Remove textureAspect from TextureCopyView

Delete all references to textureAspect inside of TextureCopyView to
reflect WebGPU IDL change.

Bug: dawn:17
Change-Id: Ib849f07bed6aff93e2759739e5c7a92367658df4
Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <>
Reviewed-by: Kai Ninomiya <>
Reviewed-by: Corentin Wallez <>
diff --git a/dawn.json b/dawn.json
index 4066d28..017b60b 100644
--- a/dawn.json
+++ b/dawn.json
@@ -1034,8 +1034,7 @@
             {"name": "texture", "type": "texture"},
             {"name": "level", "type": "uint32_t"},
             {"name": "slice", "type": "uint32_t"},
-            {"name": "origin", "type": "origin 3D"},
-            {"name": "aspect", "type": "texture aspect"}
+            {"name": "origin", "type": "origin 3D"}
     "texture descriptor": {
diff --git a/examples/CppHelloTriangle.cpp b/examples/CppHelloTriangle.cpp
index 44b2621..03f629c 100644
--- a/examples/CppHelloTriangle.cpp
+++ b/examples/CppHelloTriangle.cpp
@@ -72,8 +72,7 @@
     dawn::Buffer stagingBuffer = utils::CreateBufferFromData(device,, static_cast<uint32_t>(data.size()), dawn::BufferUsageBit::TransferSrc);
     dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView = utils::CreateBufferCopyView(stagingBuffer, 0, 0, 0);
-    dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
-        utils::CreateTextureCopyView(texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color);
+    dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView(texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0});
     dawn::Extent3D copySize = {1024, 1024, 1};
     dawn::CommandBuffer copy =
diff --git a/examples/glTFViewer/glTFViewer.cpp b/examples/glTFViewer/glTFViewer.cpp
index ef9b07d..61dd6a5 100644
--- a/examples/glTFViewer/glTFViewer.cpp
+++ b/examples/glTFViewer/glTFViewer.cpp
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
             dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
                 utils::CreateBufferCopyView(staging, 0, rowPitch, 0);
             dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
-                utils::CreateTextureCopyView(oTexture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color);
+                utils::CreateTextureCopyView(oTexture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0});
             dawn::Extent3D copySize = {iImage.width, iImage.height, 1};
             auto cmdbuf = device.CreateCommandBufferBuilder()
                               .CopyBufferToTexture(&bufferCopyView, &textureCopyView, &copySize)
diff --git a/src/dawn_native/Commands.h b/src/dawn_native/Commands.h
index 4625774..62a3bf6 100644
--- a/src/dawn_native/Commands.h
+++ b/src/dawn_native/Commands.h
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
         uint32_t level;
         uint32_t slice;
         Origin3D origin;  // Texels
-        dawn::TextureAspect aspect;
     struct CopyBufferToBufferCmd {
diff --git a/src/tests/DawnTest.cpp b/src/tests/DawnTest.cpp
index 6e54cfe..4cbbbaf 100644
--- a/src/tests/DawnTest.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/DawnTest.cpp
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
     // We need to enqueue the copy immediately because by the time we resolve the expectation,
     // the texture might have been modified.
     dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
-        utils::CreateTextureCopyView(texture, level, slice, {x, y, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color);
+        utils::CreateTextureCopyView(texture, level, slice, {x, y, 0});
     dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
         utils::CreateBufferCopyView(readback.buffer, readback.offset, rowPitch, 0);
     dawn::Extent3D copySize = {width, height, 1};
diff --git a/src/tests/end2end/BindGroupTests.cpp b/src/tests/end2end/BindGroupTests.cpp
index 4c415e0..f86646d 100644
--- a/src/tests/end2end/BindGroupTests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/end2end/BindGroupTests.cpp
@@ -256,8 +256,7 @@
     dawn::CommandBufferBuilder builder = device.CreateCommandBufferBuilder();
     dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
         utils::CreateBufferCopyView(stagingBuffer, 0, widthInBytes, 0);
-    dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
-        utils::CreateTextureCopyView(texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color);
+    dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView(texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0});
     dawn::Extent3D copySize = {width, height, 1};
     builder.CopyBufferToTexture(&bufferCopyView, &textureCopyView, &copySize);
     dawn::RenderPassEncoder pass = builder.BeginRenderPass(renderPass.renderPassInfo);
diff --git a/src/tests/end2end/CopyTests.cpp b/src/tests/end2end/CopyTests.cpp
index f6f45fa..7b03ab2 100644
--- a/src/tests/end2end/CopyTests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/end2end/CopyTests.cpp
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@
                     static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(RGBA8) * textureArrayData[slice].size()), dawn::BufferUsageBit::TransferSrc);
                 dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
                     utils::CreateBufferCopyView(uploadBuffer, 0, rowPitch, 0);
-                dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView(
-                    texture, textureSpec.level, slice, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color);
+                dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
+                    utils::CreateTextureCopyView(texture, textureSpec.level, slice, {0, 0, 0});
                 dawn::Extent3D copySize = {width, height, 1};
                 cmdBuilder.CopyBufferToTexture(&bufferCopyView, &textureCopyView, &copySize);
@@ -123,8 +123,7 @@
             for (uint32_t slice = 0; slice < textureSpec.arraySize; ++slice) {
                 // Copy the region [(`x`, `y`), (`x + copyWidth, `y + copyWidth`)] from the `level` mip into the buffer at `offset + bufferSpec.size * slice` and `rowPitch`
                 dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView(
-                    texture, textureSpec.level, slice, {textureSpec.x, textureSpec.y, 0},
-                    dawn::TextureAspect::Color);
+                    texture, textureSpec.level, slice, {textureSpec.x, textureSpec.y, 0});
                 dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
                     utils::CreateBufferCopyView(buffer, bufferOffset, bufferSpec.rowPitch, 0);
                 dawn::Extent3D copySize = {textureSpec.copyWidth, textureSpec.copyHeight, 1};
@@ -212,8 +211,8 @@
             dawn::Buffer uploadBuffer = utils::CreateBufferFromData(device,, static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(RGBA8) * emptyData.size()), dawn::BufferUsageBit::TransferSrc);
             dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
                 utils::CreateBufferCopyView(uploadBuffer, 0, rowPitch, 0);
-            dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView(
-                texture, textureSpec.level, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color);
+            dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
+                utils::CreateTextureCopyView(texture, textureSpec.level, 0, {0, 0, 0});
             dawn::Extent3D copySize = {width, height, 1};
             cmdBuilder.CopyBufferToTexture(&bufferCopyView, &textureCopyView, &copySize);
@@ -223,8 +222,7 @@
             dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
                 utils::CreateBufferCopyView(buffer, bufferSpec.offset, bufferSpec.rowPitch, 0);
             dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView(
-                texture, textureSpec.level, 0, {textureSpec.x, textureSpec.y, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color);
+                texture, textureSpec.level, 0, {textureSpec.x, textureSpec.y, 0});
             dawn::Extent3D copySize = {textureSpec.copyWidth, textureSpec.copyHeight, 1};
             cmdBuilder.CopyBufferToTexture(&bufferCopyView, &textureCopyView, &copySize);
diff --git a/src/tests/end2end/SamplerTests.cpp b/src/tests/end2end/SamplerTests.cpp
index 8b10d8a..4a31d9b 100644
--- a/src/tests/end2end/SamplerTests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/end2end/SamplerTests.cpp
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
         dawn::Buffer stagingBuffer = utils::CreateBufferFromData(device, data, sizeof(data), dawn::BufferUsageBit::TransferSrc);
         dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView = utils::CreateBufferCopyView(stagingBuffer, 0, 256, 0);
         dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
-            utils::CreateTextureCopyView(texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color);
+            utils::CreateTextureCopyView(texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0});
         dawn::Extent3D copySize = {2, 2, 1};
         dawn::CommandBuffer copy =
diff --git a/src/tests/end2end/TextureViewTests.cpp b/src/tests/end2end/TextureViewTests.cpp
index cd15bee..41f1417 100644
--- a/src/tests/end2end/TextureViewTests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/end2end/TextureViewTests.cpp
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@
                 dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
                     utils::CreateBufferCopyView(stagingBuffer, 0, kTextureRowPitchAlignment, 0);
-                dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView(
-                    mTexture, level, layer, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color);
+                dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
+                    utils::CreateTextureCopyView(mTexture, level, layer, {0, 0, 0});
                 dawn::Extent3D copySize = {texWidth, texHeight, 1};
                 builder.CopyBufferToTexture(&bufferCopyView, &textureCopyView, &copySize);
diff --git a/src/tests/unittests/validation/CopyCommandsValidationTests.cpp b/src/tests/unittests/validation/CopyCommandsValidationTests.cpp
index 01bae1d..28fbefb 100644
--- a/src/tests/unittests/validation/CopyCommandsValidationTests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/unittests/validation/CopyCommandsValidationTests.cpp
@@ -58,12 +58,11 @@
                          uint32_t destLevel,
                          uint32_t destSlice,
                          dawn::Origin3D destOrigin,
-                         dawn::TextureAspect destAspect,
                          dawn::Extent3D extent3D) {
             dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
                 utils::CreateBufferCopyView(srcBuffer, srcOffset, srcRowPitch, srcImageHeight);
-            dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView(
-                destTexture, destLevel, destSlice, destOrigin, destAspect);
+            dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
+                utils::CreateTextureCopyView(destTexture, destLevel, destSlice, destOrigin);
             if (expectation == utils::Expectation::Success) {
                 dawn::CommandBuffer commands =
@@ -83,7 +82,6 @@
                          uint32_t srcLevel,
                          uint32_t srcSlice,
                          dawn::Origin3D srcOrigin,
-                         dawn::TextureAspect srcAspect,
                          dawn::Buffer destBuffer,
                          uint32_t destOffset,
                          uint32_t destRowPitch,
@@ -91,8 +89,8 @@
                          dawn::Extent3D extent3D) {
             dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
                 utils::CreateBufferCopyView(destBuffer, destOffset, destRowPitch, destImageHeight);
-            dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView = utils::CreateTextureCopyView(
-                srcTexture, srcLevel, srcSlice, srcOrigin, srcAspect);
+            dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
+                utils::CreateTextureCopyView(srcTexture, srcLevel, srcSlice, srcOrigin);
             if (expectation == utils::Expectation::Success) {
                 dawn::CommandBuffer commands =
@@ -192,42 +190,42 @@
         // Copy 4x4 block in corner of first mip.
         TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                    dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                    {4, 4, 1});
         // Copy 4x4 block in opposite corner of first mip.
         TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {12, 12, 0},
-                    dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                    {4, 4, 1});
         // Copy 4x4 block in the 4x4 mip.
         TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 2, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                    dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                    {4, 4, 1});
         // Copy with a buffer offset
         TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, bufferSize - 4, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0,
-                    {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {1, 1, 1});
+                    {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
     // Copies with a 256-byte aligned row pitch but unaligned texture region
         // Unaligned region
         TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                    dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {3, 4, 1});
+                    {3, 4, 1});
         // Unaligned region with texture offset
         TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {5, 7, 0},
-                    dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {2, 3, 1});
+                    {2, 3, 1});
         // Unaligned region, with buffer offset
-        TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 31 * 4, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                    dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {3, 3, 1});
+        TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 31 * 4, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0,
+                    {0, 0, 0}, {3, 3, 1});
     // Empty copies are valid
         // An empty copy
         TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                    dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {0, 0, 1});
+                    {0, 0, 1});
         // An empty copy touching the end of the buffer
-        TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, bufferSize, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0,
-                    0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {0, 0, 1});
+        TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, bufferSize, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0,
+                    {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1});
         // An empty copy touching the side of the texture
         TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0, {16, 16, 0},
-                    dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {0, 0, 1});
+                    {0, 0, 1});
@@ -240,15 +238,15 @@
     // OOB on the buffer because we copy too many pixels
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 5, 1});
+                {4, 5, 1});
     // OOB on the buffer because of the offset
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 4, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // OOB on the buffer because (row pitch * (height - 1) + width) * depth overflows
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 512, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 3, 1});
+                {4, 3, 1});
     // Not OOB on the buffer although row pitch * height overflows
     // but (row pitch * (height - 1) + width) * depth does not overlow
@@ -258,7 +256,7 @@
         dawn::Buffer sourceBuffer = CreateBuffer(sourceBufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::TransferSrc);
         TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                    dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {7, 3, 1});
+                    {7, 3, 1});
@@ -271,23 +269,23 @@
     // OOB on the texture because x + width overflows
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {13, 12, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // OOB on the texture because y + width overflows
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {12, 13, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // OOB on the texture because we overflow a non-zero mip
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 2, 0, {1, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // OOB on the texture even on an empty copy when we copy to a non-existent mip.
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 5, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {0, 0, 1});
+                {0, 0, 1});
     // OOB on the texture because slice overflows
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 2, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {0, 0, 1});
+                {0, 0, 1});
 // Test that we force Z=0 and Depth=1 on copies to 2D textures
@@ -298,11 +296,11 @@
     // Z=1 on an empty copy still errors
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {0, 0, 1});
+                {0, 0, 1});
     // Depth=0 on an empty copy still errors
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {0, 0, 0});
+                {0, 0, 0});
 // Test B2T copies with incorrect buffer usage
@@ -316,11 +314,11 @@
     // Incorrect source usage
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, vertex, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // Incorrect destination usage
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, sampled, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                {4, 4, 1});
 TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, IncorrectRowPitch) {
@@ -331,15 +329,15 @@
     // Default row pitch is not 256-byte aligned
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {3, 4, 1});
+                {3, 4, 1});
     // Row pitch is not 256-byte aligned
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 128, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // Row pitch is less than width * bytesPerPixel
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {65, 1, 1});
+                {65, 1, 1});
 TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, ImageHeightConstraint) {
@@ -350,19 +348,19 @@
     // Image height is zero (Valid)
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // Image height is equal to copy height (Valid)
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // Image height is larger than copy height (Valid)
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 4, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // Image height is less than copy height (Invalid)
     TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 3, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
-                dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {4, 4, 1});
+                {4, 4, 1});
 // Test B2T copies with incorrect buffer offset usage
@@ -373,17 +371,17 @@
     // Correct usage
-    TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, bufferSize - 4, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0,
-                0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {1, 1, 1});
+    TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, bufferSize - 4, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0,
+                {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
     // Incorrect usages
         TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, bufferSize - 5, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0,
-                    {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {1, 1, 1});
+                    {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
         TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, bufferSize - 6, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0,
-                    {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {1, 1, 1});
+                    {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
         TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, bufferSize - 7, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0,
-                    {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color, {1, 1, 1});
+                    {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
@@ -400,43 +398,43 @@
     // Different copies, including some that touch the OOB condition
         // Copy from 4x4 block in corner of first mip.
-        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                    destination, 0, 256, 0, {4, 4, 1});
+        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                    {4, 4, 1});
         // Copy from 4x4 block in opposite corner of first mip.
-        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {12, 12, 0},
-                    dawn::TextureAspect::Color, destination, 0, 256, 0, {4, 4, 1});
+        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {12, 12, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                    {4, 4, 1});
         // Copy from 4x4 block in the 4x4 mip.
-        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 2, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                    destination, 0, 256, 0, {4, 4, 1});
+        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 2, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                    {4, 4, 1});
         // Copy with a buffer offset
-        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                    destination, bufferSize - 4, 256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
+        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination,
+                    bufferSize - 4, 256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
     // Copies with a 256-byte aligned row pitch but unaligned texture region
         // Unaligned region
-        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                    destination, 0, 256, 0, {3, 4, 1});
+        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                    {3, 4, 1});
         // Unaligned region with texture offset
-        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {5, 7, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                    destination, 0, 256, 0, {2, 3, 1});
+        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {5, 7, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                    {2, 3, 1});
         // Unaligned region, with buffer offset
-        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 2, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                    destination, 31 * 4, 256, 0, {3, 3, 1});
+        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 2, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 31 * 4, 256,
+                    0, {3, 3, 1});
     // Empty copies are valid
         // An empty copy
-        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                    destination, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1});
+        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0, 0,
+                    {0, 0, 1});
         // An empty copy touching the end of the buffer
-        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                    destination, bufferSize, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1});
+        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, bufferSize,
+                    0, 0, {0, 0, 1});
         // An empty copy touching the side of the texture
-        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {16, 16, 0},
-                    dawn::TextureAspect::Color, destination, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1});
+        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {16, 16, 0}, destination, 0, 0, 0,
+                    {0, 0, 1});
@@ -448,20 +446,20 @@
     dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::TransferDst);
     // OOB on the texture because x + width overflows
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {13, 12, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 256, 0, {4, 4, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {13, 12, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // OOB on the texture because y + width overflows
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {12, 13, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 256, 0, {4, 4, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {12, 13, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // OOB on the texture because we overflow a non-zero mip
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 2, 0, {1, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 256, 0, {4, 4, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 2, 0, {1, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // OOB on the texture even on an empty copy when we copy from a non-existent mip.
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 5, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 5, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0, 0,
+                {0, 0, 1});
 // Test OOB conditions on the buffer
@@ -472,16 +470,16 @@
     dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::TransferDst);
     // OOB on the buffer because we copy too many pixels
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 256, 0, {4, 5, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                {4, 5, 1});
     // OOB on the buffer because of the offset
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 4, 256, 0, {4, 4, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 4, 256, 0,
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // OOB on the buffer because (row pitch * (height - 1) + width) * depth overflows
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 512, 0, {4, 3, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 512, 0,
+                {4, 3, 1});
     // Not OOB on the buffer although row pitch * height overflows
     // but (row pitch * (height - 1) + width) * depth does not overlow
@@ -489,8 +487,8 @@
         uint32_t destinationBufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(7, 3, 1);
         ASSERT_TRUE(256 * 3 > destinationBufferSize) << "row pitch * height should overflow buffer";
         dawn::Buffer destinationBuffer = CreateBuffer(destinationBufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::TransferDst);
-        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                    destinationBuffer, 0, 256, 0, {7, 3, 1});
+        TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destinationBuffer, 0, 256,
+                    0, {7, 3, 1});
@@ -502,12 +500,12 @@
     dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::TransferDst);
     // Z=1 on an empty copy still errors
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1}, destination, 0, 0, 0,
+                {0, 0, 1});
     // Depth=0 on an empty copy still errors
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0, 0,
+                {0, 0, 0});
 // Test T2B copies with incorrect buffer usage
@@ -521,12 +519,11 @@
     dawn::Buffer vertex = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::Vertex);
     // Incorrect source usage
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, sampled, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 256, 0, {4, 4, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, sampled, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // Incorrect destination usage
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                vertex, 0, 256, 0, {4, 4, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, vertex, 0, 256, 0, {4, 4, 1});
 TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, IncorrectRowPitch) {
@@ -536,16 +533,16 @@
     dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::TransferSrc);
     // Default row pitch is not 256-byte aligned
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 256, 0, {3, 4, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                {3, 4, 1});
     // Row pitch is not 256-byte aligned
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 257, 0, {4, 4, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 257, 0,
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // Row pitch is less than width * bytesPerPixel
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 256, 0, {65, 1, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                {65, 1, 1});
 TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, ImageHeightConstraint) {
@@ -555,20 +552,20 @@
     dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::TransferDst);
     // Image height is zero (Valid)
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 256, 0, {4, 4, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // Image height is equal to copy height (Valid)
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 256, 4, {4, 4, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 4,
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // Image height exceeds copy height (Valid)
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 256, 5, {4, 4, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 5,
+                {4, 4, 1});
     // Image height is less than copy height (Invalid)
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, 0, 256, 3, {4, 4, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 3,
+                {4, 4, 1});
 // Test T2B copies with incorrect buffer offset usage
@@ -579,15 +576,15 @@
     dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::TransferDst);
     // Correct usage
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, bufferSize - 4, 256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, bufferSize - 4,
+                256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
     // Incorrect usages
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, bufferSize - 5, 256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, bufferSize - 6, 256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
-    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, dawn::TextureAspect::Color,
-                destination, bufferSize - 7, 256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, bufferSize - 5,
+                256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, bufferSize - 6,
+                256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
+    TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, bufferSize - 7,
+                256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
diff --git a/src/utils/DawnHelpers.cpp b/src/utils/DawnHelpers.cpp
index 115b023..1794b98 100644
--- a/src/utils/DawnHelpers.cpp
+++ b/src/utils/DawnHelpers.cpp
@@ -170,14 +170,12 @@
     dawn::TextureCopyView CreateTextureCopyView(dawn::Texture texture,
                                                 uint32_t level,
                                                 uint32_t slice,
-                                                dawn::Origin3D origin,
-                                                dawn::TextureAspect aspect) {
+                                                dawn::Origin3D origin) {
         dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView;
         textureCopyView.texture = texture;
         textureCopyView.level = level;
         textureCopyView.slice = slice;
         textureCopyView.origin = origin;
-        textureCopyView.aspect = aspect;
         return textureCopyView;
diff --git a/src/utils/DawnHelpers.h b/src/utils/DawnHelpers.h
index ba3e312..1bbe87f 100644
--- a/src/utils/DawnHelpers.h
+++ b/src/utils/DawnHelpers.h
@@ -44,8 +44,7 @@
     dawn::TextureCopyView CreateTextureCopyView(dawn::Texture texture,
                                                 uint32_t level,
                                                 uint32_t slice,
-                                                dawn::Origin3D origin,
-                                                dawn::TextureAspect aspect);
+                                                dawn::Origin3D origin);
     struct BasicRenderPass {
         uint32_t width;