blob: 70548224bdb6e50195b9921139c0260c50c4ddcc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Dawn & Tint Authors
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
// list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
#include <utility>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/constant/composite.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/constant/scalar.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/constant/splat.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/access.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/binary.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/bitcast.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/block_param.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/break_if.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/constant.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/construct.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/continue.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/convert.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/core_builtin_call.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/discard.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/exit_if.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/exit_loop.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/exit_switch.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/function.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/function_param.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/if.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/instruction_result.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/let.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/load.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/load_vector_element.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/loop.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/module.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/multi_in_block.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/next_iteration.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/return.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/store.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/store_vector_element.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/switch.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/swizzle.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/terminate_invocation.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/unary.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/unreachable.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/user_call.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/value.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/ir/var.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/array.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/bool.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/f16.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/f32.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/i32.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/matrix.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/pointer.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/u32.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/vector.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/void.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/ice/ice.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/macros/scoped_assignment.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/rtti/switch.h"
namespace tint::core::ir {
/// Builds an ir::Module
class Builder {
/// Evaluates to true if T is a non-reference instruction pointer.
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool IsNonRefInstPtr =
std::is_pointer_v<T> && std::is_base_of_v<ir::Instruction, std::remove_pointer_t<T>>;
/// static_assert()s that ARGS contains no more than one non-reference instruction pointer.
/// This is used to detect patterns where C++ non-deterministic evaluation order may cause
/// instruction ordering bugs.
template <typename... ARGS>
static constexpr void CheckForNonDeterministicEvaluation() {
constexpr bool possibly_non_deterministic_eval =
((IsNonRefInstPtr<ARGS> ? 1 : 0) + ...) > 1;
"Detected possible non-deterministic ordering of instructions. "
"Consider hoisting Builder call arguments to separate statements.");
/// A helper used to enable overloads if the first type in `TYPES` is a Vector or
/// VectorRef.
template <typename... TYPES>
using EnableIfVectorLike = tint::traits::EnableIf<
tint::IsVectorLike<tint::traits::Decay<tint::traits::NthTypeOf<0, TYPES..., void>>>>;
/// A helper used to disable overloads if the first type in `TYPES` is a Vector or
/// VectorRef.
template <typename... TYPES>
using DisableIfVectorLike = tint::traits::EnableIf<
!tint::IsVectorLike<tint::traits::Decay<tint::traits::NthTypeOf<0, TYPES..., void>>>>;
/// A namespace for the various instruction insertion method
struct InsertionPoints {
/// Insertion point method that does no insertion
struct NoInsertion {
/// The insertion point function
void operator()(ir::Instruction*) {}
/// Insertion point method that inserts the instruction to the end of #block
struct AppendToBlock {
/// The block to insert new instructions to the end of
ir::Block* block = nullptr;
/// The insertion point function
/// @param i the instruction to insert
void operator()(ir::Instruction* i) { block->Append(i); }
/// Insertion point method that inserts the instruction to the front of #block
struct PrependToBlock {
/// The block to insert new instructions to the front of
ir::Block* block = nullptr;
/// The insertion point function
/// @param i the instruction to insert
void operator()(ir::Instruction* i) { block->Prepend(i); }
/// Insertion point method that inserts the instruction after #after
struct InsertAfter {
/// The instruction to insert new instructions after
ir::Instruction* after = nullptr;
/// The insertion point function
/// @param i the instruction to insert
void operator()(ir::Instruction* i) { i->InsertAfter(after); }
/// Insertion point method that inserts the instruction before #before
struct InsertBefore {
/// The instruction to insert new instructions before
ir::Instruction* before = nullptr;
/// The insertion point function
/// @param i the instruction to insert
void operator()(ir::Instruction* i) { i->InsertBefore(before); }
/// A variant of different instruction insertion methods
using InsertionPoint = std::variant<InsertionPoints::NoInsertion,
/// The insertion method used for new instructions.
InsertionPoint insertion_point_{InsertionPoints::NoInsertion{}};
/// Constructor
/// @param mod the ir::Module to wrap with this builder
explicit Builder(Module& mod);
/// Constructor
/// @param mod the ir::Module to wrap with this builder
/// @param block the block to append to
Builder(Module& mod, ir::Block* block);
/// Destructor
/// Creates a new builder that will append to the given block
/// @param b the block to append new instructions to
/// @returns the builder
Builder Append(ir::Block* b) { return Builder(ir, b); }
/// Calls @p cb with the builder appending to block @p b
/// @param b the block to set as the block to append to
/// @param cb the function to call with the builder appending to block @p b
template <typename FUNCTION>
void Append(ir::Block* b, FUNCTION&& cb) {
TINT_SCOPED_ASSIGNMENT(insertion_point_, InsertionPoints::AppendToBlock{b});
/// Calls @p cb with the builder prepending to block @p b
/// @param b the block to set as the block to prepend to
/// @param cb the function to call with the builder prepending to block @p b
template <typename FUNCTION>
void Prepend(ir::Block* b, FUNCTION&& cb) {
TINT_SCOPED_ASSIGNMENT(insertion_point_, InsertionPoints::PrependToBlock{b});
/// Calls @p cb with the builder inserting after @p ip
/// @param ip the insertion point for new instructions
/// @param cb the function to call with the builder inserting new instructions after @p ip
template <typename FUNCTION>
void InsertAfter(ir::Instruction* ip, FUNCTION&& cb) {
TINT_SCOPED_ASSIGNMENT(insertion_point_, InsertionPoints::InsertAfter{ip});
/// Calls @p cb with the builder inserting before @p ip
/// @param ip the insertion point for new instructions
/// @param cb the function to call with the builder inserting new instructions before @p ip
template <typename FUNCTION>
void InsertBefore(ir::Instruction* ip, FUNCTION&& cb) {
TINT_SCOPED_ASSIGNMENT(insertion_point_, InsertionPoints::InsertBefore{ip});
/// Adds and returns the instruction @p instruction to the current insertion point. If there
/// is no current insertion point set, then @p instruction is just returned.
/// @param instruction the instruction to append
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename T>
T* Append(T* instruction) {
std::visit([instruction](auto&& mode) { mode(instruction); }, insertion_point_);
return instruction;
/// @returns a new block
ir::Block* Block();
/// @returns a new multi-in block
ir::MultiInBlock* MultiInBlock();
/// Creates a function instruction
/// @param name the function name
/// @param return_type the function return type
/// @param stage the function stage
/// @param wg_size the workgroup_size
/// @returns the instruction
ir::Function* Function(std::string_view name,
const core::type::Type* return_type,
Function::PipelineStage stage = Function::PipelineStage::kUndefined,
std::optional<std::array<uint32_t, 3>> wg_size = {});
/// Creates an if instruction
/// @param condition the if condition
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename T>
ir::If* If(T&& condition) {
auto* cond_val = Value(std::forward<T>(condition));
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::If>(cond_val, Block(), Block()));
/// Creates a loop instruction
/// @returns the instruction
ir::Loop* Loop();
/// Creates a switch instruction
/// @param condition the switch condition
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename T>
ir::Switch* Switch(T&& condition) {
auto* cond_val = Value(std::forward<T>(condition));
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Switch>(cond_val));
/// Creates a default case for the switch @p s
/// @param s the switch to create the case into
/// @returns the start block for the case instruction
ir::Block* DefaultCase(ir::Switch* s);
/// Creates a case for the switch @p s with the given selectors
/// @param s the switch to create the case into
/// @param values the case selector values for the case statement
/// @returns the start block for the case instruction
ir::Block* Case(ir::Switch* s, VectorRef<ir::Constant*> values);
/// Creates a case for the switch @p s with the given selectors
/// @param s the switch to create the case into
/// @param values the case selector values for the case statement
/// @returns the start block for the case instruction
ir::Block* Case(ir::Switch* s, std::initializer_list<ir::Constant*> values);
/// Creates a new ir::Constant
/// @param val the constant value
/// @returns the new constant
ir::Constant* Constant(const core::constant::Value* val) {
return ir.constants.GetOrCreate(val, [&] { return ir.values.Create<ir::Constant>(val); });
/// Creates a ir::Constant for an i32 Scalar
/// @param v the value
/// @returns the new constant
ir::Constant* Constant(core::i32 v) { return Constant(ConstantValue(v)); }
/// Creates a ir::Constant for a u32 Scalar
/// @param v the value
/// @returns the new constant
ir::Constant* Constant(core::u32 v) { return Constant(ConstantValue(v)); }
/// Creates a ir::Constant for a f32 Scalar
/// @param v the value
/// @returns the new constant
ir::Constant* Constant(core::f32 v) { return Constant(ConstantValue(v)); }
/// Creates a ir::Constant for a f16 Scalar
/// @param v the value
/// @returns the new constant
ir::Constant* Constant(core::f16 v) { return Constant(ConstantValue(v)); }
/// Creates a ir::Constant for a bool Scalar
/// @param v the value
/// @returns the new constant
template <typename BOOL, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<BOOL, bool>>>
ir::Constant* Constant(BOOL v) {
return Constant(ConstantValue(v));
/// Retrieves the inner constant from an ir::Constant
/// @param constant the ir constant
/// @returns the core::constant::Value inside the constant
const core::constant::Value* ConstantValue(ir::Constant* constant) { return constant->Value(); }
/// Creates a core::constant::Value for an i32 Scalar
/// @param v the value
/// @returns the new constant
const core::constant::Value* ConstantValue(core::i32 v) { return ir.constant_values.Get(v); }
/// Creates a core::constant::Value for a u32 Scalar
/// @param v the value
/// @returns the new constant
const core::constant::Value* ConstantValue(core::u32 v) { return ir.constant_values.Get(v); }
/// Creates a core::constant::Value for a f32 Scalar
/// @param v the value
/// @returns the new constant
const core::constant::Value* ConstantValue(core::f32 v) { return ir.constant_values.Get(v); }
/// Creates a core::constant::Value for a f16 Scalar
/// @param v the value
/// @returns the new constant
const core::constant::Value* ConstantValue(core::f16 v) { return ir.constant_values.Get(v); }
/// Creates a core::constant::Value for a bool Scalar
/// @param v the value
/// @returns the new constant
template <typename BOOL, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<BOOL, bool>>>
const core::constant::Value* ConstantValue(BOOL v) {
return ir.constant_values.Get(v);
/// Creates a new ir::Constant
/// @param ty the splat type
/// @param value the splat value
/// @param size the number of items
/// @returns the new constant
template <typename ARG>
ir::Constant* Splat(const core::type::Type* ty, ARG&& value, size_t size) {
return Constant(
ir.constant_values.Splat(ty, ConstantValue(std::forward<ARG>(value)), size));
/// Creates a new ir::Constant
/// @param ty the constant type
/// @param values the composite values
/// @returns the new constant
template <typename... ARGS, typename = DisableIfVectorLike<ARGS...>>
ir::Constant* Composite(const core::type::Type* ty, ARGS&&... values) {
return Constant(
ir.constant_values.Composite(ty, Vector{ConstantValue(std::forward<ARGS>(values))...}));
/// Creates a new zero-value ir::Constant
/// @param ty the constant type
/// @returns the new constant
ir::Constant* Zero(const core::type::Type* ty) { return Constant(ir.constant_values.Zero(ty)); }
/// @param in the input value. One of: nullptr, ir::Value*, ir::Instruction* or a numeric value.
/// @returns an ir::Value* from the given argument.
template <typename T>
ir::Value* Value(T&& in) {
using D = std::decay_t<T>;
constexpr bool is_null = std::is_same_v<T, std::nullptr_t>;
constexpr bool is_ptr = std::is_pointer_v<D>;
constexpr bool is_numeric = core::IsNumeric<D>;
static_assert(is_null || is_ptr || is_numeric, "invalid argument type for Value()");
if constexpr (is_null) {
return nullptr;
} else if constexpr (is_ptr) {
using P = std::remove_pointer_t<D>;
constexpr bool is_value = std::is_base_of_v<ir::Value, P>;
constexpr bool is_instruction = std::is_base_of_v<ir::Instruction, P>;
static_assert(is_value || is_instruction, "invalid pointer type for Value()");
if constexpr (is_value) {
return in; /// Pass-through
} else if constexpr (is_instruction) {
/// Extract the first result from the instruction
auto results = in->Results();
TINT_ASSERT(results.Length() == 1);
return results[0];
} else if constexpr (is_numeric) {
/// Creates a value from the given number
return Constant(in);
/// Pass-through overload for Values() with vector-like argument
/// @param vec the vector of ir::Value*
/// @return @p vec
template <typename VEC, typename = EnableIfVectorLike<tint::traits::Decay<VEC>>>
auto Values(VEC&& vec) {
return std::forward<VEC>(vec);
/// Overload for Values() with tint::Empty argument
/// @return tint::Empty
tint::EmptyType Values(tint::EmptyType) { return tint::Empty; }
/// Overload for Values() with no arguments
/// @return tint::Empty
tint::EmptyType Values() { return tint::Empty; }
/// @param args the arguments to pass to Value()
/// @returns a vector of ir::Value* built from transforming the arguments with Value()
template <typename... ARGS, typename = DisableIfVectorLike<ARGS...>>
auto Values(ARGS&&... args) {
return Vector{Value(std::forward<ARGS>(args))...};
/// Creates an op for `lhs kind rhs`
/// @param op the binary operator
/// @param type the result type of the binary expression
/// @param lhs the left-hand-side of the operation
/// @param rhs the right-hand-side of the operation
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* Binary(BinaryOp op, const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
CheckForNonDeterministicEvaluation<LHS, RHS>();
auto* lhs_val = Value(std::forward<LHS>(lhs));
auto* rhs_val = Value(std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
return Append(
ir.instructions.Create<ir::Binary>(InstructionResult(type), op, lhs_val, rhs_val));
/// Creates an And operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* And(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kAnd, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an Or operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* Or(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kOr, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an Xor operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* Xor(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kXor, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an Equal operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* Equal(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kEqual, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an NotEqual operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* NotEqual(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kNotEqual, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an LessThan operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* LessThan(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kLessThan, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an GreaterThan operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* GreaterThan(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kGreaterThan, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an LessThanEqual operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* LessThanEqual(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kLessThanEqual, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs),
/// Creates an GreaterThanEqual operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* GreaterThanEqual(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kGreaterThanEqual, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs),
/// Creates an ShiftLeft operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* ShiftLeft(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kShiftLeft, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an ShiftRight operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* ShiftRight(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kShiftRight, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an Add operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* Add(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kAdd, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an Subtract operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* Subtract(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kSubtract, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an Multiply operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* Multiply(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kMultiply, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an Divide operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* Divide(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kDivide, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an Modulo operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param lhs the lhs of the add
/// @param rhs the rhs of the add
/// @returns the operation
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
ir::Binary* Modulo(const core::type::Type* type, LHS&& lhs, RHS&& rhs) {
return Binary(BinaryOp::kModulo, type, std::forward<LHS>(lhs), std::forward<RHS>(rhs));
/// Creates an op for `op val`
/// @param op the unary operator
/// @param type the result type of the binary expression
/// @param val the value of the operation
/// @returns the operation
template <typename VAL>
ir::Unary* Unary(UnaryOp op, const core::type::Type* type, VAL&& val) {
auto* value = Value(std::forward<VAL>(val));
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Unary>(InstructionResult(type), op, value));
/// Creates a Complement operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param val the value
/// @returns the operation
template <typename VAL>
ir::Unary* Complement(const core::type::Type* type, VAL&& val) {
return Unary(ir::UnaryOp::kComplement, type, std::forward<VAL>(val));
/// Creates a Negation operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param val the value
/// @returns the operation
template <typename VAL>
ir::Unary* Negation(const core::type::Type* type, VAL&& val) {
return Unary(ir::UnaryOp::kNegation, type, std::forward<VAL>(val));
/// Creates a Not operation
/// @param type the result type of the expression
/// @param val the value
/// @returns the operation
template <typename VAL>
ir::Binary* Not(const core::type::Type* type, VAL&& val) {
if (auto* vec = type->As<core::type::Vector>()) {
return Equal(type, std::forward<VAL>(val), Splat(vec, false, vec->Width()));
} else {
return Equal(type, std::forward<VAL>(val), Constant(false));
/// Creates a bitcast instruction
/// @param type the result type of the bitcast
/// @param val the value being bitcast
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename VAL>
ir::Bitcast* Bitcast(const core::type::Type* type, VAL&& val) {
auto* value = Value(std::forward<VAL>(val));
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Bitcast>(InstructionResult(type), value));
/// Creates a discard instruction
/// @returns the instruction
ir::Discard* Discard();
/// Creates a user function call instruction
/// @param func the function to call
/// @param args the call arguments
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename... ARGS>
ir::UserCall* Call(ir::Function* func, ARGS&&... args) {
return Call(func->ReturnType(), func, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
/// Creates a user function call instruction
/// @param type the return type of the call
/// @param func the function to call
/// @param args the call arguments
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename... ARGS>
ir::UserCall* Call(const core::type::Type* type, ir::Function* func, ARGS&&... args) {
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::UserCall>(InstructionResult(type), func,
/// Creates a core builtin call instruction
/// @param type the return type of the call
/// @param func the builtin function to call
/// @param args the call arguments
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename... ARGS>
ir::CoreBuiltinCall* Call(const core::type::Type* type, core::BuiltinFn func, ARGS&&... args) {
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::CoreBuiltinCall>(
InstructionResult(type), func, Values(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...)));
/// Creates a core builtin call instruction
/// @param type the return type of the call
/// @param func the builtin function to call
/// @param args the call arguments
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename KLASS, typename FUNC, typename... ARGS>
tint::traits::EnableIf<tint::traits::IsTypeOrDerived<KLASS, ir::BuiltinCall>, KLASS*>
Call(const core::type::Type* type, FUNC func, ARGS&&... args) {
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<KLASS>(InstructionResult(type), func,
/// Creates a value conversion instruction to the template type T
/// @param val the value to be converted
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename T, typename VAL>
ir::Convert* Convert(VAL&& val) {
auto* type = ir.Types().Get<T>();
return Convert(type, std::forward<VAL>(val));
/// Creates a value conversion instruction
/// @param to the type converted to
/// @param val the value to be converted
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename VAL>
ir::Convert* Convert(const core::type::Type* to, VAL&& val) {
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Convert>(InstructionResult(to),
/// Creates a value constructor instruction to the template type T
/// @param args the arguments to the constructor
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename T, typename... ARGS>
ir::Construct* Construct(ARGS&&... args) {
auto* type = ir.Types().Get<T>();
return Construct(type, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
/// Creates a value constructor instruction
/// @param type the type to constructed
/// @param args the arguments to the constructor
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename... ARGS>
ir::Construct* Construct(const core::type::Type* type, ARGS&&... args) {
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Construct>(InstructionResult(type),
/// Creates a load instruction
/// @param from the expression being loaded from
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename VAL>
ir::Load* Load(VAL&& from) {
auto* value = Value(std::forward<VAL>(from));
return Append(
ir.instructions.Create<ir::Load>(InstructionResult(value->Type()->UnwrapPtr()), value));
/// Creates a store instruction
/// @param to the expression being stored too
/// @param from the expression being stored
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename TO, typename FROM>
ir::Store* Store(TO&& to, FROM&& from) {
CheckForNonDeterministicEvaluation<TO, FROM>();
auto* to_val = Value(std::forward<TO>(to));
auto* from_val = Value(std::forward<FROM>(from));
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Store>(to_val, from_val));
/// Creates a store vector element instruction
/// @param to the vector pointer expression being stored too
/// @param index the new vector element index
/// @param value the new vector element expression
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename TO, typename INDEX, typename VALUE>
ir::StoreVectorElement* StoreVectorElement(TO&& to, INDEX&& index, VALUE&& value) {
CheckForNonDeterministicEvaluation<TO, INDEX, VALUE>();
auto* to_val = Value(std::forward<TO>(to));
auto* index_val = Value(std::forward<INDEX>(index));
auto* value_val = Value(std::forward<VALUE>(value));
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::StoreVectorElement>(to_val, index_val, value_val));
/// Creates a load vector element instruction
/// @param from the vector pointer expression being loaded from
/// @param index the new vector element index
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename FROM, typename INDEX>
ir::LoadVectorElement* LoadVectorElement(FROM&& from, INDEX&& index) {
CheckForNonDeterministicEvaluation<FROM, INDEX>();
auto* from_val = Value(std::forward<FROM>(from));
auto* index_val = Value(std::forward<INDEX>(index));
auto* res = InstructionResult(VectorPtrElementType(from_val->Type()));
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::LoadVectorElement>(res, from_val, index_val));
/// Creates a new `var` declaration
/// @param type the var type
/// @returns the instruction
ir::Var* Var(const core::type::Pointer* type);
/// Creates a new `var` declaration with a name
/// @param name the var name
/// @param type the var type
/// @returns the instruction
ir::Var* Var(std::string_view name, const core::type::Pointer* type);
/// Creates a new `var` declaration with a name and initializer value
/// @tparam SPACE the var's address space
/// @tparam ACCESS the var's access mode
/// @param name the var name
/// @param init the var initializer
/// @returns the instruction
template <core::AddressSpace SPACE = core::AddressSpace::kFunction,
core::Access ACCESS = core::Access::kReadWrite,
typename VALUE = void>
ir::Var* Var(std::string_view name, VALUE&& init) {
auto* val = Value(std::forward<VALUE>(init));
if (TINT_UNLIKELY(!val)) {
return nullptr;
auto* var = Var(name, ir.Types().ptr(SPACE, val->Type(), ACCESS));
ir.SetName(var->Result(0), name);
return var;
/// Creates a new `var` declaration
/// @tparam SPACE the var's address space
/// @tparam T the storage pointer's element type
/// @tparam ACCESS the var's access mode
/// @returns the instruction
template <core::AddressSpace SPACE, typename T, core::Access ACCESS = core::Access::kReadWrite>
ir::Var* Var() {
return Var(ir.Types().ptr<SPACE, T, ACCESS>());
/// Creates a new `var` declaration with a name
/// @tparam SPACE the var's address space
/// @tparam T the storage pointer's element type
/// @tparam ACCESS the var's access mode
/// @param name the var name
/// @returns the instruction
template <core::AddressSpace SPACE, typename T, core::Access ACCESS = core::Access::kReadWrite>
ir::Var* Var(std::string_view name) {
return Var(name, ir.Types().ptr<SPACE, T, ACCESS>());
/// Creates a new `let` declaration
/// @param name the let name
/// @param value the let value
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename VALUE>
ir::Let* Let(std::string_view name, VALUE&& value) {
auto* val = Value(std::forward<VALUE>(value));
if (TINT_UNLIKELY(!val)) {
return nullptr;
auto* let = Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Let>(InstructionResult(val->Type()), val));
ir.SetName(let->Result(0), name);
return let;
/// Creates a return instruction
/// @param func the function being returned
/// @returns the instruction
ir::Return* Return(ir::Function* func) {
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Return>(func));
/// Creates a return instruction
/// @param func the function being returned
/// @param value the return value
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename ARG>
ir::Return* Return(ir::Function* func, ARG&& value) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<ARG>, ir::Value*>) {
if (value == nullptr) {
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Return>(func));
auto* val = Value(std::forward<ARG>(value));
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Return>(func, val));
/// Creates a loop next iteration instruction
/// @param loop the loop being iterated
/// @param args the arguments for the target MultiInBlock
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename... ARGS>
ir::NextIteration* NextIteration(ir::Loop* loop, ARGS&&... args) {
return Append(
ir.instructions.Create<ir::NextIteration>(loop, Values(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...)));
/// Creates a loop break-if instruction
/// @param condition the break condition
/// @param loop the loop being iterated
/// @param args the arguments for the target MultiInBlock
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename CONDITION, typename... ARGS>
ir::BreakIf* BreakIf(ir::Loop* loop, CONDITION&& condition, ARGS&&... args) {
CheckForNonDeterministicEvaluation<CONDITION, ARGS...>();
auto* cond_val = Value(std::forward<CONDITION>(condition));
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::BreakIf>(cond_val, loop,
/// Creates a continue instruction
/// @param loop the loop being continued
/// @param args the arguments for the target MultiInBlock
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename... ARGS>
ir::Continue* Continue(ir::Loop* loop, ARGS&&... args) {
return Append(
ir.instructions.Create<ir::Continue>(loop, Values(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...)));
/// Creates an exit switch instruction
/// @param sw the switch being exited
/// @param args the arguments for the target MultiInBlock
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename... ARGS>
ir::ExitSwitch* ExitSwitch(ir::Switch* sw, ARGS&&... args) {
return Append(
ir.instructions.Create<ir::ExitSwitch>(sw, Values(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...)));
/// Creates an exit loop instruction
/// @param loop the loop being exited
/// @param args the arguments for the target MultiInBlock
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename... ARGS>
ir::ExitLoop* ExitLoop(ir::Loop* loop, ARGS&&... args) {
return Append(
ir.instructions.Create<ir::ExitLoop>(loop, Values(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...)));
/// Creates an exit if instruction
/// @param i the if being exited
/// @param args the arguments for the target MultiInBlock
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename... ARGS>
ir::ExitIf* ExitIf(ir::If* i, ARGS&&... args) {
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::ExitIf>(i, Values(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...)));
/// Creates an exit instruction for the given control instruction
/// @param inst the control instruction being exited
/// @param args the arguments for the target MultiInBlock
/// @returns the exit instruction, or nullptr if the control instruction is not supported.
template <typename... ARGS>
ir::Exit* Exit(ir::ControlInstruction* inst, ARGS&&... args) {
return tint::Switch(
inst, //
[&](ir::If* i) { return ExitIf(i, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...); },
[&](ir::Loop* i) { return ExitLoop(i, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...); },
[&](ir::Switch* i) { return ExitSwitch(i, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...); });
/// Creates a new `BlockParam`
/// @param type the parameter type
/// @returns the value
ir::BlockParam* BlockParam(const core::type::Type* type);
/// Creates a new `BlockParam` with a name.
/// @param name the parameter name
/// @param type the parameter type
/// @returns the value
ir::BlockParam* BlockParam(std::string_view name, const core::type::Type* type);
/// Creates a new `FunctionParam`
/// @param type the parameter type
/// @returns the value
ir::FunctionParam* FunctionParam(const core::type::Type* type);
/// Creates a new `FunctionParam` with a name.
/// @param name the parameter name
/// @param type the parameter type
/// @returns the value
ir::FunctionParam* FunctionParam(std::string_view name, const core::type::Type* type);
/// Creates a new `Access`
/// @param type the return type
/// @param object the object being accessed
/// @param indices the access indices
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename OBJ, typename... ARGS>
ir::Access* Access(const core::type::Type* type, OBJ&& object, ARGS&&... indices) {
CheckForNonDeterministicEvaluation<OBJ, ARGS...>();
auto* obj_val = Value(std::forward<OBJ>(object));
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Access>(InstructionResult(type), obj_val,
/// Creates a new `Swizzle`
/// @param type the return type
/// @param object the object being swizzled
/// @param indices the swizzle indices
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename OBJ>
ir::Swizzle* Swizzle(const core::type::Type* type, OBJ&& object, VectorRef<uint32_t> indices) {
auto* obj_val = Value(std::forward<OBJ>(object));
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Swizzle>(InstructionResult(type), obj_val,
/// Creates a new `Swizzle`
/// @param type the return type
/// @param object the object being swizzled
/// @param indices the swizzle indices
/// @returns the instruction
template <typename OBJ>
ir::Swizzle* Swizzle(const core::type::Type* type,
OBJ&& object,
std::initializer_list<uint32_t> indices) {
auto* obj_val = Value(std::forward<OBJ>(object));
return Append(ir.instructions.Create<ir::Swizzle>(InstructionResult(type), obj_val,
Vector<uint32_t, 4>(indices)));
/// Creates a terminate invocation instruction
/// @returns the instruction
ir::TerminateInvocation* TerminateInvocation();
/// Creates an unreachable instruction
/// @returns the instruction
ir::Unreachable* Unreachable();
/// Creates a new runtime value
/// @param type the return type
/// @returns the value
ir::InstructionResult* InstructionResult(const core::type::Type* type) {
return ir.values.Create<ir::InstructionResult>(type);
/// Create a ranged loop with a callback to build the loop body.
/// @param ty the type manager to use for new types
/// @param start the first loop index
/// @param end one past the last loop index
/// @param step the loop index step amount
/// @param cb the callback to call for the loop body
template <typename START, typename END, typename STEP, typename FUNCTION>
void LoopRange(core::type::Manager& ty, START&& start, END&& end, STEP&& step, FUNCTION&& cb) {
auto* start_value = Value(std::forward<START>(start));
auto* end_value = Value(std::forward<END>(end));
auto* step_value = Value(std::forward<STEP>(step));
auto* loop = Loop();
auto* idx = BlockParam("idx", start_value->Type());
Append(loop->Initializer(), [&] {
// Start the loop with `idx = start`.
NextIteration(loop, start_value);
Append(loop->Body(), [&] {
// Loop until `idx == end`.
auto* breakif = If(GreaterThanEqual(ty.bool_(), idx, end_value));
Append(breakif->True(), [&] { //
Append(loop->Continuing(), [&] {
// Update the index with `idx += step` and go to the next iteration.
auto* new_idx = Add(idx->Type(), idx, step_value);
NextIteration(loop, new_idx);
/// The IR module.
Module& ir;
/// @returns the element type of the vector-pointer type
/// Asserts and return i32 if @p type is not a pointer to a vector
const core::type::Type* VectorPtrElementType(const core::type::Type* type);
} // namespace tint::core::ir