blob: 2f2ef0b230b3dae3eb9f9ccde3836bd693ce0fcb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "dawn_native/SubresourceStorage.h"
#include "common/Log.h"
using namespace dawn_native;
// A fake class that replicates the behavior of SubresourceStorage but without any compression and
// is used to compare the results of operations on SubresourceStorage against the "ground truth" of
// FakeStorage.
template <typename T>
struct FakeStorage {
FakeStorage(Aspect aspects,
uint32_t arrayLayerCount,
uint32_t mipLevelCount,
T initialValue = {})
: mAspects(aspects),
mData(GetAspectCount(aspects) * arrayLayerCount * mipLevelCount, initialValue) {
template <typename F>
void Update(const SubresourceRange& range, F&& updateFunc) {
for (Aspect aspect : IterateEnumMask(range.aspects)) {
for (uint32_t layer = range.baseArrayLayer;
layer < range.baseArrayLayer + range.layerCount; layer++) {
for (uint32_t level = range.baseMipLevel;
level < range.baseMipLevel + range.levelCount; level++) {
SubresourceRange range = SubresourceRange::MakeSingle(aspect, layer, level);
updateFunc(range, &mData[GetDataIndex(aspect, layer, level)]);
const T& Get(Aspect aspect, uint32_t arrayLayer, uint32_t mipLevel) const {
return mData[GetDataIndex(aspect, arrayLayer, mipLevel)];
size_t GetDataIndex(Aspect aspect, uint32_t layer, uint32_t level) const {
uint32_t aspectIndex = GetAspectIndex(aspect);
return level + mMipLevelCount * (layer + mArrayLayerCount * aspectIndex);
// Method that checks that this and real have exactly the same content. It does so via looping
// on all subresources and calling Get() (hence testing Get()). It also calls Iterate()
// checking that every subresource is mentioned exactly once and that its content is correct
// (hence testing Iterate()).
// Its implementation requires the RangeTracker below that itself needs FakeStorage<int> so it
// cannot be define inline with the other methods.
void CheckSameAs(const SubresourceStorage<T>& real);
Aspect mAspects;
uint32_t mArrayLayerCount;
uint32_t mMipLevelCount;
std::vector<T> mData;
// Track a set of ranges that have been seen and can assert that in aggregate they make exactly
// a single range (and that each subresource was seen only once).
struct RangeTracker {
template <typename T>
RangeTracker(const SubresourceStorage<T>& s)
: mTracked(s.GetAspectsForTesting(),
0) {
void Track(const SubresourceRange& range) {
// Add +1 to the subresources tracked.
mTracked.Update(range, [](const SubresourceRange&, uint32_t* counter) {
ASSERT_EQ(*counter, 0u);
*counter += 1;
void CheckTrackedExactly(const SubresourceRange& range) {
// Check that all subresources in the range were tracked once and set the counter back to 0.
mTracked.Update(range, [](const SubresourceRange&, uint32_t* counter) {
ASSERT_EQ(*counter, 1u);
*counter = 0;
// Now all subresources should be at 0.
for (int counter : mTracked.mData) {
ASSERT_EQ(counter, 0);
FakeStorage<uint32_t> mTracked;
template <typename T>
void FakeStorage<T>::CheckSameAs(const SubresourceStorage<T>& real) {
EXPECT_EQ(real.GetAspectsForTesting(), mAspects);
EXPECT_EQ(real.GetArrayLayerCountForTesting(), mArrayLayerCount);
EXPECT_EQ(real.GetMipLevelCountForTesting(), mMipLevelCount);
RangeTracker tracker(real);
real.Iterate([&](const SubresourceRange& range, const T& data) {
// Check that the range is sensical.
EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubset(range.aspects, mAspects));
EXPECT_LT(range.baseArrayLayer, mArrayLayerCount);
EXPECT_LE(range.baseArrayLayer + range.layerCount, mArrayLayerCount);
EXPECT_LT(range.baseMipLevel, mMipLevelCount);
EXPECT_LE(range.baseMipLevel + range.levelCount, mMipLevelCount);
for (Aspect aspect : IterateEnumMask(range.aspects)) {
for (uint32_t layer = range.baseArrayLayer;
layer < range.baseArrayLayer + range.layerCount; layer++) {
for (uint32_t level = range.baseMipLevel;
level < range.baseMipLevel + range.levelCount; level++) {
ASSERT_EQ(data, Get(aspect, layer, level));
ASSERT_EQ(data, real.Get(aspect, layer, level));
SubresourceRange::MakeFull(mAspects, mArrayLayerCount, mMipLevelCount));
template <typename T>
void CheckAspectCompressed(const SubresourceStorage<T>& s, Aspect aspect, bool expected) {
uint32_t levelCount = s.GetMipLevelCountForTesting();
uint32_t layerCount = s.GetArrayLayerCountForTesting();
bool seen = false;
s.Iterate([&](const SubresourceRange& range, const T&) {
if (range.aspects == aspect && range.layerCount == layerCount &&
range.levelCount == levelCount && range.baseArrayLayer == 0 &&
range.baseMipLevel == 0) {
seen = true;
ASSERT_EQ(seen, expected);
// Check that the internal state of SubresourceStorage matches what we expect.
// If an aspect is compressed, all its layers should be internally tagged as compressed.
ASSERT_EQ(s.IsAspectCompressedForTesting(aspect), expected);
if (expected) {
for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < s.GetArrayLayerCountForTesting(); layer++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsLayerCompressedForTesting(aspect, layer));
template <typename T>
void CheckLayerCompressed(const SubresourceStorage<T>& s,
Aspect aspect,
uint32_t layer,
bool expected) {
uint32_t levelCount = s.GetMipLevelCountForTesting();
bool seen = false;
s.Iterate([&](const SubresourceRange& range, const T&) {
if (range.aspects == aspect && range.layerCount == 1 && range.levelCount == levelCount &&
range.baseArrayLayer == layer && range.baseMipLevel == 0) {
seen = true;
ASSERT_EQ(seen, expected);
ASSERT_EQ(s.IsLayerCompressedForTesting(aspect, layer), expected);
struct SmallData {
uint32_t value = 0xF00;
bool operator==(const SmallData& a, const SmallData& b) {
return a.value == b.value;
// Test that the default value is correctly set.
TEST(SubresourceStorageTest, DefaultValue) {
// Test setting no default value for a primitive type.
SubresourceStorage<int> s(Aspect::Color, 3, 5);
EXPECT_EQ(s.Get(Aspect::Color, 1, 2), 0);
FakeStorage<int> f(Aspect::Color, 3, 5);
// Test setting a default value for a primitive type.
SubresourceStorage<int> s(Aspect::Color, 3, 5, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(s.Get(Aspect::Color, 1, 2), 42);
FakeStorage<int> f(Aspect::Color, 3, 5, 42);
// Test setting no default value for a type with a default constructor.
SubresourceStorage<SmallData> s(Aspect::Color, 3, 5);
EXPECT_EQ(s.Get(Aspect::Color, 1, 2).value, 0xF00u);
FakeStorage<SmallData> f(Aspect::Color, 3, 5);
// Test setting a default value for a type with a default constructor.
SubresourceStorage<SmallData> s(Aspect::Color, 3, 5, {007u});
EXPECT_EQ(s.Get(Aspect::Color, 1, 2).value, 007u);
FakeStorage<SmallData> f(Aspect::Color, 3, 5, {007u});
// The tests for Update() all follow the same pattern of setting up a real and a fake storage then
// performing one or multiple Update()s on them and checking:
// - They have the same content.
// - The Update() range was correct.
// - The aspects and layers have the expected "compressed" status.
// Calls Update both on the read storage and the fake storage but intercepts the call to updateFunc
// done by the real storage to check their ranges argument aggregate to exactly the update range.
template <typename T, typename F>
void CallUpdateOnBoth(SubresourceStorage<T>* s,
FakeStorage<T>* f,
const SubresourceRange& range,
F&& updateFunc) {
RangeTracker tracker(*s);
s->Update(range, [&](const SubresourceRange& range, T* data) {
updateFunc(range, data);
f->Update(range, updateFunc);
// Test updating a single subresource on a single-aspect storage.
TEST(SubresourceStorageTest, SingleSubresourceUpdateSingleAspect) {
SubresourceStorage<int> s(Aspect::Color, 5, 7);
FakeStorage<int> f(Aspect::Color, 5, 7);
// Update a single subresource.
SubresourceRange range = SubresourceRange::MakeSingle(Aspect::Color, 3, 2);
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, range, [](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data += 1; });
CheckAspectCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, false);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, 2, true);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, 3, false);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, 4, true);
// Test updating a single subresource on a multi-aspect storage.
TEST(SubresourceStorageTest, SingleSubresourceUpdateMultiAspect) {
SubresourceStorage<int> s(Aspect::Depth | Aspect::Stencil, 5, 3);
FakeStorage<int> f(Aspect::Depth | Aspect::Stencil, 5, 3);
SubresourceRange range = SubresourceRange::MakeSingle(Aspect::Stencil, 1, 2);
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, range, [](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data += 1; });
CheckAspectCompressed(s, Aspect::Depth, true);
CheckAspectCompressed(s, Aspect::Stencil, false);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Stencil, 0, true);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Stencil, 1, false);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Stencil, 2, true);
// Test updating as a stipple pattern on one of two aspects then updating it completely.
TEST(SubresourceStorageTest, UpdateStipple) {
const uint32_t kLayers = 10;
const uint32_t kLevels = 7;
SubresourceStorage<int> s(Aspect::Depth | Aspect::Stencil, kLayers, kLevels);
FakeStorage<int> f(Aspect::Depth | Aspect::Stencil, kLayers, kLevels);
// Update with a stipple.
for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < kLayers; layer++) {
for (uint32_t level = 0; level < kLevels; level++) {
if ((layer + level) % 2 == 0) {
SubresourceRange range = SubresourceRange::MakeSingle(Aspect::Depth, layer, level);
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, range,
[](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data += 17; });
// The depth should be fully uncompressed while the stencil stayed compressed.
CheckAspectCompressed(s, Aspect::Stencil, true);
CheckAspectCompressed(s, Aspect::Depth, false);
for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < kLayers; layer++) {
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Depth, layer, false);
// Update completely with a single value. Recompression should happen!
SubresourceRange fullRange =
SubresourceRange::MakeFull(Aspect::Depth | Aspect::Stencil, kLayers, kLevels);
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, fullRange, [](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data = 31; });
CheckAspectCompressed(s, Aspect::Depth, true);
CheckAspectCompressed(s, Aspect::Stencil, true);
// Test updating as a crossing band pattern:
// - The first band is full layers [2, 3] on both aspects
// - The second band is full mips [5, 6] on one aspect.
// Then updating completely.
TEST(SubresourceStorageTest, UpdateTwoBand) {
const uint32_t kLayers = 5;
const uint32_t kLevels = 9;
SubresourceStorage<int> s(Aspect::Depth | Aspect::Stencil, kLayers, kLevels);
FakeStorage<int> f(Aspect::Depth | Aspect::Stencil, kLayers, kLevels);
// Update the two bands
SubresourceRange range(Aspect::Depth | Aspect::Stencil, {2, 2}, {0, kLevels});
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, range, [](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data += 3; });
// The layers were fully updated so they should stay compressed.
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Depth, 2, true);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Depth, 3, true);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Stencil, 2, true);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Stencil, 3, true);
SubresourceRange range(Aspect::Depth | Aspect::Stencil, {0, kLayers}, {5, 2});
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, range, [](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data *= 3; });
// The layers had to be decompressed.
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Depth, 2, false);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Depth, 3, false);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Stencil, 2, false);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Stencil, 3, false);
// Update completely. Without a single value recompression shouldn't happen.
SubresourceRange fullRange =
SubresourceRange::MakeFull(Aspect::Depth | Aspect::Stencil, kLayers, kLevels);
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, fullRange,
[](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data += 12; });
CheckAspectCompressed(s, Aspect::Depth, false);
CheckAspectCompressed(s, Aspect::Stencil, false);
// Test updating with extremal subresources
// - Then half of the array layers in full.
// - Then updating completely.
TEST(SubresourceStorageTest, UpdateExtremas) {
const uint32_t kLayers = 6;
const uint32_t kLevels = 4;
SubresourceStorage<int> s(Aspect::Color, kLayers, kLevels);
FakeStorage<int> f(Aspect::Color, kLayers, kLevels);
// Update the two extrema
SubresourceRange range = SubresourceRange::MakeSingle(Aspect::Color, 0, kLevels - 1);
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, range, [](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data += 3; });
SubresourceRange range = SubresourceRange::MakeSingle(Aspect::Color, kLayers - 1, 0);
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, range, [](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data *= 3; });
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, 0, false);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, 1, true);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, kLayers - 2, true);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, kLayers - 1, false);
// Update half of the layers in full with constant values. Some recompression should happen.
SubresourceRange range(Aspect::Color, {0, kLayers / 2}, {0, kLevels});
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, range, [](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data = 123; });
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, 0, true);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, 1, true);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, kLayers - 1, false);
// Update completely. Recompression should happen!
SubresourceRange fullRange = SubresourceRange::MakeFull(Aspect::Color, kLayers, kLevels);
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, fullRange, [](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data = 35; });
CheckAspectCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, true);
// A regression test for an issue found while reworking the implementation where RecompressAspect
// didn't correctly check that each each layer was compressed but only that their 0th value was
// the same.
TEST(SubresourceStorageTest, UpdateLevel0sHappenToMatch) {
SubresourceStorage<int> s(Aspect::Color, 2, 2);
FakeStorage<int> f(Aspect::Color, 2, 2);
// Update 0th mip levels to some value, it should decompress the aspect and both layers.
SubresourceRange range(Aspect::Color, {0, 2}, {0, 1});
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, range, [](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data = 17; });
CheckAspectCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, false);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, 0, false);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, 1, false);
// Update the whole resource by doing +1. The aspects and layers should stay decompressed.
SubresourceRange range = SubresourceRange::MakeFull(Aspect::Color, 2, 2);
CallUpdateOnBoth(&s, &f, range, [](const SubresourceRange&, int* data) { *data += 1; });
CheckAspectCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, false);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, 0, false);
CheckLayerCompressed(s, Aspect::Color, 1, false);
// Bugs found while testing:
// - mLayersCompressed not initialized to true.
// - DecompressLayer setting Compressed to true instead of false.
// - Get() checking for !compressed instead of compressed for the early exit.
// - ASSERT in RecompressLayers was inverted.
// - Two != being converted to == during a rework.