blob: f270e277c305c8b848f8471ca14d4c5cf1095b7e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include "src/castable.h"
#include "src/program.h"
namespace tint {
namespace transform {
/// Data is the base class for transforms that accept extra input or emit extra
/// output information along with a Program.
class Data : public Castable<Data> {
/// Constructor
/// Copy constructor
Data(const Data&);
/// Destructor
~Data() override;
/// Assignment operator
/// @returns this Data
Data& operator=(const Data&);
/// DataMap is a map of Data unique pointers keyed by the Data's ClassID.
class DataMap {
/// Constructor
/// Move constructor
/// Constructor
/// @param data_unique_ptrs a variadic list of additional data unique_ptrs
/// produced by the transform
template <typename... DATA>
explicit DataMap(DATA... data_unique_ptrs) {
/// Destructor
/// Move assignment operator
/// @param rhs the DataMap to move into this DataMap
/// @return this DataMap
DataMap& operator=(DataMap&& rhs);
/// Adds the data into DataMap keyed by the ClassID of type T.
/// @param data the data to add to the DataMap
template <typename T>
void Put(std::unique_ptr<T>&& data) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Data, T>::value,
"T does not derive from Data");
map_[&TypeInfo::Of<T>()] = std::move(data);
/// Creates the data of type `T` with the provided arguments and adds it into
/// DataMap keyed by the ClassID of type T.
/// @param args the arguments forwarded to the constructor for type T
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
void Add(ARGS&&... args) {
/// @returns a pointer to the Data placed into the DataMap with a call to
/// Put()
template <typename T>
T const* Get() const {
auto it = map_.find(&TypeInfo::Of<T>());
if (it == map_.end()) {
return nullptr;
return static_cast<T*>(it->second.get());
/// Add moves all the data from other into this DataMap
/// @param other the DataMap to move into this DataMap
void Add(DataMap&& other) {
for (auto& it : other.map_) {
map_.emplace(it.first, std::move(it.second));
template <typename T0>
void PutAll(T0&& first) {
template <typename T0, typename... Tn>
void PutAll(T0&& first, Tn&&... remainder) {
std::unordered_map<const TypeInfo*, std::unique_ptr<Data>> map_;
/// The return type of Run()
class Output {
/// Constructor
/// Constructor
/// @param program the program to move into this Output
explicit Output(Program&& program);
/// Constructor
/// @param program_ the program to move into this Output
/// @param data_ a variadic list of additional data unique_ptrs produced by
/// the transform
template <typename... DATA>
Output(Program&& program_, DATA... data_)
: program(std::move(program_)), data(std::forward<DATA>(data_)...) {}
/// The transformed program. May be empty on error.
Program program;
/// Extra output generated by the transforms.
DataMap data;
/// Interface for Program transforms
class Transform : public Castable<Transform> {
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
~Transform() override;
/// Runs the transform on `program`, returning the transformation result.
/// @param program the source program to transform
/// @param data optional extra transform-specific input data
/// @returns the transformation result
virtual Output Run(const Program* program, const DataMap& data = {});
/// Runs the transform using the CloneContext built for transforming a
/// program. Run() is responsible for calling Clone() on the CloneContext.
/// @param ctx the CloneContext primed with the input program and
/// ProgramBuilder
/// @param inputs optional extra transform-specific input data
/// @param outputs optional extra transform-specific output data
virtual void Run(CloneContext& ctx, const DataMap& inputs, DataMap& outputs);
/// Requires appends an error diagnostic to `ctx.dst` if the template type
/// transforms were not already run on `ctx.src`.
/// @param ctx the CloneContext
/// @returns true if all dependency transforms have been run
template <typename... TRANSFORMS>
bool Requires(CloneContext& ctx) {
return Requires(ctx, {&::tint::TypeInfo::Of<TRANSFORMS>()...});
/// Requires appends an error diagnostic to `ctx.dst` if the list of
/// Transforms were not already run on `ctx.src`.
/// @param ctx the CloneContext
/// @param deps the list of Transform TypeInfos
/// @returns true if all dependency transforms have been run
bool Requires(CloneContext& ctx,
std::initializer_list<const ::tint::TypeInfo*> deps);
/// Removes the statement `stmt` from the transformed program.
/// RemoveStatement handles edge cases, like statements in the initializer and
/// continuing of for-loops.
/// @param ctx the clone context
/// @param stmt the statement to remove when the program is cloned
static void RemoveStatement(CloneContext& ctx, ast::Statement* stmt);
/// CreateASTTypeFor constructs new ast::Type nodes that reconstructs the
/// semantic type `ty`.
/// @param ctx the clone context
/// @param ty the semantic type to reconstruct
/// @returns a ast::Type that when resolved, will produce the semantic type
/// `ty`.
static ast::Type* CreateASTTypeFor(CloneContext& ctx, const sem::Type* ty);
} // namespace transform
} // namespace tint