| // Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| #include "src/tint/lang/wgsl/inspector/test_inspector_builder.h" |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <string> |
| #include <tuple> |
| #include <utility> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "gtest/gtest.h" |
| |
| namespace tint::inspector { |
| |
| InspectorBuilder::InspectorBuilder() = default; |
| InspectorBuilder::~InspectorBuilder() = default; |
| |
| void InspectorBuilder::MakeEmptyBodyFunction(std::string name, |
| utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes) { |
| Func(name, utils::Empty, ty.void_(), utils::Vector{Return()}, attributes); |
| } |
| |
| void InspectorBuilder::MakeCallerBodyFunction(std::string caller, |
| utils::VectorRef<std::string> callees, |
| utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes) { |
| utils::Vector<const ast::Statement*, 8> body; |
| body.Reserve(callees.Length() + 1); |
| for (auto callee : callees) { |
| body.Push(CallStmt(Call(callee))); |
| } |
| body.Push(Return()); |
| |
| Func(caller, utils::Empty, ty.void_(), body, attributes); |
| } |
| |
| const ast::Struct* InspectorBuilder::MakeInOutStruct(std::string name, |
| utils::VectorRef<InOutInfo> inout_vars) { |
| utils::Vector<const ast::StructMember*, 8> members; |
| for (auto var : inout_vars) { |
| std::string member_name; |
| uint32_t location; |
| std::tie(member_name, location) = var; |
| members.Push(Member(member_name, ty.u32(), |
| utils::Vector{ |
| Location(AInt(location)), |
| Flat(), |
| })); |
| } |
| return Structure(name, members); |
| } |
| |
| const ast::Function* InspectorBuilder::MakePlainGlobalReferenceBodyFunction( |
| std::string func, |
| std::string var, |
| ast::Type type, |
| utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes) { |
| utils::Vector<const ast::Statement*, 3> stmts; |
| stmts.Push(Decl(Var("local_" + var, type))); |
| stmts.Push(Assign("local_" + var, var)); |
| stmts.Push(Return()); |
| return Func(func, utils::Empty, ty.void_(), std::move(stmts), std::move(attributes)); |
| } |
| |
| bool InspectorBuilder::ContainsName(utils::VectorRef<StageVariable> vec, const std::string& name) { |
| for (auto& s : vec) { |
| if (s.name == name) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| std::string InspectorBuilder::StructMemberName(size_t idx, ast::Type type) { |
| return std::to_string(idx) + type->identifier->symbol.Name(); |
| } |
| |
| const ast::Struct* InspectorBuilder::MakeStructType(const std::string& name, |
| utils::VectorRef<ast::Type> member_types) { |
| utils::Vector<const ast::StructMember*, 8> members; |
| for (auto type : member_types) { |
| members.Push(MakeStructMember(members.Length(), type, {})); |
| } |
| return MakeStructTypeFromMembers(name, std::move(members)); |
| } |
| |
| const ast::Struct* InspectorBuilder::MakeStructTypeFromMembers( |
| const std::string& name, |
| utils::VectorRef<const ast::StructMember*> members) { |
| return Structure(name, std::move(members)); |
| } |
| |
| const ast::StructMember* InspectorBuilder::MakeStructMember( |
| size_t index, |
| ast::Type type, |
| utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes) { |
| return Member(StructMemberName(index, type), type, std::move(attributes)); |
| } |
| |
| const ast::Struct* InspectorBuilder::MakeUniformBufferType( |
| const std::string& name, |
| utils::VectorRef<ast::Type> member_types) { |
| return MakeStructType(name, member_types); |
| } |
| |
| std::function<ast::Type()> InspectorBuilder::MakeStorageBufferTypes( |
| const std::string& name, |
| utils::VectorRef<ast::Type> member_types) { |
| MakeStructType(name, member_types); |
| return [this, name] { return ty(name); }; |
| } |
| |
| void InspectorBuilder::AddUniformBuffer(const std::string& name, |
| ast::Type type, |
| uint32_t group, |
| uint32_t binding) { |
| GlobalVar(name, type, builtin::AddressSpace::kUniform, Binding(AInt(binding)), |
| Group(AInt(group))); |
| } |
| |
| void InspectorBuilder::AddWorkgroupStorage(const std::string& name, ast::Type type) { |
| GlobalVar(name, type, builtin::AddressSpace::kWorkgroup); |
| } |
| |
| void InspectorBuilder::AddStorageBuffer(const std::string& name, |
| ast::Type type, |
| builtin::Access access, |
| uint32_t group, |
| uint32_t binding) { |
| GlobalVar(name, type, builtin::AddressSpace::kStorage, access, Binding(AInt(binding)), |
| Group(AInt(group))); |
| } |
| |
| void InspectorBuilder::MakeStructVariableReferenceBodyFunction( |
| std::string func_name, |
| std::string struct_name, |
| utils::VectorRef<std::tuple<size_t, ast::Type>> members) { |
| utils::Vector<const ast::Statement*, 8> stmts; |
| for (auto member : members) { |
| size_t member_idx; |
| ast::Type member_type; |
| std::tie(member_idx, member_type) = member; |
| std::string member_name = StructMemberName(member_idx, member_type); |
| |
| stmts.Push(Decl(Var("local" + member_name, member_type))); |
| } |
| |
| for (auto member : members) { |
| size_t member_idx; |
| ast::Type member_type; |
| std::tie(member_idx, member_type) = member; |
| std::string member_name = StructMemberName(member_idx, member_type); |
| |
| stmts.Push(Assign("local" + member_name, MemberAccessor(struct_name, member_name))); |
| } |
| |
| stmts.Push(Return()); |
| |
| Func(func_name, utils::Empty, ty.void_(), stmts); |
| } |
| |
| void InspectorBuilder::AddSampler(const std::string& name, uint32_t group, uint32_t binding) { |
| GlobalVar(name, ty.sampler(type::SamplerKind::kSampler), Binding(AInt(binding)), |
| Group(AInt(group))); |
| } |
| |
| void InspectorBuilder::AddComparisonSampler(const std::string& name, |
| uint32_t group, |
| uint32_t binding) { |
| GlobalVar(name, ty.sampler(type::SamplerKind::kComparisonSampler), Binding(AInt(binding)), |
| Group(AInt(group))); |
| } |
| |
| void InspectorBuilder::AddResource(const std::string& name, |
| ast::Type type, |
| uint32_t group, |
| uint32_t binding) { |
| GlobalVar(name, type, Binding(AInt(binding)), Group(AInt(group))); |
| } |
| |
| void InspectorBuilder::AddGlobalVariable(const std::string& name, ast::Type type) { |
| GlobalVar(name, type, builtin::AddressSpace::kPrivate); |
| } |
| |
| const ast::Function* InspectorBuilder::MakeSamplerReferenceBodyFunction( |
| const std::string& func_name, |
| const std::string& texture_name, |
| const std::string& sampler_name, |
| const std::string& coords_name, |
| ast::Type base_type, |
| utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes) { |
| std::string result_name = "sampler_result"; |
| |
| utils::Vector stmts{ |
| Decl(Var(result_name, ty.vec(base_type, 4))), |
| Assign(result_name, Call("textureSample", texture_name, sampler_name, coords_name)), |
| Return(), |
| }; |
| return Func(func_name, utils::Empty, ty.void_(), std::move(stmts), std::move(attributes)); |
| } |
| |
| const ast::Function* InspectorBuilder::MakeSamplerReferenceBodyFunction( |
| const std::string& func_name, |
| const std::string& texture_name, |
| const std::string& sampler_name, |
| const std::string& coords_name, |
| const std::string& array_index, |
| ast::Type base_type, |
| utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes) { |
| std::string result_name = "sampler_result"; |
| |
| utils::Vector stmts{ |
| Decl(Var("sampler_result", ty.vec(base_type, 4))), |
| Assign("sampler_result", |
| Call("textureSample", texture_name, sampler_name, coords_name, array_index)), |
| Return(), |
| }; |
| return Func(func_name, utils::Empty, ty.void_(), std::move(stmts), std::move(attributes)); |
| } |
| |
| const ast::Function* InspectorBuilder::MakeComparisonSamplerReferenceBodyFunction( |
| const std::string& func_name, |
| const std::string& texture_name, |
| const std::string& sampler_name, |
| const std::string& coords_name, |
| const std::string& depth_name, |
| ast::Type base_type, |
| utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes) { |
| std::string result_name = "sampler_result"; |
| |
| utils::Vector stmts{ |
| Decl(Var("sampler_result", base_type)), |
| Assign("sampler_result", |
| Call("textureSampleCompare", texture_name, sampler_name, coords_name, depth_name)), |
| Return(), |
| }; |
| return Func(func_name, utils::Empty, ty.void_(), std::move(stmts), std::move(attributes)); |
| } |
| |
| ast::Type InspectorBuilder::GetBaseType(ResourceBinding::SampledKind sampled_kind) { |
| switch (sampled_kind) { |
| case ResourceBinding::SampledKind::kFloat: |
| return ty.f32(); |
| case ResourceBinding::SampledKind::kSInt: |
| return ty.i32(); |
| case ResourceBinding::SampledKind::kUInt: |
| return ty.u32(); |
| default: |
| return ast::Type{}; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ast::Type InspectorBuilder::GetCoordsType(type::TextureDimension dim, ast::Type scalar) { |
| switch (dim) { |
| case type::TextureDimension::k1d: |
| return scalar; |
| case type::TextureDimension::k2d: |
| case type::TextureDimension::k2dArray: |
| return ty.vec2(scalar); |
| case type::TextureDimension::k3d: |
| case type::TextureDimension::kCube: |
| case type::TextureDimension::kCubeArray: |
| return ty.vec3(scalar); |
| default: |
| [=] { |
| utils::StringStream str; |
| str << dim; |
| FAIL() << "Unsupported texture dimension: " << str.str(); |
| }(); |
| } |
| return ast::Type{}; |
| } |
| |
| ast::Type InspectorBuilder::MakeStorageTextureTypes(type::TextureDimension dim, |
| builtin::TexelFormat format) { |
| return ty.storage_texture(dim, format, builtin::Access::kWrite); |
| } |
| |
| void InspectorBuilder::AddStorageTexture(const std::string& name, |
| ast::Type type, |
| uint32_t group, |
| uint32_t binding) { |
| GlobalVar(name, type, Binding(AInt(binding)), Group(AInt(group))); |
| } |
| |
| const ast::Function* InspectorBuilder::MakeStorageTextureBodyFunction( |
| const std::string& func_name, |
| const std::string& st_name, |
| ast::Type dim_type, |
| utils::VectorRef<const ast::Attribute*> attributes) { |
| utils::Vector stmts{ |
| Decl(Var("dim", dim_type)), |
| Assign("dim", Call("textureDimensions", st_name)), |
| Return(), |
| }; |
| |
| return Func(func_name, utils::Empty, ty.void_(), std::move(stmts), std::move(attributes)); |
| } |
| |
| std::function<ast::Type()> InspectorBuilder::GetTypeFunction(ComponentType component, |
| CompositionType composition) { |
| std::function<ast::Type()> func; |
| switch (component) { |
| case ComponentType::kF32: |
| func = [this] { return ty.f32(); }; |
| break; |
| case ComponentType::kI32: |
| func = [this] { return ty.i32(); }; |
| break; |
| case ComponentType::kU32: |
| func = [this] { return ty.u32(); }; |
| break; |
| case ComponentType::kF16: |
| func = [this] { return ty.f16(); }; |
| break; |
| case ComponentType::kUnknown: |
| return [] { return ast::Type{}; }; |
| } |
| |
| uint32_t n; |
| switch (composition) { |
| case CompositionType::kScalar: |
| return func; |
| case CompositionType::kVec2: |
| n = 2; |
| break; |
| case CompositionType::kVec3: |
| n = 3; |
| break; |
| case CompositionType::kVec4: |
| n = 4; |
| break; |
| default: |
| return [] { return ast::Type{}; }; |
| } |
| |
| return [this, func, n] { return ty.vec(func(), n); }; |
| } |
| |
| Inspector& InspectorBuilder::Build() { |
| if (inspector_) { |
| return *inspector_; |
| } |
| program_ = std::make_unique<Program>(std::move(*this)); |
| [&] { |
| ASSERT_TRUE(program_->IsValid()) << diag::Formatter().format(program_->Diagnostics()); |
| }(); |
| inspector_ = std::make_unique<Inspector>(program_.get()); |
| return *inspector_; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace tint::inspector |