blob: 59a2b248e5f6c24edac5646743695758e7a86d69 [file] [log] [blame]
{{- /*
Template file for use with tools/src/cmd/gen to generate the wgsl files in the
./literal/... and ./var/... subdirectories
* tools/src/cmd/gen for structures used by this template
* for documentation on the template syntax
*/ -}}
{{- $I := LoadIntrinsics "src/tint/lang/wgsl/wgsl.def" -}}
{{- /* For each permutation of each overload of each function... */ -}}
{{- range $I.Sem.Builtins -}}
{{ if not (HasPrefix .Name "_") }}
{{- range .Overloads -}}
{{- range $I.Permute . -}}
{{- /* Generate a ./literal/<function>/<permuataion-hash>.wgsl file using
the Permutation macro defined below */ -}}
{{- $file := printf "./literal/%v/%v.wgsl" .Intrinsic.Name .Hash -}}
{{- $content := Eval "Permutation" "Overload" . "Mode" "literal" -}}
{{- WriteFile $file $content -}}
{{- /* Generate a ./var/<function>/<permuataion-hash>.wgsl file using
the Permutation macro defined below */ -}}
{{- $file := printf "./var/%v/%v.wgsl" .Intrinsic.Name .Hash -}}
{{- $content := Eval "Permutation" "Overload" . "Mode" "var" -}}
{{- WriteFile $file $content -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "Permutation" -}}
{{- /* Emits the body of the intrinsic permuation .wgsl file */ -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- $overload := .Overload -}}
{{- $mode := .Mode -}}
{{- $builtin := $overload.Intrinsic.Name -}}
{{- $permutation := printf "%v_%v" $builtin $overload.Hash -}}
{{- $args := Map -}}
{{- /* Generate the optional flag on HLSL shader model */ -}}
{{- template "HLSLShaderModel" $overload -}}
{{- /* Generate the optional flag for GLSL desktop */ -}}
{{- template "GLSLShaderModel" $overload -}}
{{- /* Generate enable directives */ -}}
{{- template "EnableDirectives" $overload -}}
{{- /* Keep track of binding numbers to satisfy limitations of the MSL backend with the Tint executable interface: */ -}}
{{- $b := 0 -}}
{{- if and (or $overload.CanBeUsedInStage.Fragment $overload.CanBeUsedInStage.Compute) (and $overload.ReturnType (IsDeclarable $overload.ReturnType))}}
{{- if and (IsHostShareable $overload.ReturnType) (not (HasPrefix $overload.ReturnType.Target.Name "mat"))}}
@group(0) @binding({{$b}}) var<storage, read_write> prevent_dce : {{template "Type" $overload.ReturnType -}};
{{- else}}
@group(0) @binding({{$b}}) var<storage, read_write> prevent_dce : i32;
{{ end}}
{{ $b = 1}}
{{ end}}
{{- /* Generate RW storage buffer parameters */ -}}
{{- $sb_rw_fields := Eval "EmitBufferFields" "overload" $overload
"var_name" "sb_rw"
"address_space" "storage"
"access" "read_write"
"args" $args -}}
{{- if $sb_rw_fields -}}
struct SB_RW {
{{- $sb_rw_fields -}}
@group(0) @binding({{$b}}) var<storage, read_write> sb_rw : SB_RW;
{{ end -}}
{{- /* Generate RO storage buffer parameters */ -}}
{{- $sb_ro_fields := Eval "EmitBufferFields" "overload" $overload
"var_name" "sb_ro"
"address_space" "storage"
"access" "read"
"args" $args -}}
{{- if $sb_ro_fields -}}
struct SB_RO {
{{- $sb_ro_fields -}}
@group(0) @binding({{$b}}) var<storage, read> sb_ro : SB_RO;
{{ end -}}
{{- /* Generate uniform buffer parameters */ -}}
{{- $ub_fields := Eval "EmitBufferFields" "overload" $overload
"var_name" "ub"
"address_space" "uniform"
"access" "read"
"args" $args -}}
{{- if $ub_fields -}}
struct UB {
{{- $ub_fields -}}
@group(0) @binding({{$b}}) var<uniform> ub : UB;
{{ end -}}
{{- /* Generate module-scoped handle variables */ -}}
{{- range $i, $p := $overload.Parameters }}
{{- $class := Eval "AddressSpace" $p.Type -}}
{{- if eq "ptr" $p.Type.Target.Name -}}
{{- $el_type := Eval "Type" (index $p.Type.TemplateArguments 1)}}
{{- if eq "handle" $class -}}
{{- if HasPrefix $el_type "input_attachment" -}}
{{ end -}}
@group(1) @binding({{$i}}) var arg_{{$i}}: {{$el_type}};
{{ $args.Put $i (printf "&arg_%v" $i) -}}
{{- else if eq "workgroup" $class -}}
var<workgroup> arg_{{$i}}: {{$el_type}};
{{ $args.Put $i (printf "&arg_%v" $i) -}}
{{- else if eq "private" $class -}}
var<private> arg_{{$i}}: {{$el_type}};
{{ $args.Put $i (printf "&arg_%v" $i) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $type := Eval "Type" $p.Type}}
{{- if eq "handle" $class -}}
{{- if HasPrefix $type "input_attachment" -}}
{{ end -}}
@group(1) @binding({{$i}}) var arg_{{$i}}: {{$type}};
{{ $args.Put $i (printf "arg_%v" $i) -}}
{{- else if eq "workgroup" $class -}}
var<workgroup> arg_{{$i}}: {{$type}};
{{ $args.Put $i (printf "arg_%v" $i) -}}
{{- else if eq "private" $class -}}
var<private> arg_{{$i}}: {{$type}};
{{ $args.Put $i (printf "arg_%v" $i) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* Generate the function that calls the intrinsic */ -}}
{{- /*newline*/}}
// {{$.Overload}}
fn {{$permutation}}() {{/* preserve space after () */ -}}
{{- if and $overload.ReturnType (IsDeclarable $overload.ReturnType) -}}
{{- /* Matrices can't be assigned to shader outputs, so wrap them in a check and select */ -}}
{{- if and (IsHostShareable $overload.ReturnType) (not (HasPrefix $overload.ReturnType.Target.Name "mat")) -}}
-> {{template "Type" $overload.ReturnType}}
{{- else -}}
-> i32
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}{
{{/* Build the parameters either as 'var' or inline values */ -}}
{{- range $i, $p := $overload.Parameters -}}
{{- $class := Eval "AddressSpace" $p.Type -}}
{{- $is_abstract := DeepestElementType $p.Type | IsAbstract -}}
{{- if eq "function" $class -}}
{{- if eq "ptr" $p.Type.Target.Name -}}
{{template "Type" index $p.Type.TemplateArguments 1}};
{{- /*indent*/}} var arg_{{$i}}: {{template "Type" index $p.Type.TemplateArguments 1}};
{{ $args.Put $i (printf "&arg_%v" $i) -}}
{{- else if eq "var" $mode -}}
{{- if or $is_abstract $p.IsConst }} const arg_{{$i}} = {{Eval "ArgumentValue" $p}};
{{ else }} var arg_{{$i}} = {{Eval "ArgumentValue" $p}};
{{ end }}
{{- $args.Put $i (printf "arg_%v" $i) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $args.Put $i (Eval "ArgumentValue" $p) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* Make the call to the intrinsic */ -}}
{{- /*indent*/}} {{/*indent*/ -}}
{{- if $overload.ReturnType -}}
var res{{if IsDeclarable $overload.ReturnType}}: {{template "Type" $overload.ReturnType}}{{end}} = {{/* preserve space after = */ -}}
{{- end -}}
{{$builtin}}{{Eval "TemplateArguments" $overload.ExplicitTemplateArgs}}(
{{- range $i, $p := $overload.Parameters -}}
{{- if $i -}}, {{end}}{{$args.Get $i -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* Return the result to be stored somewhere that ensures it isn't dead-code eliminated */ -}}
{{- if and $overload.ReturnType (IsDeclarable $overload.ReturnType)}}
{{- if HasPrefix $overload.ReturnType.Target.Name "mat"}}
return select(0, 1, res[0][0] == 0);
{{- else if IsHostShareable $overload.ReturnType}}
return res;
{{- else}}
return select(0, 1, all(res == {{template "Type" $overload.ReturnType}}()));
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- if $overload.CanBeUsedInStage.Fragment }}
fn fragment_main() {
{{ if and $overload.ReturnType (IsDeclarable $overload.ReturnType) -}}
prevent_dce = {{/* preserve space after = */ -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{- if $overload.CanBeUsedInStage.Compute }}
@compute @workgroup_size(1)
fn compute_main() {
{{ if and $overload.ReturnType (IsDeclarable $overload.ReturnType) -}}
prevent_dce = {{/* preserve space after = */ -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{- /* Vertex shader must be moved to the end due to */ -}}
{{- if $overload.CanBeUsedInStage.Vertex }}
struct VertexOutput {
@builtin(position) pos: vec4<f32>,
{{- if and $overload.ReturnType (IsDeclarable $overload.ReturnType)}}
{{- if and (IsHostShareable $overload.ReturnType) (not (HasPrefix $overload.ReturnType.Target.Name "mat"))}}
@location(0) @interpolate(flat) prevent_dce : {{template "Type" $overload.ReturnType}}
{{- else}}
@location(0) @interpolate(flat) prevent_dce : i32
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
fn vertex_main() -> VertexOutput {
var out : VertexOutput;
out.pos = vec4<f32>();
{{ if and $overload.ReturnType (IsDeclarable $overload.ReturnType) -}}
out.prevent_dce = {{/* preserve space after = */ -}}
{{- end -}}
return out;
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "GLSLShaderModel" -}}
{{- /* Emits the optional GLSL shader model for a given overload */ -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- $permutation := . -}}
{{- $overload := $permutation.Overload -}}
{{- $builtin_name := $permutation.Intrinsic.Name -}}
{{- if OverloadNeedsDesktopGLSL $overload }}
// flags: --glsl-desktop
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "HLSLShaderModel" -}}
{{- /* Emits the optional HLSL shader model for a given overload */ -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- $permutation := . -}}
{{- $overload := $permutation.Overload -}}
{{- $builtin_name := $permutation.Intrinsic.Name -}}
{{/* Check and emit dot4I8Packed and dot4U8Packed */}}
{{- if or (eq "pack4xI8" $builtin_name) (eq "pack4xU8" $builtin_name) (eq "pack4xI8Clamp" $builtin_name) (eq "unpack4xI8" $builtin_name) (eq "unpack4xU8" $builtin_name)}}
// [hlsl-dxc] flags: --hlsl_shader_model 66
{{- else if or (eq "dot4I8Packed" $builtin_name) (eq "dot4U8Packed" $builtin_name)}}
// [hlsl-dxc] flags: --hlsl_shader_model 64
{{/* Check and emit f16 */}}
{{- else if OverloadUsesType $overload "f16"}}
// flags: --hlsl_shader_model 62
{{/* HLSL Wave operations require Shader Model 6.0 (DXC) */}}
{{- else if or (HasPrefix $builtin_name "subgroup") (HasPrefix $builtin_name "quad")}}
// [hlsl-dxc] flags: --hlsl_shader_model 60
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "EnableDirectives" -}}
{{- /* Emits the required enable directives for a given overload */ -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- $permutation := . -}}
{{- $overload := $permutation.Overload -}}
{{- $builtin_name := $permutation.Intrinsic.Name -}}
{{- /* Emit 'enable subgroups' and 'enable subgroups_f16' if required */ -}}
{{- if or (HasPrefix $builtin_name "subgroup") (HasPrefix $builtin_name "quad")}}
enable subgroups;
{{ end -}}
{{- /* Emit 'enable chromium_internal_input_attachments' if required */ -}}
{{- if eq "inputAttachmentLoad" $builtin_name}}
enable chromium_internal_input_attachments;
{{ end -}}
{{- /* Emit 'enable f16' if required */ -}}
{{- if OverloadUsesType $overload "f16"}}
enable f16;
{{ end -}}
{{- /* Emit 'enable chromium_internal_graphite' if required */ -}}
{{- if OverloadUsesType $overload "r8unorm"}}
enable chromium_internal_graphite;
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "EmitBufferFields" -}}
{{- /* Emits a struct with the fields that match the given address space */ -}}
{{- /* and access. */ -}}
{{- /* Argument is a map with the following expected keys: */ -}}
{{- /* 'overload' - the current overload */ -}}
{{- /* 'var_name' - name of the variable of the structure type */ -}}
{{- /* 'address_space' - filtered address space */ -}}
{{- /* 'access' - filtered access */ -}}
{{- /* 'args' - argument map that's populated with the fields */ -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- $overload := .Get "overload" -}}
{{- $var_name := .Get "var_name" -}}
{{- $filter_address_space := .Get "address_space" -}}
{{- $filter_access := .Get "access" -}}
{{- $args := .Get "args" -}}
{{- range $i, $p := $overload.Parameters }}
{{- $address_space := Eval "AddressSpace" $p.Type -}}
{{- $access := Eval "Access" $p.Type -}}
{{- if and (eq $filter_address_space $address_space) (eq $filter_access $access) }}
{{- if eq "ptr" $p.Type.Target.Name }}
arg_{{$i}}: {{template "Type" (index $p.Type.TemplateArguments 1)}},
{{ $args.Put $i (printf "&%v.arg_%v" $var_name $i) -}}
{{- else }}
arg_{{$i}}: {{template "Type" $p.Type}},
{{ $args.Put $i (printf "%v.arg_%v" $var_name $i) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "AddressSpace" -}}
{{- /* Returns the address space for the given Fully Qualified Name */ -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- $name := .Target.Name -}}
{{- if eq $name "array" -}}storage
{{- else if HasPrefix $name "texture" -}}handle
{{- else if HasPrefix $name "sampler" -}}handle
{{- else if HasPrefix $name "input_attachment" -}}handle
{{- else if eq $name "ptr" -}}{{(index .TemplateArguments 0).Target.Name}}
{{- else -}}function
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "Access" -}}
{{- /* Returns the access for the given Fully Qualified Name */ -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- $name := .Target.Name -}}
{{- if eq $name "ptr" -}}{{(index .TemplateArguments 2).Target.Name}}
{{- else -}}
{{- /* Emit the default for the address space */ -}}
{{- /* */ -}}
{{- $address_space := Eval "AddressSpace" . -}}
{{- if eq $address_space "function" -}}read_write
{{- else if eq $address_space "private" -}}read_write
{{- else if eq $address_space "workgroup" -}}read_write
{{- else if eq $address_space "uniform" -}}read
{{- else if eq $address_space "storage" -}}read
{{- else if eq $address_space "handle" -}}read
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "ArgumentValue" -}}
{{- /* Returns a value that can be used for the parameter argument */ -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- $ty := .Type -}}
{{- $value := printf "%v" .TestValue }}
{{- /* $float_value is $value with a '.' suffix (if it wasn't a float already) */ -}}
{{- $float_value := $value }}
{{- if not (Contains $value ".") }}{{$float_value = printf "%v." $value}}{{end}}
{{- /* emit the value with any necessary suffixes */ -}}
{{- if eq $ty.Target.Name "i32" -}}{{$value}}i
{{- else if eq $ty.Target.Name "u32" -}}{{$value}}u
{{- else if eq $ty.Target.Name "f32" -}}{{$float_value}}f
{{- else if eq $ty.Target.Name "f16" -}}{{$float_value}}h
{{- else if eq $ty.Target.Name "fa" -}}{{$float_value}}
{{- else if eq $ty.Target.Name "ia" -}}{{$value}}
{{- else if eq $ty.Target.Name "bool" -}}true
{{- else if HasPrefix $ty.Target.Name "vec" -}}
{{- $el := Eval "ArgumentValue" "Type" (ElementType .Type) "TestValue" .TestValue }}
{{- template "Type" $ty}}({{$el}})
{{- else if HasPrefix $ty.Target.Name "mat" -}}{{template "Type" $ty}}(
{{- $el := Eval "ArgumentValue" "Type" (ElementType .Type) "TestValue" .TestValue }}
{{- range $col := Iterate (index $ty.TemplateArguments 0) }}
{{- range $row := Iterate (index $ty.TemplateArguments 1) }}
{{- if or $col $row -}}, {{end}}{{$el}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}})
{{- else -}}{{template "Type" $ty}}()
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "Type" -}}
{{- /* Emits the WGSL for the Fully Qualified Name argument */ -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- if IsType .Target -}}
{{- if DeepestElementType . | IsAbstract -}}
{{- if eq .Target.Name "vec" -}}vec{{index .TemplateArguments 0}}
{{- else if eq .Target.Name "vec2" -}}vec2
{{- else if eq .Target.Name "vec3" -}}vec3
{{- else if eq .Target.Name "vec4" -}}vec4
{{- else if eq .Target.Name "mat" -}}mat{{index .TemplateArguments 0}}x{{index .TemplateArguments 1}}
{{- else if HasPrefix .Target.Name "mat" -}}mat{{.Target.Name}}
{{- else -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* note: intrinsics.def has different type definitions for 'vec<N: num, T>',
'vec2<T>', 'vec3<T>'. Because of this we need to check whether the type
name is exactly 'vec' and 'mat' and if not, then look for the prefix. */ -}}
{{- else if eq .Target.Name "vec" -}}vec{{index .TemplateArguments 0}}<{{template "Type" (ElementType .)}}>
{{- else if eq .Target.Name "mat" -}}mat{{index .TemplateArguments 0}}x{{index .TemplateArguments 1}}<{{template "Type" (ElementType .)}}>
{{- else if HasPrefix .Target.Name "vec" -}}{{.Target.Name}}<{{template "Type" (ElementType .)}}>
{{- else if HasPrefix .Target.Name "mat" -}}{{.Target.Name}}<{{template "Type" (ElementType .)}}>
{{- else -}}{{.Target.Name}}{{template "TemplateArguments" .TemplateArguments}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else if IsEnumEntry .Target -}}{{.Target.Name}}
{{- else if IsEnumMatcher .Target -}}{{(index .Target.Options 0).Name}}
{{- else -}}<unhandled-fully-qualified-name-target={{- printf "%T" .Target -}}>
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- define "TemplateArguments" -}}
{{- /* Emits the WGSL for the template argument list */ -}}
{{- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ -}}
{{- if . -}}
{{- range $i, $a := . -}}
{{- if $i -}}, {{ end -}}
{{- if IsInt $a -}}{{- . -}}
{{- else -}}{{- template "Type" $a -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}