blob: 3c9002bfded1f1b9e981724f6d229164a7669b3b [file] [log] [blame]
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
void a() {
int a = 1;
int b = a;
int const a = 1;
int const b = a;
program_source:7:13: error: redefinition of 'a' with a different type: 'const int' vs 'int'
int const a = 1;
program_source:5:7: note: previous definition is here
int a = 1;
program_source:8:13: error: redefinition of 'b' with a different type: 'const int' vs 'int'
int const b = a;
program_source:6:7: note: previous definition is here
int b = a;