blob: 2777530cba5f0b02defcdd83068f8f2ed3a8ad03 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package gerrit provides helpers for obtaining information from Tint's gerrit instance
package gerrit
import (
// Gerrit is the interface to gerrit
type Gerrit struct {
client *gerrit.Client
authenticated bool
// Patchset refers to a single gerrit patchset
type Patchset struct {
// Gerrit host
Host string
// Gerrit project
Project string
// Change ID
Change int
// Patchset ID
Patchset int
// ChangeInfo is an alias to gerrit.ChangeInfo
type ChangeInfo = gerrit.ChangeInfo
// LatestPatchset returns the latest Patchset from the ChangeInfo
func LatestPatchset(change *ChangeInfo) Patchset {
u, _ := url.Parse(change.URL)
ps := Patchset{
Host: u.Host,
Project: change.Project,
Change: change.Number,
Patchset: change.Revisions[change.CurrentRevision].Number,
return ps
// RegisterFlags registers the command line flags to populate p
func (p *Patchset) RegisterFlags(defaultHost, defaultProject string) {
flag.StringVar(&p.Host, "host", defaultHost, "gerrit host")
flag.StringVar(&p.Project, "project", defaultProject, "gerrit project")
flag.IntVar(&p.Change, "cl", 0, "gerrit change id")
flag.IntVar(&p.Patchset, "ps", 0, "gerrit patchset id")
// RefsChanges returns the gerrit 'refs/changes/X/Y/Z' string for the patchset
func (p Patchset) RefsChanges() string {
// A change ref has the format refs/changes/X/Y/Z where X is the last two
// digits of the change number, Y is the entire change number, and Z is the
// patch set. For example, if the change number is 263270, the ref would be
// refs/changes/70/263270/2 for the second patch set.
shortChange := fmt.Sprintf("%.2v", p.Change)
shortChange = shortChange[len(shortChange)-2:]
return fmt.Sprintf("refs/changes/%v/%v/%v", shortChange, p.Change, p.Patchset)
// New returns a new Gerrit instance. If credentials are not provided, then
// New() will automatically attempt to load them from the gitcookies file.
func New(ctx context.Context, opts auth.Options, url string) (*Gerrit, error) {
http, err := auth.NewAuthenticator(ctx, auth.InteractiveLogin, opts).Client()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't create gerrit client: %w", err)
client, err := gerrit.NewClient(url, http)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't create gerrit client: %w", err)
return &Gerrit{client, true}, nil
// QueryExtraData holds extra data to query for with QueryChangesWith()
type QueryExtraData struct {
Labels bool
Messages bool
CurrentRevision bool
DetailedAccounts bool
Submittable bool
// QueryChanges returns the changes that match the given query strings.
// See:
func (g *Gerrit) QueryChangesWith(extras QueryExtraData, queries ...string) (changes []gerrit.ChangeInfo, query string, err error) {
changes = []gerrit.ChangeInfo{}
query = strings.Join(queries, "+")
changeOpts := gerrit.ChangeOptions{}
if extras.Labels {
changeOpts.AdditionalFields = append(changeOpts.AdditionalFields, "LABELS")
if extras.Messages {
changeOpts.AdditionalFields = append(changeOpts.AdditionalFields, "MESSAGES")
if extras.CurrentRevision {
changeOpts.AdditionalFields = append(changeOpts.AdditionalFields, "CURRENT_REVISION")
if extras.DetailedAccounts {
changeOpts.AdditionalFields = append(changeOpts.AdditionalFields, "DETAILED_ACCOUNTS")
if extras.Submittable {
changeOpts.AdditionalFields = append(changeOpts.AdditionalFields, "SUBMITTABLE")
for {
batch, _, err := g.client.Changes.QueryChanges(&gerrit.QueryChangeOptions{
QueryOptions: gerrit.QueryOptions{Query: []string{query}},
Skip: len(changes),
ChangeOptions: changeOpts,
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
changes = append(changes, *batch...)
if len(*batch) == 0 || !(*batch)[len(*batch)-1].MoreChanges {
return changes, query, nil
// QueryChanges returns the changes that match the given query strings.
// See:
func (g *Gerrit) QueryChanges(queries ...string) (changes []gerrit.ChangeInfo, query string, err error) {
return g.QueryChangesWith(QueryExtraData{}, queries...)
// ChangesSubmittedTogether returns the changes that want to be submitted together
// See:
func (g *Gerrit) ChangesSubmittedTogether(changeID string) (changes []gerrit.ChangeInfo, err error) {
info, _, err := g.client.Changes.ChangesSubmittedTogether(changeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return *info, nil
func (g *Gerrit) AddLabel(changeID, revisionID, message, label string, value int) error {
_, _, err := g.client.Changes.SetReview(changeID, revisionID, &gerrit.ReviewInput{
Message: message,
Labels: map[string]string{label: fmt.Sprint(value)},
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Abandon abandons the change with the given changeID.
func (g *Gerrit) Abandon(changeID string) error {
_, _, err := g.client.Changes.AbandonChange(changeID, &gerrit.AbandonInput{})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreateChange creates a new change in the given project and branch, with the
// given subject. If wip is true, then the change is constructed as
// Work-In-Progress.
func (g *Gerrit) CreateChange(project, branch, subject string, wip bool) (*ChangeInfo, error) {
change, _, err := g.client.Changes.CreateChange(&gerrit.ChangeInput{
Project: project,
Branch: branch,
Subject: subject,
WorkInProgress: wip,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return change, nil
// EditFiles replaces the content of the files in the given change. It deletes deletedFiles.
// If newCommitMsg is not an empty string, then the commit message is replaced
// with the string value.
func (g *Gerrit) EditFiles(changeID, newCommitMsg string, files map[string]string, deletedFiles []string) (Patchset, error) {
if newCommitMsg != "" {
resp, err := g.client.Changes.ChangeCommitMessageInChangeEdit(changeID, &gerrit.ChangeEditMessageInput{
Message: newCommitMsg,
if err != nil && resp.StatusCode != 409 { // 409 no changes were made
return Patchset{}, err
for path, content := range files {
resp, err := g.client.Changes.ChangeFileContentInChangeEdit(changeID, path, content)
if err != nil && resp.StatusCode != 409 { // 409 no changes were made
return Patchset{}, err
for _, path := range deletedFiles {
resp, err := g.client.Changes.DeleteFileInChangeEdit(changeID, path)
if err != nil && resp.StatusCode != 409 { // 409 no changes were made
return Patchset{}, err
resp, err := g.client.Changes.PublishChangeEdit(changeID, "NONE")
if err != nil && resp.StatusCode != 409 { // 409 no changes were made
return Patchset{}, err
return g.LatestPatchset(changeID)
// LatestPatchset returns the latest patchset for the change.
func (g *Gerrit) LatestPatchset(changeID string) (Patchset, error) {
change, _, err := g.client.Changes.GetChange(changeID, &gerrit.ChangeOptions{
AdditionalFields: []string{"CURRENT_REVISION"},
if err != nil {
return Patchset{}, err
ps := Patchset{
Host: g.client.BaseURL().Host,
Project: change.Project,
Change: change.Number,
Patchset: change.Revisions[change.CurrentRevision].Number,
return ps, nil
// AddHashtags adds the given hashtags to the change
func (g *Gerrit) AddHashtags(changeID string, tags container.Set[string]) error {
_, resp, err := g.client.Changes.SetHashtags(changeID, &gerrit.HashtagsInput{
Add: tags.List(),
if err != nil && resp.StatusCode != 409 { // 409: already ready
return err
return nil
// CommentSide is an enumerator for specifying which side code-comments should
// be shown.
type CommentSide int
const (
// Left is used to specifiy that code comments should appear on the parent
// change
Left CommentSide = iota
// Right is used to specifiy that code comments should appear on the new
// change
// FileComment describes a single comment on a file
type FileComment struct {
Path string // The file path
Side CommentSide // Which side the comment should appear
Line int // The 1-based line number for the comment
Message string // The comment message
// Comment posts a review comment on the given patchset.
// If comments is an optional list of file-comments to include in the comment.
func (g *Gerrit) Comment(ps Patchset, msg string, comments []FileComment) error {
input := &gerrit.ReviewInput{
Message: msg,
if len(comments) > 0 {
input.Comments = map[string][]gerrit.CommentInput{}
for _, c := range comments {
ci := gerrit.CommentInput{
Line: c.Line,
// Updated: &gerrit.Timestamp{Time: time.Now()},
Message: c.Message,
if c.Side == Left {
ci.Side = "PARENT"
} else {
ci.Side = "REVISION"
input.Comments[c.Path] = append(input.Comments[c.Path], ci)
_, _, err := g.client.Changes.SetReview(strconv.Itoa(ps.Change), strconv.Itoa(ps.Patchset), input)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// SetReadyForReview marks the change as ready for review.
func (g *Gerrit) SetReadyForReview(changeID, message string) error {
resp, err := g.client.Changes.SetReadyForReview(changeID, &gerrit.ReadyForReviewInput{
Message: message,
if err != nil && resp.StatusCode != 409 { // 409: already ready
return err
return nil