blob: 9895439dd8e31d2e35a13a56e3da0237fe326394 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
#include "src/program_builder.h"
#include "src/reader/reader.h"
#include "src/reader/spirv/entry_point_info.h"
#include "src/reader/spirv/enum_converter.h"
#include "src/reader/spirv/namer.h"
#include "src/reader/spirv/parser_type.h"
#include "src/reader/spirv/usage.h"
/// This is the implementation of the SPIR-V parser for Tint.
/// Notes on terminology:
/// A WGSL "handle" is an opaque object used for accessing a resource via
/// special builtins. In SPIR-V, a handle is stored a variable in the
/// UniformConstant storage class. The handles supported by SPIR-V are:
/// - images, both sampled texture and storage image
/// - samplers
/// - combined image+sampler
/// - acceleration structures for raytracing.
/// WGSL only supports samplers and images, but calls images "textures".
/// When emitting errors, we aim to use terminology most likely to be
/// familiar to Vulkan SPIR-V developers. We will tend to use "image"
/// and "sampler" instead of "handle".
namespace tint {
namespace reader {
namespace spirv {
/// The binary representation of a SPIR-V decoration enum followed by its
/// operands, if any.
/// Example: { SpvDecorationBlock }
/// Example: { SpvDecorationArrayStride, 16 }
using Decoration = std::vector<uint32_t>;
using DecorationList = std::vector<Decoration>;
/// An AST expression with its type.
struct TypedExpression {
/// Constructor
/// Copy constructor
TypedExpression(const TypedExpression&);
/// Constructor
/// @param type_in the type of the expression
/// @param expr_in the expression
TypedExpression(const Type* type_in, const ast::Expression* expr_in);
/// Assignment operator
/// @returns this TypedExpression
TypedExpression& operator=(const TypedExpression&);
/// @returns true if both type and expr are not nullptr
operator bool() const { return type && expr; }
/// The type
const Type* type = nullptr;
/// The expression
const ast::Expression* expr = nullptr;
/// Info about the WorkgroupSize builtin.
struct WorkgroupSizeInfo {
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
/// The SPIR-V ID of the WorkgroupSize builtin, if any.
uint32_t id = 0u;
/// The SPIR-V type ID of the WorkgroupSize builtin, if any.
uint32_t type_id = 0u;
/// The SPIR-V type IDs of the x, y, and z components.
uint32_t component_type_id = 0u;
/// The SPIR-V IDs of the X, Y, and Z components of the workgroup size
/// builtin.
uint32_t x_id = 0u; /// X component ID
uint32_t y_id = 0u; /// Y component ID
uint32_t z_id = 0u; /// Z component ID
/// The effective workgroup size, if this is a compute shader.
uint32_t x_value = 0u; /// X workgroup size
uint32_t y_value = 0u; /// Y workgroup size
uint32_t z_value = 0u; /// Z workgroup size
/// Parser implementation for SPIR-V.
class ParserImpl : Reader {
/// Creates a new parser
/// @param input the input data to parse
explicit ParserImpl(const std::vector<uint32_t>& input);
/// Destructor
~ParserImpl() override;
/// Run the parser
/// @returns true if the parse was successful, false otherwise.
bool Parse() override;
/// @returns the program. The program builder in the parser will be reset
/// after this.
Program program() override;
/// @returns a reference to the internal builder, without building the
/// program. To be used only for testing.
ProgramBuilder& builder() { return builder_; }
/// @returns the type manager
TypeManager& type_manager() { return ty_; }
/// Logs failure, ands return a failure stream to accumulate diagnostic
/// messages. By convention, a failure should only be logged along with
/// a non-empty string diagnostic.
/// @returns the failure stream
FailStream& Fail() {
success_ = false;
return fail_stream_;
/// @return true if failure has not yet occurred
bool success() const { return success_; }
/// @returns the accumulated error string
const std::string error() { return errors_.str(); }
/// Builds an internal representation of the SPIR-V binary,
/// and parses it into a Tint AST module. Diagnostics are emitted
/// to the error stream.
/// @returns true if it was successful.
bool BuildAndParseInternalModule() {
return BuildInternalModule() && ParseInternalModule();
/// Builds an internal representation of the SPIR-V binary,
/// and parses the module, except functions, into a Tint AST module.
/// Diagnostics are emitted to the error stream.
/// @returns true if it was successful.
bool BuildAndParseInternalModuleExceptFunctions() {
return BuildInternalModule() && ParseInternalModuleExceptFunctions();
/// @returns the set of SPIR-V IDs for imports of the "GLSL.std.450"
/// extended instruction set.
const std::unordered_set<uint32_t>& glsl_std_450_imports() const {
return glsl_std_450_imports_;
/// Desired handling of SPIR-V pointers by ConvertType()
enum class PtrAs {
// SPIR-V pointer is converted to a spirv::Pointer
// SPIR-V pointer is converted to a spirv::Reference
/// Converts a SPIR-V type to a Tint type, and saves it for fast lookup.
/// If the type is only used for builtins, then register that specially,
/// and return null. If the type is a sampler, image, or sampled image, then
/// return the Void type, because those opaque types are handled in a
/// different way.
/// On failure, logs an error and returns null. This should only be called
/// after the internal representation of the module has been built.
/// @param type_id the SPIR-V ID of a type.
/// @param ptr_as if the SPIR-V type is a pointer and ptr_as is equal to
/// PtrAs::Ref then a Reference will be returned, otherwise a Pointer will be
/// returned for a SPIR-V pointer
/// @returns a Tint type, or nullptr
const Type* ConvertType(uint32_t type_id, PtrAs ptr_as = PtrAs::Ptr);
/// Emits an alias type declaration for array or runtime-sized array type,
/// when needed to distinguish between differently-decorated underlying types.
/// Updates the mapping of the SPIR-V type ID to the alias type.
/// This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @param type_id the SPIR-V ID for the type
/// @param type the type that might get an alias
/// @param ast_type the ast type that might get an alias
/// @returns an alias type or `ast_type` if no alias was created
const Type* MaybeGenerateAlias(uint32_t type_id,
const spvtools::opt::analysis::Type* type,
const Type* ast_type);
/// Adds `decl` as a declared type if it hasn't been added yet.
/// @param name the type's unique name
/// @param decl the type declaration to add
void AddTypeDecl(Symbol name, const ast::TypeDecl* decl);
/// @returns the fail stream object
FailStream& fail_stream() { return fail_stream_; }
/// @returns the namer object
Namer& namer() { return namer_; }
/// @returns a borrowed pointer to the internal representation of the module.
/// This is null until BuildInternalModule has been called.
spvtools::opt::IRContext* ir_context() { return ir_context_.get(); }
/// Gets the list of decorations for a SPIR-V result ID. Returns an empty
/// vector if the ID is not a result ID, or if no decorations target that ID.
/// The internal representation must have already been built.
/// @param id SPIR-V ID
/// @returns the list of decorations on the given ID
DecorationList GetDecorationsFor(uint32_t id) const;
/// Gets the list of decorations for the member of a struct. Returns an empty
/// list if the `id` is not the ID of a struct, or if the member index is out
/// of range, or if the target member has no decorations.
/// The internal representation must have already been built.
/// @param id SPIR-V ID of a struct
/// @param member_index the member within the struct
/// @returns the list of decorations on the member
DecorationList GetDecorationsForMember(uint32_t id,
uint32_t member_index) const;
/// Converts SPIR-V decorations for the variable with the given ID.
/// Registers the IDs of variables that require special handling by code
/// generation. If the WGSL type differs from the store type for SPIR-V,
/// then the `type` parameter is updated. Returns false on failure (with
/// a diagnostic), or when the variable should not be emitted, e.g. for a
/// PointSize builtin.
/// @param id the ID of the SPIR-V variable
/// @param store_type the WGSL store type for the variable, which should be
/// prepopulatd
/// @param ast_decos the decoration list to populate
/// @param transfer_pipeline_io true if pipeline IO decorations (builtins,
/// or locations) will update the store type and the decorations list
/// @returns false when the variable should not be emitted as a variable
bool ConvertDecorationsForVariable(uint32_t id,
const Type** store_type,
ast::DecorationList* ast_decos,
bool transfer_pipeline_io);
/// Converts SPIR-V decorations for pipeline IO into AST decorations.
/// @param store_type the store type for the variable or member
/// @param decorations the SPIR-V interpolation decorations
/// @param ast_decos the decoration list to populate.
/// @returns false if conversion fails
bool ConvertPipelineDecorations(const Type* store_type,
const DecorationList& decorations,
ast::DecorationList* ast_decos);
/// Updates the decoration list, placing a non-null location decoration into
/// the list, replacing an existing one if it exists. Does nothing if the
/// replacement is nullptr.
/// Assumes the list contains at most one Location decoration.
/// @param decos the decoration list to modify
/// @param replacement the location decoration to place into the list
/// @returns the location decoration that was replaced, if one was replaced,
/// or null otherwise.
const ast::Decoration* SetLocation(ast::DecorationList* decos,
const ast::Decoration* replacement);
/// Converts a SPIR-V struct member decoration into a number of AST
/// decorations. If the decoration is recognized but deliberately dropped,
/// then returns an empty list without a diagnostic. On failure, emits a
/// diagnostic and returns an empty list.
/// @param struct_type_id the ID of the struct type
/// @param member_index the index of the member
/// @param member_ty the type of the member
/// @param decoration an encoded SPIR-V Decoration
/// @returns the AST decorations
ast::DecorationList ConvertMemberDecoration(uint32_t struct_type_id,
uint32_t member_index,
const Type* member_ty,
const Decoration& decoration);
/// Returns a string for the given type. If the type ID is invalid,
/// then the resulting string only names the type ID.
/// @param type_id the SPIR-V ID for the type
/// @returns a string description of the type.
std::string ShowType(uint32_t type_id);
/// Builds the internal representation of the SPIR-V module.
/// Assumes the module is somewhat well-formed. Normally you
/// would want to validate the SPIR-V module before attempting
/// to build this internal representation. Also computes a topological
/// ordering of the functions.
/// This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @returns true if the parser is still successful.
bool BuildInternalModule();
/// Walks the internal representation of the module to populate
/// the AST form of the module.
/// This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @returns true if the parser is still successful.
bool ParseInternalModule();
/// Records line numbers for each instruction.
void RegisterLineNumbers();
/// Walks the internal representation of the module, except for function
/// definitions, to populate the AST form of the module.
/// This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @returns true if the parser is still successful.
bool ParseInternalModuleExceptFunctions();
/// Destroys the internal representation of the SPIR-V module.
void ResetInternalModule();
/// Registers extended instruction imports. Only "GLSL.std.450" is supported.
/// This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @returns true if parser is still successful.
bool RegisterExtendedInstructionImports();
/// Returns true when the given instruction is an extended instruction
/// for GLSL.std.450.
/// @param inst a SPIR-V instruction
/// @returns true if its an SpvOpExtInst for GLSL.std.450
bool IsGlslExtendedInstruction(const spvtools::opt::Instruction& inst) const;
/// Returns true when the given instruction is an extended instruction
/// from an ignored extended instruction set.
/// @param inst a SPIR-V instruction
/// @returns true if its an SpvOpExtInst for an ignored extended instruction
bool IsIgnoredExtendedInstruction(
const spvtools::opt::Instruction& inst) const;
/// Registers user names for SPIR-V objects, from OpName, and OpMemberName.
/// Also synthesizes struct field names. Ensures uniqueness for names for
/// SPIR-V IDs, and uniqueness of names of fields within any single struct.
/// This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @returns true if parser is still successful.
bool RegisterUserAndStructMemberNames();
/// Register the WorkgroupSize builtin and its associated constant value.
/// @returns true if parser is still successful.
bool RegisterWorkgroupSizeBuiltin();
/// @returns the workgroup size builtin
const WorkgroupSizeInfo& workgroup_size_builtin() {
return workgroup_size_builtin_;
/// Register entry point information.
/// This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @returns true if parser is still successful.
bool RegisterEntryPoints();
/// Register Tint AST types for SPIR-V types, including type aliases as
/// needed. This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @returns true if parser is still successful.
bool RegisterTypes();
/// Fail if there are any module-scope pointer values other than those
/// declared by OpVariable.
/// @returns true if parser is still successful.
bool RejectInvalidPointerRoots();
/// Register sampler and texture usage for memory object declarations.
/// This must be called after we've registered line numbers for all
/// instructions. This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @returns true if parser is still successful.
bool RegisterHandleUsage();
/// Emit const definitions for scalar specialization constants generated
/// by one of OpConstantTrue, OpConstantFalse, or OpSpecConstant.
/// This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @returns true if parser is still successful.
bool EmitScalarSpecConstants();
/// Emits module-scope variables.
/// This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @returns true if parser is still successful.
bool EmitModuleScopeVariables();
/// Emits functions, with callees preceding their callers.
/// This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @returns true if parser is still successful.
bool EmitFunctions();
/// Emits a single function, if it has a body.
/// This is a no-op if the parser has already failed.
/// @param f the function to emit
/// @returns true if parser is still successful.
bool EmitFunction(const spvtools::opt::Function& f);
/// Returns the integer constant for the array size of the given variable.
/// @param var_id SPIR-V ID for an array variable
/// @returns the integer constant for its array size, or nullptr.
const spvtools::opt::analysis::IntConstant* GetArraySize(uint32_t var_id);
/// Returns the member name for the struct member.
/// @param struct_type the parser's structure type.
/// @param member_index the member index
/// @returns the field name
std::string GetMemberName(const Struct& struct_type, int member_index);
/// Returns the SPIR-V decorations for pipeline IO, if any, on a struct
/// member.
/// @param struct_type the parser's structure type.
/// @param member_index the member index
/// @returns a list of SPIR-V decorations.
DecorationList GetMemberPipelineDecorations(const Struct& struct_type,
int member_index);
/// Creates an AST Variable node for a SPIR-V ID, including any attached
/// decorations, unless it's an ignorable builtin variable.
/// @param id the SPIR-V result ID
/// @param sc the storage class, which cannot be ast::StorageClass::kNone
/// @param storage_type the storage type of the variable
/// @param is_const if true, the variable is const
/// @param constructor the variable constructor
/// @param decorations the variable decorations
/// @returns a new Variable node, or null in the ignorable variable case and
/// in the error case
ast::Variable* MakeVariable(uint32_t id,
ast::StorageClass sc,
const Type* storage_type,
bool is_const,
const ast::Expression* constructor,
ast::DecorationList decorations);
/// Returns true if a constant expression can be generated.
/// @param id the SPIR-V ID of the value
/// @returns true if a constant expression can be generated
bool CanMakeConstantExpression(uint32_t id);
/// Creates an AST expression node for a SPIR-V ID. This is valid to call
/// when `CanMakeConstantExpression` returns true.
/// @param id the SPIR-V ID of the constant
/// @returns a new expression
TypedExpression MakeConstantExpression(uint32_t id);
/// Creates an AST expression node for a scalar SPIR-V constant.
/// @param source the source location
/// @param ast_type the AST type for the value
/// @param spirv_const the internal representation of the SPIR-V constant.
/// @returns a new expression
TypedExpression MakeConstantExpressionForScalarSpirvConstant(
Source source,
const Type* ast_type,
const spvtools::opt::analysis::Constant* spirv_const);
/// Creates an AST expression node for the null value for the given type.
/// @param type the AST type
/// @returns a new expression
const ast::Expression* MakeNullValue(const Type* type);
/// Make a typed expression for the null value for the given type.
/// @param type the AST type
/// @returns a new typed expression
TypedExpression MakeNullExpression(const Type* type);
/// Converts a given expression to the signedness demanded for an operand
/// of the given SPIR-V instruction, if required. If the instruction assumes
/// signed integer operands, and `expr` is unsigned, then return an
/// as-cast expression converting it to signed. Otherwise, return
/// `expr` itself. Similarly, convert as required from unsigned
/// to signed. Assumes all SPIR-V types have been mapped to AST types.
/// @param inst the SPIR-V instruction
/// @param expr an expression
/// @returns expr, or a cast of expr
TypedExpression RectifyOperandSignedness(
const spvtools::opt::Instruction& inst,
TypedExpression&& expr);
/// Converts a second operand to the signedness of the first operand
/// of a binary operator, if the WGSL operator requires they be the same.
/// Returns the converted expression, or the original expression if the
/// conversion is not needed.
/// @param inst the SPIR-V instruction
/// @param first_operand_type the type of the first operand to the instruction
/// @param second_operand_expr the second operand of the instruction
/// @returns second_operand_expr, or a cast of it
TypedExpression RectifySecondOperandSignedness(
const spvtools::opt::Instruction& inst,
const Type* first_operand_type,
TypedExpression&& second_operand_expr);
/// Returns the "forced" result type for the given SPIR-V instruction.
/// If the WGSL result type for an operation has a more strict rule than
/// requried by SPIR-V, then we say the result type is "forced". This occurs
/// for signed integer division (OpSDiv), for example, where the result type
/// in WGSL must match the operand types.
/// @param inst the SPIR-V instruction
/// @param first_operand_type the AST type for the first operand.
/// @returns the forced AST result type, or nullptr if no forcing is required.
const Type* ForcedResultType(const spvtools::opt::Instruction& inst,
const Type* first_operand_type);
/// Returns a signed integer scalar or vector type matching the shape (scalar,
/// vector, and component bit width) of another type, which itself is a
/// numeric scalar or vector. Returns null if the other type does not meet the
/// requirement.
/// @param other the type whose shape must be matched
/// @returns the signed scalar or vector type
const Type* GetSignedIntMatchingShape(const Type* other);
/// Returns a signed integer scalar or vector type matching the shape (scalar,
/// vector, and component bit width) of another type, which itself is a
/// numeric scalar or vector. Returns null if the other type does not meet the
/// requirement.
/// @param other the type whose shape must be matched
/// @returns the unsigned scalar or vector type
const Type* GetUnsignedIntMatchingShape(const Type* other);
/// Wraps the given expression in an as-cast to the given expression's type,
/// when the underlying operation produces a forced result type different
/// from the expression's result type. Otherwise, returns the given expression
/// unchanged.
/// @param expr the expression to pass through or to wrap
/// @param inst the SPIR-V instruction
/// @param first_operand_type the AST type for the first operand.
/// @returns the forced AST result type, or nullptr if no forcing is required.
TypedExpression RectifyForcedResultType(
TypedExpression expr,
const spvtools::opt::Instruction& inst,
const Type* first_operand_type);
/// Returns the given expression, but ensuring it's an unsigned type of the
/// same shape as the operand. Wraps the expression with a bitcast if needed.
/// Assumes the given expresion is a integer scalar or vector.
/// @param expr an integer scalar or integer vector expression.
/// @return the potentially cast TypedExpression
TypedExpression AsUnsigned(TypedExpression expr);
/// Returns the given expression, but ensuring it's a signed type of the
/// same shape as the operand. Wraps the expression with a bitcast if needed.
/// Assumes the given expresion is a integer scalar or vector.
/// @param expr an integer scalar or integer vector expression.
/// @return the potentially cast TypedExpression
TypedExpression AsSigned(TypedExpression expr);
/// Bookkeeping used for tracking the "position" builtin variable.
struct BuiltInPositionInfo {
/// The ID for the gl_PerVertex struct containing the Position builtin.
uint32_t struct_type_id = 0;
/// The member index for the Position builtin within the struct.
uint32_t position_member_index = 0;
/// The member index for the PointSize builtin within the struct.
uint32_t pointsize_member_index = 0;
/// The ID for the member type, which should map to vec4<f32>.
uint32_t position_member_type_id = 0;
/// The ID of the type of a pointer to the struct in the Output storage
/// class class.
uint32_t pointer_type_id = 0;
/// The SPIR-V storage class.
SpvStorageClass storage_class = SpvStorageClassOutput;
/// The ID of the type of a pointer to the Position member.
uint32_t position_member_pointer_type_id = 0;
/// The ID of the gl_PerVertex variable, if it was declared.
/// We'll use this for the gl_Position variable instead.
uint32_t per_vertex_var_id = 0;
/// The ID of the initializer to gl_PerVertex, if any.
uint32_t per_vertex_var_init_id = 0;
/// @returns info about the gl_Position builtin variable.
const BuiltInPositionInfo& GetBuiltInPositionInfo() {
return builtin_position_;
/// Returns the source record for the SPIR-V instruction with the given
/// result ID.
/// @param id the SPIR-V result id.
/// @return the Source record, or a default one
Source GetSourceForResultIdForTest(uint32_t id) const;
/// Returns the source record for the given instruction.
/// @param inst the SPIR-V instruction
/// @return the Source record, or a default one
Source GetSourceForInst(const spvtools::opt::Instruction* inst) const;
/// @param str a candidate identifier
/// @returns true if the given string is a valid WGSL identifier.
static bool IsValidIdentifier(const std::string& str);
/// Returns true if the given SPIR-V ID is a declared specialization constant,
/// generated by one of OpConstantTrue, OpConstantFalse, or OpSpecConstant
/// @param id a SPIR-V result ID
/// @returns true if the ID is a scalar spec constant.
bool IsScalarSpecConstant(uint32_t id) {
return scalar_spec_constants_.find(id) != scalar_spec_constants_.end();
/// For a SPIR-V ID that might define a sampler, image, or sampled image
/// value, return the SPIR-V instruction that represents the memory object
/// declaration for the object. If we encounter an OpSampledImage along the
/// way, follow the image operand when follow_image is true; otherwise follow
/// the sampler operand. Returns nullptr if we can't trace back to a memory
/// object declaration. Emits an error and returns nullptr when the scan
/// fails due to a malformed module. This method can be used any time after
/// BuildInternalModule has been invoked.
/// @param id the SPIR-V ID of the sampler, image, or sampled image
/// @param follow_image indicates whether to follow the image operand of
/// OpSampledImage
/// @returns the memory object declaration for the handle, or nullptr
const spvtools::opt::Instruction* GetMemoryObjectDeclarationForHandle(
uint32_t id,
bool follow_image);
/// Returns the handle usage for a memory object declaration.
/// @param id SPIR-V ID of a sampler or image OpVariable or
/// OpFunctionParameter
/// @returns the handle usage, or an empty usage object.
Usage GetHandleUsage(uint32_t id) const;
/// Returns the SPIR-V type for the sampler or image type for the given
/// variable in UniformConstant storage class, or function parameter pointing
/// into the UniformConstant storage class . Returns null and emits an
/// error on failure.
/// @param var the OpVariable instruction or OpFunctionParameter
/// @returns the Tint AST type for the sampler or texture, or null on error
const spvtools::opt::Instruction*
const spvtools::opt::Instruction& var);
/// Returns the AST type for the pointer-to-sampler or pointer-to-texture type
/// for the given variable in UniformConstant storage class. Returns null and
/// emits an error on failure.
/// @param var the OpVariable instruction
/// @returns the Tint AST type for the poiner-to-{sampler|texture} or null on
/// error
const Pointer* GetTypeForHandleVar(const spvtools::opt::Instruction& var);
/// Returns the channel component type corresponding to the given image
/// format.
/// @param format image texel format
/// @returns the component type, one of f32, i32, u32
const Type* GetComponentTypeForFormat(ast::ImageFormat format);
/// Returns the number of channels in the given image format.
/// @param format image texel format
/// @returns the number of channels in the format
unsigned GetChannelCountForFormat(ast::ImageFormat format);
/// Returns the texel type corresponding to the given image format.
/// This the WGSL type used for the texel parameter to textureStore.
/// It's always a 4-element vector.
/// @param format image texel format
/// @returns the texel format
const Type* GetTexelTypeForFormat(ast::ImageFormat format);
/// Returns the SPIR-V instruction with the given ID, or nullptr.
/// @param id the SPIR-V result ID
/// @returns the instruction, or nullptr on error
const spvtools::opt::Instruction* GetInstructionForTest(uint32_t id) const;
/// A map of SPIR-V identifiers to builtins
using BuiltInsMap = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, SpvBuiltIn>;
/// @returns a map of builtins that should be handled specially by code
/// generation. Either the builtin does not exist in WGSL, or a type
/// conversion must be implemented on load and store.
const BuiltInsMap& special_builtins() const { return special_builtins_; }
/// @param builtin the SPIR-V builtin variable kind
/// @returns the SPIR-V ID for the variable defining the given builtin, or 0
uint32_t IdForSpecialBuiltIn(SpvBuiltIn builtin) const {
// Do a linear search.
for (const auto& entry : special_builtins_) {
if (entry.second == builtin) {
return entry.first;
return 0;
/// @param entry_point the SPIR-V ID of an entry point.
/// @returns the entry point info for the given ID
const std::vector<EntryPointInfo>& GetEntryPointInfo(uint32_t entry_point) {
return function_to_ep_info_[entry_point];
/// @returns the SPIR-V binary.
const std::vector<uint32_t>& spv_binary() { return spv_binary_; }
/// Converts a specific SPIR-V type to a Tint type. Integer case
const Type* ConvertType(const spvtools::opt::analysis::Integer* int_ty);
/// Converts a specific SPIR-V type to a Tint type. Float case
const Type* ConvertType(const spvtools::opt::analysis::Float* float_ty);
/// Converts a specific SPIR-V type to a Tint type. Vector case
const Type* ConvertType(const spvtools::opt::analysis::Vector* vec_ty);
/// Converts a specific SPIR-V type to a Tint type. Matrix case
const Type* ConvertType(const spvtools::opt::analysis::Matrix* mat_ty);
/// Converts a specific SPIR-V type to a Tint type. RuntimeArray case
/// Distinct SPIR-V array types map to distinct Tint array types.
/// @param rtarr_ty the Tint type
const Type* ConvertType(
uint32_t type_id,
const spvtools::opt::analysis::RuntimeArray* rtarr_ty);
/// Converts a specific SPIR-V type to a Tint type. Array case
/// Distinct SPIR-V array types map to distinct Tint array types.
/// @param arr_ty the Tint type
const Type* ConvertType(uint32_t type_id,
const spvtools::opt::analysis::Array* arr_ty);
/// Converts a specific SPIR-V type to a Tint type. Struct case.
/// SPIR-V allows distinct struct type definitions for two OpTypeStruct
/// that otherwise have the same set of members (and struct and member
/// decorations). However, the SPIRV-Tools always produces a unique
/// `spvtools::opt::analysis::Struct` object in these cases. For this type
/// conversion, we need to have the original SPIR-V ID because we can't always
/// recover it from the optimizer's struct type object. This also lets us
/// preserve member names, which are given by OpMemberName which is normally
/// not significant to the optimizer's module representation.
/// @param type_id the SPIR-V ID for the type.
/// @param struct_ty the Tint type
const Type* ConvertType(uint32_t type_id,
const spvtools::opt::analysis::Struct* struct_ty);
/// Converts a specific SPIR-V type to a Tint type. Pointer / Reference case
/// The pointer to gl_PerVertex maps to nullptr, and instead is recorded
/// in member #builtin_position_.
/// @param type_id the SPIR-V ID for the type.
/// @param ptr_as if PtrAs::Ref then a Reference will be returned, otherwise
/// Pointer
/// @param ptr_ty the Tint type
const Type* ConvertType(uint32_t type_id,
PtrAs ptr_as,
const spvtools::opt::analysis::Pointer* ptr_ty);
/// If `type` is a signed integral, or vector of signed integral,
/// returns the unsigned type, otherwise returns `type`.
/// @param type the possibly signed type
/// @returns the unsigned type
const Type* UnsignedTypeFor(const Type* type);
/// If `type` is a unsigned integral, or vector of unsigned integral,
/// returns the signed type, otherwise returns `type`.
/// @param type the possibly unsigned type
/// @returns the signed type
const Type* SignedTypeFor(const Type* type);
/// Parses the array or runtime-array decorations. Sets 0 if no explicit
/// stride was found, and therefore the implicit stride should be used.
/// @param spv_type the SPIR-V array or runtime-array type.
/// @param array_stride pointer to the array stride
/// @returns true on success.
bool ParseArrayDecorations(const spvtools::opt::analysis::Type* spv_type,
uint32_t* array_stride);
/// Creates a new `ast::Node` owned by the ProgramBuilder.
/// @param args the arguments to pass to the type constructor
/// @returns the node pointer
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
T* create(ARGS&&... args) {
return builder_.create<T>(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
// The SPIR-V binary we're parsing
std::vector<uint32_t> spv_binary_;
// The program builder.
ProgramBuilder builder_;
// The type manager.
TypeManager ty_;
// Is the parse successful?
bool success_ = true;
// Collector for diagnostic messages.
std::stringstream errors_;
FailStream fail_stream_;
spvtools::MessageConsumer message_consumer_;
// An object used to store and generate names for SPIR-V objects.
Namer namer_;
// An object used to convert SPIR-V enums to Tint enums
EnumConverter enum_converter_;
// The internal representation of the SPIR-V module and its context.
spvtools::Context tools_context_;
// All the state is owned by ir_context_.
std::unique_ptr<spvtools::opt::IRContext> ir_context_;
// The following are borrowed pointers to the internal state of ir_context_.
spvtools::opt::Module* module_ = nullptr;
spvtools::opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr_ = nullptr;
spvtools::opt::analysis::ConstantManager* constant_mgr_ = nullptr;
spvtools::opt::analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr_ = nullptr;
spvtools::opt::analysis::DecorationManager* deco_mgr_ = nullptr;
// The functions ordered so that callees precede their callers.
std::vector<const spvtools::opt::Function*> topologically_ordered_functions_;
// Maps an instruction to its source location. If no OpLine information
// is in effect for the instruction, map the instruction to its position
// in the SPIR-V module, counting by instructions, where the first
// instruction is line 1.
std::unordered_map<const spvtools::opt::Instruction*, Source::Location>
// The set of IDs that are imports of the GLSL.std.450 extended instruction
// sets.
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> glsl_std_450_imports_;
// The set of IDs of imports that are ignored. For example, any
// "NonSemanticInfo." import is ignored.
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> ignored_imports_;
// The SPIR-V IDs of structure types that are the store type for buffer
// variables, either UBO or SSBO.
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> struct_types_for_buffers_;
// Bookkeeping for the gl_Position builtin.
// In Vulkan SPIR-V, it's the 0 member of the gl_PerVertex structure.
// But in WGSL we make a module-scope variable:
// [[position]] var<in> gl_Position : vec4<f32>;
// The builtin variable was detected if and only if the struct_id is non-zero.
BuiltInPositionInfo builtin_position_;
// SPIR-V type IDs that are either:
// - a struct type decorated by BufferBlock
// - an array, runtime array containing one of these
// - a pointer type to one of these
// These are the types "enclosing" a buffer block with the old style
// representation: using Uniform storage class and BufferBlock decoration
// on the struct. The new style is to use the StorageBuffer storage class
// and Block decoration.
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> remap_buffer_block_type_;
// The ast::Struct type names with only read-only members.
std::unordered_set<Symbol> read_only_struct_types_;
// The IDs of scalar spec constants
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> scalar_spec_constants_;
// Maps function_id to a list of entrypoint information
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<EntryPointInfo>>
// Maps from a SPIR-V ID to its underlying memory object declaration,
// following image paths. This a memoization table for
// GetMemoryObjectDeclarationForHandle. (A SPIR-V memory object declaration is
// an OpVariable or an OpFunctinParameter with pointer type).
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, const spvtools::opt::Instruction*>
// Maps from a SPIR-V ID to its underlying memory object declaration,
// following sampler paths. This a memoization table for
// GetMemoryObjectDeclarationForHandle.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, const spvtools::opt::Instruction*>
// Maps a memory-object-declaration instruction to any sampler or texture
// usages implied by usages of the memory-object-declaration.
std::unordered_map<const spvtools::opt::Instruction*, Usage> handle_usage_;
// The inferred pointer type for the given handle variable.
std::unordered_map<const spvtools::opt::Instruction*, const Pointer*>
// Set of symbols of declared type that have been added, used to avoid
// adding duplicates.
std::unordered_set<Symbol> declared_types_;
// Maps a struct type name to the SPIR-V ID for the structure type.
std::unordered_map<Symbol, uint32_t> struct_id_for_symbol_;
/// Maps the SPIR-V ID of a module-scope builtin variable that should be
/// ignored or type-converted, to its builtin kind.
/// See also BuiltInPositionInfo which is a separate mechanism for a more
/// complex case of replacing an entire structure.
BuiltInsMap special_builtins_;
/// Info about the WorkgroupSize builtin. If it's not present, then the 'id'
/// field will be 0. Sadly, in SPIR-V right now, there's only one workgroup
/// size object in the module.
WorkgroupSizeInfo workgroup_size_builtin_;
} // namespace spirv
} // namespace reader
} // namespace tint