| // Copyright 2020 The Dawn Authors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| #include "common/Assert.h" |
| #include "tests/DawnTest.h" |
| #include "utils/ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor.h" |
| #include "utils/WGPUHelpers.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| constexpr wgpu::TextureFormat kDepthFormats[] = { |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth32Float, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth24Plus, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth24PlusStencil8, |
| }; |
| |
| constexpr wgpu::TextureFormat kStencilFormats[] = { |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth24PlusStencil8, |
| }; |
| |
| constexpr wgpu::CompareFunction kCompareFunctions[] = { |
| wgpu::CompareFunction::Never, wgpu::CompareFunction::Less, |
| wgpu::CompareFunction::LessEqual, wgpu::CompareFunction::Greater, |
| wgpu::CompareFunction::GreaterEqual, wgpu::CompareFunction::Equal, |
| wgpu::CompareFunction::NotEqual, wgpu::CompareFunction::Always, |
| }; |
| |
| // Test a "normal" ref value between 0 and 1; as well as negative and > 1 refs. |
| constexpr float kCompareRefs[] = {-0.1, 0.4, 1.2}; |
| |
| // Test 0, below the ref, equal to, above the ref, and 1. |
| const std::vector<float> kNormalizedTextureValues = {0.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1.0}; |
| |
| // Test the limits, and some values in between. |
| const std::vector<uint8_t> kStencilValues = {uint8_t(0), uint8_t(1), uint8_t(38), uint8_t(255)}; |
| |
| } // anonymous namespace |
| |
| class DepthStencilSamplingTest : public DawnTest { |
| protected: |
| enum class TestAspect { |
| Depth, |
| Stencil, |
| }; |
| |
| void SetUp() override { |
| DawnTest::SetUp(); |
| |
| wgpu::BufferDescriptor uniformBufferDesc; |
| uniformBufferDesc.usage = wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst; |
| uniformBufferDesc.size = sizeof(float); |
| mUniformBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(&uniformBufferDesc); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::RenderPipeline CreateSamplingRenderPipeline(std::vector<TestAspect> aspects, |
| uint32_t componentIndex) { |
| wgpu::ShaderModule vsModule = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, R"( |
| [[stage(vertex)]] fn main() -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4<f32> { |
| return vec4<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); |
| })"); |
| |
| utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor2 pipelineDescriptor; |
| |
| std::ostringstream shaderSource; |
| std::ostringstream shaderOutputStruct; |
| std::ostringstream shaderBody; |
| |
| uint32_t index = 0; |
| for (TestAspect aspect : aspects) { |
| switch (aspect) { |
| case TestAspect::Depth: |
| shaderSource << "[[group(0), binding(" << index << ")]] var tex" << index |
| << " : texture_2d<f32>;\n"; |
| |
| shaderOutputStruct << " [[location(" << index << ")]] result" << index |
| << " : f32;\n"; |
| |
| shaderBody << "\n output.result" << index << " = textureLoad(tex" << index |
| << ", vec2<i32>(0, 0), 0)[" << componentIndex << "];\n"; |
| pipelineDescriptor.cTargets[index].format = wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Float; |
| break; |
| case TestAspect::Stencil: |
| shaderSource << "[[group(0), binding(" << index << ")]] var tex" << index |
| << " : texture_2d<u32>;\n"; |
| |
| shaderOutputStruct << " [[location(" << index << ")]] result" << index |
| << " : u32;\n"; |
| |
| shaderBody << "\n output.result" << index << " = textureLoad(tex" << index |
| << ", vec2<i32>(0, 0), 0)[" << componentIndex << "];\n"; |
| pipelineDescriptor.cTargets[index].format = wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Uint; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| index++; |
| } |
| |
| shaderSource << "struct FragOutputs {\n" << shaderOutputStruct.str() << "};\n"; |
| shaderSource << "[[stage(fragment)]] fn main() -> FragOutputs {\n"; |
| shaderSource << " var output : FragOutputs;\n" |
| << shaderBody.str() << " return output;\n}"; |
| |
| wgpu::ShaderModule fsModule = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, shaderSource.str().c_str()); |
| pipelineDescriptor.vertex.module = vsModule; |
| pipelineDescriptor.cFragment.module = fsModule; |
| pipelineDescriptor.primitive.topology = wgpu::PrimitiveTopology::PointList; |
| pipelineDescriptor.cFragment.targetCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(aspects.size()); |
| |
| return device.CreateRenderPipeline2(&pipelineDescriptor); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::ComputePipeline CreateSamplingComputePipeline(std::vector<TestAspect> aspects, |
| uint32_t componentIndex) { |
| std::ostringstream shaderSource; |
| std::ostringstream shaderBody; |
| shaderSource << R"( |
| [[block]] struct DepthResult { |
| value : f32; |
| }; |
| [[block]] struct StencilResult { |
| value : u32; |
| };)"; |
| shaderSource << "\n"; |
| |
| uint32_t index = 0; |
| for (TestAspect aspect : aspects) { |
| switch (aspect) { |
| case TestAspect::Depth: |
| shaderSource << "[[group(0), binding(" << 2 * index << ")]] var tex" << index |
| << " : texture_2d<f32>;\n"; |
| |
| shaderSource << "[[group(0), binding(" << 2 * index + 1 |
| << ")]] var<storage> result" << index |
| << " : [[access(read_write)]] DepthResult;\n"; |
| |
| shaderBody << "\nresult" << index << ".value = textureLoad(tex" << index |
| << ", vec2<i32>(0, 0), 0)[" << componentIndex << "];"; |
| break; |
| case TestAspect::Stencil: |
| shaderSource << "[[group(0), binding(" << 2 * index << ")]] var tex" << index |
| << " : texture_2d<u32>;\n"; |
| |
| shaderSource << "[[group(0), binding(" << 2 * index + 1 |
| << ")]] var<storage> result" << index |
| << " : [[access(read_write)]] StencilResult;\n"; |
| |
| shaderBody << "\nresult" << index << ".value = textureLoad(tex" << index |
| << ", vec2<i32>(0, 0), 0)[" << componentIndex << "];"; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| index++; |
| } |
| |
| shaderSource << "[[stage(compute)]] fn main() { " << shaderBody.str() << "\n}"; |
| |
| wgpu::ShaderModule csModule = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, shaderSource.str().c_str()); |
| |
| wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor pipelineDescriptor; |
| pipelineDescriptor.computeStage.module = csModule; |
| pipelineDescriptor.computeStage.entryPoint = "main"; |
| |
| return device.CreateComputePipeline(&pipelineDescriptor); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::RenderPipeline CreateComparisonRenderPipeline() { |
| wgpu::ShaderModule vsModule = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, R"( |
| [[stage(vertex)]] fn main() -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4<f32> { |
| return vec4<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); |
| })"); |
| |
| wgpu::ShaderModule fsModule = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, R"( |
| [[group(0), binding(0)]] var samp : sampler_comparison; |
| [[group(0), binding(1)]] var tex : texture_depth_2d; |
| [[block]] struct Uniforms { |
| compareRef : f32; |
| }; |
| [[group(0), binding(2)]] var<uniform> uniforms : Uniforms; |
| |
| [[stage(fragment)]] fn main() -> [[location(0)]] f32 { |
| return textureSampleCompare(tex, samp, vec2<f32>(0.5, 0.5), uniforms.compareRef); |
| })"); |
| |
| // TODO(dawn:367): Cannot use GetBindGroupLayout for comparison samplers without shader |
| // reflection data. |
| wgpu::BindGroupLayout bgl = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout( |
| device, {{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::SamplerBindingType::Comparison}, |
| {1, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::TextureSampleType::Depth}, |
| {2, wgpu::ShaderStage::Fragment, wgpu::BufferBindingType::Uniform}}); |
| |
| utils::ComboRenderPipelineDescriptor2 pipelineDescriptor; |
| pipelineDescriptor.vertex.module = vsModule; |
| pipelineDescriptor.cFragment.module = fsModule; |
| pipelineDescriptor.layout = utils::MakeBasicPipelineLayout(device, &bgl); |
| pipelineDescriptor.primitive.topology = wgpu::PrimitiveTopology::PointList; |
| pipelineDescriptor.cTargets[0].format = wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Float; |
| |
| return device.CreateRenderPipeline2(&pipelineDescriptor); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::ComputePipeline CreateComparisonComputePipeline() { |
| wgpu::ShaderModule csModule = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, R"( |
| [[group(0), binding(0)]] var samp : sampler_comparison; |
| [[group(0), binding(1)]] var tex : texture_depth_2d; |
| [[block]] struct Uniforms { |
| compareRef : f32; |
| }; |
| [[group(0), binding(2)]] var<uniform> uniforms : Uniforms; |
| |
| [[block]] struct SamplerResult { |
| value : f32; |
| }; |
| [[group(0), binding(3)]] var<storage> samplerResult : [[access(read_write)]] SamplerResult; |
| |
| [[stage(compute)]] fn main() { |
| samplerResult.value = textureSampleCompare(tex, samp, vec2<f32>(0.5, 0.5), uniforms.compareRef); |
| })"); |
| |
| // TODO(dawn:367): Cannot use GetBindGroupLayout without shader reflection data. |
| wgpu::BindGroupLayout bgl = utils::MakeBindGroupLayout( |
| device, {{0, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::SamplerBindingType::Comparison}, |
| {1, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::TextureSampleType::Depth}, |
| {2, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::BufferBindingType::Uniform}, |
| {3, wgpu::ShaderStage::Compute, wgpu::BufferBindingType::Storage}}); |
| |
| wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor pipelineDescriptor; |
| pipelineDescriptor.layout = utils::MakeBasicPipelineLayout(device, &bgl); |
| pipelineDescriptor.computeStage.module = csModule; |
| pipelineDescriptor.computeStage.entryPoint = "main"; |
| |
| return device.CreateComputePipeline(&pipelineDescriptor); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::Texture CreateInputTexture(wgpu::TextureFormat format) { |
| wgpu::TextureDescriptor inputTextureDesc; |
| inputTextureDesc.usage = wgpu::TextureUsage::Sampled | wgpu::TextureUsage::RenderAttachment; |
| inputTextureDesc.size = {1, 1, 1}; |
| inputTextureDesc.format = format; |
| return device.CreateTexture(&inputTextureDesc); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::Texture CreateOutputTexture(wgpu::TextureFormat format) { |
| wgpu::TextureDescriptor outputTextureDesc; |
| outputTextureDesc.usage = |
| wgpu::TextureUsage::RenderAttachment | wgpu::TextureUsage::CopySrc; |
| outputTextureDesc.size = {1, 1, 1}; |
| outputTextureDesc.format = format; |
| return device.CreateTexture(&outputTextureDesc); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::Buffer CreateOutputBuffer() { |
| wgpu::BufferDescriptor outputBufferDesc; |
| outputBufferDesc.usage = wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc; |
| outputBufferDesc.size = sizeof(float); // Large enough for both float and uint8_t |
| return device.CreateBuffer(&outputBufferDesc); |
| } |
| |
| void UpdateInputDepth(wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder, |
| wgpu::Texture texture, |
| float depthValue) { |
| utils::ComboRenderPassDescriptor passDescriptor({}, texture.CreateView()); |
| passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.clearDepth = depthValue; |
| |
| wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginRenderPass(&passDescriptor); |
| pass.EndPass(); |
| } |
| |
| void UpdateInputStencil(wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder, |
| wgpu::Texture texture, |
| uint8_t stencilValue) { |
| utils::ComboRenderPassDescriptor passDescriptor({}, texture.CreateView()); |
| passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.clearStencil = stencilValue; |
| |
| wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginRenderPass(&passDescriptor); |
| pass.EndPass(); |
| } |
| |
| template <typename T> |
| void DoSamplingTest(TestAspect aspect, |
| wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat format, |
| std::vector<T> textureValues, |
| std::vector<T> expectedValues) { |
| ASSERT(textureValues.size() == expectedValues.size()); |
| |
| wgpu::Texture outputTexture; |
| wgpu::Texture inputTexture = CreateInputTexture(format); |
| wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor inputViewDesc = {}; |
| switch (aspect) { |
| case TestAspect::Depth: |
| inputViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::DepthOnly; |
| outputTexture = CreateOutputTexture(wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Float); |
| break; |
| case TestAspect::Stencil: |
| inputViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::StencilOnly; |
| outputTexture = CreateOutputTexture(wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Uint); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = utils::MakeBindGroup( |
| device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0), {{0, inputTexture.CreateView(&inputViewDesc)}}); |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < textureValues.size(); ++i) { |
| // Set the input depth texture to the provided texture value |
| wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder(); |
| switch (aspect) { |
| case TestAspect::Depth: |
| UpdateInputDepth(commandEncoder, inputTexture, textureValues[i]); |
| break; |
| case TestAspect::Stencil: |
| UpdateInputStencil(commandEncoder, inputTexture, textureValues[i]); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| // Render into the output texture |
| { |
| utils::ComboRenderPassDescriptor passDescriptor({outputTexture.CreateView()}); |
| wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginRenderPass(&passDescriptor); |
| pass.SetPipeline(pipeline); |
| pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup); |
| pass.Draw(1); |
| pass.EndPass(); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = commandEncoder.Finish(); |
| queue.Submit(1, &commands); |
| |
| EXPECT_TEXTURE_EQ(expectedValues[i], outputTexture, {0, 0}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| template <typename T> |
| void DoSamplingTest(TestAspect aspect, |
| wgpu::ComputePipeline pipeline, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat format, |
| std::vector<T> textureValues, |
| std::vector<T> expectedValues) { |
| ASSERT(textureValues.size() == expectedValues.size()); |
| |
| wgpu::Texture inputTexture = CreateInputTexture(format); |
| wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor inputViewDesc = {}; |
| switch (aspect) { |
| case TestAspect::Depth: |
| inputViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::DepthOnly; |
| break; |
| case TestAspect::Stencil: |
| inputViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::StencilOnly; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::Buffer outputBuffer = CreateOutputBuffer(); |
| |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = |
| utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0), |
| {{0, inputTexture.CreateView(&inputViewDesc)}, {1, outputBuffer}}); |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < textureValues.size(); ++i) { |
| // Set the input depth texture to the provided texture value |
| wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder(); |
| switch (aspect) { |
| case TestAspect::Depth: |
| UpdateInputDepth(commandEncoder, inputTexture, textureValues[i]); |
| break; |
| case TestAspect::Stencil: |
| UpdateInputStencil(commandEncoder, inputTexture, textureValues[i]); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| // Sample into the output buffer |
| { |
| wgpu::ComputePassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginComputePass(); |
| pass.SetPipeline(pipeline); |
| pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup); |
| pass.Dispatch(1); |
| pass.EndPass(); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = commandEncoder.Finish(); |
| queue.Submit(1, &commands); |
| |
| uint32_t expectedValueU32 = 0; |
| memcpy(&expectedValueU32, &expectedValues[i], std::min(sizeof(T), sizeof(uint32_t))); |
| EXPECT_BUFFER_U32_EQ(expectedValueU32, outputBuffer, 0); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| template <typename T> |
| void DoSamplingTest(TestAspect aspect, |
| wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat format, |
| std::vector<T> textureValues) { |
| DoSamplingTest(aspect, pipeline, format, textureValues, textureValues); |
| } |
| |
| template <typename T> |
| void DoSamplingTest(TestAspect aspect, |
| wgpu::ComputePipeline pipeline, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat format, |
| std::vector<T> textureValues) { |
| DoSamplingTest(aspect, pipeline, format, textureValues, textureValues); |
| } |
| |
| static bool CompareFunctionPasses(float compareRef, |
| wgpu::CompareFunction compare, |
| float textureValue) { |
| switch (compare) { |
| case wgpu::CompareFunction::Never: |
| return false; |
| case wgpu::CompareFunction::Less: |
| return compareRef < textureValue; |
| case wgpu::CompareFunction::LessEqual: |
| return compareRef <= textureValue; |
| case wgpu::CompareFunction::Greater: |
| return compareRef > textureValue; |
| case wgpu::CompareFunction::GreaterEqual: |
| return compareRef >= textureValue; |
| case wgpu::CompareFunction::Equal: |
| return compareRef == textureValue; |
| case wgpu::CompareFunction::NotEqual: |
| return compareRef != textureValue; |
| case wgpu::CompareFunction::Always: |
| return true; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void DoDepthCompareRefTest(wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat format, |
| float compareRef, |
| wgpu::CompareFunction compare, |
| std::vector<float> textureValues) { |
| queue.WriteBuffer(mUniformBuffer, 0, &compareRef, sizeof(float)); |
| |
| wgpu::SamplerDescriptor samplerDesc; |
| samplerDesc.compare = compare; |
| wgpu::Sampler sampler = device.CreateSampler(&samplerDesc); |
| |
| wgpu::Texture inputTexture = CreateInputTexture(format); |
| wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor inputViewDesc = {}; |
| inputViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::DepthOnly; |
| |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = |
| utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0), |
| { |
| {0, sampler}, |
| {1, inputTexture.CreateView(&inputViewDesc)}, |
| {2, mUniformBuffer}, |
| }); |
| |
| wgpu::Texture outputTexture = CreateOutputTexture(wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Float); |
| for (float textureValue : textureValues) { |
| // Set the input depth texture to the provided texture value |
| wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder(); |
| UpdateInputDepth(commandEncoder, inputTexture, textureValue); |
| |
| // Render into the output texture |
| { |
| utils::ComboRenderPassDescriptor passDescriptor({outputTexture.CreateView()}); |
| wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginRenderPass(&passDescriptor); |
| pass.SetPipeline(pipeline); |
| pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup); |
| pass.Draw(1); |
| pass.EndPass(); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = commandEncoder.Finish(); |
| queue.Submit(1, &commands); |
| |
| EXPECT_TEXTURE_EQ(CompareFunctionPasses(compareRef, compare, textureValue) ? 1.f : 0.f, |
| outputTexture, {0, 0}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void DoDepthCompareRefTest(wgpu::ComputePipeline pipeline, |
| wgpu::TextureFormat format, |
| float compareRef, |
| wgpu::CompareFunction compare, |
| std::vector<float> textureValues) { |
| queue.WriteBuffer(mUniformBuffer, 0, &compareRef, sizeof(float)); |
| |
| wgpu::SamplerDescriptor samplerDesc; |
| samplerDesc.compare = compare; |
| wgpu::Sampler sampler = device.CreateSampler(&samplerDesc); |
| |
| wgpu::Texture inputTexture = CreateInputTexture(format); |
| wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor inputViewDesc = {}; |
| inputViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::DepthOnly; |
| |
| wgpu::Buffer outputBuffer = CreateOutputBuffer(); |
| |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = |
| utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0), |
| {{0, sampler}, |
| {1, inputTexture.CreateView(&inputViewDesc)}, |
| {2, mUniformBuffer}, |
| {3, outputBuffer}}); |
| |
| for (float textureValue : textureValues) { |
| // Set the input depth texture to the provided texture value |
| wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder(); |
| UpdateInputDepth(commandEncoder, inputTexture, textureValue); |
| |
| // Sample into the output buffer |
| { |
| wgpu::ComputePassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginComputePass(); |
| pass.SetPipeline(pipeline); |
| pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup); |
| pass.Dispatch(1); |
| pass.EndPass(); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = commandEncoder.Finish(); |
| queue.Submit(1, &commands); |
| |
| float float0 = 0.f; |
| float float1 = 1.f; |
| float* expected = |
| CompareFunctionPasses(compareRef, compare, textureValue) ? &float1 : &float0; |
| |
| EXPECT_BUFFER_U32_EQ(*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(expected), outputBuffer, 0); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| wgpu::Buffer mUniformBuffer; |
| }; |
| |
| // Test that sampling a depth texture with a render/compute pipeline works |
| TEST_P(DepthStencilSamplingTest, SampleDepth) { |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kDepthFormats) { |
| // Test 0, between [0, 1], and 1. |
| DoSamplingTest(TestAspect::Depth, CreateSamplingRenderPipeline({TestAspect::Depth}, 0), |
| format, kNormalizedTextureValues); |
| |
| DoSamplingTest(TestAspect::Depth, CreateSamplingComputePipeline({TestAspect::Depth}, 0), |
| format, kNormalizedTextureValues); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test that sampling a stencil texture with a render/compute pipeline works |
| TEST_P(DepthStencilSamplingTest, SampleStencil) { |
| // TODO(crbug.com/dawn/593): This test requires glTextureView, which is unsupported on GLES. |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kStencilFormats) { |
| DoSamplingTest(TestAspect::Stencil, CreateSamplingRenderPipeline({TestAspect::Stencil}, 0), |
| format, kStencilValues); |
| |
| DoSamplingTest(TestAspect::Stencil, CreateSamplingComputePipeline({TestAspect::Stencil}, 0), |
| format, kStencilValues); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test that sampling a depth/stencil texture at components 1, 2, and 3 yield 0, 0, and 1 |
| // respectively |
| TEST_P(DepthStencilSamplingTest, SampleExtraComponents) { |
| // TODO(crbug.com/dawn/593): This test requires glTextureView, which is unsupported on GLES. |
| // TODO(enga): In Metal, color textures' unspecified default components values |
| // are (0, 0, 0, 1). Depth/stencil textures are undefined! Figure out what |
| // to do here. |
| // See Section 6.10 of the Metal Shading Language Specification |
| |
| float expectedDepth[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; |
| uint8_t expectedStencil[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; |
| |
| for (uint32_t component : {1, 2, 3}) { |
| DoSamplingTest<float>( |
| TestAspect::Depth, CreateSamplingRenderPipeline({TestAspect::Depth}, component), |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth24PlusStencil8, {0.2f}, {expectedDepth[component]}); |
| |
| DoSamplingTest<float>( |
| TestAspect::Depth, CreateSamplingComputePipeline({TestAspect::Depth}, component), |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth24PlusStencil8, {0.2f}, {expectedDepth[component]}); |
| |
| DoSamplingTest<uint8_t>( |
| TestAspect::Stencil, CreateSamplingRenderPipeline({TestAspect::Stencil}, component), |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth24PlusStencil8, {uint8_t(37)}, {expectedStencil[component]}); |
| |
| DoSamplingTest<uint8_t>( |
| TestAspect::Stencil, CreateSamplingComputePipeline({TestAspect::Stencil}, component), |
| wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth24PlusStencil8, {uint8_t(37)}, {expectedStencil[component]}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test sampling both depth and stencil with a render/compute pipeline works. |
| TEST_P(DepthStencilSamplingTest, SampleDepthAndStencilRender) { |
| // TODO(crbug.com/dawn/593): This test requires glTextureView, which is unsupported on GLES. |
| wgpu::SamplerDescriptor samplerDesc; |
| wgpu::Sampler sampler = device.CreateSampler(&samplerDesc); |
| |
| wgpu::Texture inputTexture = CreateInputTexture(wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth24PlusStencil8); |
| |
| wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor depthViewDesc = {}; |
| depthViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::DepthOnly; |
| |
| wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor stencilViewDesc = {}; |
| stencilViewDesc.aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::StencilOnly; |
| |
| // With render pipeline |
| { |
| wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline = |
| CreateSamplingRenderPipeline({TestAspect::Depth, TestAspect::Stencil}, 0); |
| |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = |
| utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0), |
| { |
| {0, inputTexture.CreateView(&depthViewDesc)}, |
| {1, inputTexture.CreateView(&stencilViewDesc)}, |
| }); |
| |
| wgpu::Texture depthOutput = CreateOutputTexture(wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Float); |
| wgpu::Texture stencilOutput = CreateOutputTexture(wgpu::TextureFormat::R8Uint); |
| |
| wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder(); |
| |
| // Initialize both depth and stencil aspects. |
| utils::ComboRenderPassDescriptor passDescriptor({}, inputTexture.CreateView()); |
| passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.clearDepth = 0.43f; |
| passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.clearStencil = 31; |
| |
| wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginRenderPass(&passDescriptor); |
| pass.EndPass(); |
| |
| // Render into the output textures |
| { |
| utils::ComboRenderPassDescriptor passDescriptor( |
| {depthOutput.CreateView(), stencilOutput.CreateView()}); |
| wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginRenderPass(&passDescriptor); |
| pass.SetPipeline(pipeline); |
| pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup); |
| pass.Draw(1); |
| pass.EndPass(); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = commandEncoder.Finish(); |
| queue.Submit(1, &commands); |
| |
| EXPECT_TEXTURE_EQ(passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.clearDepth, depthOutput, |
| {0, 0}); |
| EXPECT_TEXTURE_EQ(uint8_t(passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.clearStencil), |
| stencilOutput, {0, 0}); |
| } |
| |
| // With compute pipeline |
| { |
| wgpu::ComputePipeline pipeline = |
| CreateSamplingComputePipeline({TestAspect::Depth, TestAspect::Stencil}, 0); |
| |
| wgpu::Buffer depthOutput = CreateOutputBuffer(); |
| wgpu::Buffer stencilOutput = CreateOutputBuffer(); |
| |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = |
| utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0), |
| {{0, inputTexture.CreateView(&depthViewDesc)}, |
| {1, depthOutput}, |
| {2, inputTexture.CreateView(&stencilViewDesc)}, |
| {3, stencilOutput}}); |
| |
| wgpu::CommandEncoder commandEncoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder(); |
| // Initialize both depth and stencil aspects. |
| utils::ComboRenderPassDescriptor passDescriptor({}, inputTexture.CreateView()); |
| passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.clearDepth = 0.43f; |
| passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.clearStencil = 31; |
| |
| wgpu::RenderPassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginRenderPass(&passDescriptor); |
| pass.EndPass(); |
| |
| // Sample into the output buffers |
| { |
| wgpu::ComputePassEncoder pass = commandEncoder.BeginComputePass(); |
| pass.SetPipeline(pipeline); |
| pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup); |
| pass.Dispatch(1); |
| pass.EndPass(); |
| } |
| |
| wgpu::CommandBuffer commands = commandEncoder.Finish(); |
| queue.Submit(1, &commands); |
| |
| uint32_t expectedValueU32 = 0; |
| memcpy(&expectedValueU32, &passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.clearDepth, |
| sizeof(float)); |
| EXPECT_BUFFER_U32_EQ(expectedValueU32, depthOutput, 0); |
| |
| expectedValueU32 = 0; |
| memcpy(&expectedValueU32, &passDescriptor.cDepthStencilAttachmentInfo.clearStencil, |
| sizeof(uint8_t)); |
| EXPECT_BUFFER_U32_EQ(expectedValueU32, stencilOutput, 0); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test that sampling in a render pipeline with all of the compare functions works. |
| TEST_P(DepthStencilSamplingTest, CompareFunctionsRender) { |
| // Initialization via renderPass loadOp doesn't work on Mac Intel. |
| DAWN_SUPPRESS_TEST_IF(IsMetal() && IsIntel()); |
| |
| wgpu::RenderPipeline pipeline = CreateComparisonRenderPipeline(); |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kDepthFormats) { |
| // Test a "normal" ref value between 0 and 1; as well as negative and > 1 refs. |
| for (float compareRef : kCompareRefs) { |
| // Test 0, below the ref, equal to, above the ref, and 1. |
| for (wgpu::CompareFunction f : kCompareFunctions) { |
| DoDepthCompareRefTest(pipeline, format, compareRef, f, kNormalizedTextureValues); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test that sampling in a render pipeline with all of the compare functions works. |
| TEST_P(DepthStencilSamplingTest, CompareFunctionsCompute) { |
| // Initialization via renderPass loadOp doesn't work on Mac Intel. |
| DAWN_SUPPRESS_TEST_IF(IsMetal() && IsIntel()); |
| |
| wgpu::ComputePipeline pipeline = CreateComparisonComputePipeline(); |
| |
| for (wgpu::TextureFormat format : kDepthFormats) { |
| // Test a "normal" ref value between 0 and 1; as well as negative and > 1 refs. |
| for (float compareRef : kCompareRefs) { |
| // Test 0, below the ref, equal to, above the ref, and 1. |
| for (wgpu::CompareFunction f : kCompareFunctions) { |
| DoDepthCompareRefTest(pipeline, format, compareRef, f, kNormalizedTextureValues); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| DAWN_INSTANTIATE_TEST(DepthStencilSamplingTest, |
| D3D12Backend(), |
| MetalBackend(), |
| OpenGLBackend(), |
| OpenGLESBackend(), |
| VulkanBackend()); |