blob: a88558111d0b3011f7f0fb7cb7fd3fb11d5886be [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/transform/transform.h"
namespace tint {
namespace transform {
/// Adds firstVertex/Instance (injected via root constants) to
/// vertex/instance index builtins.
/// This transform assumes that Name transform has been run before.
/// Unlike other APIs, D3D always starts vertex and instance numbering at 0,
/// regardless of the firstVertex/Instance value specified. This transformer
/// adds the value of firstVertex/Instance to each builtin. This action is
/// performed by adding a new constant equal to original builtin +
/// firstVertex/Instance to each function that references one of these builtins.
/// Note that D3D does not have any semantics for firstVertex/Instance.
/// Therefore, these values must by passed to the shader.
/// Before:
/// ```
/// @builtin(vertex_index) var<in> vert_idx : u32;
/// fn func() -> u32 {
/// return vert_idx;
/// }
/// ```
/// After:
/// ```
/// struct TintFirstIndexOffsetData {
/// tint_first_vertex_index : u32;
/// tint_first_instance_index : u32;
/// };
/// @builtin(vertex_index) var<in> tint_first_index_offset_vert_idx : u32;
/// @binding(N) @group(M) var<uniform> tint_first_index_data :
/// TintFirstIndexOffsetData;
/// fn func() -> u32 {
/// const vert_idx = (tint_first_index_offset_vert_idx +
/// tint_first_index_data.tint_first_vertex_index);
/// return vert_idx;
/// }
/// ```
class FirstIndexOffset : public Castable<FirstIndexOffset, Transform> {
/// BindingPoint is consumed by the FirstIndexOffset transform.
/// BindingPoint specifies the binding point of the first index uniform
/// buffer.
struct BindingPoint : public Castable<BindingPoint, transform::Data> {
/// Constructor
/// Constructor
/// @param b the binding index
/// @param g the binding group
BindingPoint(uint32_t b, uint32_t g);
/// Destructor
~BindingPoint() override;
/// `@binding()` for the first vertex / first instance uniform buffer
uint32_t binding = 0;
/// `@group()` for the first vertex / first instance uniform buffer
uint32_t group = 0;
/// Data is outputted by the FirstIndexOffset transform.
/// Data holds information about shader usage and constant buffer offsets.
struct Data : public Castable<Data, transform::Data> {
/// Constructor
/// @param has_vtx_index True if the shader uses vertex_index
/// @param has_inst_index True if the shader uses instance_index
/// @param first_vtx_offset Offset of first vertex into constant buffer
/// @param first_inst_offset Offset of first instance into constant buffer
Data(bool has_vtx_index,
bool has_inst_index,
uint32_t first_vtx_offset,
uint32_t first_inst_offset);
/// Copy constructor
Data(const Data&);
/// Destructor
~Data() override;
/// True if the shader uses vertex_index
const bool has_vertex_index;
/// True if the shader uses instance_index
const bool has_instance_index;
/// Offset of first vertex into constant buffer
const uint32_t first_vertex_offset;
/// Offset of first instance into constant buffer
const uint32_t first_instance_offset;
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
~FirstIndexOffset() override;
/// Runs the transform using the CloneContext built for transforming a
/// program. Run() is responsible for calling Clone() on the CloneContext.
/// @param ctx the CloneContext primed with the input program and
/// ProgramBuilder
/// @param inputs optional extra transform-specific input data
/// @param outputs optional extra transform-specific output data
void Run(CloneContext& ctx, const DataMap& inputs, DataMap& outputs) override;
uint32_t binding_ = 0;
uint32_t group_ = 0;
} // namespace transform
} // namespace tint