blob: ef57e5ae86055556fb496648965e9a08f31554e6 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
threadgroup float2x2 S;
void func(threadgroup float2* const pointer) {
pointer = float2(0.0f);
kernel void tint_symbol(uint tint_local_index [[thread_index_in_threadgroup]]) {
if ((tint_local_index == 0u)) {
S = float2x2(float2(0.0f), float2(0.0f));
program_source:4:22: error: program scope variable must reside in constant address space
threadgroup float2x2 S;
program_source:6:11: error: cannot assign to variable 'pointer' with const-qualified type 'threadgroup float2 *const'
pointer = float2(0.0f);
~~~~~~~ ^
program_source:5:37: note: variable 'pointer' declared const here
void func(threadgroup float2* const pointer) {
program_source:9:25: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((tint_local_index == 0u)) {
program_source:9:25: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((tint_local_index == 0u)) {
~ ^ ~
program_source:9:25: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((tint_local_index == 0u)) {