blob: 8764781848af116a3e36608c3428090dfab4c625 [file] [log] [blame]
struct S {
float2 field0;
uint field1;
struct main_inputs {
uint3 x_3_param : SV_GroupThreadID;
uint tint_local_index : SV_GroupIndex;
groupshared S x_28[4096];
groupshared uint x_34;
groupshared uint x_35;
groupshared uint x_36;
groupshared uint x_37;
static uint3 x_3 = (0u).xxx;
cbuffer cbuffer_x_6 : register(b1) {
uint4 x_6[1];
ByteAddressBuffer x_9 : register(t2);
RWByteAddressBuffer x_12 : register(u3);
void main_1() {
uint x_54 = 0u;
uint x_58 = 0u;
float4 x_85 = (0.0f).xxxx;
uint x_88 = 0u;
uint x_52 = x_3.x;
x_54 = 0u;
while(true) {
uint x_55 = 0u;
x_58 = x_6[0u].x;
if ((x_54 < x_58)) {
} else {
uint x_62 = (x_54 + x_52);
if ((x_62 >= x_58)) {
float4 x_67 = asfloat(x_9.Load4((0u + (uint(x_62) * 16u))));
S v = {((x_67.xy + * 0.5f), x_62};
x_28[x_62] = v;
x_55 = (x_54 + 32u);
x_54 = x_55;
int x_74 = asint(x_58);
float2 x_76 = x_28[0].field0;
if ((x_52 == 0u)) {
uint2 x_80 = asuint(x_76);
uint x_81 = x_80[0u];
uint v_1 = 0u;
InterlockedExchange(x_34, x_81, v_1);
uint x_82 = x_80[1u];
uint v_2 = 0u;
InterlockedExchange(x_35, x_82, v_2);
uint v_3 = 0u;
InterlockedExchange(x_36, x_81, v_3);
uint v_4 = 0u;
InterlockedExchange(x_37, x_82, v_4);
x_85 = x_76.xyxy;
x_88 = 1u;
while(true) {
float4 x_111 = (0.0f).xxxx;
float4 x_86 = (0.0f).xxxx;
uint x_89 = 0u;
uint x_90 = asuint(x_74);
if ((x_88 < x_90)) {
} else {
uint x_94 = (x_88 + x_52);
x_86 = x_85;
if ((x_94 >= x_90)) {
float2 x_99 = x_28[x_94].field0;
float2 x_101 = min(x_85.xy, x_99);
float4 x_103_1 = x_85;
x_103_1[0u] = x_101[0u];
float4 x_103 = x_103_1;
float4 x_105_1 = x_103;
x_105_1[1u] = x_101[1u];
float4 x_105 = x_105_1;
float2 x_107 = max(, x_99);
float4 x_109_1 = x_105;
x_109_1[2u] = x_107[0u];
x_111 = x_109_1;
x_111[3u] = x_107[1u];
x_86 = x_111;
x_89 = (x_88 + 32u);
x_85 = x_86;
x_88 = x_89;
uint v_5 = 0u;
InterlockedMin(x_34, asuint(x_85.x), v_5);
uint x_114 = v_5;
uint v_6 = 0u;
InterlockedMin(x_35, asuint(x_85.y), v_6);
uint x_117 = v_6;
uint v_7 = 0u;
InterlockedMax(x_36, asuint(x_85.z), v_7);
uint x_120 = v_7;
uint v_8 = 0u;
InterlockedMax(x_37, asuint(x_85.w), v_8);
uint x_123 = v_8;
uint v_9 = 0u;
InterlockedOr(x_34, 0u, v_9);
float v_10 = asfloat(v_9);
uint v_11 = 0u;
InterlockedOr(x_35, 0u, v_11);
float v_12 = asfloat(v_11);
uint v_13 = 0u;
InterlockedOr(x_36, 0u, v_13);
float v_14 = asfloat(v_13);
uint v_15 = 0u;
InterlockedOr(x_37, 0u, v_15);
x_12.Store4(0u, asuint(float4(v_10, v_12, v_14, asfloat(v_15))));
void main_inner(uint3 x_3_param, uint tint_local_index) {
if ((tint_local_index == 0u)) {
uint v_16 = 0u;
InterlockedExchange(x_34, 0u, v_16);
uint v_17 = 0u;
InterlockedExchange(x_35, 0u, v_17);
uint v_18 = 0u;
InterlockedExchange(x_36, 0u, v_18);
uint v_19 = 0u;
InterlockedExchange(x_37, 0u, v_19);
uint v_20 = 0u;
v_20 = tint_local_index;
while(true) {
uint v_21 = v_20;
if ((v_21 >= 4096u)) {
S v_22 = (S)0;
x_28[v_21] = v_22;
v_20 = (v_21 + 32u);
x_3 = x_3_param;
[numthreads(32, 1, 1)]
void main(main_inputs inputs) {
main_inner(inputs.x_3_param, inputs.tint_local_index);
DXC validation failure:
hlsl.hlsl:54:13: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((x_52 == 0u)) {
hlsl.hlsl:54:13: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((x_52 == 0u)) {
~ ^ ~
hlsl.hlsl:54:13: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((x_52 == 0u)) {
hlsl.hlsl:134:25: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((tint_local_index == 0u)) {
hlsl.hlsl:134:25: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((tint_local_index == 0u)) {
~ ^ ~
hlsl.hlsl:134:25: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((tint_local_index == 0u)) {
error: validation errors
error: Total Thread Group Shared Memory storage is 49168, exceeded 32768.
Validation failed.
tint executable returned error: exit status 1