blob: b5702383508d58e32bcf923e1e7289ee766ac144 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/tint/utils/text/string.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/text/string_stream.h"
#include "src/tint/utils/containers/transform.h" // Used by ToStringList()
namespace tint {
namespace {
// Workaround for
// Remove when using C++20
template <size_t N>
Vector<std::string, N> ToStringList(const Vector<std::string_view, N>& views) {
return Transform(views, [](std::string_view view) { return std::string(view); });
TEST(StringTest, ReplaceAll) {
EXPECT_EQ("xybbcc", ReplaceAll("aabbcc", "aa", "xy"));
EXPECT_EQ("aaxycc", ReplaceAll("aabbcc", "bb", "xy"));
EXPECT_EQ("aabbxy", ReplaceAll("aabbcc", "cc", "xy"));
EXPECT_EQ("xyxybbcc", ReplaceAll("aabbcc", "a", "xy"));
EXPECT_EQ("aaxyxycc", ReplaceAll("aabbcc", "b", "xy"));
EXPECT_EQ("aabbxyxy", ReplaceAll("aabbcc", "c", "xy"));
// Replacement string includes the searched-for string.
// This proves that the algorithm needs to advance 'pos'
// past the replacement.
EXPECT_EQ("aabxybbxybcc", ReplaceAll("aabbcc", "b", "bxyb"));
TEST(StringTest, ToString) {
EXPECT_EQ("true", ToString(true));
EXPECT_EQ("false", ToString(false));
EXPECT_EQ("123", ToString(123));
EXPECT_EQ("hello", ToString("hello"));
TEST(StringTest, HasPrefix) {
EXPECT_TRUE(HasPrefix("abc", "a"));
EXPECT_TRUE(HasPrefix("abc", "ab"));
EXPECT_TRUE(HasPrefix("abc", "abc"));
EXPECT_FALSE(HasPrefix("abc", "abc1"));
EXPECT_FALSE(HasPrefix("abc", "ac"));
EXPECT_FALSE(HasPrefix("abc", "b"));
TEST(StringTest, HasSuffix) {
EXPECT_TRUE(HasSuffix("abc", "c"));
EXPECT_TRUE(HasSuffix("abc", "bc"));
EXPECT_TRUE(HasSuffix("abc", "abc"));
EXPECT_FALSE(HasSuffix("abc", "1abc"));
EXPECT_FALSE(HasSuffix("abc", "ac"));
EXPECT_FALSE(HasSuffix("abc", "b"));
TEST(StringTest, Distance) {
EXPECT_EQ(Distance("hello world", "hello world"), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(Distance("hello world", "helloworld"), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(Distance("helloworld", "hello world"), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(Distance("hello world", "hello world"), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(Distance("hello world", "hello world"), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(Distance("Hello World", "hello world"), 2u);
EXPECT_EQ(Distance("hello world", "Hello World"), 2u);
EXPECT_EQ(Distance("Hello world", ""), 11u);
EXPECT_EQ(Distance("", "Hello world"), 11u);
TEST(StringTest, SuggestAlternatives) {
const char* alternatives[] = {"hello world", "Hello World"};
StringStream ss;
SuggestAlternatives("hello wordl", alternatives, ss);
EXPECT_EQ(ss.str(), R"(Did you mean 'hello world'?
Possible values: 'hello world', 'Hello World')");
const char* alternatives[] = {"foobar", "something else"};
StringStream ss;
SuggestAlternatives("hello world", alternatives, ss);
EXPECT_EQ(ss.str(), R"(Possible values: 'foobar', 'something else')");
const char* alternatives[] = {"hello world", "Hello World"};
StringStream ss;
SuggestAlternativeOptions opts;
opts.prefix = "$";
SuggestAlternatives("hello wordl", alternatives, ss, opts);
EXPECT_EQ(ss.str(), R"(Did you mean '$hello world'?
Possible values: '$hello world', '$Hello World')");
const char* alternatives[] = {"hello world", "Hello World"};
StringStream ss;
SuggestAlternativeOptions opts;
opts.list_possible_values = false;
SuggestAlternatives("hello world", alternatives, ss, opts);
EXPECT_EQ(ss.str(), R"(Did you mean 'hello world'?)");
TEST(StringTest, TrimLeft) {
EXPECT_EQ(TrimLeft("hello world", [](char) { return false; }), "hello world");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimLeft("hello world", [](char c) { return c == 'h'; }), "ello world");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimLeft("hello world", [](char c) { return c == 'h' || c == 'e'; }), "llo world");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimLeft("hello world", [](char c) { return c == 'e'; }), "hello world");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimLeft("hello world", [](char) { return true; }), "");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimLeft("", [](char) { return false; }), "");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimLeft("", [](char) { return true; }), "");
TEST(StringTest, TrimRight) {
EXPECT_EQ(TrimRight("hello world", [](char) { return false; }), "hello world");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimRight("hello world", [](char c) { return c == 'd'; }), "hello worl");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimRight("hello world", [](char c) { return c == 'd' || c == 'l'; }), "hello wor");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimRight("hello world", [](char c) { return c == 'l'; }), "hello world");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimRight("hello world", [](char) { return true; }), "");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimRight("", [](char) { return false; }), "");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimRight("", [](char) { return true; }), "");
TEST(StringTest, TrimPrefix) {
EXPECT_EQ(TrimPrefix("abc", "a"), "bc");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimPrefix("abc", "ab"), "c");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimPrefix("abc", "abc"), "");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimPrefix("abc", "abc1"), "abc");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimPrefix("abc", "ac"), "abc");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimPrefix("abc", "b"), "abc");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimPrefix("abc", "c"), "abc");
TEST(StringTest, TrimSuffix) {
EXPECT_EQ(TrimSuffix("abc", "c"), "ab");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimSuffix("abc", "bc"), "a");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimSuffix("abc", "abc"), "");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimSuffix("abc", "1abc"), "abc");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimSuffix("abc", "ac"), "abc");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimSuffix("abc", "b"), "abc");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimSuffix("abc", "a"), "abc");
TEST(StringTest, Trim) {
EXPECT_EQ(Trim("hello world", [](char) { return false; }), "hello world");
EXPECT_EQ(Trim("hello world", [](char c) { return c == 'h'; }), "ello world");
EXPECT_EQ(Trim("hello world", [](char c) { return c == 'd'; }), "hello worl");
EXPECT_EQ(Trim("hello world", [](char c) { return c == 'h' || c == 'd'; }), "ello worl");
EXPECT_EQ(Trim("hello world", [](char) { return true; }), "");
EXPECT_EQ(Trim("", [](char) { return false; }), "");
EXPECT_EQ(Trim("", [](char) { return true; }), "");
TEST(StringTest, IsSpace) {
EXPECT_TRUE(IsSpace(' '));
TEST(StringTest, TrimSpace) {
EXPECT_EQ(TrimSpace("hello world"), "hello world");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimSpace(" \t hello world\v\f"), "hello world");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimSpace("hello \t world"), "hello \t world");
EXPECT_EQ(TrimSpace(""), "");
TEST(StringTest, Quote) {
EXPECT_EQ("'meow'", Quote("meow"));
TEST(StringTest, Split) {
EXPECT_THAT(ToStringList(Split("", ",")), testing::ElementsAre(""));
EXPECT_THAT(ToStringList(Split("cat", ",")), testing::ElementsAre("cat"));
EXPECT_THAT(ToStringList(Split("cat,", ",")), testing::ElementsAre("cat", ""));
EXPECT_THAT(ToStringList(Split(",cat", ",")), testing::ElementsAre("", "cat"));
EXPECT_THAT(ToStringList(Split("cat,dog,fish", ",")),
testing::ElementsAre("cat", "dog", "fish"));
EXPECT_THAT(ToStringList(Split("catdogfish", "dog")), testing::ElementsAre("cat", "fish"));
TEST(StringTest, Join) {
EXPECT_EQ(Join(Vector<int, 1>{}, ","), "");
EXPECT_EQ(Join(Vector{1, 2, 3}, ","), "1,2,3");
EXPECT_EQ(Join(Vector{"cat"}, ","), "cat");
EXPECT_EQ(Join(Vector{"cat", "dog"}, ","), "cat,dog");
} // namespace
} // namespace tint