blob: 940fd0f3deb3329b7ccb8bcbbe1744201b96039e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/lang/msl/writer/printer_support.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/array.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/atomic.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/f16.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/f32.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/i32.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/matrix.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/struct.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/u32.h"
#include "src/tint/lang/core/type/vector.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/debug/debug.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/rtti/switch.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/text/float_to_string.h"
namespace tint::msl::writer {
std::string BuiltinToAttribute(builtin::BuiltinValue builtin) {
switch (builtin) {
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kPosition:
return "position";
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kVertexIndex:
return "vertex_id";
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kInstanceIndex:
return "instance_id";
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kFrontFacing:
return "front_facing";
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kFragDepth:
return "depth(any)";
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kLocalInvocationId:
return "thread_position_in_threadgroup";
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kLocalInvocationIndex:
return "thread_index_in_threadgroup";
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kGlobalInvocationId:
return "thread_position_in_grid";
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kWorkgroupId:
return "threadgroup_position_in_grid";
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kNumWorkgroups:
return "threadgroups_per_grid";
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kSampleIndex:
return "sample_id";
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kSampleMask:
return "sample_mask";
case builtin::BuiltinValue::kPointSize:
return "point_size";
return "";
std::string InterpolationToAttribute(builtin::InterpolationType type,
builtin::InterpolationSampling sampling) {
std::string attr;
switch (sampling) {
case builtin::InterpolationSampling::kCenter:
attr = "center_";
case builtin::InterpolationSampling::kCentroid:
attr = "centroid_";
case builtin::InterpolationSampling::kSample:
attr = "sample_";
case builtin::InterpolationSampling::kUndefined:
switch (type) {
case builtin::InterpolationType::kPerspective:
attr += "perspective";
case builtin::InterpolationType::kLinear:
attr += "no_perspective";
case builtin::InterpolationType::kFlat:
attr += "flat";
case builtin::InterpolationType::kUndefined:
return attr;
SizeAndAlign MslPackedTypeSizeAndAlign(diag::List diagnostics, const type::Type* ty) {
return tint::Switch(
// 2.1 Scalar Data Types
[&](const type::U32*) {
return SizeAndAlign{4, 4};
[&](const type::I32*) {
return SizeAndAlign{4, 4};
[&](const type::F32*) {
return SizeAndAlign{4, 4};
[&](const type::F16*) {
return SizeAndAlign{2, 2};
[&](const type::Vector* vec) {
auto num_els = vec->Width();
auto* el_ty = vec->type();
SizeAndAlign el_size_align = MslPackedTypeSizeAndAlign(diagnostics, el_ty);
if (el_ty->IsAnyOf<type::U32, type::I32, type::F32, type::F16>()) {
// Use a packed_vec type for 3-element vectors only.
if (num_els == 3) {
// 2.2.3 Packed Vector Types
return SizeAndAlign{num_els * el_size_align.size, el_size_align.align};
} else {
// 2.2 Vector Data Types
// Vector data types are aligned to their size.
return SizeAndAlign{num_els * el_size_align.size, num_els * el_size_align.size};
TINT_UNREACHABLE(Writer, diagnostics)
<< "Unhandled vector element type " << el_ty->TypeInfo().name;
return SizeAndAlign{};
[&](const type::Matrix* mat) {
// 2.3 Matrix Data Types
auto cols = mat->columns();
auto rows = mat->rows();
auto* el_ty = mat->type();
// Metal only support half and float matrix.
if (el_ty->IsAnyOf<type::F32, type::F16>()) {
static constexpr SizeAndAlign table_f32[] = {
/* float2x2 */ {16, 8},
/* float2x3 */ {32, 16},
/* float2x4 */ {32, 16},
/* float3x2 */ {24, 8},
/* float3x3 */ {48, 16},
/* float3x4 */ {48, 16},
/* float4x2 */ {32, 8},
/* float4x3 */ {64, 16},
/* float4x4 */ {64, 16},
static constexpr SizeAndAlign table_f16[] = {
/* half2x2 */ {8, 4},
/* half2x3 */ {16, 8},
/* half2x4 */ {16, 8},
/* half3x2 */ {12, 4},
/* half3x3 */ {24, 8},
/* half3x4 */ {24, 8},
/* half4x2 */ {16, 4},
/* half4x3 */ {32, 8},
/* half4x4 */ {32, 8},
if (cols >= 2 && cols <= 4 && rows >= 2 && rows <= 4) {
if (el_ty->Is<type::F32>()) {
return table_f32[(3 * (cols - 2)) + (rows - 2)];
} else {
return table_f16[(3 * (cols - 2)) + (rows - 2)];
TINT_UNREACHABLE(Writer, diagnostics)
<< "Unhandled matrix element type " << el_ty->TypeInfo().name;
return SizeAndAlign{};
[&](const type::Array* arr) {
if (TINT_UNLIKELY(!arr->IsStrideImplicit())) {
TINT_ICE(Writer, diagnostics)
<< "arrays with explicit strides should not exist past the SPIR-V reader";
return SizeAndAlign{};
if (arr->Count()->Is<type::RuntimeArrayCount>()) {
return SizeAndAlign{arr->Stride(), arr->Align()};
if (auto count = arr->ConstantCount()) {
return SizeAndAlign{arr->Stride() * count.value(), arr->Align()};
diagnostics.add_error(diag::System::Writer, type::Array::kErrExpectedConstantCount);
return SizeAndAlign{};
[&](const type::Struct* str) {
// TODO( There's an assumption here that MSL's
// default structure size and alignment matches WGSL's. We need to
// confirm this.
return SizeAndAlign{str->Size(), str->Align()};
[&](const type::Atomic* atomic) {
return MslPackedTypeSizeAndAlign(diagnostics, atomic->Type());
[&](Default) {
TINT_UNREACHABLE(Writer, diagnostics) << "Unhandled type " << ty->TypeInfo().name;
return SizeAndAlign{};
void PrintF32(utils::StringStream& out, float value) {
// Note: Currently inf and nan should not be constructable, but this is implemented for the day
// we support them.
if (std::isinf(value)) {
out << (value >= 0 ? "INFINITY" : "-INFINITY");
} else if (std::isnan(value)) {
out << "NAN";
} else {
out << tint::writer::FloatToString(value) << "f";
void PrintF16(utils::StringStream& out, float value) {
// Note: Currently inf and nan should not be constructable, but this is implemented for the day
// we support them.
if (std::isinf(value)) {
// HUGE_VALH evaluates to +infinity.
out << (value >= 0 ? "HUGE_VALH" : "-HUGE_VALH");
} else if (std::isnan(value)) {
// There is no NaN expr for half in MSL, "NAN" is of float type.
out << "NAN";
} else {
out << tint::writer::FloatToString(value) << "h";
void PrintI32(utils::StringStream& out, int32_t value) {
// MSL (and C++) parse `-2147483648` as a `long` because it parses unary minus and `2147483648`
// as separate tokens, and the latter doesn't fit into an (32-bit) `int`.
// WGSL, on the other hand, parses this as an `i32`.
// To avoid issues with `long` to `int` casts, emit `(-2147483647 - 1)` instead, which ensures
// the expression type is `int`.
if (auto int_min = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(); value == int_min) {
out << "(" << int_min + 1 << " - 1)";
} else {
out << value;
} // namespace tint::msl::writer