blob: a544d6c312643cd99348e6350098c7521c5c2c87 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
vertex float4 tint_symbol(int loc0, uint loc1, float loc2, float4 loc3, half loc4, half3 loc5) {
int const i = loc0;
uint const u = loc1;
float const f = loc2;
float4 const v = loc3;
half const x = loc4;
half3 const y = loc5;
return float4(0.0f);
program_source:4:27: error: invalid type 'int' for input declaration in a vertex function
vertex float4 tint_symbol(int loc0, uint loc1, float loc2, float4 loc3, half loc4, half3 loc5) {
program_source:4:37: error: invalid type 'uint' (aka 'unsigned int') for input declaration in a vertex function
vertex float4 tint_symbol(int loc0, uint loc1, float loc2, float4 loc3, half loc4, half3 loc5) {
program_source:4:48: error: invalid type 'float' for input declaration in a vertex function
vertex float4 tint_symbol(int loc0, uint loc1, float loc2, float4 loc3, half loc4, half3 loc5) {
program_source:4:60: error: invalid type 'float4' (vector of 4 'float' values) for input declaration in a vertex function
vertex float4 tint_symbol(int loc0, uint loc1, float loc2, float4 loc3, half loc4, half3 loc5) {
program_source:4:73: error: invalid type 'half' for input declaration in a vertex function
vertex float4 tint_symbol(int loc0, uint loc1, float loc2, float4 loc3, half loc4, half3 loc5) {
program_source:4:84: error: invalid type 'half3' (vector of 3 'half' values) for input declaration in a vertex function
vertex float4 tint_symbol(int loc0, uint loc1, float loc2, float4 loc3, half loc4, half3 loc5) {