blob: fc3554e832cb48d0acf4e2d10902225ce891f7a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package build implements a extensible build file list and module dependency
// generator for Tint.
// See: docs/tint/
package build
import (
const srcTint = "src/tint"
func init() {
type Cmd struct {
flags struct {
dot bool
func (Cmd) Name() string {
return "build"
func (Cmd) Desc() string {
return `build generates BUILD.* files in each of Tint's source directories`
func (c *Cmd) RegisterFlags(ctx context.Context, cfg *common.Config) ([]string, error) {
flag.BoolVar(&, "dot", false, "emit GraphViz DOT files for each target kind")
return nil, nil
func (c Cmd) Run(ctx context.Context, cfg *common.Config) error {
p := NewProject(CanonicalizePath(path.Join(fileutils.DawnRoot(), srcTint)), cfg)
for _, stage := range []struct {
desc string
fn func(p *Project) error
{"loading 'externals.json'", loadExternals},
{"populating source files", populateSourceFiles},
{"scanning source files", scanSourceFiles},
{"loading directory configs", applyDirectoryConfigs},
{"checking for cycles", checkForCycles},
{"emitting build files", emitBuildFiles},
} {
if cfg.Flags.Verbose {
log.Printf("%v...\n", stage.desc)
if err := stage.fn(p); err != nil {
return err
if {
for _, kind := range AllTargetKinds {
if err := emitDotFile(p, kind); err != nil {
return err
if cfg.Flags.Verbose {
return nil
// loadExternals loads the 'externals.json' file in this directory.
func loadExternals(p *Project) error {
content, err := os.ReadFile(path.Join(fileutils.ThisDir(), "externals.json"))
if err != nil {
return err
externals := container.NewMap[string, struct {
IncludePattern string `json:"include_pattern"`
Condition string
if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonc.ToJSON(content), &externals); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse 'externals.json': %w", err)
for _, name := range externals.Keys() {
external := externals[name]
match, err := match.New(external.IncludePattern)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("'externals.json' matcher error: %w", err)
p.externals = append(p.externals, projectExternalDependency{
name: ExternalDependencyName(name),
includePatternMatch: match,
condition: external.Condition,
return nil
// Globs all the source files, and creates populates the Project with Directory, Target and File.
// File name patterns are used to bin each file into a target for the directory.
func populateSourceFiles(p *Project) error {
paths, err := glob.Scan(p.Root, glob.MustParseConfig(`{
"paths": [
"include": [
"exclude": [
if err != nil {
return err
for _, filepath := range paths {
filepath = CanonicalizePath(filepath)
dir, name := path.Split(filepath)
if kind := targetKindFromFilename(name); kind != targetInvalid {
directory := p.AddDirectory(dir)
p.AddTarget(directory, kind).AddSourceFile(p.AddFile(filepath))
return nil
// scanSourceFiles scans all the source files for:
// * #includes to build a dependencies between targets
// * 'GEN_BUILD:' directives
func scanSourceFiles(p *Project) error {
// Include describes a #include in a source file
type Include struct {
path string
line int
// ParsedFile describes all the includes and conditions found in a source file
type ParsedFile struct {
conditions []string
includes []Include
// parseFile parses the source file at 'path' represented by 'file'
// As this is run concurrently, it must not modify any shared state (including file)
parseFile := func(path string, file *File) (string, *ParsedFile, error) {
body, err := os.ReadFile(file.AbsPath())
if err != nil {
return path, nil, err
out := &ParsedFile{}
for i, line := range strings.Split(string(body), "\n") {
if match := reCondition.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(match) > 0 {
out.conditions = append(out.conditions, match[1])
if !reIgnoreInclude.MatchString(line) {
if match := reInclude.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(match) > 0 {
out.includes = append(out.includes, Include{match[1], i + 1})
return path, out, nil
// Create a new map by calling parseFile() on each entry of p.Files
// This is performed over multiple concurrent goroutines.
parsedFiles, err := transform.GoMap(p.Files, parseFile)
if err != nil {
return err
// For each file, of each target, of each directory...
for _, dir := range p.Directories {
for _, target := range dir.Targets() {
for _, file := range target.SourceFiles() {
// Retrieve the parsed file information
parsed := parsedFiles[file.Path()]
// Apply any conditions
for _, condition := range parsed.conditions {
if file.Condition == "" {
file.Condition = condition
} else {
file.Condition += " && " + condition
// Resolve includes, and add dependencies to the targets
for _, include := range parsed.includes {
if strings.HasPrefix(include.path, srcTint) {
// #include "src/tint/..."
include.path = include.path[len(srcTint)+1:] // Strip 'src/tint/'
includeFile := p.File(include.path)
if includeFile == nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`%v:%v includes non-existent file '%v'`, file.Path(), include.line, include.path)
dependencyKind := targetKindFromFilename(include.path)
if dependencyKind == targetInvalid {
return fmt.Errorf(`%v:%v unknown target type for include '%v'`, file.Path(), include.line, includeFile.Path())
if target.Kind == targetLib && dependencyKind == targetTest {
return fmt.Errorf(`%v:%v lib target must not include test code '%v'`, file.Path(), include.line, includeFile.Path())
if dependency := p.Target(includeFile.Directory, dependencyKind); dependency != nil {
} else {
// Check for external includes
for _, external := range p.externals {
if external.includePatternMatch(include.path) {
target.AddExternalDependency(, external.condition)
return nil
// applyDirectoryConfigs loads a 'BUILD.cfg' file in each source directory (if found), and
// applies the config to the Directory and/or Targets.
func applyDirectoryConfigs(p *Project) error {
// Config for a single target of a directory
type TargetConfig struct {
AdditionalDependencies []string
// Config for a directory
type DirectoryConfig struct {
// Condition for all targets in the directory
Condition string
// Configuration for the 'lib' target
Lib TargetConfig
// Configuration for the 'test' target
Test TargetConfig
// Configuration for the 'bench' target
Bench TargetConfig
// Configuration for the 'cmd' target
Cmd TargetConfig
// For each directory in the project...
for _, dir := range p.Directories.Values() {
path := path.Join(dir.AbsPath(), "BUILD.cfg")
content, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
// Parse the config
cfg := DirectoryConfig{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonc.ToJSON(content), &cfg); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while parsing '%v': %w", path, err)
// Apply any directory-level condition
for _, target := range dir.Targets() {
target.Condition = cfg.Condition
// For each target config...
for _, tc := range []struct {
cfg *TargetConfig
kind TargetKind
{&cfg.Lib, targetLib},
{&cfg.Test, targetTest},
{&cfg.Bench, targetBench},
{&cfg.Cmd, targetCmd},
} {
// Add any additional dependencies
for _, depPattern := range tc.cfg.AdditionalDependencies {
match, err := match.New(depPattern)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: failed to parse %v.AdditionalDependencies '%v': %w", path, tc.kind, depPattern, err)
additionalDeps := []*Target{}
for _, target := range p.Targets.Keys() {
if match(string(target)) {
additionalDeps = append(additionalDeps, p.Targets[target])
if len(additionalDeps) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: %v.AdditionalDependencies '%v' did not match any targets", path, tc.kind, depPattern)
target := p.AddTarget(dir, tc.kind)
for _, dep := range additionalDeps {
return nil
// checkForCycles ensures that the graph of target dependencies are acyclic (a DAG)
func checkForCycles(p *Project) error {
type state int
const (
unvisited state = iota
cache := container.NewMap[TargetName, state]()
var walk func(t *Target, path []TargetName) error
walk = func(t *Target, path []TargetName) error {
switch cache[t.Name] {
case unvisited:
cache[t.Name] = visiting
for _, dep := range t.Dependencies() {
if err := walk(dep, append(path, dep.Name)); err != nil {
return err
cache[t.Name] = checked
case visiting:
err := strings.Builder{}
fmt.Fprintln(&err, "cyclic target dependency found:")
for _, t := range path {
fmt.Fprintln(&err, " ", string(t))
fmt.Fprintln(&err, " ", string(t.Name))
return fmt.Errorf(err.String())
return nil
for _, target := range p.Targets.Values() {
if err := walk(target, []TargetName{target.Name}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// emitBuildFiles emits a 'BUILD.*' file in each source directory for each
// 'BUILD.*.tmpl' found in this directory.
func emitBuildFiles(p *Project) error {
// Glob all the template files
templatePaths, err := glob.Glob(path.Join(fileutils.ThisDir(), "*.tmpl"))
if err != nil {
return err
if len(templatePaths) == 0 {
fmt.Println("warning: no BUILD template files found")
return nil
// Load the templates
templates := container.NewMap[string, *template.Template]()
for _, path := range templatePaths {
tmpl, err := template.FromFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
templates[path] = tmpl
// process executes all the templates for the directory dir
// This is run concurrently, so must not modify shared state
process := func(dir *Directory) (common.StaleFiles, error) {
stale := common.StaleFiles{}
// For each template...
for _, tmplPath := range templatePaths {
_, tmplName := filepath.Split(tmplPath)
outputName := strings.TrimSuffix(tmplName, ".tmpl")
outputPath := path.Join(dir.AbsPath(), outputName)
// Attempt to read the existing output file
existing, err := os.ReadFile(outputPath)
if err != nil {
existing = nil
// If the file is annotated with a GEN_BUILD:DO_NOT_GENERATE directive, leave it alone
if reDoNotGenerate.Match(existing) {
// Buffer for output
w := &bytes.Buffer{}
// Write the header
relTmplPath, err := filepath.Rel(fileutils.DawnRoot(), tmplPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
w.WriteString(common.Header(string(existing), CanonicalizePath(relTmplPath), "#"))
// Write the template output
err = templates[tmplPath].Run(w, dir, map[string]any{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Format the output if it's a GN file.
if path.Ext(outputName) == ".gn" {
unformatted := w.String()
gn := exec.Command("gn", "format", "--stdin")
gn.Stdin = bytes.NewReader([]byte(unformatted))
gn.Stdout = w
gn.Stderr = w
if err := gn.Run(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v\ngn format failed: %w\n%v", unformatted, err, w.String())
if string(existing) != w.String() {
stale = append(stale, outputPath)
if !p.cfg.Flags.CheckStale {
if err := os.WriteFile(outputPath, w.Bytes(), 0666); err != nil {
return nil, err
return stale, nil
// Concurrently run process() on all the directories.
staleLists, err := transform.GoSlice(p.Directories.Values(), process)
if err != nil {
return err
if p.cfg.Flags.Verbose || p.cfg.Flags.CheckStale {
// Collect all stale files into a flat list
stale := transform.Flatten(staleLists)
if p.cfg.Flags.CheckStale && len(stale) > 0 {
return stale
if p.cfg.Flags.Verbose {
log.Printf("generated %v files\n", len(stale))
return nil
// targetKindFromFilename returns the target kind my pattern matching the filename
func targetKindFromFilename(filename string) TargetKind {
switch {
case strings.HasSuffix(filename, ""), strings.HasSuffix(filename, "_test.h"):
return targetTest
case strings.HasSuffix(filename, ""), strings.HasSuffix(filename, "_bench.h"):
return targetBench
case filename == "":
return targetCmd
case strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".cc"), strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".h"):
return targetLib
return targetInvalid
// emitDotFile writes a GraphViz DOT file visualizing the target dependency graph
func emitDotFile(p *Project, kind TargetKind) error {
g := graphviz.Graph{}
nodes := container.NewMap[TargetName, int]()
targets := []*Target{}
for _, target := range p.Targets.Values() {
if target.Kind == kind {
targets = append(targets, target)
for _, target := range targets {
nodes.Add(target.Name, g.AddNode(string(target.Name)))
for _, target := range targets {
for _, dep := range target.DependencyNames.List() {
g.AddEdge(nodes[target.Name], nodes[dep], "")
g.DefaultNodeAttribute(graphviz.Shape, graphviz.ShapeBox)
g.DefaultNodeAttribute(graphviz.FontName, "Courier")
g.DefaultNodeAttribute(graphviz.FontSize, "14")
g.DefaultNodeAttribute(graphviz.Style, graphviz.StyleFilled+","+graphviz.StyleRounded)
g.DefaultNodeAttribute(graphviz.FillColor, "yellow")
g.DefaultEdgeAttribute(graphviz.FontName, "Courier")
g.DefaultEdgeAttribute(graphviz.FontSize, "12")
file, err := os.Create(path.Join(p.Root, fmt.Sprintf("", kind)))
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
return nil
var (
// Regular expressions used by this file
reInclude = regexp.MustCompile(`\s*#\s*include\s*\"([^"]+)\"`)
reIgnoreInclude = regexp.MustCompile(`//\s*GEN_BUILD:IGNORE`)
reCondition = regexp.MustCompile(`//\s*GEN_BUILD:CONDITION\((.*)\)\s*$`)
reDoNotGenerate = regexp.MustCompile(`#\s*GEN_BUILD:DO_NOT_GENERATE`)