Import Tint changes from Dawn

  - 205e16de63a2a642394202ab57a06ff07273064d tint/utils: Add Vector::Sort() by Ben Clayton <>
  - d205b716cac39c85255739ecae340637578537be tint/resolver: forbid spelling non-instantiable pointer t... by Ben Clayton <>
  - 31e0850560d3cd937833c3111a41750eb49e585e [ir] Convert instruction to a pointer by dan sinclair <>
  - e272eaf30f35389e626d91f64a832d1195c379b9 [ir] Split Value into Temp and Constant. by dan sinclair <>
  - 34afd9b6c6016df4287dc5fe5277000ce56c16f2 tint/resolver: Clean up variable validation by Ben Clayton <>
  - 75b18674bf9846de04ecd223d7d7fab7066b0c5b tint: Add Symbol inequality operator by Ben Clayton <>
  - c158e845e65cfccac35146b908b55dd668025741 tint/utils: Add Hashmap equality and hashing by Ben Clayton <>
  - 2d108ae5ed54fc4d6eefe31bac44cf6d984cd229 [ir] Make Value a pointer stored in the module. by dan sinclair <>
  - 028092a84345815d2d574e4334bbf4d20b58f8f5 tint/utils: Add Hashmap::Keys(), Hashmap::Values() by Ben Clayton <>
  - 05f3ebfc6892c758670a53235183015869c8a5f5 tint/utils: Make Hashmap iterator values mutable by Ben Clayton <>
  - b200e74715e8cac7ec9ac3ca47c1367b859d3503 tint: simplify const eval binary op unit tests by Antonio Maiorano <>
  - 775dfbf7a8df0b918ea4d9385b08d14de0518af2 tint: fix const eval of divide to emit errors on dbz and ... by Antonio Maiorano <>
  - ec7a1d2a1b276c44b1781b99720992535ca37401 [ir] Remove the VarData from Value. by dan sinclair <>
GitOrigin-RevId: 205e16de63a2a642394202ab57a06ff07273064d
Change-Id: Ifac1dd1105497bd7d95f4e023c2f3331d3c8d298
Kokoro: Kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Clayton <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <>
48 files changed
tree: 6a3df7d17aa5555a94220f4d4d703629affdd92d
  1. .vscode/
  2. build_overrides/
  3. docs/
  4. include/
  5. infra/
  6. kokoro/
  7. src/
  8. third_party/
  9. tools/
  10. .clang-format
  11. .gitignore
  12. .gn
  15. CMakeLists.txt
  16. CMakeSettings.json
  18. CPPLINT.cfg
  19. DEPS
  20. Doxyfile
  22. OWNERS
  25. standalone.gclient
  26. tint_overrides_with_defaults.gni


Note: This repo is read-only, minimized mirror of the Dawn repo.

Tint changes should be made in the Dawn repo.

Tint is a compiler for the WebGPU Shader Language (WGSL).

This is not an officially supported Google product.


  • Git
  • CMake (3.10.2 or later)
  • Ninja (or other build tool)
  • Python, for fetching dependencies
  • depot_tools in your path

Build options

  • TINT_BUILD_SPV_READER : enable the SPIR-V input reader (off by default)
  • TINT_BUILD_WGSL_READER : enable the WGSL input reader (on by default)
  • TINT_BUILD_SPV_WRITER : enable the SPIR-V output writer (on by default)
  • TINT_BUILD_WGSL_WRITER : enable the WGSL output writer (on by default)
  • TINT_BUILD_FUZZERS : enable building fuzzzers (off by default)


Tint uses Chromium dependency management so you need to install depot_tools and add it to your PATH.

Getting source & dependencies

# Clone the repo as "tint"
git clone tint
cd tint

# Bootstrap the gclient configuration
cp standalone.gclient .gclient

# Fetch external dependencies and toolchains with gclient
gclient sync

Compiling using CMake + Ninja

mkdir -p out/Debug
cd out/Debug
cmake -GNinja ../..
ninja # or autoninja

Compiling using CMake + make

mkdir -p out/Debug
cd out/Debug
cmake ../..
make # -j N for N-way parallel build

Compiling using gn + ninja

mkdir -p out/Debug
gn gen out/Debug
autoninja -C out/Debug

Fuzzers on MacOS

If you are attempting fuzz, using TINT_BUILD_FUZZERS=ON, the version of llvm in the XCode SDK does not have the needed libfuzzer functionality included.

The build error that you will see from using the XCode SDK will look something like this:

ld: file not found:/Applications/

The solution to this problem is to use a full version llvm, like what you would get via homebrew, brew install llvm, and use something like CC=<path to full clang> cmake .. to setup a build using that toolchain.

Checking [chromium-style] issues in CMake builds

The gn based work flow uses the Chromium toolchain for building in anticipation of integration of Tint into Chromium based projects. This toolchain has additional plugins for checking for style issues, which are marked with [chromium-style] in log messages. This means that this toolchain is more strict then the default clang toolchain.

In the future we will have a CQ that will build this work flow and flag issues automatically. Until that is in place, to avoid causing breakages you can run the [chromium-style] checks using the CMake based work flows. This requires setting CC to the version of clang checked out by gclient sync and setting the TINT_CHECK_CHROMIUM_STYLE to ON.

mkdir -p out/style
cd out/style
cmake ../..
CC=../../third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin/clang cmake -DTINT_CHECK_CHROMIUM_STYLE=ON ../../ # add -GNinja for ninja builds


Please file any issues or feature requests at


Please see the contributing guide in the Dawn repo.