blob: 0b85ebe43b39a0ea986c7381d5c7a68bc014c1f8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include "src/transform/transform.h"
namespace tint {
// Forward declarations
class CloneContext;
namespace transform {
/// Spirv is a transform used to sanitize a Program for use with the Spirv
/// writer. Passing a non-sanitized Program to the Spirv writer will result in
/// undefined behavior.
class Spirv : public Castable<Spirv, Transform> {
/// Configuration options for the transform.
struct Config : public Castable<Config, Data> {
/// Constructor
/// @param emit_vertex_point_size `true` to generate a PointSize builtin
/// @param disable_workgroup_init `true` to disable workgroup memory zero
/// initialization
Config(bool emit_vertex_point_size = false,
bool disable_workgroup_init = false);
/// Copy constructor.
Config(const Config&);
/// Destructor.
~Config() override;
/// Assignment operator.
/// @returns this Config
Config& operator=(const Config&);
/// Set to `true` to generate a PointSize builtin and have it set to 1.0
/// from all vertex shaders in the module.
bool emit_vertex_point_size = false;
/// Set to `true` to disable workgroup memory zero initialization
bool disable_workgroup_init = false;
/// Constructor
~Spirv() override;
/// Runs the transform on `program`, returning the transformation result.
/// @param program the source program to transform
/// @param data optional extra transform-specific input data
/// @returns the transformation result
Output Run(const Program* program, const DataMap& data = {}) override;
/// Hoist entry point parameters, return values, and struct members out to
/// global variables.
void HandleEntryPointIOTypes(CloneContext& ctx) const;
/// Change type of sample mask builtin variables to single element arrays.
void HandleSampleMaskBuiltins(CloneContext& ctx) const;
/// Add a PointSize builtin output to the module and set it to 1.0 from all
/// vertex stage entry points.
void EmitVertexPointSize(CloneContext& ctx) const;
/// Add an empty shader entry point if none exist in the module.
void AddEmptyEntryPoint(CloneContext& ctx) const;
/// Recursively create module-scope input variables for `ty` and add
/// function-scope variables for structs to `func`.
/// For non-structures, create a module-scope input variable.
/// For structures, recurse into members and then create a function-scope
/// variable initialized using the variables created for its members.
/// Return the symbol for the variable that was created.
Symbol HoistToInputVariables(CloneContext& ctx,
const ast::Function* func,
sem::Type* ty,
ast::Type* declared_ty,
const ast::DecorationList& decorations) const;
/// Recursively create module-scope output variables for `ty` and build a list
/// of assignment instructions to write to them from `store_value`.
/// For non-structures, create a module-scope output variable and generate the
/// assignment instruction.
/// For structures, recurse into members, tracking the chain of member
/// accessors.
/// Returns the list of variable assignments in `stores`.
void HoistToOutputVariables(CloneContext& ctx,
const ast::Function* func,
sem::Type* ty,
ast::Type* declared_ty,
const ast::DecorationList& decorations,
std::vector<Symbol> member_accesses,
Symbol store_value,
ast::StatementList& stores) const;
} // namespace transform
} // namespace tint