a hash value for this object
uint64_t HashCode() const { return Hash(type); }
/// Inequality operator
bool operator!=(const RootPtrParameter& other) const { return type != other.type; }
/// An access root. Either a RootModuleScopeVar or RootPtrParameter.
using AccessRoot = std::variant<RootModuleScopeVar, RootPtrParameter>;
/// MemberAccess is an access operator to a struct member.
struct MemberAccess {
/// The member being accessed
const type::StructMember* member;
/// @return a hash member for this object
uint64_t HashCode() const { return Hash(member); }
/// Inequality operator
bool operator!=(const MemberAccess& other) const { return member != other.member; }
/// IndexAccess is an access operator to an array element or matrix column.
/// The ordered list of indices is passed by parameter.
struct IndexAccess {
/// @return a hash value for this object
uint64_t HashCode() const { return 42; }
/// Inequality operator
bool operator!=(const IndexAccess&) const { return false; }
/// An access operation. Either a MemberAccess or IndexAccess.
using AccessOp = std::variant<MemberAccess, IndexAccess>;
/// A AccessShape describes the static "path" from a root variable to an element within the
/// variable.
/// Functions that have pointer parameters which need transforming will be forked into one or more
/// 'variants'. Each variant has different AccessShapes for the pointer parameters - the transform
/// will only emit one variant when the shapes of the pointer parameter accesses match.
/// Array accessors index expressions are held externally to the AccessShape, so
/// AccessShape will be considered equal even if the array or matrix index values differ.
/// For example, consider the following:
/// ```
/// struct A {
/// x : array<i32, 8>,
/// y : u32,
/// };
/// struct B {
/// x : i32,
/// y : array<A, 4>
/// };
/// var<workgroup> C : B;
/// ```
/// The following AccessShape would describe the following:
/// +====================================+===============+=================================+
/// | AccessShape | Type | Expression |
/// +====================================+===============+=================================+
/// | [ Var 'C', MemberAccess 'x' ] | i32 | C.x |
/// +------------------------------------+---------------+---------------------------------+
/// | [ Var 'C', MemberAccess 'y' ] | array<A, 4> | C.y |
/// +------------------------------------+---------------+---------------------------------+
/// | [ Var 'C', MemberAccess 'y', | A | C.y[indices[0]] |
/// | IndexAccess ] | | |
/// +------------------------------------+---------------+---------------------------------+
/// | [ Var 'C', MemberAccess 'y', | array<i32, 8> | C.y[indices[0]].x |
/// | IndexAccess, MemberAccess 'x' ] | | |
/// +------------------------------------+---------------+---------------------------------+
/// | [ Var 'C', MemberAccess 'y', | i32 | C.y[indices[0]].x[indices[1]] |
/// | IndexAccess, MemberAccess 'x', | | |
/// | IndexAccess ] | | |
/// +------------------------------------+---------------+---------------------------------+
/// | [ Var 'C', MemberAccess 'y', | u32 | C.y[indices[0]].y |
/// | IndexAccess, MemberAccess 'y' ] | | |
/// +------------------------------------+---------------+---------------------------------+
/// Where: `indices` is the AccessChain::indices.
struct AccessShape {
/// The access root.
AccessRoot root;
/// The access operations.
Vector<AccessOp, 8> ops;
/// @returns the number of IndexAccess operations in #ops.
uint32_t NumIndexAccesses() const {
uint32_t count = 0;
for (auto& op : ops) {
if (std::holds_alternative<IndexAccess>(op)) {
return count;
/// @return a hash value for this object
uint64_t HashCode() const { return Hash(root, ops); }
/// Inequality operator
bool operator!=(const AccessShape& other) const {
return root != other.root || ops != other.ops;
/// AccessChain describes a chain of access expressions originating from a variable.
struct AccessChain {
/// The shape of the access chain
AccessShape shape;
/// The originating pointer
Value* root_ptr = nullptr;
/// The array of dynamic indices
Vector<Value*, 8> indices;
/// A variant signature describes the access shape of all the function's pointer parameters.
/// This is a map of pointer parameter index to access shape.
using VariantSignature = Hashmap<size_t, AccessShape, 4>;
/// FnInfo describes a function that has pointer parameters which need replacing.
/// This function will be replaced by zero, one or many variants. Each variant will have a unique
/// access shape for the function's the pointer arguments.
struct FnInfo {
/// A map of variant signature to the variant's unique IR function.
Hashmap<VariantSignature, Function*, 4> variants_by_sig;
/// The order to emit the variants in the final module.
Vector<Function*, 4> ordered_variants;
/// FnVariant describes a unique variant of a function that has pointer parameters that need
/// replacing.
struct FnVariant {
/// The signature of the variant.
VariantSignature signature;
/// The IR function for this variant.
Function* fn = nullptr;
/// The function information of the original function that this variant is based off.
FnInfo* info = nullptr;
/// PIMPL state for the transform.
struct State {
/// The IR module.
Module& ir;
/// The transform options
const DirectVariableAccessOptions& options;
/// The IR builder.
Builder b{ir};
/// The type manager.
core::type::Manager& ty{ir.Types()};
/// The symbol table.
SymbolTable& sym{ir.symbols};
/// The functions that have pointer parameters that need transforming.
/// These functions will be replaced with zero, one or many forked variants.
Hashmap<ir::Function*, FnInfo*, 8> need_forking{};
/// Queue of variants that need building
Vector<FnVariant, 8> variants_to_build{};
/// Allocator for FnInfo
BlockAllocator<FnInfo> fn_info_allocator{};
/// Process the module.
void Process() {
// Make a copy of all the functions in the IR module.
auto input_fns = ir.functions;
// Populate #need_forking
// Transform the functions that make calls to #need_forking, which aren't in #need_forking
// themselves.
// Build variants of the functions in #need_forking.
// Rebuild ir.functions.
/// Populates #need_forking with all the functions that have pointer parameters which need
/// transforming. These functions will be replaced with variants based on the access shapes.
void GatherFnsThatNeedForking() {
for (auto* fn : ir.functions) {
for (auto* param : fn->Params()) {
if (ParamNeedsTransforming(param)) {
need_forking.Add(fn, fn_info_allocator.Create());
/// Adjusts the calls of all the functions that make calls to #need_forking, which aren't in
/// #need_forking themselves. This populates #variants_to_build with the called functions.
void BuildRootFns() {
for (auto* fn : ir.functions) {
if (!need_forking.Contains(fn)) {
/// Applies the necessary transformations to all the pointer arguments of calls made to
/// functions in #need_forking. Also populates #variants_to_build with the variants of the
/// callee functions.
/// @param fn the function to transform
void TransformCalls(Function* fn) {
// For all the function calls in the function...
Traverse(fn->Block(), [&](UserCall* call) {
auto* target = call->Target();
auto target_info = need_forking.Get(target);
if (!target_info) {
// Not a call to a function in #need_forking. Leave alone.
// Found a call to a function in #need_forking.
// This call needs transforming to call the generated variant.
// New arguments to the call. This includes transformed and untransformed arguments.
Vector<Value*, 8> new_args;
// Pointer arguments that are being replaced.
Vector<Value*, 8> replaced_args;
// Signature of the callee variant
VariantSignature signature;
// For each argument / parameter...
for (size_t i = 0, n = call->Args().Length(); i < n; i++) {
auto* arg = call->Args()[i];
auto* param = target->Params()[i];
if (ParamNeedsTransforming(param)) {
// This argument needs replacing with:
// * Nothing: root is a module-scope var and the access chain has no indicies.
// * A single pointer argument to the root variable: The root is a pointer
// parameter or a function-scoped variable, and the access chain has no
// indicies.
// * A single indices array argument: The root is a module-scope var and the
// access chain has indices.
// * Both a pointer argument and indices array argument: The root is a pointer
// parameter or a function-scoped variable and the access chain has indices.
b.InsertBefore(call, [&] {
// Get the access chain for the pointer argument.
auto chain = AccessChainFor(arg);
// If the root is not a module-scope variable, then pass this root pointer
// as an argument.
if (std::holds_alternative<RootPtrParameter>(chain.shape.root)) {
// If the chain access contains indices, then pass these as an array of u32.
if (size_t array_len = chain.indices.Length(); array_len > 0) {
auto* array = ty.array(ty.u32(), static_cast<uint32_t>(array_len));
auto* indices = b.Construct(array, std::move(chain.indices));
// Record the parameter shape for the variant's signature.
signature.Add(i, chain.shape);
// Record that this pointer argument has been replaced.
} else {
// Argument does not need transformation.
// Push the existing argument to new_args.
// Replace the call's arguments with new_args.
// Clean up instructions that provided the now unused argument values.
for (auto* old_arg : replaced_args) {
// Look to see if this callee signature already has a variant created.
auto* new_target = (*target_info)->variants_by_sig.GetOrCreate(signature, [&] {
// New signature.
// Clone the original function to seed the new variant.
auto* variant_fn = CloneContext{ir}.Clone(target);
// Build a unique name for the variant.
if (auto fn_name = ir.NameOf(variant_fn); fn_name.IsValid()) {
StringStream variant_name;
variant_name << fn_name.NameView();
auto params = signature.Keys().Sort();
for (auto param_idx : params) {
variant_name << "_" << AccessShapeName(*signature.Get(param_idx));
ir.SetName(variant_fn, variant_name.str());
// Create an entry for the variant, and add it to the queue of variants that need to
// be built. We don't do this here to avoid unbounded stack usage.
variants_to_build.Push(FnVariant{/* signature */ signature,
/* fn */ variant_fn,
/* info */ *target_info});
return variant_fn;
// Repoint the target of the call to the variant.
/// Builds all the variants in #variants_to_build by:
/// * Replacing the pointer parameters with zero, one or two parameters (root pointer, indices).
/// * Transforming any calls made by that variant to other functions found in #need_forking.
/// Note: The transformation of calls can add more variants to #variants_to_build.
/// BuildFnVariants() will continue to build variants until #variants_to_build is empty.
void BuildFnVariants() {
while (!variants_to_build.IsEmpty()) {
auto variant = variants_to_build.Pop();
/// Walks the instructions that built #value to obtain the root variable and the pointer
/// accesses.
/// @param value the pointer value to get the access chain for
/// @return an AccessChain
AccessChain AccessChainFor(Value* value) {
AccessChain chain;
while (value) {
value = tint::Switch(
value, //
[&](InstructionResult* res) {
// value was emitted by an instruction
auto* inst = res->Source();
return tint::Switch(
[&](Access* access) {
// The AccessOp of this access instruction
Vector<AccessOp, 8> ops;
// The ordered, non-member accesses performed by this access instruction
Vector<Value*, 8> indices;
// The pointee-type that each access is being performed on
auto* obj_ty = access->Object()->Type()->UnwrapPtr();
// For each access operation...
for (auto idx : access->Indices()) {
if (auto* str = obj_ty->As<type::Struct>()) {
// Struct type accesses must be constant, representing the index
// of the member being accessed.
auto i = idx->As<Constant>()->Value()->ValueAs<uint32_t>();
auto* member = str->Members()[i];
obj_ty = member->Type();
// Array or matrix access.
// Convert index to u32 if it isn't already.
if (!idx->Type()->Is<type::U32>()) {
idx = b.Convert(ty.u32(), idx)->Result();
obj_ty = obj_ty->Elements().type;
// Push the ops and indices in reverse order to the chain. This is done
// so we can continue to walk the IR values and push accesses (without
// insertion) that bring us closer to the pointer root. These are
// reversed again once the root variable is found.
for (auto& op : Reverse(ops)) {
for (auto& idx : Reverse(indices)) {
TINT_ASSERT(obj_ty == access->Result()->Type()->UnwrapPtr());
return access->Object();
[&](Var* var) {
// A 'var' is a pointer root.
if (var->Block() == ir.root_block) {
// Root pointer is a module-scope 'var'
chain.shape.root = RootModuleScopeVar{var};
} else {
// Root pointer is a function-scope 'var'
chain.shape.root =
chain.root_ptr = var->Result();
return nullptr;
[&](Let* let) { return let->Value(); },
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE() << "unhandled instruction type: "
<< (inst ? inst->TypeInfo().name : "<null>");
return nullptr;
[&](FunctionParam* param) {
// Root pointer is a parameter of the caller
chain.shape.root = RootPtrParameter{param->Type()->As<type::Pointer>()};
chain.root_ptr = param;
return nullptr;
[&](Default) {
TINT_ICE() << "unhandled value type: "
<< (value ? value->TypeInfo().name : "<null>");
return nullptr;
// Reverse the chain's ops and indices. See above for why.
return chain;
/// Replaces the pointer parameters that need transforming of the variant function @p variant.
/// Instructions are inserted at the top of the @p variant function block to reconstruct the
/// pointer parameters from the access chain using the root pointer and access ops.
/// @param variant the variant function to transform
void BuildFnVariantParams(const FnVariant& variant) {
// Insert new instructions at the top of the function block...
b.InsertBefore(variant.fn->Block()->Front(), [&] {
// The replacement parameters for the variant function
Vector<ir::FunctionParam*, 8> new_params;
const auto& old_params = variant.fn->Params();
// For each parameter in the original function...
for (size_t param_idx = 0; param_idx < old_params.Length(); param_idx++) {
auto* old_param = old_params[param_idx];
if (!ParamNeedsTransforming(old_param)) {
// Parameter does not need transforming.
// Pointer parameter that needs transforming
// Grab the access shape of the pointer parameter from the signature
auto shape = variant.signature.Get(param_idx);
// The root pointer value
Value* root_ptr = nullptr;
// Build the root pointer parameter, if required.
FunctionParam* root_ptr_param = nullptr;
if (auto* ptr_param = std::get_if<RootPtrParameter>(&shape->root)) {
// Root pointer is passed as a parameter
root_ptr_param = b.FunctionParam(ptr_param->type);
root_ptr = root_ptr_param;
} else if (auto* global = std::get_if<RootModuleScopeVar>(&shape->root)) {
// Root pointer is a module-scope var
root_ptr = global->var->Result();
} else {
TINT_ICE() << "unhandled AccessShape root variant";
// Build the access indices parameter, if required.
ir::FunctionParam* indices_param = nullptr;
if (uint32_t n = shape->NumIndexAccesses(); n > 0) {
// Indices are passed as an array of u32
indices_param = b.FunctionParam(ty.array(ty.u32(), n));
// Generate names for the new parameter(s) based on the replaced parameter name.
if (auto param_name = ir.NameOf(old_param); param_name.IsValid()) {
// Propagate old parameter name to the new parameters
if (root_ptr_param) {
ir.SetName(root_ptr_param, param_name.Name() + "_root");
if (indices_param) {
ir.SetName(indices_param, param_name.Name() + "_indices");
// Rebuild the pointer from the root pointer and accesses.
uint32_t index_index = 0;
auto chain = Transform(shape->ops, [&](const AccessOp& op) -> Value* {
if (auto* m = std::get_if<MemberAccess>(&op)) {
return b.Constant(u32(m->member->Index()));
auto* access = b.Access(ty.u32(), indices_param, u32(index_index++));
return access->Result();
auto* access = b.Access(old_param->Type(), root_ptr, std::move(chain));
// Replace the now removed parameter value with the access instruction
// Replace the function's parameters
/// Repopulates #ir.functions with the functions in #need_forking replaced with their generated
/// variants.
/// @param input_fns the content of #ir.functions before transformation began.
void EmitFunctions(VectorRef<Function*> input_fns) {
for (auto* fn : input_fns) {
if (auto info = need_forking.Get(fn)) {
for (auto variant : (*info)->ordered_variants) {
} else {
/// @returns a string describing the given AccessShape, used to suffix the generated function
/// variants.
std::string AccessShapeName(const AccessShape& shape) {
StringStream ss;
if (auto* global = std::get_if<RootModuleScopeVar>(&shape.root)) {
ss << ir.NameOf(global->var).NameView();
} else {
ss << "P";
for (auto& op : shape.ops) {
ss << "_";
if (std::holds_alternative<IndexAccess>(op)) {
/// The op uses an index taken from an array parameter.
ss << "X";
if (auto* access = std::get_if<MemberAccess>(&op); TINT_LIKELY(access)) {
ss << access->member->Name().NameView();
TINT_ICE() << "unhandled variant for access chain";
return ss.str();
/// @return true if @p param is a pointer parameter that requires transforming, based on the
/// address space and transform options.
/// @param param the function parameter
bool ParamNeedsTransforming(FunctionParam* param) const {
if (auto* ptr = param->Type()->As<type::Pointer>()) {
switch (ptr->AddressSpace()) {
case core::AddressSpace::kStorage:
case core::AddressSpace::kUniform:
case core::AddressSpace::kWorkgroup:
return true;
case core::AddressSpace::kFunction:
return options.transform_function;
case core::AddressSpace::kPrivate:
return options.transform_private;
return false;
/// Walks the instructions that built @p value, deleting those that are no longer used.
/// @param value the pointer value that was used as a now replaced pointer argument.
void DeleteDeadInstructions(ir::Value* value) {
// While value has no uses...
while (value && value->Usages().Count() == 0) {
auto* inst_res = value->As<InstructionResult>();
if (!inst_res) {
return; // Only instructions can be removed.
value = tint::Switch(
inst_res->Source(), //
[&](Access* access) {
return access->Object();
[&](Let* let) {
return let->Value();
} // namespace
Result<SuccessType> DirectVariableAccess(Module& ir, const DirectVariableAccessOptions& options) {
auto result = ValidateAndDumpIfNeeded(ir, "DirectVariableAccess transform");
if (!result) {
return result;
State{ir, options}.Process();
return Success;
} // namespace tint::core::ir::transform