blob: ccf290cc654aa83908a80edd63b34f89fda4458f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0(the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <array>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/ast/diagnostic_control.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/ast/variable.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/sem/call.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/unique_vector.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/vector.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/symbol/symbol.h"
// Forward declarations
namespace tint::ast {
class BuiltinAttribute;
class Function;
class LocationAttribute;
class ReturnStatement;
} // namespace tint::ast
namespace tint::sem {
class Builtin;
class Variable;
} // namespace tint::sem
namespace tint::sem {
/// WorkgroupSize is a three-dimensional array of WorkgroupDimensions.
/// Each dimension is a std::optional as a workgroup size can be a const-expression or
/// override-expression. Override expressions are not known at compilation time, so these will be
/// std::nullopt.
using WorkgroupSize = std::array<std::optional<uint32_t>, 3>;
/// Function holds the semantic information for function nodes.
class Function final : public Castable<Function, CallTarget> {
/// A vector of [Variable*, BindingPoint] pairs
using VariableBindings = std::vector<std::pair<const Variable*, BindingPoint>>;
/// Constructor
/// @param declaration the ast::Function
explicit Function(const ast::Function* declaration);
/// Destructor
~Function() override;
/// Sets the function's return location
/// @param return_location the location value
void SetReturnLocation(uint32_t return_location) { return_location_ = return_location; }
// Sets the function's return index
/// @param return_index the index value
void SetReturnIndex(uint32_t return_index) { return_index_ = return_index; }
/// @returns the ast::Function declaration
const ast::Function* Declaration() const { return declaration_; }
/// @returns the workgroup size {x, y, z} for the function.
const sem::WorkgroupSize& WorkgroupSize() const { return workgroup_size_; }
/// Sets the workgroup size {x, y, z} for the function.
/// @param workgroup_size the new workgroup size of the function
void SetWorkgroupSize(sem::WorkgroupSize workgroup_size) {
workgroup_size_ = std::move(workgroup_size);
/// @returns all directly referenced global variables
const UniqueVector<const GlobalVariable*, 4>& DirectlyReferencedGlobals() const {
return directly_referenced_globals_;
/// Records that this function directly references the given global variable.
/// Note: Implicitly adds this global to the transtively-called globals.
/// @param global the module-scope variable
void AddDirectlyReferencedGlobal(const sem::GlobalVariable* global) {
/// @returns all transitively referenced global variables
const UniqueVector<const GlobalVariable*, 8>& TransitivelyReferencedGlobals() const {
return transitively_referenced_globals_;
/// Records that this function transitively references the given global
/// variable.
/// @param global the module-scoped variable
void AddTransitivelyReferencedGlobal(const sem::GlobalVariable* global) {
/// @returns the list of functions that this function transitively calls.
const UniqueVector<const Function*, 8>& TransitivelyCalledFunctions() const {
return transitively_called_functions_;
/// Records that this function transitively calls `function`.
/// @param function the function this function transitively calls
void AddTransitivelyCalledFunction(const Function* function) {
/// @returns the list of builtins that this function directly calls.
const UniqueVector<const Builtin*, 4>& DirectlyCalledBuiltins() const {
return directly_called_builtins_;
/// Records that this function transitively calls `builtin`.
/// @param builtin the builtin this function directly calls
void AddDirectlyCalledBuiltin(const Builtin* builtin) {
/// Adds the given texture/sampler pair to the list of unique pairs
/// that this function uses (directly or indirectly). These can only
/// be parameters to this function or global variables. Uniqueness is
/// ensured by texture_sampler_pairs_ being a UniqueVector.
/// @param texture the texture (must be non-null)
/// @param sampler the sampler (null indicates a texture-only reference)
void AddTextureSamplerPair(const sem::Variable* texture, const sem::Variable* sampler) {
texture_sampler_pairs_.Add(VariablePair(texture, sampler));
/// @returns the list of texture/sampler pairs that this function uses
/// (directly or indirectly).
VectorRef<VariablePair> TextureSamplerPairs() const { return texture_sampler_pairs_; }
/// @returns the list of direct calls to functions / builtins made by this
/// function
std::vector<const Call*> DirectCalls() const { return direct_calls_; }
/// Adds a record of the direct function / builtin calls made by this
/// function
/// @param call the call
void AddDirectCall(const Call* call) { direct_calls_.emplace_back(call); }
/// @param target the target of a call
/// @returns the Call to the given CallTarget, or nullptr the target was not
/// called by this function.
const Call* FindDirectCallTo(const CallTarget* target) const {
for (auto* call : direct_calls_) {
if (call->Target() == target) {
return call;
return nullptr;
/// @returns the list of callsites to this function
std::vector<const Call*> CallSites() const { return callsites_; }
/// Adds a record of a callsite to this function
/// @param call the callsite
void AddCallSite(const Call* call) { callsites_.emplace_back(call); }
/// @returns the ancestor entry points
const std::vector<const Function*>& AncestorEntryPoints() const {
return ancestor_entry_points_;
/// Adds a record that the given entry point transitively calls this function
/// @param entry_point the entry point that transtively calls this function
void AddAncestorEntryPoint(const sem::Function* entry_point) {
/// Retrieves any referenced location variables
/// @returns the <variable, attribute> pair.
std::vector<std::pair<const Variable*, const ast::LocationAttribute*>>
TransitivelyReferencedLocationVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced builtin variables
/// @returns the <variable, attribute> pair.
std::vector<std::pair<const Variable*, const ast::BuiltinAttribute*>>
TransitivelyReferencedBuiltinVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced uniform variables. Note, the variables must be
/// decorated with both binding and group attributes.
/// @returns the referenced uniforms
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedUniformVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced storagebuffer variables. Note, the variables
/// must be decorated with both binding and group attributes.
/// @returns the referenced storagebuffers
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedStorageBufferVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced regular Sampler variables. Note, the
/// variables must be decorated with both binding and group attributes.
/// @returns the referenced storagebuffers
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedSamplerVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced comparison Sampler variables. Note, the
/// variables must be decorated with both binding and group attributes.
/// @returns the referenced storagebuffers
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedComparisonSamplerVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced sampled textures variables. Note, the
/// variables must be decorated with both binding and group attributes.
/// @returns the referenced sampled textures
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedSampledTextureVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced multisampled textures variables. Note, the
/// variables must be decorated with both binding and group attributes.
/// @returns the referenced sampled textures
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedMultisampledTextureVariables() const;
/// Retrieves any referenced variables of the given type. Note, the variables
/// must be decorated with both binding and group attributes.
/// @param type the type of the variables to find
/// @returns the referenced variables
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedVariablesOfType(const tint::TypeInfo* type) const;
/// Retrieves any referenced variables of the given type. Note, the variables
/// must be decorated with both binding and group attributes.
/// @returns the referenced variables
template <typename T>
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedVariablesOfType() const {
return TransitivelyReferencedVariablesOfType(&tint::TypeInfo::Of<T>());
/// Checks if the given entry point is an ancestor
/// @param sym the entry point symbol
/// @returns true if `sym` is an ancestor entry point of this function
bool HasAncestorEntryPoint(Symbol sym) const;
/// Records the first discard statement in the function
/// @param stmt the `discard` statement.
void SetDiscardStatement(const Statement* stmt) {
if (!discard_stmt_) {
discard_stmt_ = stmt;
/// @returns the first discard statement for the function, or nullptr if the function does not
/// use `discard`.
const Statement* DiscardStatement() const { return discard_stmt_; }
/// @return the behaviors of this function
const sem::Behaviors& Behaviors() const { return behaviors_; }
/// @return the behaviors of this function
sem::Behaviors& Behaviors() { return behaviors_; }
/// @return the location for the return, if provided
std::optional<uint32_t> ReturnLocation() const { return return_location_; }
/// @return the index for the return, if provided
std::optional<uint32_t> ReturnIndex() const { return return_index_; }
/// Modifies the severity of a specific diagnostic rule for this function.
/// @param rule the diagnostic rule
/// @param severity the new diagnostic severity
void SetDiagnosticSeverity(builtin::DiagnosticRule rule, builtin::DiagnosticSeverity severity) {
diagnostic_severities_[rule] = severity;
/// @returns the diagnostic severity modifications applied to this function
const builtin::DiagnosticRuleSeverities& DiagnosticSeverities() const {
return diagnostic_severities_;
Function(const Function&) = delete;
Function(Function&&) = delete;
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedSamplerVariablesImpl(type::SamplerKind kind) const;
VariableBindings TransitivelyReferencedSampledTextureVariablesImpl(bool multisampled) const;
const ast::Function* const declaration_;
sem::WorkgroupSize workgroup_size_;
UniqueVector<const GlobalVariable*, 4> directly_referenced_globals_;
UniqueVector<const GlobalVariable*, 8> transitively_referenced_globals_;
UniqueVector<const Function*, 8> transitively_called_functions_;
UniqueVector<const Builtin*, 4> directly_called_builtins_;
UniqueVector<VariablePair, 8> texture_sampler_pairs_;
std::vector<const Call*> direct_calls_;
std::vector<const Call*> callsites_;
std::vector<const Function*> ancestor_entry_points_;
const Statement* discard_stmt_ = nullptr;
sem::Behaviors behaviors_{sem::Behavior::kNext};
builtin::DiagnosticRuleSeverities diagnostic_severities_;
std::optional<uint32_t> return_location_;
std::optional<uint32_t> return_index_;
} // namespace tint::sem