blob: cfb54ba21b92111905869dca87121b7d66a0e485 [file] [log] [blame]
struct main_out {
float4 x_GLF_color_1;
struct main_outputs {
float4 main_out_x_GLF_color_1 : SV_Target0;
cbuffer cbuffer_x_6 : register(b0) {
uint4 x_6[2];
cbuffer cbuffer_x_10 : register(b1) {
uint4 x_10[4];
static float4 x_GLF_color = (0.0f).xxxx;
void main_1() {
float4 v0 = (0.0f).xxxx;
float4 v1 = (0.0f).xxxx;
int a = 0;
int c = 0;
float x_41 = asfloat(x_6[1u].x);
v0 = float4(x_41, x_41, x_41, x_41);
float x_44 = asfloat(x_6[0u].x);
v1 = float4(x_44, x_44, x_44, x_44);
int x_47 = asint(x_10[1u].x);
a = x_47;
while(true) {
int x_52 = a;
int x_54 = asint(x_10[0u].x);
if ((x_52 < x_54)) {
} else {
int x_58 = asint(x_10[3u].x);
c = x_58;
while(true) {
int x_63 = c;
int x_65 = asint(x_10[2u].x);
if ((x_63 < x_65)) {
} else {
int x_68 = c;
int x_69 = min(max(x_68, 0), 3);
float x_71 = asfloat(x_6[1u].x);
float x_73 = v0[x_69];
v0[x_69] = (x_73 - x_71);
int x_77 = asint(x_10[1u].x);
int x_79 = asint(x_10[3u].x);
if ((x_77 == x_79)) {
int x_83 = a;
float x_85 = asfloat(x_6[1u].x);
float x_87 = asfloat(x_6[1u].x);
float x_89 = asfloat(x_6[1u].x);
float4 x_91 = v0;
int x_93 = a;
v1[x_83] = smoothstep(float4(x_85, x_87, x_89, 3.0f), (1.0f).xxxx, x_91)[x_93];
int x_96 = c;
c = (x_96 + 1);
int x_98 = a;
a = (x_98 + 1);
float x_101 = v1.x;
float x_103 = asfloat(x_6[0u].x);
if ((x_101 == x_103)) {
int x_109 = asint(x_10[1u].x);
int x_112 = asint(x_10[3u].x);
int x_115 = asint(x_10[3u].x);
int x_118 = asint(x_10[1u].x);
float v = float(x_109);
float v_1 = float(x_112);
float v_2 = float(x_115);
x_GLF_color = float4(v, v_1, v_2, float(x_118));
} else {
int x_122 = asint(x_10[3u].x);
float x_123 = float(x_122);
x_GLF_color = float4(x_123, x_123, x_123, x_123);
main_out main_inner() {
main_out v_3 = {x_GLF_color};
return v_3;
main_outputs main() {
main_out v_4 = main_inner();
main_outputs v_5 = {v_4.x_GLF_color_1};
return v_5;
FXC validation failure:
C:\src\dawn\Shader@0x0000022794D365A0(50,11-18): error X3500: array reference cannot be used as an l-value; not natively addressable
C:\src\dawn\Shader@0x0000022794D365A0(39,9-19): error X3511: forced to unroll loop, but unrolling failed.
C:\src\dawn\Shader@0x0000022794D365A0(29,5-15): error X3511: forced to unroll loop, but unrolling failed.