tint: const eval of countTrailingZeros

Bug: tint:1581
Change-Id: I2967ea1d6f3f297c03795bddd0e26abcccd57184
Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/107700
Reviewed-by: Ben Clayton <bclayton@google.com>
Kokoro: Kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com>
diff --git a/src/tint/intrinsics.def b/src/tint/intrinsics.def
index 9b3206b..b55a9cc 100644
--- a/src/tint/intrinsics.def
+++ b/src/tint/intrinsics.def
@@ -437,8 +437,8 @@
 @const fn countLeadingZeros<N: num, T: iu32>(vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
 fn countOneBits<T: iu32>(T) -> T
 fn countOneBits<N: num, T: iu32>(vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
-fn countTrailingZeros<T: iu32>(T) -> T
-fn countTrailingZeros<N: num, T: iu32>(vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
+@const fn countTrailingZeros<T: iu32>(T) -> T
+@const fn countTrailingZeros<N: num, T: iu32>(vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
 fn cross<T: f32_f16>(vec3<T>, vec3<T>) -> vec3<T>
 fn degrees<T: f32_f16>(T) -> T
 fn degrees<N: num, T: f32_f16>(vec<N, T>) -> vec<N, T>
diff --git a/src/tint/resolver/const_eval.cc b/src/tint/resolver/const_eval.cc
index 31b3796..285e936 100644
--- a/src/tint/resolver/const_eval.cc
+++ b/src/tint/resolver/const_eval.cc
@@ -1651,6 +1651,31 @@
     return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
+ConstEval::Result ConstEval::countTrailingZeros(const sem::Type* ty,
+                                                utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
+                                                const Source&) {
+    auto transform = [&](const sem::Constant* c0) {
+        auto create = [&](auto e) {
+            using NumberT = decltype(e);
+            using T = UnwrapNumber<NumberT>;
+            using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
+            constexpr UT kNumBits = sizeof(UT) * 8;
+            constexpr UT kRightMost = UT{1};
+            auto v = static_cast<UT>(e);
+            auto count = UT{0};
+            while ((count < kNumBits) && ((v & kRightMost) == 0)) {
+                ++count;
+                v >>= 1;
+            }
+            return CreateElement(builder, c0->Type(), NumberT(count));
+        };
+        return Dispatch_iu32(create, c0);
+    };
+    return TransformElements(builder, ty, transform, args[0]);
 ConstEval::Result ConstEval::saturate(const sem::Type* ty,
                                       utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
                                       const Source&) {
diff --git a/src/tint/resolver/const_eval.h b/src/tint/resolver/const_eval.h
index 980a310..91a59f3 100644
--- a/src/tint/resolver/const_eval.h
+++ b/src/tint/resolver/const_eval.h
@@ -440,6 +440,15 @@
                              utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
                              const Source& source);
+    /// countTrailingZeros builtin
+    /// @param ty the expression type
+    /// @param args the input arguments
+    /// @param source the source location of the conversion
+    /// @return the result value, or null if the value cannot be calculated
+    Result countTrailingZeros(const sem::Type* ty,
+        utils::VectorRef<const sem::Constant*> args,
+        const Source& source);
     /// saturate builtin
     /// @param ty the expression type
     /// @param args the input arguments
diff --git a/src/tint/resolver/const_eval_builtin_test.cc b/src/tint/resolver/const_eval_builtin_test.cc
index 6378230..5af7561 100644
--- a/src/tint/resolver/const_eval_builtin_test.cc
+++ b/src/tint/resolver/const_eval_builtin_test.cc
@@ -507,6 +507,52 @@
 template <typename T>
+std::vector<Case> CountTrailingZerosCases() {
+    using B = BitValues<T>;
+    return {
+        C({B::Lsh(1, 31)}, T(31)),  //
+        C({B::Lsh(1, 30)}, T(30)),  //
+        C({B::Lsh(1, 29)}, T(29)),  //
+        C({B::Lsh(1, 28)}, T(28)),
+        //...
+        C({B::Lsh(1, 3)}, T(3)),  //
+        C({B::Lsh(1, 2)}, T(2)),  //
+        C({B::Lsh(1, 1)}, T(1)),  //
+        C({B::Lsh(1, 0)}, T(0)),
+        C({T(0b0000'1111'0000'1111'0000'1111'0000'1111)}, T(0)),
+        C({T(0b0001'1110'0001'1110'0001'1110'0001'1110)}, T(1)),
+        C({T(0b0011'1100'0011'1100'0011'1100'0011'1100)}, T(2)),
+        C({T(0b0111'1000'0111'1000'0111'1000'0111'1000)}, T(3)),
+        //...
+        C({T(0b1110'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000)}, T(29)),
+        C({T(0b1100'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000)}, T(30)),
+        C({T(0b1000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000)}, T(31)),
+        C({T(0b0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000)}, T(32)),
+        //// Same as above, but remove trailing 0
+        C({T(0b0001'1110'0001'1110'0001'1110'0001'1111)}, T(0)),
+        C({T(0b0011'1100'0011'1100'0011'1100'0011'1101)}, T(0)),
+        C({T(0b0111'1000'0111'1000'0111'1000'0111'1001)}, T(0)),
+        //...
+        C({T(0b1110'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0001)}, T(0)),
+        C({T(0b1100'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0001)}, T(0)),
+        C({T(0b1000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0001)}, T(0)),
+        C({T(0b0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0000'0001)}, T(0)),
+        // Vector tests
+        C({Vec(B::Lsh(1, 31), B::Lsh(1, 30), B::Lsh(1, 29))}, Vec(T(31), T(30), T(29))),
+        C({Vec(B::Lsh(1, 2), B::Lsh(1, 1), B::Lsh(1, 0))}, Vec(T(2), T(1), T(0))),
+    };
+    CountTrailingZeros,
+    ResolverConstEvalBuiltinTest,
+    testing::Combine(testing::Values(sem::BuiltinType::kCountTrailingZeros),
+                     testing::ValuesIn(Concat(CountTrailingZerosCases<i32>(),  //
+                                              CountTrailingZerosCases<u32>()))));
+template <typename T>
 std::vector<Case> SaturateCases() {
     return {
         C({T(0)}, T(0)),
diff --git a/src/tint/resolver/intrinsic_table.inl b/src/tint/resolver/intrinsic_table.inl
index 38bba68..587333c 100644
--- a/src/tint/resolver/intrinsic_table.inl
+++ b/src/tint/resolver/intrinsic_table.inl
@@ -12940,7 +12940,7 @@
     /* parameters */ &kParameters[931],
     /* return matcher indices */ &kMatcherIndices[1],
     /* flags */ OverloadFlags(OverloadFlag::kIsBuiltin, OverloadFlag::kSupportsVertexPipeline, OverloadFlag::kSupportsFragmentPipeline, OverloadFlag::kSupportsComputePipeline),
-    /* const eval */ nullptr,
+    /* const eval */ &ConstEval::countTrailingZeros,
     /* [385] */
@@ -12952,7 +12952,7 @@
     /* parameters */ &kParameters[930],
     /* return matcher indices */ &kMatcherIndices[30],
     /* flags */ OverloadFlags(OverloadFlag::kIsBuiltin, OverloadFlag::kSupportsVertexPipeline, OverloadFlag::kSupportsFragmentPipeline, OverloadFlag::kSupportsComputePipeline),
-    /* const eval */ nullptr,
+    /* const eval */ &ConstEval::countTrailingZeros,
     /* [386] */
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
index a61337c..53ca8f4 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-uint2 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uint2 v) {
-  uint2 x = uint2(v);
-  const uint2 b16 = (bool2((x & (65535u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (16u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint2 b8 = (bool2((x & (255u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (8u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint2 b4 = (bool2((x & (15u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (4u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint2 b2 = (bool2((x & (3u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (2u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint2 b1 = (bool2((x & (1u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (1u).xx);
-  const uint2 is_zero = ((x == (0u).xx) ? (1u).xx : (0u).xx);
-  return uint2((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_1ad138() {
-  uint2 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros((1u).xx);
+  uint2 res = (0u).xx;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
index a61337c..53ca8f4 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-uint2 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uint2 v) {
-  uint2 x = uint2(v);
-  const uint2 b16 = (bool2((x & (65535u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (16u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint2 b8 = (bool2((x & (255u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (8u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint2 b4 = (bool2((x & (15u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (4u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint2 b2 = (bool2((x & (3u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (2u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint2 b1 = (bool2((x & (1u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (1u).xx);
-  const uint2 is_zero = ((x == (0u).xx) ? (1u).xx : (0u).xx);
-  return uint2((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_1ad138() {
-  uint2 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros((1u).xx);
+  uint2 res = (0u).xx;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.glsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.glsl
index c6bd3d4..7587a61 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.glsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.glsl
@@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
 #version 310 es
-uvec2 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec2 v) {
-  uvec2 x = uvec2(v);
-  uvec2 b16 = mix(uvec2(16u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec2 b8 = mix(uvec2(8u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec2 b4 = mix(uvec2(4u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec2 b2 = mix(uvec2(2u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec2 b1 = mix(uvec2(1u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(1u))));
-  uvec2 is_zero = mix(uvec2(0u), uvec2(1u), equal(x, uvec2(0u)));
-  return uvec2((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_1ad138() {
-  uvec2 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec2(1u));
+  uvec2 res = uvec2(0u);
 vec4 vertex_main() {
@@ -35,23 +20,8 @@
 #version 310 es
 precision mediump float;
-uvec2 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec2 v) {
-  uvec2 x = uvec2(v);
-  uvec2 b16 = mix(uvec2(16u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec2 b8 = mix(uvec2(8u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec2 b4 = mix(uvec2(4u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec2 b2 = mix(uvec2(2u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec2 b1 = mix(uvec2(1u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(1u))));
-  uvec2 is_zero = mix(uvec2(0u), uvec2(1u), equal(x, uvec2(0u)));
-  return uvec2((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_1ad138() {
-  uvec2 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec2(1u));
+  uvec2 res = uvec2(0u);
 void fragment_main() {
@@ -64,23 +34,8 @@
 #version 310 es
-uvec2 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec2 v) {
-  uvec2 x = uvec2(v);
-  uvec2 b16 = mix(uvec2(16u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec2 b8 = mix(uvec2(8u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec2 b4 = mix(uvec2(4u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec2 b2 = mix(uvec2(2u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec2 b1 = mix(uvec2(1u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(1u))));
-  uvec2 is_zero = mix(uvec2(0u), uvec2(1u), equal(x, uvec2(0u)));
-  return uvec2((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_1ad138() {
-  uvec2 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec2(1u));
+  uvec2 res = uvec2(0u);
 void compute_main() {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.msl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.msl
index 527fe90..e0f33eb 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.msl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.msl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 using namespace metal;
 void countTrailingZeros_1ad138() {
-  uint2 res = ctz(uint2(1u));
+  uint2 res = uint2(0u);
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.spvasm b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.spvasm
index d2ea81d..9bb2548 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.spvasm
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1ad138.wgsl.expected.spvasm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ; Version: 1.3
 ; Generator: Google Tint Compiler; 0
-; Bound: 96
+; Bound: 32
 ; Schema: 0
                OpCapability Shader
                OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
                OpExecutionMode %compute_main LocalSize 1 1 1
                OpName %value "value"
                OpName %vertex_point_size "vertex_point_size"
-               OpName %tint_count_trailing_zeros "tint_count_trailing_zeros"
-               OpName %v "v"
-               OpName %x "x"
                OpName %countTrailingZeros_1ad138 "countTrailingZeros_1ad138"
                OpName %res "res"
                OpName %vertex_main_inner "vertex_main_inner"
@@ -31,108 +28,39 @@
 %_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
           %8 = OpConstantNull %float
 %vertex_point_size = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output %8
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %9 = OpTypeFunction %void
        %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
      %v2uint = OpTypeVector %uint 2
-          %9 = OpTypeFunction %v2uint %v2uint
+         %15 = OpConstantNull %v2uint
 %_ptr_Function_v2uint = OpTypePointer Function %v2uint
-         %18 = OpConstantNull %v2uint
-       %bool = OpTypeBool
-     %v2bool = OpTypeVector %bool 2
- %uint_65535 = OpConstant %uint 65535
-         %25 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_65535 %uint_65535
-    %uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16
-         %28 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_16 %uint_16
-   %uint_255 = OpConstant %uint 255
-         %35 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_255 %uint_255
-     %uint_8 = OpConstant %uint 8
-         %38 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_8 %uint_8
-    %uint_15 = OpConstant %uint 15
-         %45 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_15 %uint_15
-     %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
-         %48 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_4 %uint_4
-     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
-         %55 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_3 %uint_3
-     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
-         %58 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_2 %uint_2
-     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
-         %65 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_1 %uint_1
-       %void = OpTypeVoid
-         %76 = OpTypeFunction %void
-         %82 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
+         %18 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
     %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
-%tint_count_trailing_zeros = OpFunction %v2uint None %9
-          %v = OpFunctionParameter %v2uint
-         %14 = OpLabel
-          %x = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2uint Function %18
-               OpStore %x %v
-         %23 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %26 = OpBitwiseAnd %v2uint %23 %25
-         %20 = OpINotEqual %v2bool %26 %18
-         %19 = OpSelect %v2uint %20 %18 %28
-         %29 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %30 = OpShiftRightLogical %v2uint %29 %19
-               OpStore %x %30
-         %33 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %36 = OpBitwiseAnd %v2uint %33 %35
-         %32 = OpINotEqual %v2bool %36 %18
-         %31 = OpSelect %v2uint %32 %18 %38
-         %39 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %40 = OpShiftRightLogical %v2uint %39 %31
-               OpStore %x %40
-         %43 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %46 = OpBitwiseAnd %v2uint %43 %45
-         %42 = OpINotEqual %v2bool %46 %18
-         %41 = OpSelect %v2uint %42 %18 %48
-         %49 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %50 = OpShiftRightLogical %v2uint %49 %41
-               OpStore %x %50
-         %53 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %56 = OpBitwiseAnd %v2uint %53 %55
-         %52 = OpINotEqual %v2bool %56 %18
-         %51 = OpSelect %v2uint %52 %18 %58
-         %59 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %60 = OpShiftRightLogical %v2uint %59 %51
-               OpStore %x %60
-         %63 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %66 = OpBitwiseAnd %v2uint %63 %65
-         %62 = OpINotEqual %v2bool %66 %18
-         %61 = OpSelect %v2uint %62 %18 %65
-         %68 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %69 = OpIEqual %v2bool %68 %18
-         %67 = OpSelect %v2uint %69 %65 %18
-         %71 = OpBitwiseOr %v2uint %19 %31
-         %72 = OpBitwiseOr %v2uint %71 %41
-         %73 = OpBitwiseOr %v2uint %72 %51
-         %74 = OpBitwiseOr %v2uint %73 %61
-         %75 = OpIAdd %v2uint %74 %67
-               OpReturnValue %75
-               OpFunctionEnd
-%countTrailingZeros_1ad138 = OpFunction %void None %76
-         %79 = OpLabel
-        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2uint Function %18
-         %80 = OpFunctionCall %v2uint %tint_count_trailing_zeros %65
-               OpStore %res %80
+%countTrailingZeros_1ad138 = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %12 = OpLabel
+        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2uint Function %15
+               OpStore %res %15
-%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %82
-         %84 = OpLabel
-         %85 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_1ad138
+%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %18
+         %20 = OpLabel
+         %21 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_1ad138
                OpReturnValue %5
-%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %76
-         %87 = OpLabel
-         %88 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
-               OpStore %value %88
+%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %23 = OpLabel
+         %24 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
+               OpStore %value %24
                OpStore %vertex_point_size %float_1
-%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %76
-         %91 = OpLabel
-         %92 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_1ad138
+%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %27 = OpLabel
+         %28 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_1ad138
-%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %76
-         %94 = OpLabel
-         %95 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_1ad138
+%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %30 = OpLabel
+         %31 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_1ad138
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
index 2855d6d..327fef3 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-int4 tint_count_trailing_zeros(int4 v) {
-  uint4 x = uint4(v);
-  const uint4 b16 = (bool4((x & (65535u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (16u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint4 b8 = (bool4((x & (255u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (8u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint4 b4 = (bool4((x & (15u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (4u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint4 b2 = (bool4((x & (3u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (2u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint4 b1 = (bool4((x & (1u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (1u).xxxx);
-  const uint4 is_zero = ((x == (0u).xxxx) ? (1u).xxxx : (0u).xxxx);
-  return int4((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_1dc84a() {
-  int4 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros((1).xxxx);
+  int4 res = (0).xxxx;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
index 2855d6d..327fef3 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-int4 tint_count_trailing_zeros(int4 v) {
-  uint4 x = uint4(v);
-  const uint4 b16 = (bool4((x & (65535u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (16u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint4 b8 = (bool4((x & (255u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (8u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint4 b4 = (bool4((x & (15u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (4u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint4 b2 = (bool4((x & (3u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (2u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint4 b1 = (bool4((x & (1u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (1u).xxxx);
-  const uint4 is_zero = ((x == (0u).xxxx) ? (1u).xxxx : (0u).xxxx);
-  return int4((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_1dc84a() {
-  int4 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros((1).xxxx);
+  int4 res = (0).xxxx;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.glsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.glsl
index 004dfe3..f29e7c4 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.glsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.glsl
@@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
 #version 310 es
-ivec4 tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec4 v) {
-  uvec4 x = uvec4(v);
-  uvec4 b16 = mix(uvec4(16u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec4 b8 = mix(uvec4(8u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec4 b4 = mix(uvec4(4u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec4 b2 = mix(uvec4(2u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec4 b1 = mix(uvec4(1u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(1u))));
-  uvec4 is_zero = mix(uvec4(0u), uvec4(1u), equal(x, uvec4(0u)));
-  return ivec4((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_1dc84a() {
-  ivec4 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec4(1));
+  ivec4 res = ivec4(0);
 vec4 vertex_main() {
@@ -35,23 +20,8 @@
 #version 310 es
 precision mediump float;
-ivec4 tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec4 v) {
-  uvec4 x = uvec4(v);
-  uvec4 b16 = mix(uvec4(16u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec4 b8 = mix(uvec4(8u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec4 b4 = mix(uvec4(4u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec4 b2 = mix(uvec4(2u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec4 b1 = mix(uvec4(1u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(1u))));
-  uvec4 is_zero = mix(uvec4(0u), uvec4(1u), equal(x, uvec4(0u)));
-  return ivec4((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_1dc84a() {
-  ivec4 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec4(1));
+  ivec4 res = ivec4(0);
 void fragment_main() {
@@ -64,23 +34,8 @@
 #version 310 es
-ivec4 tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec4 v) {
-  uvec4 x = uvec4(v);
-  uvec4 b16 = mix(uvec4(16u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec4 b8 = mix(uvec4(8u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec4 b4 = mix(uvec4(4u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec4 b2 = mix(uvec4(2u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec4 b1 = mix(uvec4(1u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(1u))));
-  uvec4 is_zero = mix(uvec4(0u), uvec4(1u), equal(x, uvec4(0u)));
-  return ivec4((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_1dc84a() {
-  ivec4 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec4(1));
+  ivec4 res = ivec4(0);
 void compute_main() {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.msl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.msl
index 216718b..dcf6b8a 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.msl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.msl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 using namespace metal;
 void countTrailingZeros_1dc84a() {
-  int4 res = ctz(int4(1));
+  int4 res = int4(0);
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.spvasm b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.spvasm
index 85d0c58..f20dbd4 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.spvasm
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/1dc84a.wgsl.expected.spvasm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ; Version: 1.3
 ; Generator: Google Tint Compiler; 0
-; Bound: 102
+; Bound: 32
 ; Schema: 0
                OpCapability Shader
                OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
                OpExecutionMode %compute_main LocalSize 1 1 1
                OpName %value "value"
                OpName %vertex_point_size "vertex_point_size"
-               OpName %tint_count_trailing_zeros "tint_count_trailing_zeros"
-               OpName %v "v"
-               OpName %x "x"
                OpName %countTrailingZeros_1dc84a "countTrailingZeros_1dc84a"
                OpName %res "res"
                OpName %vertex_main_inner "vertex_main_inner"
@@ -31,116 +28,39 @@
 %_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
           %8 = OpConstantNull %float
 %vertex_point_size = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output %8
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %9 = OpTypeFunction %void
         %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
       %v4int = OpTypeVector %int 4
-          %9 = OpTypeFunction %v4int %v4int
-       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
-     %v4uint = OpTypeVector %uint 4
-%_ptr_Function_v4uint = OpTypePointer Function %v4uint
-         %20 = OpConstantNull %v4uint
-       %bool = OpTypeBool
-     %v4bool = OpTypeVector %bool 4
- %uint_65535 = OpConstant %uint 65535
-         %27 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_65535 %uint_65535 %uint_65535 %uint_65535
-    %uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16
-         %30 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_16 %uint_16 %uint_16 %uint_16
-   %uint_255 = OpConstant %uint 255
-         %37 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_255 %uint_255 %uint_255 %uint_255
-     %uint_8 = OpConstant %uint 8
-         %40 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_8 %uint_8 %uint_8 %uint_8
-    %uint_15 = OpConstant %uint 15
-         %47 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_15 %uint_15 %uint_15 %uint_15
-     %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
-         %50 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_4 %uint_4 %uint_4 %uint_4
-     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
-         %57 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_3 %uint_3 %uint_3 %uint_3
-     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
-         %60 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_2
-     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
-         %67 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1
-       %void = OpTypeVoid
-         %78 = OpTypeFunction %void
-      %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
-         %84 = OpConstantComposite %v4int %int_1 %int_1 %int_1 %int_1
+         %15 = OpConstantNull %v4int
 %_ptr_Function_v4int = OpTypePointer Function %v4int
-         %87 = OpConstantNull %v4int
-         %88 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
+         %18 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
     %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
-%tint_count_trailing_zeros = OpFunction %v4int None %9
-          %v = OpFunctionParameter %v4int
-         %14 = OpLabel
-          %x = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4uint Function %20
-         %15 = OpBitcast %v4uint %v
-               OpStore %x %15
-         %25 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %28 = OpBitwiseAnd %v4uint %25 %27
-         %22 = OpINotEqual %v4bool %28 %20
-         %21 = OpSelect %v4uint %22 %20 %30
-         %31 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %32 = OpShiftRightLogical %v4uint %31 %21
-               OpStore %x %32
-         %35 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %38 = OpBitwiseAnd %v4uint %35 %37
-         %34 = OpINotEqual %v4bool %38 %20
-         %33 = OpSelect %v4uint %34 %20 %40
-         %41 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %42 = OpShiftRightLogical %v4uint %41 %33
-               OpStore %x %42
-         %45 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %48 = OpBitwiseAnd %v4uint %45 %47
-         %44 = OpINotEqual %v4bool %48 %20
-         %43 = OpSelect %v4uint %44 %20 %50
-         %51 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %52 = OpShiftRightLogical %v4uint %51 %43
-               OpStore %x %52
-         %55 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %58 = OpBitwiseAnd %v4uint %55 %57
-         %54 = OpINotEqual %v4bool %58 %20
-         %53 = OpSelect %v4uint %54 %20 %60
-         %61 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %62 = OpShiftRightLogical %v4uint %61 %53
-               OpStore %x %62
-         %65 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %68 = OpBitwiseAnd %v4uint %65 %67
-         %64 = OpINotEqual %v4bool %68 %20
-         %63 = OpSelect %v4uint %64 %20 %67
-         %70 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %71 = OpIEqual %v4bool %70 %20
-         %69 = OpSelect %v4uint %71 %67 %20
-         %73 = OpBitwiseOr %v4uint %21 %33
-         %74 = OpBitwiseOr %v4uint %73 %43
-         %75 = OpBitwiseOr %v4uint %74 %53
-         %76 = OpBitwiseOr %v4uint %75 %63
-         %77 = OpIAdd %v4uint %76 %69
-         %72 = OpBitcast %v4int %77
-               OpReturnValue %72
-               OpFunctionEnd
-%countTrailingZeros_1dc84a = OpFunction %void None %78
-         %81 = OpLabel
-        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4int Function %87
-         %82 = OpFunctionCall %v4int %tint_count_trailing_zeros %84
-               OpStore %res %82
+%countTrailingZeros_1dc84a = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %12 = OpLabel
+        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4int Function %15
+               OpStore %res %15
-%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %88
-         %90 = OpLabel
-         %91 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_1dc84a
+%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %18
+         %20 = OpLabel
+         %21 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_1dc84a
                OpReturnValue %5
-%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %78
-         %93 = OpLabel
-         %94 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
-               OpStore %value %94
+%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %23 = OpLabel
+         %24 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
+               OpStore %value %24
                OpStore %vertex_point_size %float_1
-%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %78
-         %97 = OpLabel
-         %98 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_1dc84a
+%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %27 = OpLabel
+         %28 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_1dc84a
-%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %78
-        %100 = OpLabel
-        %101 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_1dc84a
+%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %30 = OpLabel
+         %31 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_1dc84a
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
index edace49..2399db9 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-uint tint_count_trailing_zeros(uint v) {
-  uint x = uint(v);
-  const uint b16 = (bool((x & 65535u)) ? 0u : 16u);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint b8 = (bool((x & 255u)) ? 0u : 8u);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint b4 = (bool((x & 15u)) ? 0u : 4u);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint b2 = (bool((x & 3u)) ? 0u : 2u);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint b1 = (bool((x & 1u)) ? 0u : 1u);
-  const uint is_zero = ((x == 0u) ? 1u : 0u);
-  return uint((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_21e394() {
-  uint res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(1u);
+  uint res = 0u;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
index edace49..2399db9 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-uint tint_count_trailing_zeros(uint v) {
-  uint x = uint(v);
-  const uint b16 = (bool((x & 65535u)) ? 0u : 16u);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint b8 = (bool((x & 255u)) ? 0u : 8u);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint b4 = (bool((x & 15u)) ? 0u : 4u);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint b2 = (bool((x & 3u)) ? 0u : 2u);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint b1 = (bool((x & 1u)) ? 0u : 1u);
-  const uint is_zero = ((x == 0u) ? 1u : 0u);
-  return uint((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_21e394() {
-  uint res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(1u);
+  uint res = 0u;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.glsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.glsl
index 48ead3c..4d74fa0 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.glsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.glsl
@@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
 #version 310 es
-uint tint_count_trailing_zeros(uint v) {
-  uint x = uint(v);
-  uint b16 = (bool((x & 65535u)) ? 0u : 16u);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uint b8 = (bool((x & 255u)) ? 0u : 8u);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uint b4 = (bool((x & 15u)) ? 0u : 4u);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uint b2 = (bool((x & 3u)) ? 0u : 2u);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uint b1 = (bool((x & 1u)) ? 0u : 1u);
-  uint is_zero = ((x == 0u) ? 1u : 0u);
-  return uint((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_21e394() {
-  uint res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(1u);
+  uint res = 0u;
 vec4 vertex_main() {
@@ -35,23 +20,8 @@
 #version 310 es
 precision mediump float;
-uint tint_count_trailing_zeros(uint v) {
-  uint x = uint(v);
-  uint b16 = (bool((x & 65535u)) ? 0u : 16u);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uint b8 = (bool((x & 255u)) ? 0u : 8u);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uint b4 = (bool((x & 15u)) ? 0u : 4u);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uint b2 = (bool((x & 3u)) ? 0u : 2u);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uint b1 = (bool((x & 1u)) ? 0u : 1u);
-  uint is_zero = ((x == 0u) ? 1u : 0u);
-  return uint((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_21e394() {
-  uint res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(1u);
+  uint res = 0u;
 void fragment_main() {
@@ -64,23 +34,8 @@
 #version 310 es
-uint tint_count_trailing_zeros(uint v) {
-  uint x = uint(v);
-  uint b16 = (bool((x & 65535u)) ? 0u : 16u);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uint b8 = (bool((x & 255u)) ? 0u : 8u);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uint b4 = (bool((x & 15u)) ? 0u : 4u);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uint b2 = (bool((x & 3u)) ? 0u : 2u);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uint b1 = (bool((x & 1u)) ? 0u : 1u);
-  uint is_zero = ((x == 0u) ? 1u : 0u);
-  return uint((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_21e394() {
-  uint res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(1u);
+  uint res = 0u;
 void compute_main() {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.msl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.msl
index e403208..d3eb2a9 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.msl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.msl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 using namespace metal;
 void countTrailingZeros_21e394() {
-  uint res = ctz(1u);
+  uint res = 0u;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.spvasm b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.spvasm
index 4d07aef..f3035a2 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.spvasm
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/21e394.wgsl.expected.spvasm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ; Version: 1.3
 ; Generator: Google Tint Compiler; 0
-; Bound: 85
+; Bound: 31
 ; Schema: 0
                OpCapability Shader
                OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
                OpExecutionMode %compute_main LocalSize 1 1 1
                OpName %value "value"
                OpName %vertex_point_size "vertex_point_size"
-               OpName %tint_count_trailing_zeros "tint_count_trailing_zeros"
-               OpName %v "v"
-               OpName %x "x"
                OpName %countTrailingZeros_21e394 "countTrailingZeros_21e394"
                OpName %res "res"
                OpName %vertex_main_inner "vertex_main_inner"
@@ -31,97 +28,38 @@
 %_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
           %8 = OpConstantNull %float
 %vertex_point_size = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output %8
-       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
-          %9 = OpTypeFunction %uint %uint
-%_ptr_Function_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint
-         %17 = OpConstantNull %uint
-       %bool = OpTypeBool
- %uint_65535 = OpConstant %uint 65535
-    %uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16
-   %uint_255 = OpConstant %uint 255
-     %uint_8 = OpConstant %uint 8
-    %uint_15 = OpConstant %uint 15
-     %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
-     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
-     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
-     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
        %void = OpTypeVoid
-         %65 = OpTypeFunction %void
-         %71 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
+          %9 = OpTypeFunction %void
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+         %14 = OpConstantNull %uint
+%_ptr_Function_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint
+         %17 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
     %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
-%tint_count_trailing_zeros = OpFunction %uint None %9
-          %v = OpFunctionParameter %uint
-         %13 = OpLabel
-          %x = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function %17
-               OpStore %x %v
-         %21 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %23 = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %21 %uint_65535
-         %19 = OpINotEqual %bool %23 %17
-         %18 = OpSelect %uint %19 %17 %uint_16
-         %25 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %26 = OpShiftRightLogical %uint %25 %18
-               OpStore %x %26
-         %29 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %31 = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %29 %uint_255
-         %28 = OpINotEqual %bool %31 %17
-         %27 = OpSelect %uint %28 %17 %uint_8
-         %33 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %34 = OpShiftRightLogical %uint %33 %27
-               OpStore %x %34
-         %37 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %39 = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %37 %uint_15
-         %36 = OpINotEqual %bool %39 %17
-         %35 = OpSelect %uint %36 %17 %uint_4
-         %41 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %42 = OpShiftRightLogical %uint %41 %35
-               OpStore %x %42
-         %45 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %47 = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %45 %uint_3
-         %44 = OpINotEqual %bool %47 %17
-         %43 = OpSelect %uint %44 %17 %uint_2
-         %49 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %50 = OpShiftRightLogical %uint %49 %43
-               OpStore %x %50
-         %53 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %55 = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %53 %uint_1
-         %52 = OpINotEqual %bool %55 %17
-         %51 = OpSelect %uint %52 %17 %uint_1
-         %57 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %58 = OpIEqual %bool %57 %17
-         %56 = OpSelect %uint %58 %uint_1 %17
-         %60 = OpBitwiseOr %uint %18 %27
-         %61 = OpBitwiseOr %uint %60 %35
-         %62 = OpBitwiseOr %uint %61 %43
-         %63 = OpBitwiseOr %uint %62 %51
-         %64 = OpIAdd %uint %63 %56
-               OpReturnValue %64
-               OpFunctionEnd
-%countTrailingZeros_21e394 = OpFunction %void None %65
-         %68 = OpLabel
-        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function %17
-         %69 = OpFunctionCall %uint %tint_count_trailing_zeros %uint_1
-               OpStore %res %69
+%countTrailingZeros_21e394 = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %12 = OpLabel
+        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function %14
+               OpStore %res %14
-%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %71
-         %73 = OpLabel
-         %74 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_21e394
+%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %17
+         %19 = OpLabel
+         %20 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_21e394
                OpReturnValue %5
-%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %65
-         %76 = OpLabel
-         %77 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
-               OpStore %value %77
+%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %22 = OpLabel
+         %23 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
+               OpStore %value %23
                OpStore %vertex_point_size %float_1
-%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %65
-         %80 = OpLabel
-         %81 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_21e394
+%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %26 = OpLabel
+         %27 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_21e394
-%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %65
-         %83 = OpLabel
-         %84 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_21e394
+%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %29 = OpLabel
+         %30 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_21e394
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
index a63a846..c42b308 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-int2 tint_count_trailing_zeros(int2 v) {
-  uint2 x = uint2(v);
-  const uint2 b16 = (bool2((x & (65535u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (16u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint2 b8 = (bool2((x & (255u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (8u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint2 b4 = (bool2((x & (15u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (4u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint2 b2 = (bool2((x & (3u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (2u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint2 b1 = (bool2((x & (1u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (1u).xx);
-  const uint2 is_zero = ((x == (0u).xx) ? (1u).xx : (0u).xx);
-  return int2((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_327c37() {
-  int2 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros((1).xx);
+  int2 res = (0).xx;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
index a63a846..c42b308 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-int2 tint_count_trailing_zeros(int2 v) {
-  uint2 x = uint2(v);
-  const uint2 b16 = (bool2((x & (65535u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (16u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint2 b8 = (bool2((x & (255u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (8u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint2 b4 = (bool2((x & (15u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (4u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint2 b2 = (bool2((x & (3u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (2u).xx);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint2 b1 = (bool2((x & (1u).xx)) ? (0u).xx : (1u).xx);
-  const uint2 is_zero = ((x == (0u).xx) ? (1u).xx : (0u).xx);
-  return int2((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_327c37() {
-  int2 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros((1).xx);
+  int2 res = (0).xx;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.glsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.glsl
index b321de8..0a5c509 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.glsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.glsl
@@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
 #version 310 es
-ivec2 tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec2 v) {
-  uvec2 x = uvec2(v);
-  uvec2 b16 = mix(uvec2(16u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec2 b8 = mix(uvec2(8u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec2 b4 = mix(uvec2(4u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec2 b2 = mix(uvec2(2u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec2 b1 = mix(uvec2(1u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(1u))));
-  uvec2 is_zero = mix(uvec2(0u), uvec2(1u), equal(x, uvec2(0u)));
-  return ivec2((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_327c37() {
-  ivec2 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec2(1));
+  ivec2 res = ivec2(0);
 vec4 vertex_main() {
@@ -35,23 +20,8 @@
 #version 310 es
 precision mediump float;
-ivec2 tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec2 v) {
-  uvec2 x = uvec2(v);
-  uvec2 b16 = mix(uvec2(16u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec2 b8 = mix(uvec2(8u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec2 b4 = mix(uvec2(4u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec2 b2 = mix(uvec2(2u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec2 b1 = mix(uvec2(1u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(1u))));
-  uvec2 is_zero = mix(uvec2(0u), uvec2(1u), equal(x, uvec2(0u)));
-  return ivec2((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_327c37() {
-  ivec2 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec2(1));
+  ivec2 res = ivec2(0);
 void fragment_main() {
@@ -64,23 +34,8 @@
 #version 310 es
-ivec2 tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec2 v) {
-  uvec2 x = uvec2(v);
-  uvec2 b16 = mix(uvec2(16u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec2 b8 = mix(uvec2(8u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec2 b4 = mix(uvec2(4u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec2 b2 = mix(uvec2(2u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec2 b1 = mix(uvec2(1u), uvec2(0u), bvec2((x & uvec2(1u))));
-  uvec2 is_zero = mix(uvec2(0u), uvec2(1u), equal(x, uvec2(0u)));
-  return ivec2((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_327c37() {
-  ivec2 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec2(1));
+  ivec2 res = ivec2(0);
 void compute_main() {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.msl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.msl
index c0e1ed6..b4039fb 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.msl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.msl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 using namespace metal;
 void countTrailingZeros_327c37() {
-  int2 res = ctz(int2(1));
+  int2 res = int2(0);
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.spvasm b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.spvasm
index 456ba27..24a157c 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.spvasm
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/327c37.wgsl.expected.spvasm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ; Version: 1.3
 ; Generator: Google Tint Compiler; 0
-; Bound: 102
+; Bound: 32
 ; Schema: 0
                OpCapability Shader
                OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
                OpExecutionMode %compute_main LocalSize 1 1 1
                OpName %value "value"
                OpName %vertex_point_size "vertex_point_size"
-               OpName %tint_count_trailing_zeros "tint_count_trailing_zeros"
-               OpName %v "v"
-               OpName %x "x"
                OpName %countTrailingZeros_327c37 "countTrailingZeros_327c37"
                OpName %res "res"
                OpName %vertex_main_inner "vertex_main_inner"
@@ -31,116 +28,39 @@
 %_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
           %8 = OpConstantNull %float
 %vertex_point_size = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output %8
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %9 = OpTypeFunction %void
         %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
       %v2int = OpTypeVector %int 2
-          %9 = OpTypeFunction %v2int %v2int
-       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
-     %v2uint = OpTypeVector %uint 2
-%_ptr_Function_v2uint = OpTypePointer Function %v2uint
-         %20 = OpConstantNull %v2uint
-       %bool = OpTypeBool
-     %v2bool = OpTypeVector %bool 2
- %uint_65535 = OpConstant %uint 65535
-         %27 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_65535 %uint_65535
-    %uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16
-         %30 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_16 %uint_16
-   %uint_255 = OpConstant %uint 255
-         %37 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_255 %uint_255
-     %uint_8 = OpConstant %uint 8
-         %40 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_8 %uint_8
-    %uint_15 = OpConstant %uint 15
-         %47 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_15 %uint_15
-     %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
-         %50 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_4 %uint_4
-     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
-         %57 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_3 %uint_3
-     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
-         %60 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_2 %uint_2
-     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
-         %67 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_1 %uint_1
-       %void = OpTypeVoid
-         %78 = OpTypeFunction %void
-      %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
-         %84 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_1 %int_1
+         %15 = OpConstantNull %v2int
 %_ptr_Function_v2int = OpTypePointer Function %v2int
-         %87 = OpConstantNull %v2int
-         %88 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
+         %18 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
     %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
-%tint_count_trailing_zeros = OpFunction %v2int None %9
-          %v = OpFunctionParameter %v2int
-         %14 = OpLabel
-          %x = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2uint Function %20
-         %15 = OpBitcast %v2uint %v
-               OpStore %x %15
-         %25 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %28 = OpBitwiseAnd %v2uint %25 %27
-         %22 = OpINotEqual %v2bool %28 %20
-         %21 = OpSelect %v2uint %22 %20 %30
-         %31 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %32 = OpShiftRightLogical %v2uint %31 %21
-               OpStore %x %32
-         %35 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %38 = OpBitwiseAnd %v2uint %35 %37
-         %34 = OpINotEqual %v2bool %38 %20
-         %33 = OpSelect %v2uint %34 %20 %40
-         %41 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %42 = OpShiftRightLogical %v2uint %41 %33
-               OpStore %x %42
-         %45 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %48 = OpBitwiseAnd %v2uint %45 %47
-         %44 = OpINotEqual %v2bool %48 %20
-         %43 = OpSelect %v2uint %44 %20 %50
-         %51 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %52 = OpShiftRightLogical %v2uint %51 %43
-               OpStore %x %52
-         %55 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %58 = OpBitwiseAnd %v2uint %55 %57
-         %54 = OpINotEqual %v2bool %58 %20
-         %53 = OpSelect %v2uint %54 %20 %60
-         %61 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %62 = OpShiftRightLogical %v2uint %61 %53
-               OpStore %x %62
-         %65 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %68 = OpBitwiseAnd %v2uint %65 %67
-         %64 = OpINotEqual %v2bool %68 %20
-         %63 = OpSelect %v2uint %64 %20 %67
-         %70 = OpLoad %v2uint %x
-         %71 = OpIEqual %v2bool %70 %20
-         %69 = OpSelect %v2uint %71 %67 %20
-         %73 = OpBitwiseOr %v2uint %21 %33
-         %74 = OpBitwiseOr %v2uint %73 %43
-         %75 = OpBitwiseOr %v2uint %74 %53
-         %76 = OpBitwiseOr %v2uint %75 %63
-         %77 = OpIAdd %v2uint %76 %69
-         %72 = OpBitcast %v2int %77
-               OpReturnValue %72
-               OpFunctionEnd
-%countTrailingZeros_327c37 = OpFunction %void None %78
-         %81 = OpLabel
-        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2int Function %87
-         %82 = OpFunctionCall %v2int %tint_count_trailing_zeros %84
-               OpStore %res %82
+%countTrailingZeros_327c37 = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %12 = OpLabel
+        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2int Function %15
+               OpStore %res %15
-%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %88
-         %90 = OpLabel
-         %91 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_327c37
+%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %18
+         %20 = OpLabel
+         %21 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_327c37
                OpReturnValue %5
-%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %78
-         %93 = OpLabel
-         %94 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
-               OpStore %value %94
+%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %23 = OpLabel
+         %24 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
+               OpStore %value %24
                OpStore %vertex_point_size %float_1
-%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %78
-         %97 = OpLabel
-         %98 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_327c37
+%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %27 = OpLabel
+         %28 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_327c37
-%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %78
-        %100 = OpLabel
-        %101 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_327c37
+%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %30 = OpLabel
+         %31 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_327c37
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
index b5eacaa..795a698 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-int tint_count_trailing_zeros(int v) {
-  uint x = uint(v);
-  const uint b16 = (bool((x & 65535u)) ? 0u : 16u);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint b8 = (bool((x & 255u)) ? 0u : 8u);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint b4 = (bool((x & 15u)) ? 0u : 4u);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint b2 = (bool((x & 3u)) ? 0u : 2u);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint b1 = (bool((x & 1u)) ? 0u : 1u);
-  const uint is_zero = ((x == 0u) ? 1u : 0u);
-  return int((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_42fed6() {
-  int res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(1);
+  int res = 0;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
index b5eacaa..795a698 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-int tint_count_trailing_zeros(int v) {
-  uint x = uint(v);
-  const uint b16 = (bool((x & 65535u)) ? 0u : 16u);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint b8 = (bool((x & 255u)) ? 0u : 8u);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint b4 = (bool((x & 15u)) ? 0u : 4u);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint b2 = (bool((x & 3u)) ? 0u : 2u);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint b1 = (bool((x & 1u)) ? 0u : 1u);
-  const uint is_zero = ((x == 0u) ? 1u : 0u);
-  return int((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_42fed6() {
-  int res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(1);
+  int res = 0;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.glsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.glsl
index 79ef865..38fc48c 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.glsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.glsl
@@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
 #version 310 es
-int tint_count_trailing_zeros(int v) {
-  uint x = uint(v);
-  uint b16 = (bool((x & 65535u)) ? 0u : 16u);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uint b8 = (bool((x & 255u)) ? 0u : 8u);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uint b4 = (bool((x & 15u)) ? 0u : 4u);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uint b2 = (bool((x & 3u)) ? 0u : 2u);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uint b1 = (bool((x & 1u)) ? 0u : 1u);
-  uint is_zero = ((x == 0u) ? 1u : 0u);
-  return int((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_42fed6() {
-  int res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(1);
+  int res = 0;
 vec4 vertex_main() {
@@ -35,23 +20,8 @@
 #version 310 es
 precision mediump float;
-int tint_count_trailing_zeros(int v) {
-  uint x = uint(v);
-  uint b16 = (bool((x & 65535u)) ? 0u : 16u);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uint b8 = (bool((x & 255u)) ? 0u : 8u);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uint b4 = (bool((x & 15u)) ? 0u : 4u);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uint b2 = (bool((x & 3u)) ? 0u : 2u);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uint b1 = (bool((x & 1u)) ? 0u : 1u);
-  uint is_zero = ((x == 0u) ? 1u : 0u);
-  return int((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_42fed6() {
-  int res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(1);
+  int res = 0;
 void fragment_main() {
@@ -64,23 +34,8 @@
 #version 310 es
-int tint_count_trailing_zeros(int v) {
-  uint x = uint(v);
-  uint b16 = (bool((x & 65535u)) ? 0u : 16u);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uint b8 = (bool((x & 255u)) ? 0u : 8u);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uint b4 = (bool((x & 15u)) ? 0u : 4u);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uint b2 = (bool((x & 3u)) ? 0u : 2u);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uint b1 = (bool((x & 1u)) ? 0u : 1u);
-  uint is_zero = ((x == 0u) ? 1u : 0u);
-  return int((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_42fed6() {
-  int res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(1);
+  int res = 0;
 void compute_main() {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.msl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.msl
index 7d73b00..662a1a4 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.msl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.msl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 using namespace metal;
 void countTrailingZeros_42fed6() {
-  int res = ctz(1);
+  int res = 0;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.spvasm b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.spvasm
index 5603d88..2096349 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.spvasm
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/42fed6.wgsl.expected.spvasm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ; Version: 1.3
 ; Generator: Google Tint Compiler; 0
-; Bound: 89
+; Bound: 31
 ; Schema: 0
                OpCapability Shader
                OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
                OpExecutionMode %compute_main LocalSize 1 1 1
                OpName %value "value"
                OpName %vertex_point_size "vertex_point_size"
-               OpName %tint_count_trailing_zeros "tint_count_trailing_zeros"
-               OpName %v "v"
-               OpName %x "x"
                OpName %countTrailingZeros_42fed6 "countTrailingZeros_42fed6"
                OpName %res "res"
                OpName %vertex_main_inner "vertex_main_inner"
@@ -31,103 +28,38 @@
 %_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
           %8 = OpConstantNull %float
 %vertex_point_size = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output %8
-        %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
-          %9 = OpTypeFunction %int %int
-       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
-%_ptr_Function_uint = OpTypePointer Function %uint
-         %18 = OpConstantNull %uint
-       %bool = OpTypeBool
- %uint_65535 = OpConstant %uint 65535
-    %uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16
-   %uint_255 = OpConstant %uint 255
-     %uint_8 = OpConstant %uint 8
-    %uint_15 = OpConstant %uint 15
-     %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
-     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
-     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
-     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
        %void = OpTypeVoid
-         %66 = OpTypeFunction %void
-      %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+          %9 = OpTypeFunction %void
+        %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+         %14 = OpConstantNull %int
 %_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
-         %74 = OpConstantNull %int
-         %75 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
+         %17 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
     %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
-%tint_count_trailing_zeros = OpFunction %int None %9
-          %v = OpFunctionParameter %int
-         %13 = OpLabel
-          %x = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function %18
-         %14 = OpBitcast %uint %v
-               OpStore %x %14
-         %22 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %24 = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %22 %uint_65535
-         %20 = OpINotEqual %bool %24 %18
-         %19 = OpSelect %uint %20 %18 %uint_16
-         %26 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %27 = OpShiftRightLogical %uint %26 %19
-               OpStore %x %27
-         %30 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %32 = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %30 %uint_255
-         %29 = OpINotEqual %bool %32 %18
-         %28 = OpSelect %uint %29 %18 %uint_8
-         %34 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %35 = OpShiftRightLogical %uint %34 %28
-               OpStore %x %35
-         %38 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %40 = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %38 %uint_15
-         %37 = OpINotEqual %bool %40 %18
-         %36 = OpSelect %uint %37 %18 %uint_4
-         %42 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %43 = OpShiftRightLogical %uint %42 %36
-               OpStore %x %43
-         %46 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %48 = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %46 %uint_3
-         %45 = OpINotEqual %bool %48 %18
-         %44 = OpSelect %uint %45 %18 %uint_2
-         %50 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %51 = OpShiftRightLogical %uint %50 %44
-               OpStore %x %51
-         %54 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %56 = OpBitwiseAnd %uint %54 %uint_1
-         %53 = OpINotEqual %bool %56 %18
-         %52 = OpSelect %uint %53 %18 %uint_1
-         %58 = OpLoad %uint %x
-         %59 = OpIEqual %bool %58 %18
-         %57 = OpSelect %uint %59 %uint_1 %18
-         %61 = OpBitwiseOr %uint %19 %28
-         %62 = OpBitwiseOr %uint %61 %36
-         %63 = OpBitwiseOr %uint %62 %44
-         %64 = OpBitwiseOr %uint %63 %52
-         %65 = OpIAdd %uint %64 %57
-         %60 = OpBitcast %int %65
-               OpReturnValue %60
-               OpFunctionEnd
-%countTrailingZeros_42fed6 = OpFunction %void None %66
-         %69 = OpLabel
-        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function %74
-         %70 = OpFunctionCall %int %tint_count_trailing_zeros %int_1
-               OpStore %res %70
+%countTrailingZeros_42fed6 = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %12 = OpLabel
+        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function %14
+               OpStore %res %14
-%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %75
-         %77 = OpLabel
-         %78 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_42fed6
+%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %17
+         %19 = OpLabel
+         %20 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_42fed6
                OpReturnValue %5
-%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %66
-         %80 = OpLabel
-         %81 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
-               OpStore %value %81
+%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %22 = OpLabel
+         %23 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
+               OpStore %value %23
                OpStore %vertex_point_size %float_1
-%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %66
-         %84 = OpLabel
-         %85 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_42fed6
+%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %26 = OpLabel
+         %27 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_42fed6
-%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %66
-         %87 = OpLabel
-         %88 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_42fed6
+%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %29 = OpLabel
+         %30 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_42fed6
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
index 39dbf0a..89e2360 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-uint3 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uint3 v) {
-  uint3 x = uint3(v);
-  const uint3 b16 = (bool3((x & (65535u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (16u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint3 b8 = (bool3((x & (255u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (8u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint3 b4 = (bool3((x & (15u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (4u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint3 b2 = (bool3((x & (3u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (2u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint3 b1 = (bool3((x & (1u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (1u).xxx);
-  const uint3 is_zero = ((x == (0u).xxx) ? (1u).xxx : (0u).xxx);
-  return uint3((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_8ed26f() {
-  uint3 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros((1u).xxx);
+  uint3 res = (0u).xxx;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
index 39dbf0a..89e2360 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-uint3 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uint3 v) {
-  uint3 x = uint3(v);
-  const uint3 b16 = (bool3((x & (65535u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (16u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint3 b8 = (bool3((x & (255u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (8u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint3 b4 = (bool3((x & (15u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (4u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint3 b2 = (bool3((x & (3u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (2u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint3 b1 = (bool3((x & (1u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (1u).xxx);
-  const uint3 is_zero = ((x == (0u).xxx) ? (1u).xxx : (0u).xxx);
-  return uint3((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_8ed26f() {
-  uint3 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros((1u).xxx);
+  uint3 res = (0u).xxx;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.glsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.glsl
index 083c857..9bb8dbb 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.glsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.glsl
@@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
 #version 310 es
-uvec3 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec3 v) {
-  uvec3 x = uvec3(v);
-  uvec3 b16 = mix(uvec3(16u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec3 b8 = mix(uvec3(8u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec3 b4 = mix(uvec3(4u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec3 b2 = mix(uvec3(2u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec3 b1 = mix(uvec3(1u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(1u))));
-  uvec3 is_zero = mix(uvec3(0u), uvec3(1u), equal(x, uvec3(0u)));
-  return uvec3((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_8ed26f() {
-  uvec3 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec3(1u));
+  uvec3 res = uvec3(0u);
 vec4 vertex_main() {
@@ -35,23 +20,8 @@
 #version 310 es
 precision mediump float;
-uvec3 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec3 v) {
-  uvec3 x = uvec3(v);
-  uvec3 b16 = mix(uvec3(16u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec3 b8 = mix(uvec3(8u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec3 b4 = mix(uvec3(4u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec3 b2 = mix(uvec3(2u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec3 b1 = mix(uvec3(1u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(1u))));
-  uvec3 is_zero = mix(uvec3(0u), uvec3(1u), equal(x, uvec3(0u)));
-  return uvec3((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_8ed26f() {
-  uvec3 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec3(1u));
+  uvec3 res = uvec3(0u);
 void fragment_main() {
@@ -64,23 +34,8 @@
 #version 310 es
-uvec3 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec3 v) {
-  uvec3 x = uvec3(v);
-  uvec3 b16 = mix(uvec3(16u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec3 b8 = mix(uvec3(8u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec3 b4 = mix(uvec3(4u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec3 b2 = mix(uvec3(2u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec3 b1 = mix(uvec3(1u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(1u))));
-  uvec3 is_zero = mix(uvec3(0u), uvec3(1u), equal(x, uvec3(0u)));
-  return uvec3((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_8ed26f() {
-  uvec3 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec3(1u));
+  uvec3 res = uvec3(0u);
 void compute_main() {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.msl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.msl
index 4b8e6a8..78f48b6 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.msl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.msl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 using namespace metal;
 void countTrailingZeros_8ed26f() {
-  uint3 res = ctz(uint3(1u));
+  uint3 res = uint3(0u);
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.spvasm b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.spvasm
index 55a38aa..4a78169 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.spvasm
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/8ed26f.wgsl.expected.spvasm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ; Version: 1.3
 ; Generator: Google Tint Compiler; 0
-; Bound: 96
+; Bound: 32
 ; Schema: 0
                OpCapability Shader
                OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
                OpExecutionMode %compute_main LocalSize 1 1 1
                OpName %value "value"
                OpName %vertex_point_size "vertex_point_size"
-               OpName %tint_count_trailing_zeros "tint_count_trailing_zeros"
-               OpName %v "v"
-               OpName %x "x"
                OpName %countTrailingZeros_8ed26f "countTrailingZeros_8ed26f"
                OpName %res "res"
                OpName %vertex_main_inner "vertex_main_inner"
@@ -31,108 +28,39 @@
 %_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
           %8 = OpConstantNull %float
 %vertex_point_size = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output %8
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %9 = OpTypeFunction %void
        %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
      %v3uint = OpTypeVector %uint 3
-          %9 = OpTypeFunction %v3uint %v3uint
+         %15 = OpConstantNull %v3uint
 %_ptr_Function_v3uint = OpTypePointer Function %v3uint
-         %18 = OpConstantNull %v3uint
-       %bool = OpTypeBool
-     %v3bool = OpTypeVector %bool 3
- %uint_65535 = OpConstant %uint 65535
-         %25 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_65535 %uint_65535 %uint_65535
-    %uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16
-         %28 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_16 %uint_16 %uint_16
-   %uint_255 = OpConstant %uint 255
-         %35 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_255 %uint_255 %uint_255
-     %uint_8 = OpConstant %uint 8
-         %38 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_8 %uint_8 %uint_8
-    %uint_15 = OpConstant %uint 15
-         %45 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_15 %uint_15 %uint_15
-     %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
-         %48 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_4 %uint_4 %uint_4
-     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
-         %55 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_3 %uint_3 %uint_3
-     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
-         %58 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_2
-     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
-         %65 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1
-       %void = OpTypeVoid
-         %76 = OpTypeFunction %void
-         %82 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
+         %18 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
     %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
-%tint_count_trailing_zeros = OpFunction %v3uint None %9
-          %v = OpFunctionParameter %v3uint
-         %14 = OpLabel
-          %x = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3uint Function %18
-               OpStore %x %v
-         %23 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %26 = OpBitwiseAnd %v3uint %23 %25
-         %20 = OpINotEqual %v3bool %26 %18
-         %19 = OpSelect %v3uint %20 %18 %28
-         %29 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %30 = OpShiftRightLogical %v3uint %29 %19
-               OpStore %x %30
-         %33 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %36 = OpBitwiseAnd %v3uint %33 %35
-         %32 = OpINotEqual %v3bool %36 %18
-         %31 = OpSelect %v3uint %32 %18 %38
-         %39 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %40 = OpShiftRightLogical %v3uint %39 %31
-               OpStore %x %40
-         %43 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %46 = OpBitwiseAnd %v3uint %43 %45
-         %42 = OpINotEqual %v3bool %46 %18
-         %41 = OpSelect %v3uint %42 %18 %48
-         %49 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %50 = OpShiftRightLogical %v3uint %49 %41
-               OpStore %x %50
-         %53 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %56 = OpBitwiseAnd %v3uint %53 %55
-         %52 = OpINotEqual %v3bool %56 %18
-         %51 = OpSelect %v3uint %52 %18 %58
-         %59 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %60 = OpShiftRightLogical %v3uint %59 %51
-               OpStore %x %60
-         %63 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %66 = OpBitwiseAnd %v3uint %63 %65
-         %62 = OpINotEqual %v3bool %66 %18
-         %61 = OpSelect %v3uint %62 %18 %65
-         %68 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %69 = OpIEqual %v3bool %68 %18
-         %67 = OpSelect %v3uint %69 %65 %18
-         %71 = OpBitwiseOr %v3uint %19 %31
-         %72 = OpBitwiseOr %v3uint %71 %41
-         %73 = OpBitwiseOr %v3uint %72 %51
-         %74 = OpBitwiseOr %v3uint %73 %61
-         %75 = OpIAdd %v3uint %74 %67
-               OpReturnValue %75
-               OpFunctionEnd
-%countTrailingZeros_8ed26f = OpFunction %void None %76
-         %79 = OpLabel
-        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3uint Function %18
-         %80 = OpFunctionCall %v3uint %tint_count_trailing_zeros %65
-               OpStore %res %80
+%countTrailingZeros_8ed26f = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %12 = OpLabel
+        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3uint Function %15
+               OpStore %res %15
-%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %82
-         %84 = OpLabel
-         %85 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_8ed26f
+%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %18
+         %20 = OpLabel
+         %21 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_8ed26f
                OpReturnValue %5
-%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %76
-         %87 = OpLabel
-         %88 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
-               OpStore %value %88
+%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %23 = OpLabel
+         %24 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
+               OpStore %value %24
                OpStore %vertex_point_size %float_1
-%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %76
-         %91 = OpLabel
-         %92 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_8ed26f
+%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %27 = OpLabel
+         %28 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_8ed26f
-%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %76
-         %94 = OpLabel
-         %95 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_8ed26f
+%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %30 = OpLabel
+         %31 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_8ed26f
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
index 6cf84fe..9f0d446 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-int3 tint_count_trailing_zeros(int3 v) {
-  uint3 x = uint3(v);
-  const uint3 b16 = (bool3((x & (65535u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (16u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint3 b8 = (bool3((x & (255u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (8u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint3 b4 = (bool3((x & (15u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (4u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint3 b2 = (bool3((x & (3u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (2u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint3 b1 = (bool3((x & (1u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (1u).xxx);
-  const uint3 is_zero = ((x == (0u).xxx) ? (1u).xxx : (0u).xxx);
-  return int3((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_acfacb() {
-  int3 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros((1).xxx);
+  int3 res = (0).xxx;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
index 6cf84fe..9f0d446 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-int3 tint_count_trailing_zeros(int3 v) {
-  uint3 x = uint3(v);
-  const uint3 b16 = (bool3((x & (65535u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (16u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint3 b8 = (bool3((x & (255u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (8u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint3 b4 = (bool3((x & (15u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (4u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint3 b2 = (bool3((x & (3u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (2u).xxx);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint3 b1 = (bool3((x & (1u).xxx)) ? (0u).xxx : (1u).xxx);
-  const uint3 is_zero = ((x == (0u).xxx) ? (1u).xxx : (0u).xxx);
-  return int3((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_acfacb() {
-  int3 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros((1).xxx);
+  int3 res = (0).xxx;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.glsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.glsl
index 6a70198..44fcde0 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.glsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.glsl
@@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
 #version 310 es
-ivec3 tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec3 v) {
-  uvec3 x = uvec3(v);
-  uvec3 b16 = mix(uvec3(16u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec3 b8 = mix(uvec3(8u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec3 b4 = mix(uvec3(4u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec3 b2 = mix(uvec3(2u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec3 b1 = mix(uvec3(1u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(1u))));
-  uvec3 is_zero = mix(uvec3(0u), uvec3(1u), equal(x, uvec3(0u)));
-  return ivec3((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_acfacb() {
-  ivec3 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec3(1));
+  ivec3 res = ivec3(0);
 vec4 vertex_main() {
@@ -35,23 +20,8 @@
 #version 310 es
 precision mediump float;
-ivec3 tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec3 v) {
-  uvec3 x = uvec3(v);
-  uvec3 b16 = mix(uvec3(16u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec3 b8 = mix(uvec3(8u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec3 b4 = mix(uvec3(4u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec3 b2 = mix(uvec3(2u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec3 b1 = mix(uvec3(1u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(1u))));
-  uvec3 is_zero = mix(uvec3(0u), uvec3(1u), equal(x, uvec3(0u)));
-  return ivec3((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_acfacb() {
-  ivec3 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec3(1));
+  ivec3 res = ivec3(0);
 void fragment_main() {
@@ -64,23 +34,8 @@
 #version 310 es
-ivec3 tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec3 v) {
-  uvec3 x = uvec3(v);
-  uvec3 b16 = mix(uvec3(16u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec3 b8 = mix(uvec3(8u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec3 b4 = mix(uvec3(4u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec3 b2 = mix(uvec3(2u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec3 b1 = mix(uvec3(1u), uvec3(0u), bvec3((x & uvec3(1u))));
-  uvec3 is_zero = mix(uvec3(0u), uvec3(1u), equal(x, uvec3(0u)));
-  return ivec3((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_acfacb() {
-  ivec3 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(ivec3(1));
+  ivec3 res = ivec3(0);
 void compute_main() {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.msl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.msl
index 9b8028b..b218911 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.msl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.msl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 using namespace metal;
 void countTrailingZeros_acfacb() {
-  int3 res = ctz(int3(1));
+  int3 res = int3(0);
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.spvasm b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.spvasm
index 32f7b95..795e4e0 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.spvasm
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/acfacb.wgsl.expected.spvasm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ; Version: 1.3
 ; Generator: Google Tint Compiler; 0
-; Bound: 102
+; Bound: 32
 ; Schema: 0
                OpCapability Shader
                OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
                OpExecutionMode %compute_main LocalSize 1 1 1
                OpName %value "value"
                OpName %vertex_point_size "vertex_point_size"
-               OpName %tint_count_trailing_zeros "tint_count_trailing_zeros"
-               OpName %v "v"
-               OpName %x "x"
                OpName %countTrailingZeros_acfacb "countTrailingZeros_acfacb"
                OpName %res "res"
                OpName %vertex_main_inner "vertex_main_inner"
@@ -31,116 +28,39 @@
 %_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
           %8 = OpConstantNull %float
 %vertex_point_size = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output %8
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %9 = OpTypeFunction %void
         %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
       %v3int = OpTypeVector %int 3
-          %9 = OpTypeFunction %v3int %v3int
-       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
-     %v3uint = OpTypeVector %uint 3
-%_ptr_Function_v3uint = OpTypePointer Function %v3uint
-         %20 = OpConstantNull %v3uint
-       %bool = OpTypeBool
-     %v3bool = OpTypeVector %bool 3
- %uint_65535 = OpConstant %uint 65535
-         %27 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_65535 %uint_65535 %uint_65535
-    %uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16
-         %30 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_16 %uint_16 %uint_16
-   %uint_255 = OpConstant %uint 255
-         %37 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_255 %uint_255 %uint_255
-     %uint_8 = OpConstant %uint 8
-         %40 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_8 %uint_8 %uint_8
-    %uint_15 = OpConstant %uint 15
-         %47 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_15 %uint_15 %uint_15
-     %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
-         %50 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_4 %uint_4 %uint_4
-     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
-         %57 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_3 %uint_3 %uint_3
-     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
-         %60 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_2
-     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
-         %67 = OpConstantComposite %v3uint %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1
-       %void = OpTypeVoid
-         %78 = OpTypeFunction %void
-      %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
-         %84 = OpConstantComposite %v3int %int_1 %int_1 %int_1
+         %15 = OpConstantNull %v3int
 %_ptr_Function_v3int = OpTypePointer Function %v3int
-         %87 = OpConstantNull %v3int
-         %88 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
+         %18 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
     %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
-%tint_count_trailing_zeros = OpFunction %v3int None %9
-          %v = OpFunctionParameter %v3int
-         %14 = OpLabel
-          %x = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3uint Function %20
-         %15 = OpBitcast %v3uint %v
-               OpStore %x %15
-         %25 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %28 = OpBitwiseAnd %v3uint %25 %27
-         %22 = OpINotEqual %v3bool %28 %20
-         %21 = OpSelect %v3uint %22 %20 %30
-         %31 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %32 = OpShiftRightLogical %v3uint %31 %21
-               OpStore %x %32
-         %35 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %38 = OpBitwiseAnd %v3uint %35 %37
-         %34 = OpINotEqual %v3bool %38 %20
-         %33 = OpSelect %v3uint %34 %20 %40
-         %41 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %42 = OpShiftRightLogical %v3uint %41 %33
-               OpStore %x %42
-         %45 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %48 = OpBitwiseAnd %v3uint %45 %47
-         %44 = OpINotEqual %v3bool %48 %20
-         %43 = OpSelect %v3uint %44 %20 %50
-         %51 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %52 = OpShiftRightLogical %v3uint %51 %43
-               OpStore %x %52
-         %55 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %58 = OpBitwiseAnd %v3uint %55 %57
-         %54 = OpINotEqual %v3bool %58 %20
-         %53 = OpSelect %v3uint %54 %20 %60
-         %61 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %62 = OpShiftRightLogical %v3uint %61 %53
-               OpStore %x %62
-         %65 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %68 = OpBitwiseAnd %v3uint %65 %67
-         %64 = OpINotEqual %v3bool %68 %20
-         %63 = OpSelect %v3uint %64 %20 %67
-         %70 = OpLoad %v3uint %x
-         %71 = OpIEqual %v3bool %70 %20
-         %69 = OpSelect %v3uint %71 %67 %20
-         %73 = OpBitwiseOr %v3uint %21 %33
-         %74 = OpBitwiseOr %v3uint %73 %43
-         %75 = OpBitwiseOr %v3uint %74 %53
-         %76 = OpBitwiseOr %v3uint %75 %63
-         %77 = OpIAdd %v3uint %76 %69
-         %72 = OpBitcast %v3int %77
-               OpReturnValue %72
-               OpFunctionEnd
-%countTrailingZeros_acfacb = OpFunction %void None %78
-         %81 = OpLabel
-        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3int Function %87
-         %82 = OpFunctionCall %v3int %tint_count_trailing_zeros %84
-               OpStore %res %82
+%countTrailingZeros_acfacb = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %12 = OpLabel
+        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v3int Function %15
+               OpStore %res %15
-%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %88
-         %90 = OpLabel
-         %91 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_acfacb
+%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %18
+         %20 = OpLabel
+         %21 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_acfacb
                OpReturnValue %5
-%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %78
-         %93 = OpLabel
-         %94 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
-               OpStore %value %94
+%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %23 = OpLabel
+         %24 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
+               OpStore %value %24
                OpStore %vertex_point_size %float_1
-%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %78
-         %97 = OpLabel
-         %98 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_acfacb
+%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %27 = OpLabel
+         %28 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_acfacb
-%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %78
-        %100 = OpLabel
-        %101 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_acfacb
+%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %30 = OpLabel
+         %31 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_acfacb
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
index 8504bb8..4d36b60 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.dxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-uint4 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uint4 v) {
-  uint4 x = uint4(v);
-  const uint4 b16 = (bool4((x & (65535u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (16u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint4 b8 = (bool4((x & (255u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (8u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint4 b4 = (bool4((x & (15u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (4u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint4 b2 = (bool4((x & (3u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (2u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint4 b1 = (bool4((x & (1u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (1u).xxxx);
-  const uint4 is_zero = ((x == (0u).xxxx) ? (1u).xxxx : (0u).xxxx);
-  return uint4((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0() {
-  uint4 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros((1u).xxxx);
+  uint4 res = (0u).xxxx;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
index 8504bb8..4d36b60 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.fxc.hlsl
@@ -1,20 +1,5 @@
-uint4 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uint4 v) {
-  uint4 x = uint4(v);
-  const uint4 b16 = (bool4((x & (65535u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (16u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  const uint4 b8 = (bool4((x & (255u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (8u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  const uint4 b4 = (bool4((x & (15u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (4u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  const uint4 b2 = (bool4((x & (3u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (2u).xxxx);
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  const uint4 b1 = (bool4((x & (1u).xxxx)) ? (0u).xxxx : (1u).xxxx);
-  const uint4 is_zero = ((x == (0u).xxxx) ? (1u).xxxx : (0u).xxxx);
-  return uint4((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0() {
-  uint4 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros((1u).xxxx);
+  uint4 res = (0u).xxxx;
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.glsl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.glsl
index 12fcaa3..721e11e 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.glsl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.glsl
@@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
 #version 310 es
-uvec4 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec4 v) {
-  uvec4 x = uvec4(v);
-  uvec4 b16 = mix(uvec4(16u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec4 b8 = mix(uvec4(8u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec4 b4 = mix(uvec4(4u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec4 b2 = mix(uvec4(2u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec4 b1 = mix(uvec4(1u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(1u))));
-  uvec4 is_zero = mix(uvec4(0u), uvec4(1u), equal(x, uvec4(0u)));
-  return uvec4((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0() {
-  uvec4 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec4(1u));
+  uvec4 res = uvec4(0u);
 vec4 vertex_main() {
@@ -35,23 +20,8 @@
 #version 310 es
 precision mediump float;
-uvec4 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec4 v) {
-  uvec4 x = uvec4(v);
-  uvec4 b16 = mix(uvec4(16u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec4 b8 = mix(uvec4(8u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec4 b4 = mix(uvec4(4u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec4 b2 = mix(uvec4(2u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec4 b1 = mix(uvec4(1u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(1u))));
-  uvec4 is_zero = mix(uvec4(0u), uvec4(1u), equal(x, uvec4(0u)));
-  return uvec4((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0() {
-  uvec4 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec4(1u));
+  uvec4 res = uvec4(0u);
 void fragment_main() {
@@ -64,23 +34,8 @@
 #version 310 es
-uvec4 tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec4 v) {
-  uvec4 x = uvec4(v);
-  uvec4 b16 = mix(uvec4(16u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(65535u))));
-  x = (x >> b16);
-  uvec4 b8 = mix(uvec4(8u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(255u))));
-  x = (x >> b8);
-  uvec4 b4 = mix(uvec4(4u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(15u))));
-  x = (x >> b4);
-  uvec4 b2 = mix(uvec4(2u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(3u))));
-  x = (x >> b2);
-  uvec4 b1 = mix(uvec4(1u), uvec4(0u), bvec4((x & uvec4(1u))));
-  uvec4 is_zero = mix(uvec4(0u), uvec4(1u), equal(x, uvec4(0u)));
-  return uvec4((((((b16 | b8) | b4) | b2) | b1) + is_zero));
 void countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0() {
-  uvec4 res = tint_count_trailing_zeros(uvec4(1u));
+  uvec4 res = uvec4(0u);
 void compute_main() {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.msl b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.msl
index 79d1f25..ee9e6a8 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.msl
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.msl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 using namespace metal;
 void countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0() {
-  uint4 res = ctz(uint4(1u));
+  uint4 res = uint4(0u);
 struct tint_symbol {
diff --git a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.spvasm b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.spvasm
index 74bcb41..20a5725 100644
--- a/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.spvasm
+++ b/test/tint/builtins/gen/literal/countTrailingZeros/d2b4a0.wgsl.expected.spvasm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ; Version: 1.3
 ; Generator: Google Tint Compiler; 0
-; Bound: 96
+; Bound: 32
 ; Schema: 0
                OpCapability Shader
                OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
                OpExecutionMode %compute_main LocalSize 1 1 1
                OpName %value "value"
                OpName %vertex_point_size "vertex_point_size"
-               OpName %tint_count_trailing_zeros "tint_count_trailing_zeros"
-               OpName %v "v"
-               OpName %x "x"
                OpName %countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0 "countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0"
                OpName %res "res"
                OpName %vertex_main_inner "vertex_main_inner"
@@ -31,108 +28,39 @@
 %_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
           %8 = OpConstantNull %float
 %vertex_point_size = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output %8
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %9 = OpTypeFunction %void
        %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
      %v4uint = OpTypeVector %uint 4
-          %9 = OpTypeFunction %v4uint %v4uint
+         %15 = OpConstantNull %v4uint
 %_ptr_Function_v4uint = OpTypePointer Function %v4uint
-         %18 = OpConstantNull %v4uint
-       %bool = OpTypeBool
-     %v4bool = OpTypeVector %bool 4
- %uint_65535 = OpConstant %uint 65535
-         %25 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_65535 %uint_65535 %uint_65535 %uint_65535
-    %uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16
-         %28 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_16 %uint_16 %uint_16 %uint_16
-   %uint_255 = OpConstant %uint 255
-         %35 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_255 %uint_255 %uint_255 %uint_255
-     %uint_8 = OpConstant %uint 8
-         %38 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_8 %uint_8 %uint_8 %uint_8
-    %uint_15 = OpConstant %uint 15
-         %45 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_15 %uint_15 %uint_15 %uint_15
-     %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
-         %48 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_4 %uint_4 %uint_4 %uint_4
-     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
-         %55 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_3 %uint_3 %uint_3 %uint_3
-     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
-         %58 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_2
-     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
-         %65 = OpConstantComposite %v4uint %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1
-       %void = OpTypeVoid
-         %76 = OpTypeFunction %void
-         %82 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
+         %18 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
     %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
-%tint_count_trailing_zeros = OpFunction %v4uint None %9
-          %v = OpFunctionParameter %v4uint
-         %14 = OpLabel
-          %x = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4uint Function %18
-               OpStore %x %v
-         %23 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %26 = OpBitwiseAnd %v4uint %23 %25
-         %20 = OpINotEqual %v4bool %26 %18
-         %19 = OpSelect %v4uint %20 %18 %28
-         %29 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %30 = OpShiftRightLogical %v4uint %29 %19
-               OpStore %x %30
-         %33 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %36 = OpBitwiseAnd %v4uint %33 %35
-         %32 = OpINotEqual %v4bool %36 %18
-         %31 = OpSelect %v4uint %32 %18 %38
-         %39 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %40 = OpShiftRightLogical %v4uint %39 %31
-               OpStore %x %40
-         %43 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %46 = OpBitwiseAnd %v4uint %43 %45
-         %42 = OpINotEqual %v4bool %46 %18
-         %41 = OpSelect %v4uint %42 %18 %48
-         %49 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %50 = OpShiftRightLogical %v4uint %49 %41
-               OpStore %x %50
-         %53 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %56 = OpBitwiseAnd %v4uint %53 %55
-         %52 = OpINotEqual %v4bool %56 %18
-         %51 = OpSelect %v4uint %52 %18 %58
-         %59 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %60 = OpShiftRightLogical %v4uint %59 %51
-               OpStore %x %60
-         %63 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %66 = OpBitwiseAnd %v4uint %63 %65
-         %62 = OpINotEqual %v4bool %66 %18
-         %61 = OpSelect %v4uint %62 %18 %65
-         %68 = OpLoad %v4uint %x
-         %69 = OpIEqual %v4bool %68 %18
-         %67 = OpSelect %v4uint %69 %65 %18
-         %71 = OpBitwiseOr %v4uint %19 %31
-         %72 = OpBitwiseOr %v4uint %71 %41
-         %73 = OpBitwiseOr %v4uint %72 %51
-         %74 = OpBitwiseOr %v4uint %73 %61
-         %75 = OpIAdd %v4uint %74 %67
-               OpReturnValue %75
-               OpFunctionEnd
-%countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0 = OpFunction %void None %76
-         %79 = OpLabel
-        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4uint Function %18
-         %80 = OpFunctionCall %v4uint %tint_count_trailing_zeros %65
-               OpStore %res %80
+%countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0 = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %12 = OpLabel
+        %res = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4uint Function %15
+               OpStore %res %15
-%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %82
-         %84 = OpLabel
-         %85 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0
+%vertex_main_inner = OpFunction %v4float None %18
+         %20 = OpLabel
+         %21 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0
                OpReturnValue %5
-%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %76
-         %87 = OpLabel
-         %88 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
-               OpStore %value %88
+%vertex_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %23 = OpLabel
+         %24 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %vertex_main_inner
+               OpStore %value %24
                OpStore %vertex_point_size %float_1
-%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %76
-         %91 = OpLabel
-         %92 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0
+%fragment_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %27 = OpLabel
+         %28 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0
-%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %76
-         %94 = OpLabel
-         %95 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0
+%compute_main = OpFunction %void None %9
+         %30 = OpLabel
+         %31 = OpFunctionCall %void %countTrailingZeros_d2b4a0