blob: 4bd1b644b8219ee973664703fa9f8eb3774e235f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/fuzzers/tint_ast_fuzzer/mutations/replace_identifier.h"
#include <string>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "src/tint/fuzzers/tint_ast_fuzzer/mutator.h"
#include "src/tint/fuzzers/tint_ast_fuzzer/node_id_map.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/ast/call_statement.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/program/program_builder.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/reader/parser.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/writer/writer.h"
namespace tint::fuzzers::ast_fuzzer {
namespace {
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable_Simple) {
std::string content = R"(
fn main() {
let a = 5;
let c = 6;
let b = a + 5;
let d = vec2<i32>(1, 2);
let e = d.x;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", content);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
const auto& main_fn_stmts = program.AST().Functions()[0]->body->statements;
const auto* a_var = main_fn_stmts[0]->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()->variable;
ASSERT_NE(a_var, nullptr);
const auto* b_var = main_fn_stmts[2]->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()->variable;
ASSERT_NE(b_var, nullptr);
const auto* e_var = main_fn_stmts[4]->As<ast::VariableDeclStatement>()->variable;
ASSERT_NE(e_var, nullptr);
auto a_var_id = node_id_map.GetId(a_var);
ASSERT_NE(a_var_id, 0);
auto b_var_id = node_id_map.GetId(b_var);
ASSERT_NE(b_var_id, 0);
const auto* sum_expr = b_var->initializer->As<ast::BinaryExpression>();
ASSERT_NE(sum_expr, nullptr);
auto a_ident_id = node_id_map.GetId(sum_expr->lhs);
ASSERT_NE(a_ident_id, 0);
auto sum_expr_id = node_id_map.GetId(sum_expr);
ASSERT_NE(sum_expr_id, 0);
auto e_var_id = node_id_map.GetId(e_var);
ASSERT_NE(e_var_id, 0);
auto vec_member_access_id =
ASSERT_NE(vec_member_access_id, 0);
// use_id is invalid.
EXPECT_FALSE(MutationReplaceIdentifier(0, a_var_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
// use_id is not an identifier expression.
MutationReplaceIdentifier(sum_expr_id, a_var_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
// use_id is an identifier but not a variable user.
EXPECT_FALSE(MutationReplaceIdentifier(vec_member_access_id, a_var_id)
.IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
// replacement_id is invalid.
EXPECT_FALSE(MutationReplaceIdentifier(a_ident_id, 0).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
// replacement_id is not a variable.
MutationReplaceIdentifier(a_ident_id, sum_expr_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
// Can't replace a variable with itself.
MutationReplaceIdentifier(a_ident_id, a_var_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
// Replacement is not in scope.
MutationReplaceIdentifier(a_ident_id, b_var_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
MutationReplaceIdentifier(a_ident_id, e_var_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, GlobalVarNotInScope) {
// Can't use the global variable if it's not in scope.
std::string shader = R"(
var<private> a: i32;
fn f() {
a = 3;
var<private> b: i32;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST().GlobalVariables()[1]);
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable1) {
// Can't replace `a` with `b` since the store type is wrong (the same storage
// class though).
std::string shader = R"(
var<private> a: i32;
var<private> b: u32;
fn f() {
*&a = 4;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST().GlobalVariables()[1]);
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable2) {
// Can't replace `a` with `b` since the store type is wrong (the storage
// class is different though).
std::string shader = R"(
var<private> a: i32;
fn f() {
var b: u32;
*&a = 4;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable3) {
// Can't replace `a` with `b` since the latter is not a reference (the store
// type is the same, though).
std::string shader = R"(
var<private> a: i32;
fn f() {
let b = 45;
*&a = 4;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable4) {
// Can't replace `a` with `b` since the latter is not a reference (the store
// type is the same, though).
std::string shader = R"(
var<private> a: i32;
fn f(b: i32) {
*&a = 4;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST().Functions()[0]->params[0]);
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable5) {
// Can't replace `a` with `b` since the latter has a wrong access mode
// (`read` for uniform address space).
std::string shader = R"(
struct S {
a: i32
var<private> a: S;
@group(1) @binding(1) var<uniform> b: S;
fn f() {
*&a = S(4);
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST().GlobalVariables()[1]);
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable6) {
// Can't replace `ptr_b` with `a` since the latter is not a pointer.
std::string shader = R"(
struct S {
a: i32
var<private> a: S;
@group(1) @binding(1) var<uniform> b: S;
fn f() {
let ptr_b = &b;
*&a = *ptr_b;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST().GlobalVariables()[0]);
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable8) {
// Can't replace `ptr_b` with `c` since the latter has a wrong access mode and
// address space.
std::string shader = R"(
struct S {
a: i32
var<private> a: S;
@group(1) @binding(1) var<uniform> b: S;
@group(1) @binding(2) var<storage, read_write> c: S;
fn f() {
let ptr_b = &b;
*&a = *ptr_b;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST().GlobalVariables()[2]);
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable9) {
// Can't replace `b` with `e` since the latter is not a reference.
std::string shader = R"(
struct S {
a: i32
var<private> a: S;
const e = 3;
@group(1) @binding(1) var<uniform> b: S;
fn f() {
*&a = *&b;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST().GlobalVariables()[1]);
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable10) {
// Can't replace `b` with `e` since the latter has a wrong access mode.
std::string shader = R"(
struct S {
a: i32
var<private> a: S;
@group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read_write> e: S;
@group(1) @binding(1) var<uniform> b: S;
fn f() {
*&a = *&b;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST().GlobalVariables()[1]);
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, Applicable1) {
// Can replace `a` with `b` (same address space).
std::string shader = R"(
fn f() {
var b : vec2<u32>;
var a = vec2<u32>(34u, 45u);
(*&a)[1] = 3u;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(MaybeApplyMutation(program, MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
wgsl::writer::Options options;
auto result = wgsl::writer::Generate(&program, options);
ASSERT_TRUE(result.success) << result.error;
std::string expected_shader = R"(fn f() {
var b : vec2<u32>;
var a = vec2<u32>(34u, 45u);
(*(&(b)))[1] = 3u;
ASSERT_EQ(expected_shader, result.wgsl);
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, Applicable2) {
// Can replace `ptr_a` with `b` - the function parameter.
std::string shader = R"(
fn f(b: ptr<function, vec2<u32>>) {
var a = vec2<u32>(34u, 45u);
let ptr_a = &a;
(*ptr_a)[1] = 3u;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST().Functions()[0]->params[0]);
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(MaybeApplyMutation(program, MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id),
node_id_map, &program, &node_id_map, nullptr));
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
wgsl::writer::Options options;
auto result = wgsl::writer::Generate(&program, options);
ASSERT_TRUE(result.success) << result.error;
std::string expected_shader = R"(fn f(b : ptr<function, vec2<u32>>) {
var a = vec2<u32>(34u, 45u);
let ptr_a = &(a);
(*(b))[1] = 3u;
ASSERT_EQ(expected_shader, result.wgsl);
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable12) {
// Can't replace `a` with `b` (both are references with different storage
// class).
std::string shader = R"(
var<private> b : vec2<u32>;
fn f() {
var a = vec2<u32>(34u, 45u);
(*&a)[1] = 3u;
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST().GlobalVariables()[0]);
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable13) {
// Can't replace `a` with `b` (both are references with different storage
// class).
std::string shader = R"(
var<private> b : vec2<u32>;
fn f() {
var a = vec2<u32>(34u, 45u);
let c = (*&a)[1];
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST().GlobalVariables()[0]);
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
TEST(ReplaceIdentifierTest, NotApplicable14) {
// Can't replace `ptr_a` with `ptr_b` (both are pointers with different
// address space).
std::string shader = R"(
var<private> b: vec2<u32>;
fn f() {
var a = vec2<u32>(34u, 45u);
let ptr_a = &a;
let ptr_b = &b;
let c = (*ptr_a)[1];
Source::File file("test.wgsl", shader);
auto program = reader::wgsl::Parse(&file);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.IsValid()) << program.Diagnostics().str();
NodeIdMap node_id_map(program);
auto use_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(use_id, 0);
auto replacement_id = node_id_map.GetId(program.AST()
ASSERT_NE(replacement_id, 0);
MutationReplaceIdentifier(use_id, replacement_id).IsApplicable(program, node_id_map));
} // namespace
} // namespace tint::fuzzers::ast_fuzzer