blob: b2ca88e41e4def630c39c6d5fc0e988934f4e25c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "common/Assert.h"
#include "common/Constants.h"
#include "common/Math.h"
#include "tests/unittests/validation/ValidationTest.h"
#include "utils/DawnHelpers.h"
class CopyCommandTest : public ValidationTest {
dawn::Buffer CreateBuffer(uint64_t size, dawn::BufferUsageBit usage) {
dawn::BufferDescriptor descriptor;
descriptor.size = size;
descriptor.usage = usage;
return device.CreateBuffer(&descriptor);
dawn::Texture Create2DTexture(uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t mipLevelCount,
uint32_t arrayLayerCount,
dawn::TextureFormat format,
dawn::TextureUsageBit usage,
uint32_t sampleCount = 1) {
dawn::TextureDescriptor descriptor;
descriptor.dimension = dawn::TextureDimension::e2D;
descriptor.size.width = width;
descriptor.size.height = height;
descriptor.size.depth = 1;
descriptor.arrayLayerCount = arrayLayerCount;
descriptor.sampleCount = sampleCount;
descriptor.format = format;
descriptor.mipLevelCount = mipLevelCount;
descriptor.usage = usage;
dawn::Texture tex = device.CreateTexture(&descriptor);
return tex;
// TODO( support more pixel formats
uint32_t TextureFormatPixelSize(dawn::TextureFormat format) {
switch (format) {
case dawn::TextureFormat::RG8Unorm:
return 2;
case dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm:
return 4;
return 0;
uint32_t BufferSizeForTextureCopy(
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t depth,
dawn::TextureFormat format = dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm) {
uint32_t bytesPerPixel = TextureFormatPixelSize(format);
uint32_t rowPitch = Align(width * bytesPerPixel, kTextureRowPitchAlignment);
return (rowPitch * (height - 1) + width * bytesPerPixel) * depth;
void ValidateExpectation(dawn::CommandEncoder encoder, utils::Expectation expectation) {
if (expectation == utils::Expectation::Success) {
} else {
void TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation expectation,
dawn::Buffer srcBuffer,
uint64_t srcOffset,
uint32_t srcRowPitch,
uint32_t srcImageHeight,
dawn::Texture destTexture,
uint32_t destLevel,
uint32_t destSlice,
dawn::Origin3D destOrigin,
dawn::Extent3D extent3D) {
dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
utils::CreateBufferCopyView(srcBuffer, srcOffset, srcRowPitch, srcImageHeight);
dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
utils::CreateTextureCopyView(destTexture, destLevel, destSlice, destOrigin);
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToTexture(&bufferCopyView, &textureCopyView, &extent3D);
ValidateExpectation(encoder, expectation);
void TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation expectation,
dawn::Texture srcTexture,
uint32_t srcLevel,
uint32_t srcSlice,
dawn::Origin3D srcOrigin,
dawn::Buffer destBuffer,
uint64_t destOffset,
uint32_t destRowPitch,
uint32_t destImageHeight,
dawn::Extent3D extent3D) {
dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView =
utils::CreateBufferCopyView(destBuffer, destOffset, destRowPitch, destImageHeight);
dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
utils::CreateTextureCopyView(srcTexture, srcLevel, srcSlice, srcOrigin);
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyTextureToBuffer(&textureCopyView, &bufferCopyView, &extent3D);
ValidateExpectation(encoder, expectation);
void TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation expectation,
dawn::Texture srcTexture,
uint32_t srcLevel,
uint32_t srcSlice,
dawn::Origin3D srcOrigin,
dawn::Texture dstTexture,
uint32_t dstLevel,
uint32_t dstSlice,
dawn::Origin3D dstOrigin,
dawn::Extent3D extent3D) {
dawn::TextureCopyView srcTextureCopyView =
utils::CreateTextureCopyView(srcTexture, srcLevel, srcSlice, srcOrigin);
dawn::TextureCopyView dstTextureCopyView =
utils::CreateTextureCopyView(dstTexture, dstLevel, dstSlice, dstOrigin);
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyTextureToTexture(&srcTextureCopyView, &dstTextureCopyView, &extent3D);
ValidateExpectation(encoder, expectation);
class CopyCommandTest_B2B : public CopyCommandTest {};
// TODO( Test that copies are forbidden inside renderpasses
// Test a successfull B2B copy
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2B, Success) {
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(16, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(16, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
// Copy different copies, including some that touch the OOB condition
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(source, 0, destination, 0, 16);
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(source, 8, destination, 0, 8);
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(source, 0, destination, 8, 8);
// Empty copies are valid
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(source, 0, destination, 0, 0);
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(source, 0, destination, 16, 0);
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(source, 16, destination, 0, 0);
// Test B2B copies with OOB
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2B, OutOfBounds) {
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(16, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(16, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
// OOB on the source
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(source, 8, destination, 0, 12);
// OOB on the destination
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(source, 0, destination, 8, 12);
// Test B2B copies with incorrect buffer usage
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2B, BadUsage) {
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(16, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(16, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
dawn::Buffer vertex = CreateBuffer(16, dawn::BufferUsageBit::Vertex);
// Source with incorrect usage
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(vertex, 0, destination, 0, 16);
// Destination with incorrect usage
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(source, 0, vertex, 0, 16);
// Test B2B copies with unaligned data size
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2B, UnalignedSize) {
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(16, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(16, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(source, 8, destination, 0, sizeof(uint8_t));
// Test B2B copies with unaligned offset
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2B, UnalignedOffset) {
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(16, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(16, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
// Unaligned source offset
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(source, 9, destination, 0, 4);
// Unaligned destination offset
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(source, 8, destination, 1, 4);
// Test B2B copies with buffers in error state cause errors.
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2B, BuffersInErrorState) {
dawn::BufferDescriptor errorBufferDescriptor;
errorBufferDescriptor.size = 4;
errorBufferDescriptor.usage = dawn::BufferUsageBit::MapRead | dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc;
ASSERT_DEVICE_ERROR(dawn::Buffer errorBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(&errorBufferDescriptor));
constexpr uint64_t bufferSize = 4;
dawn::Buffer validBuffer = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(errorBuffer, 0, validBuffer, 0, 4);
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToBuffer(validBuffer, 0, errorBuffer, 0, 4);
class CopyCommandTest_B2T : public CopyCommandTest {};
// Test a successfull B2T copy
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, Success) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 4, 1);
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// Different copies, including some that touch the OOB condition
// Copy 4x4 block in corner of first mip.
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// Copy 4x4 block in opposite corner of first mip.
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {12, 12, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// Copy 4x4 block in the 4x4 mip.
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 2, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// Copy with a buffer offset
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, bufferSize - 4, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
// Copies with a 256-byte aligned row pitch but unaligned texture region
// Unaligned region
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{3, 4, 1});
// Unaligned region with texture offset
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {5, 7, 0},
{2, 3, 1});
// Unaligned region, with buffer offset
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 31 * 4, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {3, 3, 1});
// Empty copies are valid
// An empty copy
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1});
// An empty copy with depth = 0
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0});
// An empty copy touching the end of the buffer
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, bufferSize, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1});
// An empty copy touching the side of the texture
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0, {16, 16, 0},
{0, 0, 1});
// Test OOB conditions on the buffer
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, OutOfBoundsOnBuffer) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 4, 1);
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// OOB on the buffer because we copy too many pixels
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{4, 5, 1});
// OOB on the buffer because of the offset
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 4, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// OOB on the buffer because (row pitch * (height - 1) + width * bytesPerPixel) * depth
// overflows
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 512, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{4, 3, 1});
// Not OOB on the buffer although row pitch * height overflows
// but (row pitch * (height - 1) + width * bytesPerPixel) * depth does not overflow
uint32_t sourceBufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(7, 3, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(256 * 3 > sourceBufferSize) << "row pitch * height should overflow buffer";
dawn::Buffer sourceBuffer = CreateBuffer(sourceBufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{7, 3, 1});
// Test OOB conditions on the texture
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, OutOfBoundsOnTexture) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 4, 1);
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 2, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// OOB on the texture because x + width overflows
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {13, 12, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// OOB on the texture because y + width overflows
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {12, 13, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// OOB on the texture because we overflow a non-zero mip
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 2, 0, {1, 0, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// OOB on the texture even on an empty copy when we copy to a non-existent mip.
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 5, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1});
// OOB on the texture because slice overflows
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 2, {0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1});
// Test that we force Z=0 and Depth=1 on copies to 2D textures
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, ZDepthConstraintFor2DTextures) {
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(16 * 4, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// Z=1 on an empty copy still errors
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1},
{0, 0, 1});
// Depth > 1 on an empty copy still errors
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 2});
// Test B2T copies with incorrect buffer usage
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, IncorrectUsage) {
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(16 * 4, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Buffer vertex = CreateBuffer(16 * 4, dawn::BufferUsageBit::Vertex);
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Texture sampled = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// Incorrect source usage
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, vertex, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// Incorrect destination usage
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, sampled, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, IncorrectRowPitch) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(128, 16, 1);
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(128, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// Default row pitch is not 256-byte aligned
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{3, 4, 1});
// Row pitch is not 256-byte aligned
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 128, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// Row pitch is less than width * bytesPerPixel
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{65, 1, 1});
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, ImageHeightConstraint) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(5, 5, 1);
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 1, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// Image height is zero (Valid)
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// Image height is equal to copy height (Valid)
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// Image height is larger than copy height (Valid)
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 4, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// Image height is less than copy height (Invalid)
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 3, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{4, 4, 1});
// Test B2T copies with incorrect buffer offset usage
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, IncorrectBufferOffset) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 4, 1);
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// Correct usage
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, bufferSize - 4, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
// Incorrect usages
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, bufferSize - 5, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, bufferSize - 6, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, bufferSize - 7, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
// Test multisampled textures cannot be used in B2T copies.
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, CopyToMultisampledTexture) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(16, 16, 1);
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(2, 2, 1, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopyDst, 4);
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{2, 2, 1});
// Test B2T copies with buffer or texture in error state causes errors.
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, BufferOrTextureInErrorState) {
dawn::BufferDescriptor errorBufferDescriptor;
errorBufferDescriptor.size = 4;
errorBufferDescriptor.usage = dawn::BufferUsageBit::MapRead | dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc;
ASSERT_DEVICE_ERROR(dawn::Buffer errorBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(&errorBufferDescriptor));
dawn::TextureDescriptor errorTextureDescriptor;
errorTextureDescriptor.arrayLayerCount = 0;
ASSERT_DEVICE_ERROR(dawn::Texture errorTexture = device.CreateTexture(&errorTextureDescriptor));
dawn::BufferCopyView errorBufferCopyView = utils::CreateBufferCopyView(errorBuffer, 0, 0, 0);
dawn::TextureCopyView errorTextureCopyView =
utils::CreateTextureCopyView(errorTexture, 0, 0, {1, 1, 1});
dawn::Extent3D extent3D = {1, 1, 1};
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 1, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
utils::CreateTextureCopyView(destination, 0, 0, {1, 1, 1});
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToTexture(&errorBufferCopyView, &textureCopyView, &extent3D);
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 4, 1);
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView = utils::CreateBufferCopyView(source, 0, 0, 0);
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyBufferToTexture(&bufferCopyView, &errorTextureCopyView, &extent3D);
// Regression tests for a bug in the computation of texture copy buffer size in Dawn.
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, TextureCopyBufferSizeLastRowComputation) {
constexpr uint32_t kRowPitch = 256;
constexpr uint32_t kWidth = 4;
constexpr uint32_t kHeight = 4;
constexpr std::array<dawn::TextureFormat, 2> kFormats = {dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// kRowPitch * (kHeight - 1) + kWidth is not large enough to be the valid buffer size in
// this test because the buffer sizes in B2T copies are not in texels but in bytes.
constexpr uint32_t kInvalidBufferSize = kRowPitch * (kHeight - 1) + kWidth;
for (dawn::TextureFormat format : kFormats) {
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(kInvalidBufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::Texture destination =
Create2DTexture(kWidth, kHeight, 1, 1, format, dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopyDst);
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, kRowPitch, 0, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {kWidth, kHeight, 1});
for (dawn::TextureFormat format : kFormats) {
uint32_t validBufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(kWidth, kHeight, 1, format);
dawn::Texture destination =
Create2DTexture(kWidth, kHeight, 1, 1, format, dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopyDst);
// Verify the return value of BufferSizeForTextureCopy() is exactly the minimum valid
// buffer size in this test.
uint32_t invalidBuffferSize = validBufferSize - 1;
dawn::Buffer source =
CreateBuffer(invalidBuffferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, kRowPitch, 0, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {kWidth, kHeight, 1});
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(validBufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, kRowPitch, 0, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {kWidth, kHeight, 1});
// Test copy from buffer to mip map of non square texture
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_B2T, CopyToMipmapOfNonSquareTexture) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 2, 1);
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
uint32_t maxMipmapLevel = 3;
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(
4, 2, maxMipmapLevel, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm, dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopyDst);
// Copy to top level mip map
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, maxMipmapLevel - 1, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
// Copy to high level mip map
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, maxMipmapLevel - 2, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {2, 1, 1});
// Mip level out of range
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, maxMipmapLevel, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
// Copy origin out of range
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, maxMipmapLevel - 2, 0,
{1, 0, 0}, {2, 1, 1});
// Copy size out of range
TestB2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 256, 0, destination, maxMipmapLevel - 2, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {2, 2, 1});
class CopyCommandTest_T2B : public CopyCommandTest {};
// Test a successfull T2B copy
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, Success) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 4, 1);
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
// Different copies, including some that touch the OOB condition
// Copy from 4x4 block in corner of first mip.
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{4, 4, 1});
// Copy from 4x4 block in opposite corner of first mip.
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {12, 12, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{4, 4, 1});
// Copy from 4x4 block in the 4x4 mip.
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 2, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{4, 4, 1});
// Copy with a buffer offset
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination,
bufferSize - 4, 256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
// Copies with a 256-byte aligned row pitch but unaligned texture region
// Unaligned region
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{3, 4, 1});
// Unaligned region with texture offset
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {5, 7, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{2, 3, 1});
// Unaligned region, with buffer offset
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 2, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 31 * 4, 256,
0, {3, 3, 1});
// Empty copies are valid
// An empty copy
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 1});
// An empty copy with depth = 0
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0});
// An empty copy touching the end of the buffer
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, bufferSize,
0, 0, {0, 0, 1});
// An empty copy touching the side of the texture
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {16, 16, 0}, destination, 0, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 1});
// Test OOB conditions on the texture
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, OutOfBoundsOnTexture) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 4, 1);
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
// OOB on the texture because x + width overflows
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {13, 12, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{4, 4, 1});
// OOB on the texture because y + width overflows
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {12, 13, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{4, 4, 1});
// OOB on the texture because we overflow a non-zero mip
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 2, 0, {1, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{4, 4, 1});
// OOB on the texture even on an empty copy when we copy from a non-existent mip.
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 5, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 1});
// Test OOB conditions on the buffer
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, OutOfBoundsOnBuffer) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 4, 1);
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
// OOB on the buffer because we copy too many pixels
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{4, 5, 1});
// OOB on the buffer because of the offset
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 4, 256, 0,
{4, 4, 1});
// OOB on the buffer because (row pitch * (height - 1) + width * bytesPerPixel) * depth
// overflows
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 512, 0,
{4, 3, 1});
// Not OOB on the buffer although row pitch * height overflows
// but (row pitch * (height - 1) + width * bytesPerPixel) * depth does not overflow
uint32_t destinationBufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(7, 3, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(256 * 3 > destinationBufferSize) << "row pitch * height should overflow buffer";
dawn::Buffer destinationBuffer =
CreateBuffer(destinationBufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destinationBuffer, 0, 256,
0, {7, 3, 1});
// Test that we force Z=0 and Depth=1 on copies from to 2D textures
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, ZDepthConstraintFor2DTextures) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 4, 1);
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
// Z=1 on an empty copy still errors
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1}, destination, 0, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 1});
// Depth > 1 on an empty copy still errors
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 2});
// Test T2B copies with incorrect buffer usage
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, IncorrectUsage) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 4, 1);
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Texture sampled = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
dawn::Buffer vertex = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::Vertex);
// Incorrect source usage
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, sampled, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{4, 4, 1});
// Incorrect destination usage
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, vertex, 0, 256, 0, {4, 4, 1});
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, IncorrectRowPitch) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(128, 16, 1);
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(128, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
// Default row pitch is not 256-byte aligned
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{3, 4, 1});
// Row pitch is not 256-byte aligned
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 257, 0,
{4, 4, 1});
// Row pitch is less than width * bytesPerPixel
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{65, 1, 1});
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, ImageHeightConstraint) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(5, 5, 1);
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 1, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
// Image height is zero (Valid)
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{4, 4, 1});
// Image height is equal to copy height (Valid)
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 4,
{4, 4, 1});
// Image height exceeds copy height (Valid)
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 5,
{4, 4, 1});
// Image height is less than copy height (Invalid)
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 3,
{4, 4, 1});
// Test T2B copies with incorrect buffer offset usage
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, IncorrectBufferOffset) {
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(128, 16, 1);
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(128, 16, 5, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
// Correct usage
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, bufferSize - 4,
256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
// Incorrect usages
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, bufferSize - 5,
256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, bufferSize - 6,
256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, bufferSize - 7,
256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
// Test multisampled textures cannot be used in T2B copies.
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, CopyFromMultisampledTexture) {
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(2, 2, 1, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopySrc, 4);
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(16, 16, 1);
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 256, 0,
{2, 2, 1});
// Test T2B copies with buffer or texture in error state cause errors.
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, BufferOrTextureInErrorState) {
dawn::BufferDescriptor errorBufferDescriptor;
errorBufferDescriptor.size = 4;
errorBufferDescriptor.usage = dawn::BufferUsageBit::MapRead | dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc;
ASSERT_DEVICE_ERROR(dawn::Buffer errorBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(&errorBufferDescriptor));
dawn::TextureDescriptor errorTextureDescriptor;
errorTextureDescriptor.arrayLayerCount = 0;
ASSERT_DEVICE_ERROR(dawn::Texture errorTexture = device.CreateTexture(&errorTextureDescriptor));
dawn::BufferCopyView errorBufferCopyView = utils::CreateBufferCopyView(errorBuffer, 0, 0, 0);
dawn::TextureCopyView errorTextureCopyView =
utils::CreateTextureCopyView(errorTexture, 0, 0, {1, 1, 1});
dawn::Extent3D extent3D = {1, 1, 1};
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 4, 1);
dawn::Buffer source = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
dawn::BufferCopyView bufferCopyView = utils::CreateBufferCopyView(source, 0, 0, 0);
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyTextureToBuffer(&errorTextureCopyView, &bufferCopyView, &extent3D);
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 1, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::TextureCopyView textureCopyView =
utils::CreateTextureCopyView(destination, 0, 0, {1, 1, 1});
dawn::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder();
encoder.CopyTextureToBuffer(&textureCopyView, &errorBufferCopyView, &extent3D);
// Regression tests for a bug in the computation of texture copy buffer size in Dawn.
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, TextureCopyBufferSizeLastRowComputation) {
constexpr uint32_t kRowPitch = 256;
constexpr uint32_t kWidth = 4;
constexpr uint32_t kHeight = 4;
constexpr std::array<dawn::TextureFormat, 2> kFormats = {dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// kRowPitch * (kHeight - 1) + kWidth is not large enough to be the valid buffer size in
// this test because the buffer sizes in T2B copies are not in texels but in bytes.
constexpr uint32_t kInvalidBufferSize = kRowPitch * (kHeight - 1) + kWidth;
for (dawn::TextureFormat format : kFormats) {
dawn::Texture source =
Create2DTexture(kWidth, kHeight, 1, 1, format, dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopyDst);
dawn::Buffer destination =
CreateBuffer(kInvalidBufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc);
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0,
kRowPitch, 0, {kWidth, kHeight, 1});
for (dawn::TextureFormat format : kFormats) {
uint32_t validBufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(kWidth, kHeight, 1, format);
dawn::Texture source =
Create2DTexture(kWidth, kHeight, 1, 1, format, dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopySrc);
// Verify the return value of BufferSizeForTextureCopy() is exactly the minimum valid
// buffer size in this test.
uint32_t invalidBufferSize = validBufferSize - 1;
dawn::Buffer destination =
CreateBuffer(invalidBufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0,
kRowPitch, 0, {kWidth, kHeight, 1});
dawn::Buffer destination =
CreateBuffer(validBufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0,
kRowPitch, 0, {kWidth, kHeight, 1});
// Test copy from mip map of non square texture to buffer
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2B, CopyFromMipmapOfNonSquareTexture) {
uint32_t maxMipmapLevel = 3;
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(4, 2, maxMipmapLevel, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
uint64_t bufferSize = BufferSizeForTextureCopy(4, 2, 1);
dawn::Buffer destination = CreateBuffer(bufferSize, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
// Copy from top level mip map
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, maxMipmapLevel - 1, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination,
0, 256, 0, {1, 1, 1});
// Copy from high level mip map
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, maxMipmapLevel - 2, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination,
0, 256, 0, {2, 1, 1});
// Mip level out of range
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, maxMipmapLevel, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0,
256, 0, {2, 1, 1});
// Copy origin out of range
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, maxMipmapLevel - 2, 0, {2, 0, 0}, destination,
0, 256, 0, {2, 1, 1});
// Copy size out of range
TestT2BCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, maxMipmapLevel - 2, 0, {1, 0, 0}, destination,
0, 256, 0, {2, 1, 1});
class CopyCommandTest_T2T : public CopyCommandTest {};
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2T, Success) {
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 2, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 2, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// Different copies, including some that touch the OOB condition
// Copy a region along top left boundary
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 1});
// Copy entire texture
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {16, 16, 1});
// Copy a region along bottom right boundary
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {8, 8, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{8, 8, 0}, {8, 8, 1});
// Copy region into mip
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 2, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 1});
// Copy mip into region
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 2, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 1});
// Copy between slices
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 1, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 1,
{0, 0, 0}, {16, 16, 1});
// Empty copies are valid
// An empty copy
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1});
// An empty copy with depth = 0
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0});
// An empty copy touching the side of the source texture
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{16, 16, 0}, {0, 0, 1});
// An empty copy touching the side of the destination texture
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{16, 16, 0}, {0, 0, 1});
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2T, IncorrectUsage) {
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 2, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 2, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// Incorrect source usage causes failure
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {16, 16, 1});
// Incorrect destination usage causes failure
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{16, 16, 1});
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2T, OutOfBounds) {
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 2, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 2, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// OOB on source
// x + width overflows
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {1, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {16, 16, 1});
// y + height overflows
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 1, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {16, 16, 1});
// non-zero mip overflows
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 1, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {9, 9, 1});
// empty copy on non-existent mip fails
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 6, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1});
// empty copy from non-existent slice fails
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 2, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1});
// OOB on destination
// x + width overflows
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{1, 0, 0}, {16, 16, 1});
// y + height overflows
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0,
{0, 1, 0}, {16, 16, 1});
// non-zero mip overflows
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 1, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {9, 9, 1});
// empty copy on non-existent mip fails
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 6, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1});
// empty copy on non-existent slice fails
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 2,
{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1});
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2T, 2DTextureDepthConstraints) {
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 2, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 2, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// Empty copy on source with z > 0 fails
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1}, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1});
// Empty copy on destination with z > 0 fails
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1},
{0, 0, 1});
// Empty copy with depth > 1 fails
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 2});
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2T, 2DTextureDepthStencil) {
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 1, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::Depth24PlusStencil8,
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(
16, 16, 1, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::Depth24PlusStencil8, dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopyDst);
// Success when entire depth stencil subresource is copied
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{16, 16, 1});
// Failure when depth stencil subresource is partially copied
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{15, 15, 1});
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2T, FormatsMismatch) {
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 2, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Uint,
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(16, 16, 5, 2, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
// Failure when formats don't match
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 1});
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2T, MultisampledCopies) {
dawn::Texture sourceMultiSampled1x = Create2DTexture(
16, 16, 1, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm, dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopySrc, 1);
dawn::Texture sourceMultiSampled4x = Create2DTexture(
16, 16, 1, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm, dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopySrc, 4);
dawn::Texture destinationMultiSampled4x = Create2DTexture(
16, 16, 1, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm, dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopyDst, 4);
// Success when entire multisampled subresource is copied
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, sourceMultiSampled4x, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
destinationMultiSampled4x, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {16, 16, 1});
// Failures
// An empty copy with mismatched samples fails
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, sourceMultiSampled1x, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
destinationMultiSampled4x, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1});
// A copy fails when samples are greater than 1, and entire subresource isn't copied
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, sourceMultiSampled4x, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0},
destinationMultiSampled4x, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {15, 15, 1});
// Test copy to mip map of non square textures
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_T2T, CopyToMipmapOfNonSquareTexture) {
uint32_t maxMipmapLevel = 3;
dawn::Texture source = Create2DTexture(4, 2, maxMipmapLevel, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm,
dawn::Texture destination = Create2DTexture(
4, 2, maxMipmapLevel, 1, dawn::TextureFormat::RGBA8Unorm, dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopyDst);
// Copy to top level mip map
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, maxMipmapLevel - 1, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination,
maxMipmapLevel - 1, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1});
// Copy to high level mip map
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Success, source, maxMipmapLevel - 2, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination,
maxMipmapLevel - 2, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {2, 1, 1});
// Mip level out of range
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, maxMipmapLevel, 0, {0, 0, 0}, destination,
maxMipmapLevel, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {2, 1, 1});
// Copy origin out of range
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, maxMipmapLevel - 2, 0, {2, 0, 0}, destination,
maxMipmapLevel - 2, 0, {2, 0, 0}, {2, 1, 1});
// Copy size out of range
TestT2TCopy(utils::Expectation::Failure, source, maxMipmapLevel - 2, 0, {1, 0, 0}, destination,
maxMipmapLevel - 2, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {2, 1, 1});
class CopyCommandTest_CompressedTextureFormats : public CopyCommandTest {
dawn::Texture Create2DTexture(dawn::TextureFormat format,
uint32_t mipmapLevels = 1,
uint32_t width = kWidth,
uint32_t height = kHeight) {
constexpr dawn::TextureUsageBit kUsage = dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopyDst |
dawn::TextureUsageBit::CopySrc |
constexpr uint32_t kArrayLayers = 1;
return CopyCommandTest::Create2DTexture(width, height, mipmapLevels, kArrayLayers, format,
kUsage, 1);
static uint32_t CompressedFormatBlockSizeInBytes(dawn::TextureFormat format) {
switch (format) {
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC1RGBAUnorm:
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC1RGBAUnormSrgb:
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC4RSnorm:
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC4RUnorm:
return 8;
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC2RGBAUnorm:
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC2RGBAUnormSrgb:
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC3RGBAUnorm:
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC3RGBAUnormSrgb:
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC5RGSnorm:
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC5RGUnorm:
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC6HRGBSfloat:
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC6HRGBUfloat:
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC7RGBAUnorm:
case dawn::TextureFormat::BC7RGBAUnormSrgb:
return 16;
return 0;
void TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation expectation,
dawn::Buffer buffer,
uint64_t bufferOffset,
uint32_t bufferRowPitch,
uint32_t imageHeight,
dawn::Texture texture,
uint32_t level,
uint32_t arraySlice,
dawn::Origin3D origin,
dawn::Extent3D extent3D) {
TestB2TCopy(expectation, buffer, bufferOffset, bufferRowPitch, imageHeight, texture, level,
arraySlice, origin, extent3D);
TestT2BCopy(expectation, texture, level, arraySlice, origin, buffer, bufferOffset,
bufferRowPitch, imageHeight, extent3D);
void TestBothT2TCopies(utils::Expectation expectation,
dawn::Texture texture1,
uint32_t level1,
uint32_t slice1,
dawn::Origin3D origin1,
dawn::Texture texture2,
uint32_t level2,
uint32_t slice2,
dawn::Origin3D origin2,
dawn::Extent3D extent3D) {
TestT2TCopy(expectation, texture1, level1, slice1, origin1, texture2, level2, slice2,
origin2, extent3D);
TestT2TCopy(expectation, texture2, level2, slice2, origin2, texture1, level1, slice1,
origin1, extent3D);
static constexpr uint32_t kWidth = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t kHeight = 16;
const std::array<dawn::TextureFormat, 14> kBCFormats = {
dawn::TextureFormat::BC1RGBAUnorm, dawn::TextureFormat::BC1RGBAUnormSrgb,
dawn::TextureFormat::BC2RGBAUnorm, dawn::TextureFormat::BC2RGBAUnormSrgb,
dawn::TextureFormat::BC3RGBAUnorm, dawn::TextureFormat::BC3RGBAUnormSrgb,
dawn::TextureFormat::BC4RUnorm, dawn::TextureFormat::BC4RSnorm,
dawn::TextureFormat::BC5RGUnorm, dawn::TextureFormat::BC5RGSnorm,
dawn::TextureFormat::BC6HRGBUfloat, dawn::TextureFormat::BC6HRGBSfloat,
dawn::TextureFormat::BC7RGBAUnorm, dawn::TextureFormat::BC7RGBAUnormSrgb};
// Tests to verify that bufferOffset must be a multiple of the compressed texture blocks in bytes
// in buffer-to-texture or texture-to-buffer copies with compressed texture formats.
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_CompressedTextureFormats, BufferOffset) {
dawn::Buffer buffer =
CreateBuffer(512, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc | dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
for (dawn::TextureFormat bcFormat : kBCFormats) {
dawn::Texture texture = Create2DTexture(bcFormat);
// Valid usages of BufferOffset in B2T and T2B copies with compressed texture formats.
uint32_t validBufferOffset = CompressedFormatBlockSizeInBytes(bcFormat);
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Success, buffer, validBufferOffset, 256, 4,
texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 1});
// Failures on invalid bufferOffset.
uint32_t kInvalidBufferOffset = CompressedFormatBlockSizeInBytes(bcFormat) / 2;
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, buffer, kInvalidBufferOffset, 256, 4,
texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 1});
// Tests to verify that RowPitch must not be smaller than (width / blockWidth) * blockSizeInBytes
// and it is valid to use 0 as RowPitch in buffer-to-texture or texture-to-buffer copies with
// compressed texture formats.
// Note that in Dawn we require RowPitch be a multiple of 256, which ensures RowPitch will always be
// the multiple of compressed texture block width in bytes.
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_CompressedTextureFormats, RowPitch) {
dawn::Buffer buffer =
CreateBuffer(1024, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc | dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
constexpr uint32_t kTestWidth = 160;
constexpr uint32_t kTestHeight = 160;
// Failures on the RowPitch that is not large enough.
constexpr uint32_t kSmallRowPitch = 256;
for (dawn::TextureFormat bcFormat : kBCFormats) {
dawn::Texture texture = Create2DTexture(bcFormat, 1, kTestWidth, kTestHeight);
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, buffer, 0, kSmallRowPitch, 4, texture,
0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {kTestWidth, 4, 1});
// Test it is not valid to use a RowPitch that is not a multiple of 256.
for (dawn::TextureFormat bcFormat : kBCFormats) {
dawn::Texture texture = Create2DTexture(bcFormat, 1, kTestWidth, kTestHeight);
uint32_t inValidRowPitch =
kTestWidth / 4 * CompressedFormatBlockSizeInBytes(bcFormat);
ASSERT_NE(0u, inValidRowPitch % 256);
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, buffer, 0, inValidRowPitch, 4,
texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {kTestWidth, 4, 1});
// Test the smallest valid RowPitch should work.
for (dawn::TextureFormat bcFormat : kBCFormats) {
dawn::Texture texture = Create2DTexture(bcFormat, 1, kTestWidth, kTestHeight);
uint32_t smallestValidRowPitch =
Align(kTestWidth / 4 * CompressedFormatBlockSizeInBytes(bcFormat), 256);
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Success, buffer, 0, smallestValidRowPitch, 4,
texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {kTestWidth, 4, 1});
// Test RowPitch == 0.
constexpr uint32_t kZeroRowPitch = 0;
constexpr uint32_t kTestHeight = 128;
constexpr uint32_t kValidWidth = 128;
for (dawn::TextureFormat bcFormat : kBCFormats) {
dawn::Texture texture = Create2DTexture(bcFormat, 1, kValidWidth, kTestHeight);
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Success, buffer, 0, kZeroRowPitch, 4, texture,
0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {kValidWidth, 4, 1});
constexpr uint32_t kInValidWidth = 16;
for (dawn::TextureFormat bcFormat : kBCFormats) {
dawn::Texture texture = Create2DTexture(bcFormat, 1, kInValidWidth, kTestHeight);
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, buffer, 0, kZeroRowPitch, 4, texture,
0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {kInValidWidth, 4, 1});
// Tests to verify that imageHeight must be a multiple of the compressed texture block height in
// buffer-to-texture or texture-to-buffer copies with compressed texture formats.
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_CompressedTextureFormats, ImageHeight) {
dawn::Buffer buffer =
CreateBuffer(512, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc | dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
for (dawn::TextureFormat bcFormat : kBCFormats) {
dawn::Texture texture = Create2DTexture(bcFormat);
// Valid usages of imageHeight in B2T and T2B copies with compressed texture formats.
constexpr uint32_t kValidImageHeight = 8;
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Success, buffer, 0, 256, kValidImageHeight,
texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 1});
// Failures on invalid imageHeight.
constexpr uint32_t kInvalidImageHeight = 3;
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, buffer, 0, 256, kInvalidImageHeight,
texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 1});
// Tests to verify that ImageOffset.x must be a multiple of the compressed texture block width and
// ImageOffset.y must be a multiple of the compressed texture block height in buffer-to-texture,
// texture-to-buffer or texture-to-texture copies with compressed texture formats.
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_CompressedTextureFormats, ImageOffset) {
dawn::Buffer buffer =
CreateBuffer(512, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc | dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
for (dawn::TextureFormat bcFormat : kBCFormats) {
dawn::Texture texture = Create2DTexture(bcFormat);
dawn::Texture texture2 = Create2DTexture(bcFormat);
constexpr dawn::Origin3D kSmallestValidOrigin3D = {4, 4, 0};
// Valid usages of ImageOffset in B2T, T2B and T2T copies with compressed texture formats.
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Success, buffer, 0, 256, 4, texture, 0, 0,
kSmallestValidOrigin3D, {4, 4, 1});
TestBothT2TCopies(utils::Expectation::Success, texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, texture2, 0, 0,
kSmallestValidOrigin3D, {4, 4, 1});
// Failures on invalid ImageOffset.x.
constexpr dawn::Origin3D kInvalidOrigin3D = {kSmallestValidOrigin3D.x - 1,
kSmallestValidOrigin3D.y, 0};
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, buffer, 0, 256, 4, texture, 0, 0,
kInvalidOrigin3D, {4, 4, 1});
TestBothT2TCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, texture, 0, 0, kInvalidOrigin3D,
texture2, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 1});
// Failures on invalid ImageOffset.y.
constexpr dawn::Origin3D kInvalidOrigin3D = {kSmallestValidOrigin3D.x,
kSmallestValidOrigin3D.y - 1, 0};
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, buffer, 0, 256, 4, texture, 0, 0,
kInvalidOrigin3D, {4, 4, 1});
TestBothT2TCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, texture, 0, 0, kInvalidOrigin3D,
texture2, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 1});
// Tests to verify that ImageExtent.x must be a multiple of the compressed texture block width and
// ImageExtent.y must be a multiple of the compressed texture block height in buffer-to-texture,
// texture-to-buffer or texture-to-texture copies with compressed texture formats.
TEST_F(CopyCommandTest_CompressedTextureFormats, ImageExtent) {
dawn::Buffer buffer =
CreateBuffer(512, dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopySrc | dawn::BufferUsageBit::CopyDst);
constexpr uint32_t kMipmapLevels = 3;
constexpr uint32_t kTestWidth = 60;
constexpr uint32_t kTestHeight = 60;
for (dawn::TextureFormat bcFormat : kBCFormats) {
dawn::Texture texture = Create2DTexture(bcFormat, kMipmapLevels, kTestWidth, kTestHeight);
dawn::Texture texture2 = Create2DTexture(bcFormat, kMipmapLevels, kTestWidth, kTestHeight);
constexpr dawn::Extent3D kSmallestValidExtent3D = {4, 4, 1};
// Valid usages of ImageExtent in B2T, T2B and T2T copies with compressed texture formats.
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Success, buffer, 0, 256, 8, texture, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, kSmallestValidExtent3D);
TestBothT2TCopies(utils::Expectation::Success, texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, texture2, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, kSmallestValidExtent3D);
// Valid usages of ImageExtent in B2T, T2B and T2T copies with compressed texture formats
// and non-zero mipmap levels.
constexpr uint32_t kTestMipmapLevel = 2;
constexpr dawn::Origin3D kTestOrigin = {
(kTestWidth >> kTestMipmapLevel) - kSmallestValidExtent3D.width + 1,
(kTestHeight >> kTestMipmapLevel) - kSmallestValidExtent3D.height + 1, 0};
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Success, buffer, 0, 256, 4, texture,
kTestMipmapLevel, 0, kTestOrigin, kSmallestValidExtent3D);
TestBothT2TCopies(utils::Expectation::Success, texture, kTestMipmapLevel, 0,
kTestOrigin, texture2, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, kSmallestValidExtent3D);
// Failures on invalid ImageExtent.x.
constexpr dawn::Extent3D kInValidExtent3D = {kSmallestValidExtent3D.width - 1,
kSmallestValidExtent3D.height, 1};
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, buffer, 0, 256, 4, texture, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, kInValidExtent3D);
TestBothT2TCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, texture2, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, kInValidExtent3D);
// Failures on invalid ImageExtent.y.
constexpr dawn::Extent3D kInValidExtent3D = {kSmallestValidExtent3D.width,
kSmallestValidExtent3D.height - 1, 1};
TestBothTBCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, buffer, 0, 256, 4, texture, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, kInValidExtent3D);
TestBothT2TCopies(utils::Expectation::Failure, texture, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}, texture2, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, kInValidExtent3D);