blob: cab7fb075799c7a9a90dd2f19999386b47c5a842 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/transform/shader_io.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/builder.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/module.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/struct.h"
using namespace tint::core::fluent_types; // NOLINT
using namespace tint::core::number_suffixes; // NOLINT
namespace tint::core::ir::transform {
namespace {
core::BuiltinValue FunctionParamBuiltin(enum FunctionParam::Builtin builtin) {
switch (builtin) {
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kVertexIndex:
return core::BuiltinValue::kVertexIndex;
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kInstanceIndex:
return core::BuiltinValue::kInstanceIndex;
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kPosition:
return core::BuiltinValue::kPosition;
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kFrontFacing:
return core::BuiltinValue::kFrontFacing;
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kLocalInvocationId:
return core::BuiltinValue::kLocalInvocationId;
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kLocalInvocationIndex:
return core::BuiltinValue::kLocalInvocationIndex;
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kGlobalInvocationId:
return core::BuiltinValue::kGlobalInvocationId;
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kWorkgroupId:
return core::BuiltinValue::kWorkgroupId;
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kNumWorkgroups:
return core::BuiltinValue::kNumWorkgroups;
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kSampleIndex:
return core::BuiltinValue::kSampleIndex;
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kSampleMask:
return core::BuiltinValue::kSampleMask;
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kSubgroupInvocationId:
return core::BuiltinValue::kSubgroupInvocationId;
case FunctionParam::Builtin::kSubgroupSize:
return core::BuiltinValue::kSubgroupSize;
return core::BuiltinValue::kUndefined;
core::BuiltinValue ReturnBuiltin(enum Function::ReturnBuiltin builtin) {
switch (builtin) {
case Function::ReturnBuiltin::kPosition:
return core::BuiltinValue::kPosition;
case Function::ReturnBuiltin::kFragDepth:
return core::BuiltinValue::kFragDepth;
case Function::ReturnBuiltin::kSampleMask:
return core::BuiltinValue::kSampleMask;
return core::BuiltinValue::kUndefined;
/// PIMPL state for the transform.
struct State {
/// The IR module.
Module* ir = nullptr;
/// The IR builder.
Builder b{*ir};
/// The type manager.
core::type::Manager& ty{ir->Types()};
/// The set of struct members that need to have their IO attributes stripped.
Hashset<const core::type::StructMember*, 8> members_to_strip;
/// The entry point currently being processed.
Function* func = nullptr;
/// The backend state object for the current entry point.
std::unique_ptr<ShaderIOBackendState> backend;
/// Constructor
/// @param mod the module
explicit State(Module* mod) : ir(mod) {}
/// Process an entry point.
/// @param f the original entry point function
/// @param bs the backend state object
void Process(Function* f, std::unique_ptr<ShaderIOBackendState> bs) {
backend = std::move(bs);
TINT_DEFER(backend = nullptr);
// Process the parameters and return value to prepare for building a wrapper function.
auto new_params = backend->FinalizeInputs();
auto* new_ret_val = backend->FinalizeOutputs();
// Rename the old function and remove its pipeline stage and workgroup size, as we will be
// wrapping it with a new entry point.
auto name = ir->NameOf(func).Name();
auto stage = func->Stage();
auto wgsize = func->WorkgroupSize();
ir->SetName(func, name + "_inner");
// Create the entry point wrapper function.
auto* ep = b.Function(name, new_ret_val ? new_ret_val->Type() : ty.void_());
if (wgsize) {
ep->SetWorkgroupSize((*wgsize)[0], (*wgsize)[1], (*wgsize)[2]);
auto wrapper = b.Append(ep->Block());
// Call the original function, passing it the inputs and capturing its return value.
auto inner_call_args = BuildInnerCallArgs(wrapper);
auto* inner_result = wrapper.Call(func->ReturnType(), func, std::move(inner_call_args));
SetOutputs(wrapper, inner_result->Result());
// Return the new result.
wrapper.Return(ep, new_ret_val);
/// Gather the shader inputs.
void GatherInputs() {
for (auto* param : func->Params()) {
if (auto* str = param->Type()->As<core::type::Struct>()) {
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
auto name = str->Name().Name() + "_" + member->Name().Name();
auto attributes = member->Attributes();
if (attributes.interpolation &&
func->Stage() != Function::PipelineStage::kFragment) {
attributes.interpolation = {};
backend->AddInput(ir->symbols.Register(name), member->Type(), attributes);
} else {
// Pull out the IO attributes and remove them from the parameter.
core::type::StructMemberAttributes attributes;
if (auto loc = param->Location()) {
attributes.location = loc->value;
if (loc->interpolation && func->Stage() == Function::PipelineStage::kFragment) {
attributes.interpolation = *loc->interpolation;
} else if (auto builtin = param->Builtin()) {
attributes.builtin = FunctionParamBuiltin(*builtin);
attributes.invariant = param->Invariant();
auto name = ir->NameOf(param);
backend->AddInput(name, param->Type(), std::move(attributes));
/// Gather the shader outputs.
void GatherOutput() {
if (func->ReturnType()->Is<core::type::Void>()) {
if (auto* str = func->ReturnType()->As<core::type::Struct>()) {
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
auto name = str->Name().Name() + "_" + member->Name().Name();
auto attributes = member->Attributes();
if (attributes.interpolation && func->Stage() != Function::PipelineStage::kVertex) {
attributes.interpolation = {};
backend->AddOutput(ir->symbols.Register(name), member->Type(), attributes);
} else {
// Pull out the IO attributes and remove them from the original function.
core::type::StructMemberAttributes attributes;
if (auto loc = func->ReturnLocation()) {
attributes.location = loc->value;
if (loc->interpolation && func->Stage() == Function::PipelineStage::kVertex) {
attributes.interpolation = *loc->interpolation;
} else if (auto builtin = func->ReturnBuiltin()) {
attributes.builtin = ReturnBuiltin(*builtin);
attributes.invariant = func->ReturnInvariant();
backend->AddOutput(ir->symbols.New(), func->ReturnType(), std::move(attributes));
/// Build the argument list to call the original entry point function.
/// @param builder the IR builder for new instructions
/// @returns the argument list
Vector<Value*, 4> BuildInnerCallArgs(Builder& builder) {
uint32_t input_idx = 0;
Vector<Value*, 4> args;
for (auto* param : func->Params()) {
if (auto* str = param->Type()->As<core::type::Struct>()) {
Vector<Value*, 4> construct_args;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < str->Members().Length(); i++) {
construct_args.Push(backend->GetInput(builder, input_idx++));
args.Push(builder.Construct(param->Type(), construct_args)->Result());
} else {
args.Push(backend->GetInput(builder, input_idx++));
return args;
/// Propagate outputs from the inner function call to their final destination.
/// @param builder the IR builder for new instructions
/// @param inner_result the return value from calling the original entry point function
void SetOutputs(Builder& builder, Value* inner_result) {
if (auto* str = inner_result->Type()->As<core::type::Struct>()) {
for (auto* member : str->Members()) {
Value* from =
builder.Access(member->Type(), inner_result, u32(member->Index()))->Result();
backend->SetOutput(builder, member->Index(), from);
} else if (!inner_result->Type()->Is<core::type::Void>()) {
backend->SetOutput(builder, 0u, inner_result);
/// Finalize any state needed to complete the transform.
void Finalize() {
// Remove IO attributes from all structure members that had them prior to this transform.
for (auto* member : members_to_strip) {
// TODO( Remove the const_cast.
} // namespace
void RunShaderIOBase(Module* module, std::function<MakeBackendStateFunc> make_backend_state) {
State state(module);
for (auto* func : module->functions) {
// Only process entry points.
if (func->Stage() == Function::PipelineStage::kUndefined) {
// Skip entry points with no inputs or outputs.
if (func->Params().IsEmpty() && func->ReturnType()->Is<core::type::Void>()) {
state.Process(func, make_backend_state(module, func));
ShaderIOBackendState::~ShaderIOBackendState() = default;
} // namespace tint::core::ir::transform