blob: 4a0f64cea4bd10b1cd41978d412b4791d5f4d985 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/writer/float_to_string.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace tint {
namespace writer {
namespace {
// Makes an IEEE 754 binary32 floating point number with
// - 0 sign if sign is 0, 1 otherwise
// - 'exponent_bits' is placed in the exponent space.
// So, the exponent bias must already be included.
float MakeFloat(int sign, int biased_exponent, int mantissa) {
const uint32_t sign_bit = sign ? 0x80000000u : 0u;
// The binary32 exponent is 8 bits, just below the sign.
const uint32_t exponent_bits = (biased_exponent & 0xffu) << 23;
// The mantissa is the bottom 23 bits.
const uint32_t mantissa_bits = (mantissa & 0x7fffffu);
uint32_t bits = sign_bit | exponent_bits | mantissa_bits;
float result = 0.0f;
static_assert(sizeof(result) == sizeof(bits),
"expected float and uint32_t to be the same size");
std::memcpy(&result, &bits, sizeof(bits));
return result;
TEST(FloatToStringTest, Zero) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToString(0.0f), "0.0");
TEST(FloatToStringTest, One) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToString(1.0f), "1.0");
TEST(FloatToStringTest, MinusOne) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToString(-1.0f), "-1.0");
TEST(FloatToStringTest, Billion) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToString(1e9f), "1000000000.0");
TEST(FloatToStringTest, Small) {
EXPECT_NE(FloatToString(std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()), "0.0");
TEST(FloatToStringTest, Highest) {
const auto highest = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
const auto expected_highest = 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0f;
if (highest < expected_highest || highest > expected_highest) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "std::numeric_limits<float>::max() is not as expected for "
"this target";
TEST(FloatToStringTest, Lowest) {
// Some compilers complain if you test floating point numbers for equality.
// So say it via two inequalities.
const auto lowest = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
const auto expected_lowest = -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0f;
if (lowest < expected_lowest || lowest > expected_lowest) {
<< "std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() is not as expected for "
"this target";
// FloatToBitPreservingString
// First replicate the tests for FloatToString
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, Zero) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(0.0f), "0.0");
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, One) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(1.0f), "1.0");
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, MinusOne) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(-1.0f), "-1.0");
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, Billion) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(1e9f), "1000000000.0");
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, Small) {
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, Highest) {
const auto highest = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
const auto expected_highest = 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0f;
if (highest < expected_highest || highest > expected_highest) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "std::numeric_limits<float>::max() is not as expected for "
"this target";
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, Lowest) {
// Some compilers complain if you test floating point numbers for equality.
// So say it via two inequalities.
const auto lowest = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
const auto expected_lowest = -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0f;
if (lowest < expected_lowest || lowest > expected_lowest) {
<< "std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() is not as expected for "
"this target";
// Special cases for bit-preserving output.
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, NegativeZero) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(std::copysign(0.0f, -5.0f)), "-0.0");
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, ZeroAsBits) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(0, 0, 0)), "0.0");
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(1, 0, 0)), "-0.0");
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, OneBits) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(0, 127, 0)), "1.0");
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(1, 127, 0)), "-1.0");
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, SmallestDenormal) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(0, 0, 1)), "0x1p-149");
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(1, 0, 1)), "-0x1p-149");
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, BiggerDenormal) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(0, 0, 2)), "0x1p-148");
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(1, 0, 2)), "-0x1p-148");
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, LargestDenormal) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(0, 0, 0x7fffff)),
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, Subnormal_cafebe) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(0, 0, 0xcafebe)),
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(1, 0, 0xcafebe)),
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, Subnormal_aaaaa) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(0, 0, 0xaaaaa)),
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(1, 0, 0xaaaaa)),
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, Infinity) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(0, 255, 0)), "0x1p+128");
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(1, 255, 0)), "-0x1p+128");
// TODO(dneto): It's unclear how Infinity and NaN should be handled.
// Windows x86-64 sets the high mantissa bit on NaNs.
// Disable NaN tests for now.
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, DISABLED_NaN_MsbOnly) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(0, 255, 0x400000)),
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(1, 255, 0x400000)),
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, DISABLED_NaN_LsbOnly) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(0, 255, 0x1)),
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(1, 255, 0x1)),
TEST(FloatToBitPreservingStringTest, DISABLED_NaN_NonMsb) {
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(0, 255, 0x20101f)),
EXPECT_EQ(FloatToBitPreservingString(MakeFloat(1, 255, 0x20101f)),
} // namespace
} // namespace writer
} // namespace tint