blob: c4190924bb9b56decae08fc303a4ff52f8072b46 [file] [log] [blame]
#version 310 es
layout(rg32ui) uniform highp readonly uimage2DArray arg_0;
layout(binding = 0, std430) buffer prevent_dce_block_ssbo {
uvec4 inner;
} prevent_dce;
void textureLoad_8e5032() {
ivec2 arg_1 = ivec2(1);
int arg_2 = 1;
uvec4 res = imageLoad(arg_0, ivec3(arg_1, arg_2));
prevent_dce.inner = res;
vec4 vertex_main() {
return vec4(0.0f);
void main() {
gl_PointSize = 1.0;
vec4 inner_result = vertex_main();
gl_Position = inner_result;
gl_Position.y = -(gl_Position.y);
gl_Position.z = ((2.0f * gl_Position.z) - gl_Position.w);
error: Error parsing GLSL shader:
ERROR: 0:3: 'image load-store format' : not supported with this profile: es
ERROR: 0:3: '' : compilation terminated
ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated.
#version 310 es
precision highp float;
layout(rg32ui) uniform highp readonly uimage2DArray arg_0;
layout(binding = 0, std430) buffer prevent_dce_block_ssbo {
uvec4 inner;
} prevent_dce;
void textureLoad_8e5032() {
ivec2 arg_1 = ivec2(1);
int arg_2 = 1;
uvec4 res = imageLoad(arg_0, ivec3(arg_1, arg_2));
prevent_dce.inner = res;
void fragment_main() {
void main() {
error: Error parsing GLSL shader:
ERROR: 0:4: 'image load-store format' : not supported with this profile: es
ERROR: 0:4: '' : compilation terminated
ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated.
#version 310 es
layout(rg32ui) uniform highp readonly uimage2DArray arg_0;
layout(binding = 0, std430) buffer prevent_dce_block_ssbo {
uvec4 inner;
} prevent_dce;
void textureLoad_8e5032() {
ivec2 arg_1 = ivec2(1);
int arg_2 = 1;
uvec4 res = imageLoad(arg_0, ivec3(arg_1, arg_2));
prevent_dce.inner = res;
void compute_main() {
layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
void main() {
error: Error parsing GLSL shader:
ERROR: 0:3: 'image load-store format' : not supported with this profile: es
ERROR: 0:3: '' : compilation terminated
ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated.