blob: df0ca7d10072d7551860b01caabc0cbf4e556a7f [file] [log] [blame]
#version 310 es
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
layout(binding = 0, std430)
buffer tint_symbol_1_1_ssbo {
ivec2 tint_symbol;
} v;
ivec2 firstLeadingBit_a622c2() {
ivec2 arg_0 = ivec2(1);
uvec2 v_1 = uvec2(arg_0);
uint v_2 = (((v_1 < uvec2(2147483648u)).x) ? (v_1.x) : (~(v_1).x));
uvec2 v_3 = uvec2(v_2, (((v_1 < uvec2(2147483648u)).y) ? (v_1.y) : (~(v_1).y)));
uint v_4 = ((((v_3 & uvec2(4294901760u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(16u).x));
uvec2 v_5 = uvec2(v_4, ((((v_3 & uvec2(4294901760u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(16u).y)));
uint v_6 = (((((v_3 >> v_5) & uvec2(65280u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(8u).x));
uvec2 v_7 = uvec2(v_6, (((((v_3 >> v_5) & uvec2(65280u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(8u).y)));
uint v_8 = ((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) & uvec2(240u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(4u).x));
uvec2 v_9 = uvec2(v_8, ((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) & uvec2(240u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(4u).y)));
uint v_10 = (((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) >> v_9) & uvec2(12u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(2u).x));
uvec2 v_11 = uvec2(v_10, (((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) >> v_9) & uvec2(12u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(2u).y)));
uint v_12 = ((((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) >> v_9) >> v_11) & uvec2(2u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(1u).x));
uvec2 v_13 = (v_5 | (v_7 | (v_9 | (v_11 | uvec2(v_12, ((((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) >> v_9) >> v_11) & uvec2(2u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(1u).y)))))));
uint v_14 = (((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) >> v_9) >> v_11) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(4294967295u).x) : (v_13.x));
ivec2 res = ivec2(uvec2(v_14, (((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) >> v_9) >> v_11) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(4294967295u).y) : (v_13.y))));
return res;
void main() {
v.tint_symbol = firstLeadingBit_a622c2();
error: Error parsing GLSL shader:
ERROR: 0:12: '<' : wrong operand types: no operation '<' exists that takes a left-hand operand of type ' temp highp 2-component vector of uint' and a right operand of type ' const 2-component vector of uint' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
ERROR: 0:12: '' : compilation terminated
ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated.
#version 310 es
layout(binding = 0, std430)
buffer tint_symbol_1_1_ssbo {
ivec2 tint_symbol;
} v;
ivec2 firstLeadingBit_a622c2() {
ivec2 arg_0 = ivec2(1);
uvec2 v_1 = uvec2(arg_0);
uint v_2 = (((v_1 < uvec2(2147483648u)).x) ? (v_1.x) : (~(v_1).x));
uvec2 v_3 = uvec2(v_2, (((v_1 < uvec2(2147483648u)).y) ? (v_1.y) : (~(v_1).y)));
uint v_4 = ((((v_3 & uvec2(4294901760u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(16u).x));
uvec2 v_5 = uvec2(v_4, ((((v_3 & uvec2(4294901760u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(16u).y)));
uint v_6 = (((((v_3 >> v_5) & uvec2(65280u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(8u).x));
uvec2 v_7 = uvec2(v_6, (((((v_3 >> v_5) & uvec2(65280u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(8u).y)));
uint v_8 = ((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) & uvec2(240u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(4u).x));
uvec2 v_9 = uvec2(v_8, ((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) & uvec2(240u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(4u).y)));
uint v_10 = (((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) >> v_9) & uvec2(12u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(2u).x));
uvec2 v_11 = uvec2(v_10, (((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) >> v_9) & uvec2(12u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(2u).y)));
uint v_12 = ((((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) >> v_9) >> v_11) & uvec2(2u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(1u).x));
uvec2 v_13 = (v_5 | (v_7 | (v_9 | (v_11 | uvec2(v_12, ((((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) >> v_9) >> v_11) & uvec2(2u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(1u).y)))))));
uint v_14 = (((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) >> v_9) >> v_11) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(4294967295u).x) : (v_13.x));
ivec2 res = ivec2(uvec2(v_14, (((((((v_3 >> v_5) >> v_7) >> v_9) >> v_11) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(4294967295u).y) : (v_13.y))));
return res;
layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
void main() {
v.tint_symbol = firstLeadingBit_a622c2();
error: Error parsing GLSL shader:
ERROR: 0:10: '<' : wrong operand types: no operation '<' exists that takes a left-hand operand of type ' temp highp 2-component vector of uint' and a right operand of type ' const 2-component vector of uint' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
ERROR: 0:10: '' : compilation terminated
ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated.
#version 310 es
struct VertexOutput {
vec4 pos;
ivec2 prevent_dce;
layout(location = 0) flat out ivec2 vertex_main_loc0_Output;
ivec2 firstLeadingBit_a622c2() {
ivec2 arg_0 = ivec2(1);
uvec2 v = uvec2(arg_0);
uint v_1 = (((v < uvec2(2147483648u)).x) ? (v.x) : (~(v).x));
uvec2 v_2 = uvec2(v_1, (((v < uvec2(2147483648u)).y) ? (v.y) : (~(v).y)));
uint v_3 = ((((v_2 & uvec2(4294901760u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(16u).x));
uvec2 v_4 = uvec2(v_3, ((((v_2 & uvec2(4294901760u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(16u).y)));
uint v_5 = (((((v_2 >> v_4) & uvec2(65280u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(8u).x));
uvec2 v_6 = uvec2(v_5, (((((v_2 >> v_4) & uvec2(65280u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(8u).y)));
uint v_7 = ((((((v_2 >> v_4) >> v_6) & uvec2(240u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(4u).x));
uvec2 v_8 = uvec2(v_7, ((((((v_2 >> v_4) >> v_6) & uvec2(240u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(4u).y)));
uint v_9 = (((((((v_2 >> v_4) >> v_6) >> v_8) & uvec2(12u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(2u).x));
uvec2 v_10 = uvec2(v_9, (((((((v_2 >> v_4) >> v_6) >> v_8) & uvec2(12u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(2u).y)));
uint v_11 = ((((((((v_2 >> v_4) >> v_6) >> v_8) >> v_10) & uvec2(2u)) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(0u).x) : (uvec2(1u).x));
uvec2 v_12 = (v_4 | (v_6 | (v_8 | (v_10 | uvec2(v_11, ((((((((v_2 >> v_4) >> v_6) >> v_8) >> v_10) & uvec2(2u)) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(0u).y) : (uvec2(1u).y)))))));
uint v_13 = (((((((v_2 >> v_4) >> v_6) >> v_8) >> v_10) == uvec2(0u)).x) ? (uvec2(4294967295u).x) : (v_12.x));
ivec2 res = ivec2(uvec2(v_13, (((((((v_2 >> v_4) >> v_6) >> v_8) >> v_10) == uvec2(0u)).y) ? (uvec2(4294967295u).y) : (v_12.y))));
return res;
VertexOutput vertex_main_inner() {
VertexOutput tint_symbol = VertexOutput(vec4(0.0f), ivec2(0));
tint_symbol.pos = vec4(0.0f);
tint_symbol.prevent_dce = firstLeadingBit_a622c2();
return tint_symbol;
void main() {
VertexOutput v_14 = vertex_main_inner();
gl_Position = v_14.pos;
gl_Position[1u] = -(gl_Position.y);
gl_Position[2u] = ((2.0f * gl_Position.z) - gl_Position.w);
vertex_main_loc0_Output = v_14.prevent_dce;
gl_PointSize = 1.0f;
error: Error parsing GLSL shader:
ERROR: 0:13: '<' : wrong operand types: no operation '<' exists that takes a left-hand operand of type ' temp highp 2-component vector of uint' and a right operand of type ' const 2-component vector of uint' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
ERROR: 0:13: '' : compilation terminated
ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated.
tint executable returned error: exit status 1