| // Copyright 2021 The Dawn Authors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| #include "dawn/tests/DawnTest.h" |
| |
| #include "dawn/common/Math.h" |
| #include "dawn/utils/WGPUHelpers.h" |
| |
| #include <array> |
| #include <functional> |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // Helper for replacing all occurrences of substr in str with replacement |
| std::string ReplaceAll(std::string str, |
| const std::string& substr, |
| const std::string& replacement) { |
| size_t pos = 0; |
| while ((pos = str.find(substr, pos)) != std::string::npos) { |
| str.replace(pos, substr.length(), replacement); |
| pos += replacement.length(); |
| } |
| return str; |
| } |
| |
| // DataMatcherCallback is the callback function by DataMatcher. |
| // It is called for each contiguous sequence of bytes that should be checked |
| // for equality. |
| // offset and size are in units of bytes. |
| using DataMatcherCallback = std::function<void(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size)>; |
| |
| // DataMatcher is a function pointer to a data matching function. |
| // size is the total number of bytes being considered for matching. |
| // The callback may be called once or multiple times, and may only consider |
| // part of the interval [0, size) |
| using DataMatcher = void (*)(uint32_t size, DataMatcherCallback); |
| |
| // FullDataMatcher is a DataMatcher that calls callback with the interval |
| // [0, size) |
| void FullDataMatcher(uint32_t size, DataMatcherCallback callback) { |
| callback(0, size); |
| } |
| |
| // StridedDataMatcher is a DataMatcher that calls callback with the strided |
| // intervals of length BYTES_TO_MATCH, skipping BYTES_TO_SKIP. |
| // For example: StridedDataMatcher<2, 4>(18, callback) will call callback |
| // with the intervals: [0, 2), [6, 8), [12, 14) |
| template <int BYTES_TO_MATCH, int BYTES_TO_SKIP> |
| void StridedDataMatcher(uint32_t size, DataMatcherCallback callback) { |
| uint32_t offset = 0; |
| while (offset < size) { |
| callback(offset, BYTES_TO_MATCH); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Align returns the WGSL decoration for an explicit structure field alignment |
| std::string AlignDeco(uint32_t value) { |
| return "@align(" + std::to_string(value) + ") "; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| // Field holds test parameters for ComputeLayoutMemoryBufferTests.Fields |
| struct Field { |
| const char* type; // Type of the field |
| uint32_t align; // Alignment of the type in bytes |
| uint32_t size; // Natural size of the type in bytes |
| |
| uint32_t padded_size = 0; // Decorated (extended) size of the type in bytes |
| DataMatcher matcher = &FullDataMatcher; // The matching method |
| bool storage_buffer_only = false; // This should only be used for storage buffer tests |
| |
| // Sets the padded_size to value. |
| // Returns this Field so calls can be chained. |
| Field& PaddedSize(uint32_t value) { |
| padded_size = value; |
| return *this; |
| } |
| |
| // Sets the matcher to a StridedDataMatcher<BYTES_TO_MATCH, BYTES_TO_SKIP>. |
| // Returns this Field so calls can be chained. |
| template <int BYTES_TO_MATCH, int BYTES_TO_SKIP> |
| Field& Strided() { |
| matcher = &StridedDataMatcher<BYTES_TO_MATCH, BYTES_TO_SKIP>; |
| return *this; |
| } |
| |
| // Marks that this should only be used for storage buffer tests. |
| // Returns this Field so calls can be chained. |
| Field& StorageBufferOnly() { |
| storage_buffer_only = true; |
| return *this; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // StorageClass is an enumerator of storage classes used by ComputeLayoutMemoryBufferTests.Fields |
| enum class StorageClass { |
| Uniform, |
| Storage, |
| }; |
| |
| std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, StorageClass storageClass) { |
| switch (storageClass) { |
| case StorageClass::Uniform: |
| o << "uniform"; |
| break; |
| case StorageClass::Storage: |
| o << "storage"; |
| break; |
| } |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, Field field) { |
| o << "@align(" << field.align << ") @size(" |
| << (field.padded_size > 0 ? field.padded_size : field.size) << ") " << field.type; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| DAWN_TEST_PARAM_STRUCT(ComputeLayoutMemoryBufferTestParams, StorageClass, Field); |
| |
| class ComputeLayoutMemoryBufferTests |
| : public DawnTestWithParams<ComputeLayoutMemoryBufferTestParams> { |
| void SetUp() override { |
| DawnTestBase::SetUp(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_P(ComputeLayoutMemoryBufferTests, Fields) { |
| // Sentinel value markers codes used to check that the start and end of |
| // structures are correctly aligned. Each of these codes are distinct and |
| // are not likely to be confused with data. |
| constexpr uint32_t kDataHeaderCode = 0xa0b0c0a0u; |
| constexpr uint32_t kDataFooterCode = 0x40302010u; |
| constexpr uint32_t kInputHeaderCode = 0x91827364u; |
| constexpr uint32_t kInputFooterCode = 0x19283764u; |
| |
| // Byte codes used for field padding. The MSB is set for each of these. |
| // The field data has the MSB 0. |
| constexpr uint8_t kDataAlignPaddingCode = 0xfeu; |
| constexpr uint8_t kFieldAlignPaddingCode = 0xfdu; |
| constexpr uint8_t kFieldSizePaddingCode = 0xdcu; |
| constexpr uint8_t kDataSizePaddingCode = 0xdbu; |
| constexpr uint8_t kInputFooterAlignPaddingCode = 0xdau; |
| constexpr uint8_t kInputTailPaddingCode = 0xd9u; |
| |
| // Status codes returned by the shader. |
| constexpr uint32_t kStatusBadInputHeader = 100u; |
| constexpr uint32_t kStatusBadInputFooter = 101u; |
| constexpr uint32_t kStatusBadDataHeader = 102u; |
| constexpr uint32_t kStatusBadDataFooter = 103u; |
| constexpr uint32_t kStatusOk = 200u; |
| |
| const Field& field = GetParam().mField; |
| |
| const bool isUniform = GetParam().mStorageClass == StorageClass::Uniform; |
| |
| std::string shader = R"( |
| struct Data { |
| header : u32; |
| @align({field_align}) @size({field_size}) field : {field_type}; |
| footer : u32; |
| }; |
| |
| struct Input { |
| header : u32; |
| {data_align}data : Data; |
| {footer_align}footer : u32; |
| }; |
| |
| struct Output { |
| data : {field_type}; |
| }; |
| |
| struct Status { |
| code : u32; |
| }; |
| |
| @group(0) @binding(0) var<{input_qualifiers}> input : Input; |
| @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read_write> output : Output; |
| @group(0) @binding(2) var<storage, read_write> status : Status; |
| |
| @stage(compute) @workgroup_size(1,1,1) |
| fn main() { |
| if (input.header != {input_header_code}u) { |
| status.code = {status_bad_input_header}u; |
| } else if (input.footer != {input_footer_code}u) { |
| status.code = {status_bad_input_footer}u; |
| } else if (input.data.header != {data_header_code}u) { |
| status.code = {status_bad_data_header}u; |
| } else if (input.data.footer != {data_footer_code}u) { |
| status.code = {status_bad_data_footer}u; |
| } else { |
| status.code = {status_ok}u; |
| output.data = input.data.field; |
| } |
| })"; |
| |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/WGSL/#alignment-and-size |
| // Structure size: roundUp(AlignOf(S), OffsetOf(S, L) + SizeOf(S, L)) |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/WGSL/#storage-class-constraints |
| // RequiredAlignOf(S, uniform): roundUp(16, max(AlignOf(T0), ..., AlignOf(TN))) |
| uint32_t dataAlign = isUniform ? std::max(16u, field.align) : field.align; |
| |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/WGSL/#structure-layout-rules |
| // Note: When underlying the target is a Vulkan device, we assume the device does not support |
| // the scalarBlockLayout feature. Therefore, a data value must not be placed in the padding at |
| // the end of a structure or matrix, nor in the padding at the last element of an array. |
| uint32_t footerAlign = isUniform ? 16 : 4; |
| |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{data_align}", isUniform ? AlignDeco(dataAlign) : ""); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{field_align}", std::to_string(field.align)); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{footer_align}", isUniform ? AlignDeco(footerAlign) : ""); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{field_size}", |
| std::to_string(field.padded_size > 0 ? field.padded_size : field.size)); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{field_type}", field.type); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{input_header_code}", std::to_string(kInputHeaderCode)); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{input_footer_code}", std::to_string(kInputFooterCode)); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{data_header_code}", std::to_string(kDataHeaderCode)); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{data_footer_code}", std::to_string(kDataFooterCode)); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{status_bad_input_header}", std::to_string(kStatusBadInputHeader)); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{status_bad_input_footer}", std::to_string(kStatusBadInputFooter)); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{status_bad_data_header}", std::to_string(kStatusBadDataHeader)); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{status_bad_data_footer}", std::to_string(kStatusBadDataFooter)); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{status_ok}", std::to_string(kStatusOk)); |
| shader = ReplaceAll(shader, "{input_qualifiers}", |
| isUniform ? "uniform" // |
| : "storage, read_write"); |
| |
| // Set up shader and pipeline |
| auto module = utils::CreateShaderModule(device, shader.c_str()); |
| |
| wgpu::ComputePipelineDescriptor csDesc; |
| csDesc.compute.module = module; |
| csDesc.compute.entryPoint = "main"; |
| |
| wgpu::ComputePipeline pipeline = device.CreateComputePipeline(&csDesc); |
| |
| // Build the input and expected data. |
| std::vector<uint8_t> inputData; // The whole SSBO data |
| std::vector<uint8_t> expectedData; // The expected data to be copied by the shader |
| { |
| auto PushU32 = [&inputData](uint32_t u32) { |
| inputData.emplace_back((u32 >> 0) & 0xff); |
| inputData.emplace_back((u32 >> 8) & 0xff); |
| inputData.emplace_back((u32 >> 16) & 0xff); |
| inputData.emplace_back((u32 >> 24) & 0xff); |
| }; |
| auto AlignTo = [&inputData](uint32_t alignment, uint8_t code) { |
| uint32_t target = Align(inputData.size(), alignment); |
| uint32_t bytes = target - inputData.size(); |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bytes; i++) { |
| inputData.emplace_back(code); |
| } |
| }; |
| PushU32(kInputHeaderCode); // Input.header |
| AlignTo(dataAlign, kDataAlignPaddingCode); // Input.data |
| { |
| PushU32(kDataHeaderCode); // Input.data.header |
| AlignTo(field.align, kFieldAlignPaddingCode); // Input.data.field |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < field.size; i++) { |
| // The data has the MSB cleared to distinguish it from the |
| // padding codes. |
| uint8_t code = i & 0x7f; |
| inputData.emplace_back(code); // Input.data.field |
| expectedData.emplace_back(code); |
| } |
| for (uint32_t i = field.size; i < field.padded_size; i++) { |
| inputData.emplace_back(kFieldSizePaddingCode); // Input.data.field padding |
| } |
| PushU32(kDataFooterCode); // Input.data.footer |
| AlignTo(field.align, kDataSizePaddingCode); // Input.data padding |
| } |
| AlignTo(footerAlign, kInputFooterAlignPaddingCode); // Input.footer @align |
| PushU32(kInputFooterCode); // Input.footer |
| AlignTo(256, kInputTailPaddingCode); // Input padding |
| } |
| |
| // Set up input storage buffer |
| wgpu::Buffer inputBuf = utils::CreateBufferFromData( |
| device, inputData.data(), inputData.size(), |
| wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst | |
| (isUniform ? wgpu::BufferUsage::Uniform : wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage)); |
| |
| // Set up output storage buffer |
| wgpu::BufferDescriptor outputDesc; |
| outputDesc.size = field.size; |
| outputDesc.usage = |
| wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst; |
| wgpu::Buffer outputBuf = device.CreateBuffer(&outputDesc); |
| |
| // Set up status storage buffer |
| wgpu::BufferDescriptor statusDesc; |
| statusDesc.size = 4u; |
| statusDesc.usage = |
| wgpu::BufferUsage::Storage | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopySrc | wgpu::BufferUsage::CopyDst; |
| wgpu::Buffer statusBuf = device.CreateBuffer(&statusDesc); |
| |
| // Set up bind group and issue dispatch |
| wgpu::BindGroup bindGroup = utils::MakeBindGroup(device, pipeline.GetBindGroupLayout(0), |
| { |
| {0, inputBuf}, |
| {1, outputBuf}, |
| {2, statusBuf}, |
| }); |
| |
| wgpu::CommandBuffer commands; |
| { |
| wgpu::CommandEncoder encoder = device.CreateCommandEncoder(); |
| wgpu::ComputePassEncoder pass = encoder.BeginComputePass(); |
| pass.SetPipeline(pipeline); |
| pass.SetBindGroup(0, bindGroup); |
| pass.Dispatch(1); |
| pass.End(); |
| |
| commands = encoder.Finish(); |
| } |
| |
| queue.Submit(1, &commands); |
| |
| // Check the status |
| EXPECT_BUFFER_U32_EQ(kStatusOk, statusBuf, 0) << "status code error" << std::endl |
| << "Shader: " << shader; |
| |
| // Check the data |
| field.matcher(field.size, [&](uint32_t offset, uint32_t size) { |
| EXPECT_BUFFER_U8_RANGE_EQ(expectedData.data() + offset, outputBuf, offset, size) |
| << "offset: " << offset; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| auto GenerateParams() { |
| auto params = MakeParamGenerator<ComputeLayoutMemoryBufferTestParams>( |
| { |
| D3D12Backend(), MetalBackend(), VulkanBackend(), |
| // TODO(crbug.com/dawn/942) |
| // There was a compiler error: Buffer block cannot be expressed as any of std430, |
| // std140, scalar, even with enhanced layouts. You can try flattening this block to |
| // support a more flexible layout. |
| // OpenGLBackend(), |
| // OpenGLESBackend(), |
| }, |
| {StorageClass::Storage, StorageClass::Uniform}, |
| { |
| // See https://www.w3.org/TR/WGSL/#alignment-and-size |
| // Scalar types with no custom alignment or size |
| Field{"i32", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 4}, |
| Field{"u32", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 4}, |
| Field{"f32", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 4}, |
| |
| // Scalar types with custom alignment |
| Field{"i32", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 4}, |
| Field{"u32", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 4}, |
| Field{"f32", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 4}, |
| |
| // Scalar types with custom size |
| Field{"i32", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 4}.PaddedSize(24), |
| Field{"u32", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 4}.PaddedSize(24), |
| Field{"f32", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 4}.PaddedSize(24), |
| |
| // Vector types with no custom alignment or size |
| Field{"vec2<i32>", /* align */ 8, /* size */ 8}, |
| Field{"vec2<u32>", /* align */ 8, /* size */ 8}, |
| Field{"vec2<f32>", /* align */ 8, /* size */ 8}, |
| Field{"vec3<i32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 12}, |
| Field{"vec3<u32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 12}, |
| Field{"vec3<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 12}, |
| Field{"vec4<i32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 16}, |
| Field{"vec4<u32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 16}, |
| Field{"vec4<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 16}, |
| |
| // Vector types with custom alignment |
| Field{"vec2<i32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 8}, |
| Field{"vec2<u32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 8}, |
| Field{"vec2<f32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 8}, |
| Field{"vec3<i32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 12}, |
| Field{"vec3<u32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 12}, |
| Field{"vec3<f32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 12}, |
| Field{"vec4<i32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 16}, |
| Field{"vec4<u32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 16}, |
| Field{"vec4<f32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 16}, |
| |
| // Vector types with custom size |
| Field{"vec2<i32>", /* align */ 8, /* size */ 8}.PaddedSize(24), |
| Field{"vec2<u32>", /* align */ 8, /* size */ 8}.PaddedSize(24), |
| Field{"vec2<f32>", /* align */ 8, /* size */ 8}.PaddedSize(24), |
| Field{"vec3<i32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 12}.PaddedSize(24), |
| Field{"vec3<u32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 12}.PaddedSize(24), |
| Field{"vec3<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 12}.PaddedSize(24), |
| Field{"vec4<i32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 16}.PaddedSize(24), |
| Field{"vec4<u32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 16}.PaddedSize(24), |
| Field{"vec4<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 16}.PaddedSize(24), |
| |
| // Matrix types with no custom alignment or size |
| Field{"mat2x2<f32>", /* align */ 8, /* size */ 16}, |
| Field{"mat3x2<f32>", /* align */ 8, /* size */ 24}, |
| Field{"mat4x2<f32>", /* align */ 8, /* size */ 32}, |
| Field{"mat2x3<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 32}.Strided<12, 4>(), |
| Field{"mat3x3<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 48}.Strided<12, 4>(), |
| Field{"mat4x3<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 64}.Strided<12, 4>(), |
| Field{"mat2x4<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 32}, |
| Field{"mat3x4<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 48}, |
| Field{"mat4x4<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 64}, |
| |
| // Matrix types with custom alignment |
| Field{"mat2x2<f32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 16}, |
| Field{"mat3x2<f32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 24}, |
| Field{"mat4x2<f32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 32}, |
| Field{"mat2x3<f32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 32}.Strided<12, 4>(), |
| Field{"mat3x3<f32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 48}.Strided<12, 4>(), |
| Field{"mat4x3<f32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 64}.Strided<12, 4>(), |
| Field{"mat2x4<f32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 32}, |
| Field{"mat3x4<f32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 48}, |
| Field{"mat4x4<f32>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 64}, |
| |
| // Matrix types with custom size |
| Field{"mat2x2<f32>", /* align */ 8, /* size */ 16}.PaddedSize(128), |
| Field{"mat3x2<f32>", /* align */ 8, /* size */ 24}.PaddedSize(128), |
| Field{"mat4x2<f32>", /* align */ 8, /* size */ 32}.PaddedSize(128), |
| Field{"mat2x3<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 32} |
| .PaddedSize(128) |
| .Strided<12, 4>(), |
| Field{"mat3x3<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 48} |
| .PaddedSize(128) |
| .Strided<12, 4>(), |
| Field{"mat4x3<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 64} |
| .PaddedSize(128) |
| .Strided<12, 4>(), |
| Field{"mat2x4<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 32}.PaddedSize(128), |
| Field{"mat3x4<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 48}.PaddedSize(128), |
| Field{"mat4x4<f32>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 64}.PaddedSize(128), |
| |
| // Array types with no custom alignment, size or stride |
| // Note: The use of StorageBufferOnly() is due to UBOs requiring 16 byte alignment |
| // of array elements. See https://www.w3.org/TR/WGSL/#storage-class-constraints |
| Field{"array<u32, 1>", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 4}.StorageBufferOnly(), |
| Field{"array<u32, 2>", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 8}.StorageBufferOnly(), |
| Field{"array<u32, 3>", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 12}.StorageBufferOnly(), |
| Field{"array<u32, 4>", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 16}.StorageBufferOnly(), |
| Field{"@stride(16) array<u32, 1>", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 16} |
| .StorageBufferOnly() |
| .Strided<4, 12>(), |
| Field{"@stride(16) array<u32, 2>", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 32} |
| .StorageBufferOnly() |
| .Strided<4, 12>(), |
| Field{"@stride(16) array<u32, 3>", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 48} |
| .StorageBufferOnly() |
| .Strided<4, 12>(), |
| Field{"@stride(16) array<u32, 4>", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 64} |
| .StorageBufferOnly() |
| .Strided<4, 12>(), |
| Field{"array<vec3<u32>, 4>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 64}.Strided<12, 4>(), |
| Field{"@stride(32) array<vec3<u32>, 4>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 128} |
| .Strided<12, 20>(), |
| |
| // Array types with custom alignment |
| Field{"array<u32, 1>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 4}.StorageBufferOnly(), |
| Field{"array<u32, 2>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 8}.StorageBufferOnly(), |
| Field{"array<u32, 3>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 12}.StorageBufferOnly(), |
| Field{"array<u32, 4>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 16}.StorageBufferOnly(), |
| Field{"@stride(16) array<u32, 1>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 16}.Strided<4, 12>(), |
| Field{"@stride(16) array<u32, 2>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 32}.Strided<4, 12>(), |
| Field{"@stride(16) array<u32, 3>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 48}.Strided<4, 12>(), |
| Field{"@stride(16) array<u32, 4>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 64}.Strided<4, 12>(), |
| Field{"array<vec3<u32>, 4>", /* align */ 32, /* size */ 64}.Strided<12, 4>(), |
| |
| // Array types with custom size |
| Field{"array<u32, 1>", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 4} |
| .PaddedSize(128) |
| .StorageBufferOnly(), |
| Field{"array<u32, 2>", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 8} |
| .PaddedSize(128) |
| .StorageBufferOnly(), |
| Field{"array<u32, 3>", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 12} |
| .PaddedSize(128) |
| .StorageBufferOnly(), |
| Field{"array<u32, 4>", /* align */ 4, /* size */ 16} |
| .PaddedSize(128) |
| .StorageBufferOnly(), |
| Field{"array<vec3<u32>, 4>", /* align */ 16, /* size */ 64} |
| .PaddedSize(128) |
| .Strided<12, 4>(), |
| }); |
| |
| std::vector<ComputeLayoutMemoryBufferTestParams> filtered; |
| for (auto param : params) { |
| if (param.mStorageClass != StorageClass::Storage && param.mField.storage_buffer_only) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| filtered.emplace_back(param); |
| } |
| return filtered; |
| } |
| |
| , |
| ComputeLayoutMemoryBufferTests, |
| ::testing::ValuesIn(GenerateParams()), |
| DawnTestBase::PrintToStringParamName("ComputeLayoutMemoryBufferTests")); |
| |
| } // namespace |