blob: cfccad207e5e668b7b037f5597906d94bcb020c7 [file] [log] [blame]
../../src/tint/lang/msl/writer/printer/ internal compiler error: buf0 = struct @align(4) {
three:i32 @offset(0)
main_out = struct @align(16) {
x_GLF_color_1:vec4<f32> @offset(0), @location(0)
$B1: { # root
%x_7:ptr<uniform, buf0, read> = var @binding_point(0, 0)
%x_GLF_color:ptr<private, vec4<f32>, read_write> = var
%main_1 = func():void {
$B2: {
%a:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var
%i:ptr<function, i32, read_write> = var
store %a, 0i
store %i, 0i
loop [b: $B3, c: $B4] { # loop_1
$B3: { # body
%6:i32 = load %i
%x_31:i32 = let %6
%8:ptr<uniform, i32, read> = access %x_7, 0u
%9:i32 = load %8
%x_33:i32 = let %9
%11:i32 = add 7i, %x_33
%12:bool = lt %x_31, %11
if %12 [t: $B5, f: $B6] { # if_1
$B5: { # true
exit_if # if_1
$B6: { # false
exit_loop # loop_1
%13:i32 = load %i
%x_37:i32 = let %13
switch %x_37 [c: (7i 8i, $B7), c: (default, $B8)] { # switch_1
$B7: { # case
%15:i32 = load %a
%x_40:i32 = let %15
%17:i32 = add %x_40, 1i
store %a, %17
exit_switch # switch_1
$B8: { # case
exit_switch # switch_1
continue # -> $B4
$B4: { # continuing
%18:i32 = load %i
%x_42:i32 = let %18
%20:i32 = add %x_42, 1i
store %i, %20
next_iteration # -> $B3
%21:i32 = load %a
%x_44:i32 = let %21
%23:bool = eq %x_44, 2i
if %23 [t: $B9, f: $B10] { # if_2
$B9: { # true
store %x_GLF_color, vec4<f32>(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
exit_if # if_2
$B10: { # false
store %x_GLF_color, vec4<f32>(0.0f)
exit_if # if_2
%tint_symbol = @fragment func():main_out {
$B11: {
%25:void = call %main_1
%26:vec4<f32> = load %x_GLF_color
%27:main_out = construct %26
ret %27
unhandled variable address space
* The tint shader compiler has encountered an unexpected error. *
* *
* Please help us fix this issue by submitting a bug report at *
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