blob: 10cdcb0da9c4aaeb3ae4904adade665bbf0c5457 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package gen
import (
// BuiltinTable holds data specific to the intrinsic_table.inl.tmpl template
type BuiltinTable struct {
// The semantic info
Sem *sem.Sem
// TMatchers are all the sem.OpenType, sem.Type and sem.TypeMatchers.
// These are all implemented by classes deriving from tint::TypeMatcher
TMatchers []sem.Named
TMatcherIndex map[sem.Named]int // [object -> index] in TMatcher
// NMatchers are all the sem.OpenNumber and sem.EnumMatchers.
// These are all implemented by classes deriving from tint::NumberMatcher
NMatchers []sem.Named
NMatcherIndex map[sem.Named]int // [object -> index] in NMatchers
MatcherIndices []int // kMatcherIndices table content
OpenTypes []OpenType // kOpenTypes table content
OpenNumbers []OpenNumber // kOpenNumbers table content
Parameters []Parameter // kParameters table content
Overloads []Overload // kOverloads table content
Functions []Function // kBuiltins table content
// OpenType is used to create the C++ OpenTypeInfo structure
type OpenType struct {
// Name of the open type (e.g. 'T')
Name string
// Optional type matcher constraint.
// Either an index in Matchers::type, or -1
MatcherIndex int
// OpenNumber is used to create the C++ OpenNumberInfo structure
type OpenNumber struct {
// Name of the open number (e.g. 'N')
Name string
// Optional type matcher constraint.
// Either an index in Matchers::type, or -1
MatcherIndex int
// Parameter is used to create the C++ ParameterInfo structure
type Parameter struct {
// The parameter usage (parameter name)
Usage string
// Index into BuiltinTable.MatcherIndices, beginning the list of matchers
// required to match the parameter type. The matcher indices index
// into BuiltinTable::TMatchers and / or BuiltinTable::NMatchers.
// These indices are consumed by the matchers themselves.
// The first index is always a TypeMatcher.
MatcherIndicesOffset *int
// Overload is used to create the C++ OverloadInfo structure
type Overload struct {
// Total number of parameters for the overload
NumParameters int
// Total number of open types for the overload
NumOpenTypes int
// Total number of open numbers for the overload
NumOpenNumbers int
// Index to the first open type in BuiltinTable.OpenTypes
OpenTypesOffset *int
// Index to the first open number in BuiltinTable.OpenNumbers
OpenNumbersOffset *int
// Index to the first parameter in BuiltinTable.Parameters
ParametersOffset *int
// Index into BuiltinTable.MatcherIndices, beginning the list of matchers
// required to match the return type. The matcher indices index
// into BuiltinTable::TMatchers and / or BuiltinTable::NMatchers.
// These indices are consumed by the matchers themselves.
// The first index is always a TypeMatcher.
ReturnMatcherIndicesOffset *int
// StageUses describes the stages an overload can be used in
CanBeUsedInStage sem.StageUses
// True if the overload is marked as deprecated
IsDeprecated bool
// Function is used to create the C++ IntrinsicInfo structure
type Function struct {
OverloadDescriptions []string
NumOverloads int
OverloadsOffset *int
// Helper for building the BuiltinTable
type BuiltinTableBuilder struct {
// The output of the builder
// Lookup tables.
// These are packed (compressed) once all the entries have been added.
lut struct {
matcherIndices lut.LUT
openTypes lut.LUT
openNumbers lut.LUT
parameters lut.LUT
overloads lut.LUT
// Helper for building a single overload
type overloadBuilder struct {
// Maps TemplateParam to index in openTypes
openTypeIndex map[sem.TemplateParam]int
// Maps TemplateParam to index in openNumbers
openNumberIndex map[sem.TemplateParam]int
// Open types used by the overload
openTypes []OpenType
// Open numbers used by the overload
openNumbers []OpenNumber
// All parameters declared by the overload
parameters []Parameter
// Index into BuiltinTable.MatcherIndices, beginning the list of matchers
// required to match the return type. The matcher indices index
// into BuiltinTable::TMatchers and / or BuiltinTable::NMatchers.
// These indices are consumed by the matchers themselves.
// The first index is always a TypeMatcher.
returnTypeMatcherIndicesOffset *int
// layoutMatchers assigns each of the TMatchers and NMatchers a unique index
// in the C++ Matchers::type and Matchers::number arrays, respectively.
func (b *BuiltinTableBuilder) layoutMatchers(s *sem.Sem) {
// First MaxOpenTypes of TMatchers are open types
b.TMatchers = make([]sem.Named, s.MaxOpenTypes)
for _, m := range s.Types {
b.TMatcherIndex[m] = len(b.TMatchers)
b.TMatchers = append(b.TMatchers, m)
for _, m := range s.TypeMatchers {
b.TMatcherIndex[m] = len(b.TMatchers)
b.TMatchers = append(b.TMatchers, m)
// First MaxOpenNumbers of NMatchers are open numbers
b.NMatchers = make([]sem.Named, s.MaxOpenNumbers)
for _, m := range s.EnumMatchers {
b.NMatcherIndex[m] = len(b.NMatchers)
b.NMatchers = append(b.NMatchers, m)
// buildOverload constructs an Overload for a sem.Overload
func (b *BuiltinTableBuilder) buildOverload(o *sem.Overload) (Overload, error) {
ob := overloadBuilder{
BuiltinTableBuilder: b,
openTypeIndex: map[sem.TemplateParam]int{},
openNumberIndex: map[sem.TemplateParam]int{},
if err := ob.buildOpenTypes(o); err != nil {
return Overload{}, err
if err := ob.buildOpenNumbers(o); err != nil {
return Overload{}, err
if err := ob.buildParameters(o); err != nil {
return Overload{}, err
if err := ob.buildReturnType(o); err != nil {
return Overload{}, err
return Overload{
NumParameters: len(ob.parameters),
NumOpenTypes: len(ob.openTypes),
NumOpenNumbers: len(ob.openNumbers),
OpenTypesOffset: b.lut.openTypes.Add(ob.openTypes),
OpenNumbersOffset: b.lut.openNumbers.Add(ob.openNumbers),
ParametersOffset: b.lut.parameters.Add(ob.parameters),
ReturnMatcherIndicesOffset: ob.returnTypeMatcherIndicesOffset,
CanBeUsedInStage: o.CanBeUsedInStage,
IsDeprecated: o.IsDeprecated,
}, nil
// buildOpenTypes constructs the OpenTypes used by the overload, populating
// b.openTypes
func (b *overloadBuilder) buildOpenTypes(o *sem.Overload) error {
b.openTypes = make([]OpenType, len(o.OpenTypes))
for i, t := range o.OpenTypes {
b.openTypeIndex[t] = i
matcherIndex := -1
if t.Type != nil {
var err error
matcherIndex, err = b.matcherIndex(t.Type)
if err != nil {
return err
b.openTypes[i] = OpenType{
Name: t.Name,
MatcherIndex: matcherIndex,
return nil
// buildOpenNumbers constructs the OpenNumbers used by the overload, populating
// b.openNumbers
func (b *overloadBuilder) buildOpenNumbers(o *sem.Overload) error {
b.openNumbers = make([]OpenNumber, len(o.OpenNumbers))
for i, t := range o.OpenNumbers {
b.openNumberIndex[t] = i
matcherIndex := -1
if e, ok := t.(*sem.TemplateEnumParam); ok && e.Matcher != nil {
var err error
matcherIndex, err = b.matcherIndex(e.Matcher)
if err != nil {
return err
b.openNumbers[i] = OpenNumber{
Name: t.GetName(),
MatcherIndex: matcherIndex,
return nil
// buildParameters constructs the Parameters used by the overload, populating
// b.parameters
func (b *overloadBuilder) buildParameters(o *sem.Overload) error {
b.parameters = make([]Parameter, len(o.Parameters))
for i, p := range o.Parameters {
indices, err := b.collectMatcherIndices(p.Type)
if err != nil {
return err
b.parameters[i] = Parameter{
Usage: p.Name,
MatcherIndicesOffset: b.lut.matcherIndices.Add(indices),
return nil
// buildParameters calculates the matcher indices required to match the
// overload's return type (if the overload has a return value), possibly
// populating b.returnTypeMatcherIndicesOffset
func (b *overloadBuilder) buildReturnType(o *sem.Overload) error {
if o.ReturnType != nil {
indices, err := b.collectMatcherIndices(*o.ReturnType)
if err != nil {
return err
b.returnTypeMatcherIndicesOffset = b.lut.matcherIndices.Add(indices)
return nil
// matcherIndex returns the index of TMatcher or NMatcher in
// BuiltinTable.TMatcher or BuiltinTable.NMatcher, respectively.
func (b *overloadBuilder) matcherIndex(n sem.Named) (int, error) {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *sem.Type, *sem.TypeMatcher:
if i, ok := b.TMatcherIndex[n]; ok {
return i, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("matcherIndex missing entry for %v %T", n.GetName(), n)
case *sem.TemplateTypeParam:
if i, ok := b.openTypeIndex[n]; ok {
return i, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("openTypeIndex missing entry for %v %T", n.Name, n)
case *sem.EnumMatcher:
if i, ok := b.NMatcherIndex[n]; ok {
return i, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("matcherIndex missing entry for %v %T", n.GetName(), n)
case *sem.TemplateEnumParam:
if i, ok := b.openNumberIndex[n]; ok {
return i, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("openNumberIndex missing entry for %v %T", n, n)
case *sem.TemplateNumberParam:
if i, ok := b.openNumberIndex[n]; ok {
return i, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("openNumberIndex missing entry for %v %T", n, n)
return 0, fmt.Errorf("overload.matcherIndex() does not handle %v %T", n, n)
// collectMatcherIndices returns the full list of matcher indices required to
// match the fully-qualified-name. For names that have do not have templated
// arguments, collectMatcherIndices() will return a single TMatcher index.
// For names that do have templated arguments, collectMatcherIndices() returns
// a list of type matcher indices, starting with the target of the fully
// qualified name, then followed by each of the template arguments from left to
// right. Note that template arguments may themselves have template arguments,
// and so collectMatcherIndices() may call itself.
// The order of returned matcher indices is always the order of the fully
// qualified name as read from left to right.
// For example, calling collectMatcherIndices() for the fully qualified name:
// A<B<C, D>, E<F, G<H>, I>
// Would return the matcher indices:
// A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I
func (b *overloadBuilder) collectMatcherIndices(fqn sem.FullyQualifiedName) ([]int, error) {
idx, err := b.matcherIndex(fqn.Target)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out := []int{idx}
for _, arg := range fqn.TemplateArguments {
indices, err := b.collectMatcherIndices(arg.(sem.FullyQualifiedName))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out = append(out, indices...)
return out, nil
// buildBuiltinTable builds the BuiltinTable from the semantic info
func buildBuiltinTable(s *sem.Sem) (*BuiltinTable, error) {
b := BuiltinTableBuilder{
BuiltinTable: BuiltinTable{
Sem: s,
TMatcherIndex: map[sem.Named]int{},
NMatcherIndex: map[sem.Named]int{},
b.lut.matcherIndices = lut.New(list.Wrap(&b.MatcherIndices))
b.lut.openTypes = lut.New(list.Wrap(&b.OpenTypes))
b.lut.openNumbers = lut.New(list.Wrap(&b.OpenNumbers))
b.lut.parameters = lut.New(list.Wrap(&b.Parameters))
b.lut.overloads = lut.New(list.Wrap(&b.Overloads))
for _, f := range s.Functions {
overloads := make([]Overload, len(f.Overloads))
overloadDescriptions := make([]string, len(f.Overloads))
for i, o := range f.Overloads {
overloadDescriptions[i] = fmt.Sprint(o.Decl)
var err error
if overloads[i], err = b.buildOverload(o); err != nil {
return nil, err
b.Functions = append(b.Functions, Function{
OverloadDescriptions: overloadDescriptions,
NumOverloads: len(overloads),
OverloadsOffset: b.lut.overloads.Add(overloads),
return &b.BuiltinTable, nil