| |
| struct main_out { |
| float4 x_GLF_color_1; |
| }; |
| |
| struct main_outputs { |
| float4 main_out_x_GLF_color_1 : SV_Target0; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| static int x_GLF_global_loop_count = 0; |
| cbuffer cbuffer_x_7 : register(b1) { |
| uint4 x_7[18]; |
| }; |
| cbuffer cbuffer_x_12 : register(b0) { |
| uint4 x_12[4]; |
| }; |
| cbuffer cbuffer_x_15 : register(b2) { |
| uint4 x_15[1]; |
| }; |
| static float4 x_GLF_color = (0.0f).xxxx; |
| static bool continue_execution = true; |
| void main_1() { |
| float4x4 m = float4x4((0.0f).xxxx, (0.0f).xxxx, (0.0f).xxxx, (0.0f).xxxx); |
| float4 v = (0.0f).xxxx; |
| float f = 0.0f; |
| int a = 0; |
| int b = 0; |
| float zero = 0.0f; |
| x_GLF_global_loop_count = 0; |
| float x_62 = asfloat(x_7[1u].x); |
| float x_64 = asfloat(x_7[2u].x); |
| float x_66 = asfloat(x_7[3u].x); |
| float x_68 = asfloat(x_7[4u].x); |
| float x_70 = asfloat(x_7[5u].x); |
| float x_72 = asfloat(x_7[6u].x); |
| float x_74 = asfloat(x_7[7u].x); |
| float x_76 = asfloat(x_7[8u].x); |
| float x_78 = asfloat(x_7[9u].x); |
| float x_80 = asfloat(x_7[10u].x); |
| float x_82 = asfloat(x_7[11u].x); |
| float x_84 = asfloat(x_7[12u].x); |
| float x_86 = asfloat(x_7[13u].x); |
| float x_88 = asfloat(x_7[14u].x); |
| float x_90 = asfloat(x_7[15u].x); |
| float x_92 = asfloat(x_7[16u].x); |
| float4 v_1 = float4(x_62, x_64, x_66, x_68); |
| float4 v_2 = float4(x_70, x_72, x_74, x_76); |
| float4 v_3 = float4(x_78, x_80, x_82, x_84); |
| m = float4x4(v_1, v_2, v_3, float4(x_86, x_88, x_90, x_92)); |
| float x_99 = asfloat(x_7[1u].x); |
| float x_101 = asfloat(x_7[2u].x); |
| float x_103 = asfloat(x_7[3u].x); |
| float x_105 = asfloat(x_7[4u].x); |
| v = float4(x_99, x_101, x_103, x_105); |
| float x_108 = asfloat(x_7[1u].x); |
| f = x_108; |
| int x_110 = asint(x_12[0u].x); |
| a = x_110; |
| { |
| while(true) { |
| int x_115 = x_GLF_global_loop_count; |
| if ((x_115 < 10)) { |
| } else { |
| break; |
| } |
| int x_118 = x_GLF_global_loop_count; |
| x_GLF_global_loop_count = (x_118 + 1); |
| int x_120 = a; |
| int x_121 = min(max(x_120, 0), 3); |
| float x_123 = asfloat(x_7[1u].x); |
| float x_125 = v[x_121]; |
| v[x_121] = (x_125 + x_123); |
| int x_129 = asint(x_12[2u].x); |
| b = x_129; |
| { |
| while(true) { |
| int x_134 = x_GLF_global_loop_count; |
| if ((x_134 < 10)) { |
| } else { |
| break; |
| } |
| int x_137 = x_GLF_global_loop_count; |
| x_GLF_global_loop_count = (x_137 + 1); |
| int x_139 = b; |
| float x_142 = v[min(max(x_139, 0), 3)]; |
| int x_143 = b; |
| int x_145 = a; |
| float x_147 = m[min(max(x_143, 0), 3)][x_145]; |
| float x_149 = f; |
| f = (x_149 + (x_142 * x_147)); |
| { |
| int x_151 = b; |
| b = (x_151 - 1); |
| } |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| int x_153 = a; |
| float x_156 = asfloat(x_7[1u].x); |
| m[1][min(max(x_153, 0), 3)] = x_156; |
| int x_159 = asint(x_15[0u].x); |
| int x_161 = asint(x_12[0u].x); |
| if ((x_159 == x_161)) { |
| continue_execution = false; |
| } |
| int x_166 = asint(x_15[0u].x); |
| int x_168 = asint(x_12[1u].x); |
| if ((x_166 == x_168)) { |
| continue_execution = false; |
| } |
| { |
| int x_172 = a; |
| a = (x_172 + 1); |
| } |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| float x_175 = asfloat(x_7[0u].x); |
| zero = x_175; |
| float x_176 = f; |
| float x_178 = asfloat(x_7[17u].x); |
| if (!((x_176 == x_178))) { |
| float x_183 = asfloat(x_7[1u].x); |
| zero = x_183; |
| } |
| float x_184 = f; |
| float x_185 = zero; |
| int x_187 = asint(x_12[0u].x); |
| float x_189 = f; |
| x_GLF_color = float4(x_184, x_185, float(x_187), x_189); |
| } |
| |
| main_out main_inner() { |
| main_1(); |
| main_out v_4 = {x_GLF_color}; |
| return v_4; |
| } |
| |
| main_outputs main() { |
| main_out v_5 = main_inner(); |
| main_outputs v_6 = {v_5.x_GLF_color_1}; |
| if (!(continue_execution)) { |
| discard; |
| } |
| main_outputs v_7 = v_6; |
| return v_7; |
| } |
| |
| FXC validation failure: |
| <scrubbed_path>(72,7-14): error X3500: array reference cannot be used as an l-value; not natively addressable |
| <scrubbed_path>(60,5-15): error X3511: forced to unroll loop, but unrolling failed. |
| |