| // Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| #include "src/tint/transform/renamer.h" |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <unordered_set> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "src/tint/program_builder.h" |
| #include "src/tint/sem/call.h" |
| #include "src/tint/sem/member_accessor_expression.h" |
| #include "src/tint/text/unicode.h" |
| |
| TINT_INSTANTIATE_TYPEINFO(tint::transform::Renamer); |
| TINT_INSTANTIATE_TYPEINFO(tint::transform::Renamer::Data); |
| TINT_INSTANTIATE_TYPEINFO(tint::transform::Renamer::Config); |
| |
| namespace tint::transform { |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // This list is used for a binary search and must be kept in sorted order. |
| const char* kReservedKeywordsGLSL[] = { |
| "abs", |
| "acos", |
| "acosh", |
| "active", |
| "all", |
| "any", |
| "asin", |
| "asinh", |
| "asm", |
| "atan", |
| "atanh", |
| "atomicAdd", |
| "atomicAnd", |
| "atomicCompSwap", |
| "atomicCounter", |
| "atomicCounterDecrement", |
| "atomicCounterIncrement", |
| "atomicExchange", |
| "atomicMax", |
| "atomicMin", |
| "atomicOr", |
| "atomicXor", |
| "atomic_uint", |
| "attribute", |
| "barrier", |
| "bitCount", |
| "bitfieldExtract", |
| "bitfieldInsert", |
| "bitfieldReverse", |
| "bool", |
| "break", |
| "buffer", |
| "bvec2", |
| "bvec3", |
| "bvec4", |
| "case", |
| "cast", |
| "ceil", |
| "centroid", |
| "clamp", |
| "class", |
| "coherent", |
| "common", |
| "const", |
| "continue", |
| "cos", |
| "cosh", |
| "cross", |
| "dFdx", |
| "dFdy", |
| "default", |
| "degrees", |
| "determinant", |
| "discard", |
| "distance", |
| "dmat2", |
| "dmat2x2", |
| "dmat2x3", |
| "dmat2x4", |
| "dmat3", |
| "dmat3x2", |
| "dmat3x3", |
| "dmat3x4", |
| "dmat4", |
| "dmat4x2", |
| "dmat4x3", |
| "dmat4x4", |
| "do", |
| "dot", |
| "double", |
| "dvec2", |
| "dvec3", |
| "dvec4", |
| "else", |
| "enum", |
| "equal", |
| "exp", |
| "exp2", |
| "extern", |
| "external", |
| "faceforward", |
| "false", |
| "filter", |
| "findLSB", |
| "findMSB", |
| "fixed", |
| "flat", |
| "float", |
| "floatBitsToInt", |
| "floatBitsToUint", |
| "floor", |
| "for", |
| "fract", |
| "frexp", |
| "fvec2", |
| "fvec3", |
| "fvec4", |
| "fwidth", |
| "gl_BaseInstance", |
| "gl_BaseVertex", |
| "gl_ClipDistance", |
| "gl_DepthRangeParameters", |
| "gl_DrawID", |
| "gl_FragCoord", |
| "gl_FragDepth", |
| "gl_FrontFacing", |
| "gl_GlobalInvocationID", |
| "gl_InstanceID", |
| "gl_LocalInvocationID", |
| "gl_LocalInvocationIndex", |
| "gl_NumSamples", |
| "gl_NumWorkGroups", |
| "gl_PerVertex", |
| "gl_PointCoord", |
| "gl_PointSize", |
| "gl_Position", |
| "gl_PrimitiveID", |
| "gl_SampleID", |
| "gl_SampleMask", |
| "gl_SampleMaskIn", |
| "gl_SamplePosition", |
| "gl_VertexID", |
| "gl_WorkGroupID", |
| "gl_WorkGroupSize", |
| "goto", |
| "greaterThan", |
| "greaterThanEqual", |
| "groupMemoryBarrier", |
| "half", |
| "highp", |
| "hvec2", |
| "hvec3", |
| "hvec4", |
| "if", |
| "iimage1D", |
| "iimage1DArray", |
| "iimage2D", |
| "iimage2DArray", |
| "iimage2DMS", |
| "iimage2DMSArray", |
| "iimage2DRect", |
| "iimage3D", |
| "iimageBuffer", |
| "iimageCube", |
| "iimageCubeArray", |
| "image1D", |
| "image1DArray", |
| "image2D", |
| "image2DArray", |
| "image2DMS", |
| "image2DMSArray", |
| "image2DRect", |
| "image3D", |
| "imageBuffer", |
| "imageCube", |
| "imageCubeArray", |
| "imageLoad", |
| "imageSize", |
| "imageStore", |
| "imulExtended", |
| "in", |
| "inline", |
| "inout", |
| "input", |
| "int", |
| "intBitsToFloat", |
| "interface", |
| "invariant", |
| "inverse", |
| "inversesqrt", |
| "isampler1D", |
| "isampler1DArray", |
| "isampler2D", |
| "isampler2DArray", |
| "isampler2DMS", |
| "isampler2DMSArray", |
| "isampler2DRect", |
| "isampler3D", |
| "isamplerBuffer", |
| "isamplerCube", |
| "isamplerCubeArray", |
| "isinf", |
| "isnan", |
| "ivec2", |
| "ivec3", |
| "ivec4", |
| "layout", |
| "ldexp", |
| "length", |
| "lessThan", |
| "lessThanEqual", |
| "log", |
| "log2", |
| "long", |
| "lowp", |
| "main", |
| "mat2", |
| "mat2x2", |
| "mat2x3", |
| "mat2x4", |
| "mat3", |
| "mat3x2", |
| "mat3x3", |
| "mat3x4", |
| "mat4", |
| "mat4x2", |
| "mat4x3", |
| "mat4x4", |
| "matrixCompMult", |
| "max", |
| "mediump", |
| "memoryBarrier", |
| "memoryBarrierAtomicCounter", |
| "memoryBarrierBuffer", |
| "memoryBarrierImage", |
| "memoryBarrierShared", |
| "min", |
| "mix", |
| "mod", |
| "modf", |
| "namespace", |
| "noinline", |
| "noperspective", |
| "normalize", |
| "not", |
| "notEqual", |
| "out", |
| "outerProduct", |
| "output", |
| "packHalf2x16", |
| "packSnorm2x16", |
| "packSnorm4x8", |
| "packUnorm2x16", |
| "packUnorm4x8", |
| "partition", |
| "patch", |
| "pow", |
| "precise", |
| "precision", |
| "public", |
| "radians", |
| "readonly", |
| "reflect", |
| "refract", |
| "resource", |
| "restrict", |
| "return", |
| "round", |
| "roundEven", |
| "sample", |
| "sampler1D", |
| "sampler1DArray", |
| "sampler1DArrayShadow", |
| "sampler1DShadow", |
| "sampler2D", |
| "sampler2DArray", |
| "sampler2DArrayShadow", |
| "sampler2DMS", |
| "sampler2DMSArray", |
| "sampler2DRect", |
| "sampler2DRectShadow", |
| "sampler2DShadow", |
| "sampler3D", |
| "sampler3DRect", |
| "samplerBuffer", |
| "samplerCube", |
| "samplerCubeArray", |
| "samplerCubeArrayShadow", |
| "samplerCubeShadow", |
| "shared", |
| "short", |
| "sign", |
| "sin", |
| "sinh", |
| "sizeof", |
| "smooth", |
| "smoothstep", |
| "sqrt", |
| "static", |
| "step", |
| "struct", |
| "subroutine", |
| "superp", |
| "switch", |
| "tan", |
| "tanh", |
| "template", |
| "texelFetch", |
| "texelFetchOffset", |
| "texture", |
| "textureGather", |
| "textureGatherOffset", |
| "textureGrad", |
| "textureGradOffset", |
| "textureLod", |
| "textureLodOffset", |
| "textureOffset", |
| "textureProj", |
| "textureProjGrad", |
| "textureProjGradOffset", |
| "textureProjLod", |
| "textureProjLodOffset", |
| "textureProjOffset", |
| "textureSize", |
| "this", |
| "transpose", |
| "true", |
| "trunc", |
| "typedef", |
| "uaddCarry", |
| "uimage1D", |
| "uimage1DArray", |
| "uimage2D", |
| "uimage2DArray", |
| "uimage2DMS", |
| "uimage2DMSArray", |
| "uimage2DRect", |
| "uimage3D", |
| "uimageBuffer", |
| "uimageCube", |
| "uimageCubeArray", |
| "uint", |
| "uintBitsToFloat", |
| "umulExtended", |
| "uniform", |
| "union", |
| "unpackHalf2x16", |
| "unpackSnorm2x16", |
| "unpackSnorm4x8", |
| "unpackUnorm2x16", |
| "unpackUnorm4x8", |
| "unsigned", |
| "usampler1D", |
| "usampler1DArray", |
| "usampler2D", |
| "usampler2DArray", |
| "usampler2DMS", |
| "usampler2DMSArray", |
| "usampler2DRect", |
| "usampler3D", |
| "usamplerBuffer", |
| "usamplerCube", |
| "usamplerCubeArray", |
| "using", |
| "usubBorrow", |
| "uvec2", |
| "uvec3", |
| "uvec4", |
| "varying", |
| "vec2", |
| "vec3", |
| "vec4", |
| "void", |
| "volatile", |
| "while", |
| "writeonly", |
| }; |
| |
| // This list is used for a binary search and must be kept in sorted order. |
| const char* kReservedKeywordsHLSL[] = { |
| "AddressU", |
| "AddressV", |
| "AddressW", |
| "AllMemoryBarrier", |
| "AllMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync", |
| "AppendStructuredBuffer", |
| "BlendState", |
| "BorderColor", |
| "Buffer", |
| "ByteAddressBuffer", |
| "COLOR", |
| "CheckAccessFullyMapped", |
| "ComparisonFunc", |
| "CompileShader", |
| "ComputeShader", |
| "ConsumeStructuredBuffer", |
| "DEPTH", |
| "DepthStencilState", |
| "DepthStencilView", |
| "DeviceMemoryBarrier", |
| "DeviceMemroyBarrierWithGroupSync", |
| "DomainShader", |
| "EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid", |
| "EvaluateAttributeAtSample", |
| "EvaluateAttributeSnapped", |
| "FOG", |
| "Filter", |
| "GeometryShader", |
| "GetRenderTargetSampleCount", |
| "GetRenderTargetSamplePosition", |
| "GroupMemoryBarrier", |
| "GroupMemroyBarrierWithGroupSync", |
| "Hullshader", |
| "InputPatch", |
| "InterlockedAdd", |
| "InterlockedAnd", |
| "InterlockedCompareExchange", |
| "InterlockedCompareStore", |
| "InterlockedExchange", |
| "InterlockedMax", |
| "InterlockedMin", |
| "InterlockedOr", |
| "InterlockedXor", |
| "LineStream", |
| "MaxAnisotropy", |
| "MaxLOD", |
| "MinLOD", |
| "MipLODBias", |
| "NORMAL", |
| "NULL", |
| "Normal", |
| "OutputPatch", |
| "PSIZE", |
| "PixelShader", |
| "PointStream", |
| "Process2DQuadTessFactorsAvg", |
| "Process2DQuadTessFactorsMax", |
| "Process2DQuadTessFactorsMin", |
| "ProcessIsolineTessFactors", |
| "ProcessQuadTessFactorsAvg", |
| "ProcessQuadTessFactorsMax", |
| "ProcessQuadTessFactorsMin", |
| "ProcessTriTessFactorsAvg", |
| "ProcessTriTessFactorsMax", |
| "ProcessTriTessFactorsMin", |
| "RWBuffer", |
| "RWByteAddressBuffer", |
| "RWStructuredBuffer", |
| "RWTexture1D", |
| "RWTexture1DArray", |
| "RWTexture2D", |
| "RWTexture2DArray", |
| "RWTexture3D", |
| "RasterizerState", |
| "RenderTargetView", |
| "SV_ClipDistance", |
| "SV_Coverage", |
| "SV_CullDistance", |
| "SV_Depth", |
| "SV_DepthGreaterEqual", |
| "SV_DepthLessEqual", |
| "SV_DispatchThreadID", |
| "SV_DomainLocation", |
| "SV_GSInstanceID", |
| "SV_GroupID", |
| "SV_GroupIndex", |
| "SV_GroupThreadID", |
| "SV_InnerCoverage", |
| "SV_InsideTessFactor", |
| "SV_InstanceID", |
| "SV_IsFrontFace", |
| "SV_OutputControlPointID", |
| "SV_Position", |
| "SV_PrimitiveID", |
| "SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex", |
| "SV_SampleIndex", |
| "SV_StencilRef", |
| "SV_Target", |
| "SV_TessFactor", |
| "SV_VertexArrayIndex", |
| "SV_VertexID", |
| "Sampler", |
| "Sampler1D", |
| "Sampler2D", |
| "Sampler3D", |
| "SamplerCUBE", |
| "SamplerComparisonState", |
| "SamplerState", |
| "StructuredBuffer", |
| "TANGENT", |
| "Texcoord", |
| "Texture", |
| "Texture1D", |
| "Texture1DArray", |
| "Texture2D", |
| "Texture2DArray", |
| "Texture2DMS", |
| "Texture2DMSArray", |
| "Texture3D", |
| "TextureCube", |
| "TextureCubeArray", |
| "TriangleStream", |
| "VFACE", |
| "VPOS", |
| "VertexShader", |
| "abort", |
| "allow_uav_condition", |
| "asdouble", |
| "asfloat", |
| "asint", |
| "asm", |
| "asm_fragment", |
| "asuint", |
| "auto", |
| "bool", |
| "bool1", |
| "bool1x1", |
| "bool1x2", |
| "bool1x3", |
| "bool1x4", |
| "bool2", |
| "bool2x1", |
| "bool2x2", |
| "bool2x3", |
| "bool2x4", |
| "bool3", |
| "bool3x1", |
| "bool3x2", |
| "bool3x3", |
| "bool3x4", |
| "bool4", |
| "bool4x1", |
| "bool4x2", |
| "bool4x3", |
| "bool4x4", |
| "branch", |
| "break", |
| "call", |
| "case", |
| "catch", |
| "cbuffer", |
| "centroid", |
| "char", |
| "class", |
| "clip", |
| "column_major", |
| "compile", |
| "compile_fragment", |
| "const", |
| "const_cast", |
| "continue", |
| "countbits", |
| "ddx", |
| "ddx_coarse", |
| "ddx_fine", |
| "ddy", |
| "ddy_coarse", |
| "ddy_fine", |
| "default", |
| "degrees", |
| "delete", |
| "discard", |
| "do", |
| "double", |
| "double1", |
| "double1x1", |
| "double1x2", |
| "double1x3", |
| "double1x4", |
| "double2", |
| "double2x1", |
| "double2x2", |
| "double2x3", |
| "double2x4", |
| "double3", |
| "double3x1", |
| "double3x2", |
| "double3x3", |
| "double3x4", |
| "double4", |
| "double4x1", |
| "double4x2", |
| "double4x3", |
| "double4x4", |
| "dst", |
| "dword", |
| "dword1", |
| "dword1x1", |
| "dword1x2", |
| "dword1x3", |
| "dword1x4", |
| "dword2", |
| "dword2x1", |
| "dword2x2", |
| "dword2x3", |
| "dword2x4", |
| "dword3", |
| "dword3x1", |
| "dword3x2", |
| "dword3x3", |
| "dword3x4", |
| "dword4", |
| "dword4x1", |
| "dword4x2", |
| "dword4x3", |
| "dword4x4", |
| "dynamic_cast", |
| "else", |
| "enum", |
| "errorf", |
| "explicit", |
| "export", |
| "extern", |
| "f16to32", |
| "f32tof16", |
| "false", |
| "fastopt", |
| "firstbithigh", |
| "firstbitlow", |
| "flatten", |
| "float", |
| "float1", |
| "float1x1", |
| "float1x2", |
| "float1x3", |
| "float1x4", |
| "float2", |
| "float2x1", |
| "float2x2", |
| "float2x3", |
| "float2x4", |
| "float3", |
| "float3x1", |
| "float3x2", |
| "float3x3", |
| "float3x4", |
| "float4", |
| "float4x1", |
| "float4x2", |
| "float4x3", |
| "float4x4", |
| "fmod", |
| "for", |
| "forcecase", |
| "frac", |
| "friend", |
| "fxgroup", |
| "goto", |
| "groupshared", |
| "half", |
| "half1", |
| "half1x1", |
| "half1x2", |
| "half1x3", |
| "half1x4", |
| "half2", |
| "half2x1", |
| "half2x2", |
| "half2x3", |
| "half2x4", |
| "half3", |
| "half3x1", |
| "half3x2", |
| "half3x3", |
| "half3x4", |
| "half4", |
| "half4x1", |
| "half4x2", |
| "half4x3", |
| "half4x4", |
| "if", |
| "in", |
| "inline", |
| "inout", |
| "int", |
| "int1", |
| "int1x1", |
| "int1x2", |
| "int1x3", |
| "int1x4", |
| "int2", |
| "int2x1", |
| "int2x2", |
| "int2x3", |
| "int2x4", |
| "int3", |
| "int3x1", |
| "int3x2", |
| "int3x3", |
| "int3x4", |
| "int4", |
| "int4x1", |
| "int4x2", |
| "int4x3", |
| "int4x4", |
| "interface", |
| "isfinite", |
| "isinf", |
| "isnan", |
| "lerp", |
| "line", |
| "lineadj", |
| "linear", |
| "lit", |
| "log10", |
| "long", |
| "loop", |
| "mad", |
| "matrix", |
| "min10float", |
| "min10float1", |
| "min10float1x1", |
| "min10float1x2", |
| "min10float1x3", |
| "min10float1x4", |
| "min10float2", |
| "min10float2x1", |
| "min10float2x2", |
| "min10float2x3", |
| "min10float2x4", |
| "min10float3", |
| "min10float3x1", |
| "min10float3x2", |
| "min10float3x3", |
| "min10float3x4", |
| "min10float4", |
| "min10float4x1", |
| "min10float4x2", |
| "min10float4x3", |
| "min10float4x4", |
| "min12int", |
| "min12int1", |
| "min12int1x1", |
| "min12int1x2", |
| "min12int1x3", |
| "min12int1x4", |
| "min12int2", |
| "min12int2x1", |
| "min12int2x2", |
| "min12int2x3", |
| "min12int2x4", |
| "min12int3", |
| "min12int3x1", |
| "min12int3x2", |
| "min12int3x3", |
| "min12int3x4", |
| "min12int4", |
| "min12int4x1", |
| "min12int4x2", |
| "min12int4x3", |
| "min12int4x4", |
| "min16float", |
| "min16float1", |
| "min16float1x1", |
| "min16float1x2", |
| "min16float1x3", |
| "min16float1x4", |
| "min16float2", |
| "min16float2x1", |
| "min16float2x2", |
| "min16float2x3", |
| "min16float2x4", |
| "min16float3", |
| "min16float3x1", |
| "min16float3x2", |
| "min16float3x3", |
| "min16float3x4", |
| "min16float4", |
| "min16float4x1", |
| "min16float4x2", |
| "min16float4x3", |
| "min16float4x4", |
| "min16int", |
| "min16int1", |
| "min16int1x1", |
| "min16int1x2", |
| "min16int1x3", |
| "min16int1x4", |
| "min16int2", |
| "min16int2x1", |
| "min16int2x2", |
| "min16int2x3", |
| "min16int2x4", |
| "min16int3", |
| "min16int3x1", |
| "min16int3x2", |
| "min16int3x3", |
| "min16int3x4", |
| "min16int4", |
| "min16int4x1", |
| "min16int4x2", |
| "min16int4x3", |
| "min16int4x4", |
| "min16uint", |
| "min16uint1", |
| "min16uint1x1", |
| "min16uint1x2", |
| "min16uint1x3", |
| "min16uint1x4", |
| "min16uint2", |
| "min16uint2x1", |
| "min16uint2x2", |
| "min16uint2x3", |
| "min16uint2x4", |
| "min16uint3", |
| "min16uint3x1", |
| "min16uint3x2", |
| "min16uint3x3", |
| "min16uint3x4", |
| "min16uint4", |
| "min16uint4x1", |
| "min16uint4x2", |
| "min16uint4x3", |
| "min16uint4x4", |
| "msad4", |
| "mul", |
| "mutable", |
| "namespace", |
| "new", |
| "nointerpolation", |
| "noise", |
| "noperspective", |
| "numthreads", |
| "operator", |
| "out", |
| "packoffset", |
| "pass", |
| "pixelfragment", |
| "pixelshader", |
| "point", |
| "precise", |
| "printf", |
| "private", |
| "protected", |
| "public", |
| "radians", |
| "rcp", |
| "refract", |
| "register", |
| "reinterpret_cast", |
| "return", |
| "row_major", |
| "rsqrt", |
| "sample", |
| "sampler", |
| "sampler1D", |
| "sampler2D", |
| "sampler3D", |
| "samplerCUBE", |
| "sampler_state", |
| "saturate", |
| "shared", |
| "short", |
| "signed", |
| "sincos", |
| "sizeof", |
| "snorm", |
| "stateblock", |
| "stateblock_state", |
| "static", |
| "static_cast", |
| "string", |
| "struct", |
| "switch", |
| "tbuffer", |
| "technique", |
| "technique10", |
| "technique11", |
| "template", |
| "tex1D", |
| "tex1Dbias", |
| "tex1Dgrad", |
| "tex1Dlod", |
| "tex1Dproj", |
| "tex2D", |
| "tex2Dbias", |
| "tex2Dgrad", |
| "tex2Dlod", |
| "tex2Dproj", |
| "tex3D", |
| "tex3Dbias", |
| "tex3Dgrad", |
| "tex3Dlod", |
| "tex3Dproj", |
| "texCUBE", |
| "texCUBEbias", |
| "texCUBEgrad", |
| "texCUBElod", |
| "texCUBEproj", |
| "texture", |
| "texture1D", |
| "texture1DArray", |
| "texture2D", |
| "texture2DArray", |
| "texture2DMS", |
| "texture2DMSArray", |
| "texture3D", |
| "textureCube", |
| "textureCubeArray", |
| "this", |
| "throw", |
| "transpose", |
| "triangle", |
| "triangleadj", |
| "true", |
| "try", |
| "typedef", |
| "typename", |
| "uint", |
| "uint1", |
| "uint1x1", |
| "uint1x2", |
| "uint1x3", |
| "uint1x4", |
| "uint2", |
| "uint2x1", |
| "uint2x2", |
| "uint2x3", |
| "uint2x4", |
| "uint3", |
| "uint3x1", |
| "uint3x2", |
| "uint3x3", |
| "uint3x4", |
| "uint4", |
| "uint4x1", |
| "uint4x2", |
| "uint4x3", |
| "uint4x4", |
| "uniform", |
| "union", |
| "unorm", |
| "unroll", |
| "unsigned", |
| "using", |
| "vector", |
| "vertexfragment", |
| "vertexshader", |
| "virtual", |
| "void", |
| "volatile", |
| "while", |
| }; |
| |
| // This list is used for a binary search and must be kept in sorted order. |
| const char* kReservedKeywordsMSL[] = { |
| "HUGE_VALF", |
| "HUGE_VALH", |
| "MAXHALF", |
| "M_1_PI_F", |
| "M_1_PI_H", |
| "M_2_PI_F", |
| "M_2_PI_H", |
| "M_2_SQRTPI_F", |
| "M_2_SQRTPI_H", |
| "M_E_F", |
| "M_E_H", |
| "M_LN10_F", |
| "M_LN10_H", |
| "M_LN2_F", |
| "M_LN2_H", |
| "M_LOG10E_F", |
| "M_LOG10E_H", |
| "M_LOG2E_F", |
| "M_LOG2E_H", |
| "M_PI_2_F", |
| "M_PI_2_H", |
| "M_PI_4_F", |
| "M_PI_4_H", |
| "M_PI_F", |
| "M_PI_H", |
| "M_SQRT1_2_F", |
| "M_SQRT1_2_H", |
| "M_SQRT2_F", |
| "M_SQRT2_H", |
| "NAN", |
| "access", |
| "alignas", |
| "alignof", |
| "and", |
| "and_eq", |
| "array", |
| "array_ref", |
| "as_type", |
| "asm", |
| "atomic", |
| "atomic_bool", |
| "atomic_int", |
| "atomic_uint", |
| "auto", |
| "bitand", |
| "bitor", |
| "bool", |
| "bool2", |
| "bool3", |
| "bool4", |
| "break", |
| "buffer", |
| "case", |
| "catch", |
| "char", |
| "char16_t", |
| "char2", |
| "char3", |
| "char32_t", |
| "char4", |
| "class", |
| "compl", |
| "const", |
| "const_cast", |
| "const_reference", |
| "constant", |
| "constexpr", |
| "continue", |
| "decltype", |
| "default", |
| "delete", |
| "depth2d", |
| "depth2d_array", |
| "depth2d_ms", |
| "depth2d_ms_array", |
| "depthcube", |
| "depthcube_array", |
| "device", |
| "discard_fragment", |
| "do", |
| "double", |
| "dynamic_cast", |
| "else", |
| "enum", |
| "explicit", |
| "extern", |
| "false", |
| "final", |
| "float", |
| "float2", |
| "float2x2", |
| "float2x3", |
| "float2x4", |
| "float3", |
| "float3x2", |
| "float3x3", |
| "float3x4", |
| "float4", |
| "float4x2", |
| "float4x3", |
| "float4x4", |
| "for", |
| "fragment", |
| "friend", |
| "goto", |
| "half", |
| "half2", |
| "half2x2", |
| "half2x3", |
| "half2x4", |
| "half3", |
| "half3x2", |
| "half3x3", |
| "half3x4", |
| "half4", |
| "half4x2", |
| "half4x3", |
| "half4x4", |
| "if", |
| "imageblock", |
| "infinity", |
| "inline", |
| "int", |
| "int16_t", |
| "int2", |
| "int3", |
| "int32_t", |
| "int4", |
| "int64_t", |
| "int8_t", |
| "kernel", |
| "long", |
| "long2", |
| "long3", |
| "long4", |
| "main", |
| "matrix", |
| "metal", |
| "mutable", |
| "namespace", |
| "new", |
| "noexcept", |
| "not", |
| "not_eq", |
| "nullptr", |
| "operator", |
| "or", |
| "or_eq", |
| "override", |
| "packed_bool2", |
| "packed_bool3", |
| "packed_bool4", |
| "packed_char2", |
| "packed_char3", |
| "packed_char4", |
| "packed_float2", |
| "packed_float3", |
| "packed_float4", |
| "packed_half2", |
| "packed_half3", |
| "packed_half4", |
| "packed_int2", |
| "packed_int3", |
| "packed_int4", |
| "packed_short2", |
| "packed_short3", |
| "packed_short4", |
| "packed_uchar2", |
| "packed_uchar3", |
| "packed_uchar4", |
| "packed_uint2", |
| "packed_uint3", |
| "packed_uint4", |
| "packed_ushort2", |
| "packed_ushort3", |
| "packed_ushort4", |
| "patch_control_point", |
| "private", |
| "protected", |
| "ptrdiff_t", |
| "public", |
| "r16snorm", |
| "r16unorm", |
| "r8unorm", |
| "reference", |
| "register", |
| "reinterpret_cast", |
| "return", |
| "rg11b10f", |
| "rg16snorm", |
| "rg16unorm", |
| "rg8snorm", |
| "rg8unorm", |
| "rgb10a2", |
| "rgb9e5", |
| "rgba16snorm", |
| "rgba16unorm", |
| "rgba8snorm", |
| "rgba8unorm", |
| "sampler", |
| "short", |
| "short2", |
| "short3", |
| "short4", |
| "signed", |
| "size_t", |
| "sizeof", |
| "srgba8unorm", |
| "static", |
| "static_assert", |
| "static_cast", |
| "struct", |
| "switch", |
| "template", |
| "texture", |
| "texture1d", |
| "texture1d_array", |
| "texture2d", |
| "texture2d_array", |
| "texture2d_ms", |
| "texture2d_ms_array", |
| "texture3d", |
| "texture_buffer", |
| "texturecube", |
| "texturecube_array", |
| "this", |
| "thread", |
| "thread_local", |
| "threadgroup", |
| "threadgroup_imageblock", |
| "throw", |
| "true", |
| "try", |
| "typedef", |
| "typeid", |
| "typename", |
| "uchar", |
| "uchar2", |
| "uchar3", |
| "uchar4", |
| "uint", |
| "uint16_t", |
| "uint2", |
| "uint3", |
| "uint32_t", |
| "uint4", |
| "uint64_t", |
| "uint8_t", |
| "ulong2", |
| "ulong3", |
| "ulong4", |
| "uniform", |
| "union", |
| "unsigned", |
| "ushort", |
| "ushort2", |
| "ushort3", |
| "ushort4", |
| "using", |
| "vec", |
| "vertex", |
| "virtual", |
| "void", |
| "volatile", |
| "wchar_t", |
| "while", |
| "xor", |
| "xor_eq", |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| Renamer::Data::Data(Remappings&& r) : remappings(std::move(r)) {} |
| Renamer::Data::Data(const Data&) = default; |
| Renamer::Data::~Data() = default; |
| |
| Renamer::Config::Config(Target t, bool pu) : target(t), preserve_unicode(pu) {} |
| Renamer::Config::Config(const Config&) = default; |
| Renamer::Config::~Config() = default; |
| |
| Renamer::Renamer() = default; |
| Renamer::~Renamer() = default; |
| |
| Output Renamer::Run(const Program* in, const DataMap& inputs) const { |
| ProgramBuilder out; |
| // Disable auto-cloning of symbols, since we want to rename them. |
| CloneContext ctx(&out, in, false); |
| |
| // Swizzles, builtin calls and builtin structure members need to keep their |
| // symbols preserved. |
| std::unordered_set<const ast::IdentifierExpression*> preserve; |
| for (auto* node : in->ASTNodes().Objects()) { |
| if (auto* member = node->As<ast::MemberAccessorExpression>()) { |
| auto* sem = in->Sem().Get(member); |
| if (!sem) { |
| TINT_ICE(Transform, out.Diagnostics()) |
| << "MemberAccessorExpression has no semantic info"; |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (sem->Is<sem::Swizzle>()) { |
| preserve.emplace(member->member); |
| } else if (auto* str_expr = in->Sem().Get(member->structure)) { |
| if (auto* ty = str_expr->Type()->UnwrapRef()->As<sem::Struct>()) { |
| if (ty->Declaration() == nullptr) { // Builtin structure |
| preserve.emplace(member->member); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (auto* call = node->As<ast::CallExpression>()) { |
| auto* sem = in->Sem().Get(call); |
| if (!sem) { |
| TINT_ICE(Transform, out.Diagnostics()) << "CallExpression has no semantic info"; |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (sem->Target()->Is<sem::Builtin>()) { |
| preserve.emplace(call->target.name); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Data::Remappings remappings; |
| |
| Target target = Target::kAll; |
| bool preserve_unicode = false; |
| |
| if (auto* cfg = inputs.Get<Config>()) { |
| target = cfg->target; |
| preserve_unicode = cfg->preserve_unicode; |
| } |
| |
| ctx.ReplaceAll([&](Symbol sym_in) { |
| auto name_in = ctx.src->Symbols().NameFor(sym_in); |
| if (preserve_unicode || text::utf8::IsASCII(name_in)) { |
| switch (target) { |
| case Target::kAll: |
| // Always rename. |
| break; |
| case Target::kGlslKeywords: |
| if (!std::binary_search(kReservedKeywordsGLSL, |
| kReservedKeywordsGLSL + |
| sizeof(kReservedKeywordsGLSL) / sizeof(const char*), |
| name_in) && |
| name_in.compare(0, 3, "gl_")) { |
| // No match, just reuse the original name. |
| return ctx.dst->Symbols().New(name_in); |
| } |
| break; |
| case Target::kHlslKeywords: |
| if (!std::binary_search(kReservedKeywordsHLSL, |
| kReservedKeywordsHLSL + |
| sizeof(kReservedKeywordsHLSL) / sizeof(const char*), |
| name_in)) { |
| // No match, just reuse the original name. |
| return ctx.dst->Symbols().New(name_in); |
| } |
| break; |
| case Target::kMslKeywords: |
| if (!std::binary_search(kReservedKeywordsMSL, |
| kReservedKeywordsMSL + |
| sizeof(kReservedKeywordsMSL) / sizeof(const char*), |
| name_in)) { |
| // No match, just reuse the original name. |
| return ctx.dst->Symbols().New(name_in); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| auto sym_out = ctx.dst->Sym(); |
| remappings.emplace(name_in, ctx.dst->Symbols().NameFor(sym_out)); |
| return sym_out; |
| }); |
| |
| ctx.ReplaceAll([&](const ast::IdentifierExpression* ident) -> const ast::IdentifierExpression* { |
| if (preserve.count(ident)) { |
| auto sym_in = ident->symbol; |
| auto str = in->Symbols().NameFor(sym_in); |
| auto sym_out = out.Symbols().Register(str); |
| return ctx.dst->create<ast::IdentifierExpression>(ctx.Clone(ident->source), sym_out); |
| } |
| return nullptr; // Clone ident. Uses the symbol remapping above. |
| }); |
| ctx.Clone(); |
| |
| return Output(Program(std::move(out)), std::make_unique<Data>(std::move(remappings))); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace tint::transform |